I'm trying to use jsPlumb with the YUI framework to make some divs draggable and connected. However, I find when I try to make the divs draggable but contained within their parent, using:
jsPlumb.draggable("window2", {
the div is still draggable outside the bounds of its parent. If I set the parent's css to "overflow: hidden" I won't see the div when it's dragged beyond the parent's bounds but I'll still see the connector to the div, which looks really awkward.
To see this all in a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/xXYwX/3/
Does anyone know if there is a way to use jsPlumb's draggable function with YUI and still restrict the movement of the draggable div?
First make the div draggable using jsPlumb:
Then add necessary jsPlumb end points:
jsPlumb.addEndpoint("window2", { ----});
Then add the HTML draggable like
containment: 'parent'
Its working for me..
No, it seems not possible with the yui version of jsPlumb. The 'dd-constrain' module is missing and i found no way to plug this module in, because you can't get access to the Y.DD.Drag object.
You can send a feature request to the creator or do a pull request on github.
Here is a plain yui example with a constrained drag:
make your container overflow: visible in css
Is it possible to apply framework styles to nested lit-element? An idea is to disable shadow dom. I tried this.
createRenderRoot() {
return this;
It does not do what I need. I see that I can recompile styles into components. But right now I am looking for an easier solution.
There is a solution - Specify the render root. This solution rid of shadowRoot. Styles were applied but , does not work.
If you want to use global styles you'll have to disable Shadow DOM in the whole app tree: if a single component has a shadow root its whole subtree won't be affected by external styles.
Anyway, as you noticed, slots only work with shadow DOM enabled. In this case using a common style library/framework is still possible, see for example Sharing Styles, Using Bootstrap in Web Components, Importing external stylesheets.
Yes, but disabling shadow DOM is the wrong way to do it it.
LitElement used adopted stylesheets, which let you load/create the CSS once, but apply it to the shadow DOM of the component. You can create this globally, apply it in each component, and effectivly have styles that are shared by all your components, but (critically) don't apply to any external component you load or any external app that loads your component.
You can do something like:
// common-styles.js
export const styles = css`...`;
// any-component.js
import { styles } from 'common-styles.js';
static get styles () { return [styles]; }
As the styles object is shared it doesn't download or parse again - all your components get a reference to the same styles, rather than global styles cascading down.
It works as designed. The version above does not use ShadowDom. So styles are applied. In my case, all components while style bubbling has to disable ShadowDom.
But another issue appears.
createRenderRoot() {
* Render template without shadow DOM. Note that shadow DOM features like
* encapsulated CSS and slots are unavailable.
return this;
But I need slots.
It depends on what properties you want to share.
You can share these properties from the parent element:
font-family and other font-* properties
All CSS custom properties (--*)
Just you need to define these properties in the parent element's :root selector.
For more information: https://lit.dev/docs/components/styles/#inheritance
I have a question about paginationElement in Tabulator.
As per tabulator documentation, i created a DIV and used paginationElement in Table setup to render the paginator in the DIV. Well, it works. But with a drawback, no styling works, no colors, no highlighting of current page. So it is kinda inconvenient.
Is there a way to resolve this?
Otherwise, i am really happy with Tabulator! Thank you for the great work!
You might have to style the pagination footer by css as the location of it has been changed by paginationElement.
This is because all of the table styling is based around the pagination element being inside the table.
Moving it outside the table will mean you will need to apply the styles yourself. The classes that denote that you are on the current page etc will still be applied, you just need to tell the browser how to style them.
The Styling Documentation contains more information on the classes used by tabulator and how to style the table
I am trying to change the p:growl position of primefaces through the .ui-growl class to use position: sticky. However, since the component is rendered at the end in body, the relative behavior of the position does not work as I would like.
Is there any way to use the sticky position for this component?
Or some way to get the component to render where it is declared?
PrimeFaces 5.1;
Mojarra 2.1;
Disclamer: I tried this with the PF 7.0 showcase, but I think the basics also work with the 5.1 version.
You effectively have 4 options. The latter three all need you to inspect the javascript source of the component (which is open, so you can ALWAYS inspect it before asking questions, the java source is irrelevant here) and for the first solution it helps to see how the component works, but inspecting with a browser developer tool is sufficient (that is how I did it).
Basic analysis with or without looking at the source
This is a variant on your "Or some way to get the component to render where it is declared?". Since on the client side, it is all plain html, css and javascript, you can manipulate with al tools available on the client-side.
