The title pretty much says it all. When I :source $MYVIMRC or :source ~/.vimrc, the last search re-appears. I can easily turn this off again with :noh, but it re-appears every time I :source.
This persists
With a fresh .vimrc
After deleting current MacVim install and downloading a fresh copy
In iTerm using vim
I have checked in every file listed with :version, and other than my .vimrc, the only other file listed that isn't empty is $VIM/vimrc - which has only:
set nocompatible
set backspace+=indent,eol,start
set langmenu=none
I also tried the nuclear method: disable all plugins and pretend it's a fresh install:
mv .vim .vim-old
mv .vimrc .vimrc-old
touch .vimrc
echo "set hlsearch" > .vimrc
The issue still occurs.
I'm pretty stumped as I don't recall this being the normal behavior; any help would be much appreciated.
Credit to #AndyRay - I was misusing noh to get rid of the last search's highlighting, when instead I should be overriding the search term with :let #/ = "".
See: Vim clear last search highlighting
Going off what Josh was getting at. Add the following to your ~./vimrc:
" higlight search but not when sourcing .vimrc
set hls
let #/ = ""
System = OSX 10.9.4
I am trying to turn on syntax highlighting in vim while using the terminal. However, I am unable to get it to work properly.
Things I've tried:
located the vimrc file and added the following code:
set ai " auto indenting
set history=100 " keep 100 lines of history
set ruler " show the cursor position
syntax on " syntax highlighting
set hlsearch " highlight the last searched term
filetype plugin on " use the file type plugins
Located vimrc under directory:
cd /usr/share/vim/
The interesting thing is that once I add the code to the vimrc using vim, followed by exiting (x), and re-opening the file again, syntax is correctly highlighted in the vimrc.
However, when I try to make a new vim file called "test", copy the same code, save and exit. Re-open it, the syntax is not highlighted at all.
It appears that syntax highlighting only works when I open the actually vimrc file---and not when I try to create a new one or open another file that should have syntax highlighting.
I've also tried to create a .vimrc (exact copy) under the ~/ (directory). No success.
Made a new file called "test" and tried turning it on while active as well:
vim test
"then within vim"
:syntax on
I am really confused as to why this partially works.
Any help is much appreciated.
p.s. I have followed these instructions as well from:
*I am aware of macvim, but would like a solution for the native vim in terminal. Thanks.
NEVER do anything in $VIM as it will work only by luck, cause unexpected behaviors and likely be overwritten next time Vim is updated.
What you have put in /usr/share/vim/vimrc should be in ~/.vimrc.
filetype on and syntax on are the bare minimum you need in your ~/.vimrc for syntax highlighting to work.
$ vim ~/.vimrc gives you syntax highlighting because the file is recognized by Vim as a vim file. Filetype detection is mostly dependent on file extensions so you can't expect any syntax highlighting in a file called test.
$ vim, on the other hand, should give you syntax highlighting.
If the filetype is not detected, you can force it with :set filetype=python.
You most probably want to enable indentation along with syntax highlighting, so add these to lines to ~/.vimrc
filetype plugin indent on
syntax on
Steps with screenshots can be found here
Inside of your file, enter command mode and enter the command
:syntax on
When I put set scroll=10 in my .vimrc it does not work, but it does work when I enter the command in command mode.
I have many other commands in my .vimrc, what reason could there be for this set to not be getting through? It is the last line in my .vimrc.
:verbose set scroll?
should tell you which plugin script has last modified that option. If you don't find the culprit this way, you could workaround by setting it at the last possible moment by putting this in your ~/.vimrc
:autocmd VimEnter * set scroll=10
I have installed cvim and NodeTree plugins and generated an exuberant ctags file for my build tree.
This is what my ~/.vim/.vimrc file looks like:
:noremap :TlistToggle
:let Tlist_Show_One_File = 1
:let Tlist_Exit_OnlyWindow = 1
:let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1
set tags=./tags;/
set number
set tabstop=4
set incsearch
When I start editing a file, I notice that Ctrl ] does not work and I have to resort to typing ta: funcname - which gets tiring after a while. Interestingly enough, Ctrl T pops me off the tag stack as expected - I don't understand whats going on - how do I fix this?
Incidentally, vim (appears to) completely ignores the contents of my .vimrc file and I always have to type the same commands in the editor, so as to get the settings I want - very annoying.
Last but not the least, I used to be able to type :make in the editor window, drop to the console and then have the build results displayed in a little window which I can then go to and select a line (with an error or warning say), and then have the editor automagically take me to the offending line - unfortunately, I don't remember the plugin (or commands) I used to allow me to build from within vim.
So, how do I:
Fix my vim setup so that I can move to definitions/declarations using Ctrl-]
Fix my .vimrc file so that contents are actually applied to my vim session.
Find the appropriate plugin to install to allow builds (using make) from within vim
You're asking about a weird mix of problems.
Fix my vim setup so that I can move to definitions/declarations using Ctrl-]
The tags functionality is working; I suspect that you have a mapping blocking Ctrl-]. Try
:verbose nmap <C-]>
:nunmap <C-]>
Fix my .vimrc file so that contents are actually applied to my vim session.
:echo $MYVIMRC
will tell you the location of the .vimrc that Vim uses. Also, check the output of :scriptnames which scripts get loaded, and read :help vimrc to understand the logic Vim applies.
Find the appropriate plugin to install to allow builds (using make) from within vim
That's built into Vim. With the appropriate 'makeprg' set (it defaults to make), you can run :make. Vim parses the output (through the 'errorformat' option), and you can open the quickfix list via :copen.
Your vimrc is:
If you run Vim 7.4, it should be:
If you run Vim 7.3 or older, it should be:
And... what Ingo said.
