I am trying to implement Standard words function of Haskell. I am using State Monad to solve the problem.
My Code is :
type WorS = ([String],String,String)
words' :: State WorS [String]
words' = do
(lwords, words, x:xs) <- get
case x:xs of
(' ':xs) -> (put (words:lwords, [], xs) >> words')
([]) -> return lwords
(_:xs)-> (put (lwords, words ++ [x], xs) >> words')
run_word' :: String ->[String]
run_word' x = reverse $ fst (runState words' ([], [], x))
When I do:
run_word' "guns and roses"
I get this error:
Exception: Pattern match failure in do expression
The code is loading in ghci without any error. What am I doing wrong?
x:xs matches a list with at least one element (x becomes the first element, and xs becomes the rest of the list), so you get a pattern match failure when the third member of the tuple is [].
Solution: replace
case x:xs of
case xs of
(And consider using different variable names later in the function: it gets confusing when you have two or more variables with the same name.)
Edit: if you turn on warnings (pass the -Wall flag to ghc/ghci), you will get warned at compile time that the pattern may fail to match at runtime. (You'll also get a warning about having one xs variable hiding another xs variable, called shadowing.)
I'm trying to make a function that takes the last character from a string and add it to be the first character. In string I can do this (xs:x) and then x is the last character?
xs is just a naming convention for lists in Haskell (which you should use!). (x:xs) is a pattern matching using the (:) function, it is up to you how you name it e.g. (this:makesnosense) is also valid.
Also remember that a String is just another list, so your question is equal to: "How can I make the last element of a list the first one."
This would be one way to solve it:
lastToFirst :: [a] -> [a]
lastToFirst [] = []
lastToFirst [x] = [x]
lastToFirst xs = last xs : init xs
I'm trying to make a function that takes away the last character from a string and add it to be the first character.
In Haskell, list operator ':' is asymmetric. If the left operand is of type α, the right operand must be of type [α]. Hence, a pattern such as xs:x is just using misleading variable names. The operator is right-associative, so that x0:x1:xs means x0:(x1:xs).
Unlike Python lists, which are basically arrays, Haskell lists are just forward-chained linked lists. Classic imperative languages often maintain both a pointer to the head of a linked list and to its tail, but the main point of the tail pointer is to be able to append new elements at the tail of the list.
As Haskell lists are immutable, the tail pointer would be mostly useless, and so Haskell only maintains a pointer to the head of a list.
This means there is no cheap way to access the last element. The only way is to traverse the whole list, starting from the head. Furthermore, immutability implies that the only way to generate the [1,2,3] list from the [1,2,3,4] list is by duplicating the first 3 elements, which again require a full traversal.
So an expression such as last xs : init xs, if compiled naïvely, implies 2 costly traversals of the input list.
The best one can hope is to leverage the duplication work to grab the last element at no extra cost, thus solving the problem in a single traversal. This can be done, for example, by recursion:
makeLastFirst :: [a] -> [a]
makeLastFirst [] = [] -- empty input list
makeLastFirst [end] = [end] -- just the last element
makeLastFirst (x0:(x1:xs)) = let (end:ys) = makeLastFirst (x1:xs)
in end : (x0:ys)
where the recursive clause takes care of keeping the input tail element at the head of the output list.
Watching the gears turn:
One can visualize the recursive process by importing package Debug.Trace and using its trace function. Expression trace msg value evaluates to just value, but has the side effect of printing the msg string. Yes, side effects are normally forbidden in Haskell, but function trace has special privileges.
So we can write a more talkative version of our function:
import Debug.Trace
traceMakeLastFirst :: Show a => [a] -> [a]
traceMakeLastFirst [] = [] -- empty input list
traceMakeLastFirst [end] = [end] -- just the last element
traceMakeLastFirst (x0:(x1:xs)) = let (end:ys) = traceMakeLastFirst (x1:xs)
result = end : (x0:ys)
in trace (show result) result
Testing under the ghci interpreter:
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.8.4: https://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help
λ> :load q66927560.hs
Ok, one module loaded.
λ> traceMakeLastFirst ""
λ> traceMakeLastFirst "a"
λ> makeLastFirst "Mercury"
λ> traceMakeLastFirst "Mercury"
-- makeLastFirst "abcd" == "dabc"
-- makeLastFirst "hello" == "ohell"
-- makeLastFirst "orange" == "eorang"
makeLastFirst :: [a] -> [a]
makeLastFirst lst = [ head (reverse lst) ] ++ (init lst)
Doing the third of the 99-Haskell problems (I am currently trying to learn the language) I tried to incorporate pattern matching as well as recursion into my function which now looks like this:
myElementAt :: [a] -> Int -> a
myElementAt (x ++ xs) i =
if length (x ++ xs) == i && length xs == 1 then xs!!0
else myElementAt x i
Which gives me Parse error in pattern: x ++ xs. The questions:
Why does this give me a parse error? Is it because Haskell is no idea where to cut my list (Which is my best guess)?
How could I reframe my function so that it works? The algorithmic idea is to check wether the list has the length as the specified inde; if yes return the last elemen; if not cut away one element at the end of the list and then do the recursion.
