Record TV channel stream using RED5 media server? - rtsp

I want to record live TV channel stream. I know, in wowza media server, you can re-stream rtsp stream (for TV channel) and record using HTTPLiveStreamRecord addon.
Can I do such recording using RED5 media server? If yes, how?
Thanks in advance.

Yes you by using Flash with NetStream object . The oflademo is an example of this.


How do I receive video stream data in node server?

I don't know how to get started with this.
What I am trying to do is get a video + audio stream from front-end and host the live stream as mp4 thats accessible on browser.
I was able to find information on WebRTC,, rtmp, but I'm not really sure what tool to use / whats best suited for something like this?
also follow up question, my front-end is iOS app. So what format would I send the live stream to the server?
It depends on which live streaming protocol you want to play on the player, as #Brad said, HLS is the most common protocol for player.
Note: Besides of HLS, iOS native app is able to use fijkplayer or FFmpeg to play any format of live streaming, like HLS, RTMP or HTTP-FLV, even MKV. However, the most straight forward solution is HLS, only need a tag to play MP4 or HLS, and MSE is also a optional solution to use flv.js/hls.js to play live streaming on iOS/Android/PC, this post is about these protocols.
The stream flow is like this:
FFmpeg/OBS ---RTMP--->--+
+--> Media Server---> HLS/HTTP-FLV---> Player
Browser ----WebRTC--->--+
The protocol to push to media server, or receive in node server, depends on your encoder, by RTMP or H5(WebRTC):
For RTMP, you could use FFmpeg or OBS to push stream to your media server.
If want to push stream by H5, the only way is use WebRTC.
The media server coverts the protocol from publisher to player, which use different protocols in live streaming right now(at 2022.01), please read more from this post.

Stream audio from browser to icecast

I would like to stream live audio from my browser to my icecast server.
So far I managed to record the audio in the browser and store it as a .WAV file.
I was thinking of using a nodejs server to get the audio, but I don't know how to stream the audio to one of the icecast stream clients.
Does anybody knows how to make the link between the nodejs server and the icecast server? (they can both be on the same server).
You can try Webcaster
it has an example for NodeJS

Save RTSP video frames to a file

I am able to play rtsp stream on web page using live555 server but I need to extract the frames from the rtsp stream and store them in a file.
Can anyone guide me how to do this?
If you are already familiar with live555 try use simple RTSP client application which comes with live555 package. Application called openRTSP and located in testProgs folder. It could ready input RTSP stream and save to file.

Stream audio from web browser

Is it possible to capture all audio stream on my PC (from web browser) and stream it via LAN ?
I use Yandex Music ( service. So I logged into my yandex account and I have no any audio files, just online stream. I want to make something like LAN-radio. Users will visit an HTML-page located on our server and listen my audio stream.
Can I use icecast or similar software to stream non-file audio?
Or should I connect my PC's line out to line IN (or mic) and read audio stream via Java or flash? Any ideas?
Have you tried looking at things like Jack and Soundflower? These allow you to reroute the audio from one program to another. You could then reroute the sound into Java or flash and go from there.
You can try WebRTC and MediaStream API for that. You can get audio from user's audio device or a stream they are playing in browser. You can find dcoumentation on those APIs from MDN pages.

Rendering Audio Stream from RTSP server

i have an RTSP server which is re-streaming the A/V stream from the camera to clients.
Client side we are using MF to play the stream.
I can successfully play the video but not able to play the audio from the server. However when i use vlc to play, it can play both A/V.
Currently i am implementing IMFMediaStream and have created my customize media stream. I have also created a separate IMFStreamDescriptor for audio and added all the required attributes. When i run , everything goes fine but my RequestSample method never gets called.
Please let me know if i am doing it wrong or if there is any other way to play the audio in MF.
Media Foundation support for RTSP is limited to a small number of payload formats. VLC supports more (AFAIR through Live555 library). Most likely, your payload is not supported in Media Foundation.