You can see that the main part of the grow is html technically rendered where it is declared. Check the PrimeFaces showcase and you'll see
<span id="j_idt700:growl" class="ui-growl-pl" data-widget="widget_j_idt700_growl" data-summary="data-summary" data-detail="data-detail" data-severity="all,error" data-redisplay="true"></span>
right inside the form where it also is in the xhtml. The javascript of the component creates the client side dom things, amongst which is the container that you see right before the end of the body (from the showcase)
<div id="j_idt700:growl_container" class="ui-growl ui-widget" style="z-index: 1002;"></div>
This last piece is html is where the individual growls are added to when they need to be rendered and hence the part that makes the component in most normal cases behave correctly but needs to be done differently in your case.
Solution 1, pure client-side component agnostic solution
Effectively this is as simple as moving this piece of html in the dom, see How to move an element into another element?.
In the online showcase I put the following jquery code in the browser developer tool console
And added the following css
position: sticky;
top: 10px;
float: right; // this is needed in the showcase, might not always be needed
And it worked.
The jquery should be put somewhere in your page where it runs after the component javascript is executed, so best is to do it right before the end of the body.
Keep in mind that the j_idt700 prefix is the dynamic id of the form in the showcase (it does not have a fixed id here), but you can also use different selectors based on the classes or whatever)
Solution 2, changing the source 'locally'
In the javascript source, you can see where the container is technically rendered
render: function() {
//create container
this.jq = $('<div id="' + this.id + '_container" class="ui-growl ui-widget"></div>');
//render messages
Changing the this.jq.appendTo($(document.body)); in some way to have it appended to the current html node ('this'?) will make it work too. Regarding the overriding, you have two options
How do I find and/or override JavaScript in Primefaces component based on widgetVar?
Override a method from a Primefaces specific widget
Solution 3 Changing the source server side
Effectively you do the first part of #2 but patch the source and create a new custom PrimeFaces version
Solution 4 Make this feature avaiable for others too
What can be done here is to create a new attribute on the component and patch the source in some places so it is configurable to have the component behave as it is now or as sticky (they changed the existing 'sticky' attribute to 'keepAlive' in 7.0.x so sticky is avalable again ;-)). Of course this should be submitted as a patch then...
I have single p:message for which I want to set display: inline-block.
I've tried the following:
<p:message ... styleClass="inline-block" style="display:inline-block;/>
But when I see the sources, both style and class are NOT rendered on the div with messages.
Is there any way to specify the custom CSS attributes to the p:message directly?
I'm aware I can wrap it with div and steer the CSS of the children of that div, but I'd like to avoid superfluous wrapping, if possible.
PrimeFaces version: 3.5.
Have to disagree with Hatem Alimam
As the mykong article goes, you should add your stylesheet to override the Primefaces CSS.
!important in CSS stylesheet is seen as bad practice. Check these quick SO answers to see what the SO community thinks:
Is !important bad for performance?
What are the implications of using “!important” in CSS?
Is it bad to use !important in css property
The last one has an answer in defense of the !important but brings about the problem when several !important rules come into play (and if you start using it without reserve, you are bound to have it blow in your face and they start cascading one after the other.
The right way to do it is either to make your stylesheet have precedence over the PF sheet, to make your selectors get precedence over the ones in PF in the cascading.
Google for CSS selector Specificity for more on how to make sure your rule is picked by the browser over the PF ones (I am at work now and can't access blogs).
Onto your specific question:
The attributes do not work because they are not coded in the component. Check the PF user guide for your particular PF version (at the time of this writing, you have not stated your version). The <p:messages> component has a rather peculiar way of rendering.
for your particular case, add the following rule:
.ui-messages.ui-widget {
display: inline-block;
I'm curious what is the right way to have the content (e.g. div) occupy 100% of t:panelTab inside of t:panelTabbedPane. It appears that the content gets rendered within div or span for which there's no way to specify style. The only way I was able to do that was using absolute layout. Is there a better way?
Did you try providing a custom CSS class using the tabContentStyleClass attribute for <t:panelTabbedPane>? Suppose you call it ownStyleClass, the pane gets rendered like
<tr class="myFaces_panelTabbedPane_contentRow">
<td class="myFaces_panelTabbedPane_pane ownStyleClass" colspan="8">
which should allow for any custom layout.