Note: I know that this is a really bad algorithm, but it I've set myself the challenge to write that function including recursion and pattern matching. I also tried not to use the !! operator, but that is fine for me since the only thing it really does (or should do if it compiled) is to convert a one-element list into that element.
Haskell has two different kinds of value-level entities: variables (this also includes functions, infix operators like ++ etc.) and constructors. Both can be used in expressions, but only constructors can also be used in patterns.
In either case, it's easy to tell whether you're dealing with a variable or constructor: a constructor always starts with an uppercase letter (e.g. Nothing, True or StateT) or, if it's an infix, with a colon (:, :+). Everything else is a variable. Fundamentally, the difference is that a constructor is always a unique, immediately matcheable value from a predefined collection (namely, the alternatives of a data definition), whereas a variable can just have any value, and often it's in principle not possible to uniquely distinguish different variables, in particular if they have a function type.
Yours is actually a good example for this: for the pattern match x ++ xs to make sense, there would have to be one unique way in which the input list could be written in the form x ++ xs. Well, but for, say [0,1,2,3], there are multiple different ways in which this can be done:
[] ++[0,1,2,3]
[0] ++ [1,2,3]
[0,1] ++ [2,3]
[0,1,2] ++ [3]
[0,1,2,3]++ []
Which one should the runtime choose?
Presumably, you're trying to match the head and tail part of a list. Let's step through it:
myElementAt (x:_) 0 = x
This means that if the head is x, the tail is something, and the index is 0, return the head. Note that your x ++ x is a concatenation of two lists, not the head and tail parts.
Then you can have
myElementAt(_:tl) i = myElementAt tl (i - 1)
which means that if the previous pattern was not matched, ignore the head, and take the i - 1 element of the tail.
In patterns, you can only use constructors like : and []. The append operator (++) is a non-constructor function.
So, try something like:
myElementAt :: [a] -> Int -> a
myElementAt (x:xs) i = ...
There are more issues in your code, but at least this fixes your first problem.
in standard Haskell pattern matches like this :
f :: Int -> Int
f (g n 1) = n
g :: Int -> Int -> Int
g a b = a+b
Are illegal because function calls aren't allowed in patterns, your case is just a special case as the operator ++ is just a function.
To pattern match on lists you can do it like this:
myElementAt :: [a] -> Int -> a
myElementAt (x:xs) i = // result
But in this case x is of type a not [a] , it is the head of the list and xs is its tail, you'll need to change your function implementation to accommodate this fact, also this function will fail with the empty list []. However that's the idiomatic haskell way to pattern match aginst lists.
I should mention that when I said "illegal" I meant in standard Haskell, there are GHC extensions that give something similar to that , it's called ViewPatterns But I don't think you need it especially that you're still learning.
I'm reading through Real World Haskell, and am trying to understand the as-pattern.
From the book (Chapter 4):
suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]]
suffixes xs#(_:xs') = xs : suffixes xs'
suffixes _ = []
The book explains the # symbol thus,
"...bind the variable xs to the value that matches the right side of the
# symbol."
I'm having trouble understanding this explanation.
Supposing I call
suffixes "hello"
Explicitly, what would the above line with the # do to this (on the first iteration)? I know what the result of the function is, but cannot see how we get there from the above code.
xs' would be bound to the string "ello".
xs would be bound to the string "hello".
The # pattern lets you give a name to a variable while also matching its structure and possibly giving name to the components.
Perhaps an actual "de-sugaring" will make it easier to understand:
suffixes xs#(_:xs') = xs : suffixes xs'
is equivalent to
suffixes xs
| (_:xs') <- xs = xs : suffixes xs'
i.e. you're firstly binding the entire argument to the variable xs, but you also do pattern matching on the same argument (or, equivalently, on xs) to (_:xs').
I've written a haskell function which splits a list xs into (init xs, last xs) like so:
split xs = split' [] xs
split' acc (x:[]) = (reverse acc, x)
split' acc (x:xs) = split' (x:acc) xs
Since an empty list can not be split in this way, there is no match for the empty list. However, I did not want to simply error ... the function. Thus I defined the following:
split [] = ([], undefined)
Thanks to lazy evaluation I can thus define a safe init which simply returns the empty list for the empty list:
init' = fst . split
Is there some way how I could detect the undefined if I tried to access it, such that
last' xs
| isUndefined (snd xs) = ...
| otherwise = ...
I do know about Maybe and Either, and that those are a better choice for expressing what I want. However I wondered if there is a way to detect an actual value of undefined, i.e. in terms of catching errors, like catching exceptions.
undefined is no better than using error. In fact, undefined in Prelude is defined as
undefined = error "Prelude.undefined"
Now, a function that can't result in an error is called a "total function", i.e. it is valid for all input values.
The split function you've currently implemented has the signature
split :: [a] -> ([a], a)
This is a problem, since the type signature promises that the result always contains a list and an element, which is clearly impossible to provide for empty lists of generic type.