I've got set formatoptions=cqn in my vimrc, but for some reason it doesn't stick. It seems like Vim is reverting to the default (fo=tcq) at some point… But I can't figure out why. Running -V100/tmp/log just gives me:
Last set from ~/.vimrc
With no useful context.
So, is there any way to make formatoptions stick? Or do I just need to create an autocmd to reset it each time a new file is loaded?
Using :verbose set formatoptions shows this:
Last set from ~/.vimrc
However, the only reference to fo or formatoptions in my ~/.vimrc is set formatoptions+=cqn.
This behavior is because of C file plugin in VIM. Since file plugin is loaded after loading .vimrc, the settings in .vimrc are overwritten.
The solution given by David Wolever seems to be the best option.
Add the following line in .vimrc:
autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * setlocal formatoptions+=cqn
...instead of the normal set formatoptions command.
I ran across this problem too. I had project-specific configurations something like
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile project/*.c setlocal formatoptions-=cro
However, set fo? showed formatoptions=croql. Turns out, I needed BufWinEnter instead of BufRead:
After a buffer is displayed in a window. This
can be when the buffer is loaded (after
processing the modelines) or when a hidden
buffer is displayed in a window (and is no
longer hidden).
Does not happen for :split without
arguments, since you keep editing the same
buffer, or ":split" with a file that's already
open in a window, because it re-uses an
existing buffer. But it does happen for a
":split" with the name of the current buffer,
since it reloads that buffer.
So this works
autocmd BufWinEnter,BufNewFile project/*.c setlocal formatoptions-=cro
According to the vim documentation on formatoptions:
NOTE: This option is set to the Vi
default value when 'compatible' is
set and to the Vim default value when
'compatible' is reset.
So if the value of compatible is changing along the way, that could be causing the issue you're seeing.
I does sound like some file either sourced from your .vimrc or plugins are changing that value.
Something to try to pinpoint it is
start vim without sourcing anything, use
vim -u NONE
Using NORC skipps .vimrc but loads plugins
Check :help --noplugin to read about various startup-options that controls the sourcing.
--noplugin Skip loading plugins. Resets the 'loadplugins' option.
{not in Vi}
Note that the |-u| argument may also disable loading plugins:
argument load vimrc files load plugins ~
(nothing) yes yes
-u NONE no no
-u NORC no yes
--noplugin yes no
Perhaps this might be useful as well (from help: :set):
When 'verbose' is non-zero, displaying an option value will also tell where it
was last set. Example: >
:verbose set shiftwidth cindent?
< shiftwidth=4 ~
Last set from modeline ~
cindent ~
Last set from /usr/local/share/vim/vim60/ftplugin/c.vim ~
perhaps... :-)
Are you using compatible? From help: formatoptions
NOTE: This option is set to the Vi default value when 'compatible' is
set and to the Vim default value when 'compatible' is reset.
Found in /usr/share/vim/vim74/ftplugin/vim.vim:
" Set 'formatoptions' to break comment lines but not other lines,<br>
" and insert the comment leader when hitting <CR> or using "o".<br>
setlocal fo-=t fo+=croql
Remove it. Then all things done.
I code in Vim, not an IDE.
My source code is often nested 2-3 directories deep.
~/foo$ find
~/foo$ vim
// inside of vim
:e bar/abc
... some work ...
:e <-- is there a way I can have this :e start in ~/foo/bar instead of ~/foo ?
Basically, I want :e to start the directory in "pathname of last edited file"
There's a lot of reasons not to like autochdir as it messes up some plugins and if you end up doing :e ../../../foo.txt you are not gaining anything. Just as an idea try this cmap I knocked up
:cnoremap red edit <c-r>=expand("%:h")<cr>/
then you can type :red and get
:e /the/path/to/your/current/files/dir/
(edit: perhaps use z instead of red as there are commands that start with red)
To expand the topic, also check out the FuzzyFinder plugin and some custom mappings to rapidly jump to common files you are always editing. Eg
10 or so of your regular files should be no more than 2 keystrokes away. It helps if they are systematically named
Here's an idea I use for django.
Try the autochdir option. It will automatically change the current working directory to whatever file was most recently opened or selected. In .vimrc:
set autochdir
For more info, :help autochdir
To always change the working directory to the current file's directory I have this in my .vimrc:
if has("autocmd")
autocmd BufEnter * :lcd %:p:h
endif " has("autocmd")
Sorry, but vim's :edit command takes a path which is interpreted relative to the present working directory of the vim instance.
You do have a :cd command which you could use to :cd bar then work for a while, then :cd ...
Hope that help some.
Some time ago I asked questions related to this on the vim mailing list: Maybe you will find useful tips in that thread.
I tested a lot of plugins, but since CLI based GUIs are not my taste, I simply ended up using standard vim with a few configuration settings.
As honk pointed out, this line sets the working directory to the same as the file your working on:
autocmd BufEnter * lcd %:p:h
My other tip is to use the wildmenu. It makes it easier to get an overview of the files in your current directory when you go :e and then TAB. I'm a python programmer so the last line shows how to hide auto generated files that the python interpreter spits out, but you could use it to hide java .class files or c .obj files or whatever.
set wildmode=list:longest
set wildignore=*.pyc,*pyo
:cd changes directory
:pwd prints the current one.
why not just :E? Explore directory of current file.
:help :E
This isn't exactly what you wanted, but check out NERDTree.
On vim/gVim I just have cd C:/blah/blah at the top of my vimrc. I imagine it works on all platforms.
I personally use vagrant for each project so one CD is enough, but I think you can get vim to use different config files too, -u flag I think.
Or map a key to each project you have so pressing Ctrl+F1 does cd path/to/project/1 and Ctrl+F2 does cd path/to/project/2 perhaps?
Note: I don't use any plugins