The canonical way in Haskell to address this is to change the type signature to signify that sometimes we don't have a valid value for the second item.
split :: [a] -> ([a], Maybe a)
Now you can write a proper implementation for the case where you get an empty list
split [] = ([], Nothing)
split xs = split' [] xs
split' acc (x:[]) = (reverse acc, Just x)
split' acc (x:xs) = split' (x:acc) xs
Now you can detect the missing value case by pattern-matching
let (init', last') = split xs
in case last' of
Nothing -> ... -- do something if we don't have a value
Just x -> ... -- do something with value x
Because bottom subsumes non-termination, the function isUndefined would have to solve the halting problem and thus cannot exist.
But note that even if it existed, you still could not tell if the undefined value in the 2nd element of your tuple was put there through your split function or if the last element of the list was already undefined.
The error function doesn't do anything until it is evaluated, so you can do something like:
split [] = ([], error "split: empty list")
last' = snd . split
From the Haskell 2010 Language Report > Introduction # Values and Types
Errors in Haskell are semantically equivalent to ⊥ (“bottom”). Technically, they are indistinguishable from nontermination, so the language includes no mechanism for detecting or acting upon errors.
To be clear, undefined is intended to be a way to insert ⊥ into your program, and given that (as shang noted) undefined is defined in terms of error, there is, therefore, "no mechanism for detecting or acting upon undefined".
Although semantically speaking Ingo's answer is correct, if you're using GHC, there is a way using a couple of "unsafe" functions that, although not quite perfect as if you pass it a computation of type IO a which contains an exception it will return True, works. It's a bit of a cheat though :).
import Control.Exception
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Unsafe.Coerce
isUndefined :: a -> Bool
isUndefined x = unsafePerformIO $ catch ((unsafeCoerce x :: IO ()) >> return False) (const $ return True :: SomeException -> IO Bool)
I know this is horrible, but none the less it works. It won't detect non termination though ;)
Since there is a way to bind the head and tail of a list via pattern matching, I'm wondering if you can use pattern matching to bind the last element of a list?
Yes, you can, using the ViewPatterns extension.
Prelude> :set -XViewPatterns
Prelude> let f (last -> x) = x*2
Prelude> f [1, 2, 3]
Note that this pattern will always succeed, though, so you'll probably want to add a pattern for the case where the list is empty, else last will throw an exception.
Prelude> f []
*** Exception: Prelude.last: empty list
Also note that this is just syntactic sugar. Unlike normal pattern matching, this is O(n), since you're still accessing the last element of a singly-linked list. If you need more efficient access, consider using a different data structure such as Data.Sequence, which offers O(1) access to both ends.
You can use ViewPatterns to do pattern matching at the end of a list, so let's do
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
and use reverse as the viewFunction, because it always succeeds, so for example
printLast :: Show a => IO ()
printLast (reverse -> (x:_)) = print x
printLast _ = putStrLn "Sorry, there wasn't a last element to print."
This is safe in the sense that it doesn't throw any exceptions as long as you covered all the possibilities.
(You could rewrite it to return a Maybe, for example.)
The syntax
mainFunction (viewFunction -> pattern) = resultExpression
is syntactic sugar for
mainFunction x = case viewFunction x of pattern -> resultExpression
so you can see it actually just reverses the list then pattern matches that, but it feels nicer.
viewFunction is just any function you like.
(One of the aims of the extension was to allow people to cleanly and easily use accessor functions
for pattern matching so they didn't have to use the underlying structure of their data type when
defining functions on it.)
The other answers explain the ViewPatterns-based solutions. If you want to make it more pattern matching-like, you can package that into a PatternSynonym:
tailLast :: [a] -> Maybe ([a], a)
tailLast xs#(_:_) = Just (init xs, last xs)
tailLast _ = Nothing
pattern Split x1 xs xn = x1 : (tailLast -> Just (xs, xn))
and then write your function as e.g.
foo :: [a] -> (a, [a], a)
foo (Split head mid last) = (head, mid, last)
foo _ = error "foo: empty list"
This is my first day of Haskell programming and I also encountered the same issue, but I could not resolve to use some kind of external artifact as suggested in previous solutions.
My feeling about Haskell is that if the core language has no solution for your problem, then the solution is to transform your problem until it works for the language.
In this case transforming the problem means transforming a tail problem into a head problem, which seems the only supported operation in pattern matching. It turns that you can easily do that using a list inversion, then work on the reversed list using head elements as you would use tail elements in the original list, and finally, if necessary, revert the result back to initial order (eg. if it was a list).
For example, given a list of integers (eg. [1,2,3,4,5,6]), assume we want to build this list in which every second element of the original list starting from the end is replaced by its double (exercise taken from Homework1 of this excellent introduction to Haskell) : [2,2,6,4,10,6].
Then we can use the following:
revert :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
revert [] = []
revert (x:[]) = [x]
revert (x:xs) = (revert xs) ++ [x]
doubleSecond :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleSecond [] = []
doubleSecond (x:[]) = [x]
doubleSecond (x:y:xs) = (x:2*y : (doubleSecond xs))
doubleBeforeLast :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
doubleBeforeLast l = ( revert (doubleSecond (revert l)) )
main = putStrLn (show (doubleBeforeLast [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))
It's obviously much longer than previous solutions, but it feels more Haskell-ish to me.