Multithreading in C++ using reference classes - ThreadStart constructor issues? - multithreading

I appreciate any help, and would like to thank you in advance. I'm working on a project for one of my classes. Essentially performing merge sort using multithreading and reference classes. In main I'm just trying to create an initial thread that will begin the recursive mergesort. Each time the array is split a new thread is spawned to handle that subroutine. I don't need all of it done, i just don't under stand why my Thread constructor and ThreadStart delegate are not working. Thanks again!!
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Threading;
public ref class MergeSort
private: int cnt;
public: MergeSort()
cnt = 0;
public: void mergeSort(char a[], int from, int to)
Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;
if(from == to)
int mid = (from + to)/2;
//Sort the first and the second half
//addThread(a, from, mid);
//addThread(a, mid+1, to);
merge(a, from, mid, to);
public: void merge(char a[], int from, int mid, int to)
Thread^ current = Thread::CurrentThread;
while (current ->ThreadState == ThreadState::Running)
int n = to-from + 1; // Size of range to be merged
std::vector<char> b(n);
int i1 = from; //Next element to consider in the first half
int i2 = mid + 1; //Next element to consider in the second half
int j = 0; //Next open position in b
//As long as neight i1 or i2 is past the end, move the smaller element into b
while(i1 <= mid && i2 <= to)
if(a[i1] < a[i2])
b[j] = a[i1];
b[j] = a[i2];
//Copy any remaining entries of the first half
while(i1 <= mid)
b[j] = a[i1];
while(i2 <= to)
b[j] = a[i2];
//Copy back from temporary vector
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
a[from+j] = b[j];
void main()
char A[10];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
A[i] = ((char) ((rand() % (122-65)) + 65));
array<Thread^>^ tr = gcnew array<Thread^>(10);
MergeSort^ ms1 = gcnew MergeSort();
ThreadStart^ TS = gcnew ThreadStart(ms1, &MergeSort::mergeSort(A, 0, 10));
tr[0] = gcnew Thread(TS);
tr[0] -> Start();

The issue you are facing here is how to construct a ThreadStart delegate. You are trying to do too many things in the ThreadStart constructor. You cannot pass in arguments at this point because all it is looking for is a start location for the thread.
The delegate should be:
ThreadStart^ TS = gcnew ThreadStart(ms1, &MergeSort::mergeSort);
Since however you are passing in some state, I would recommend doing a bit more research on how that is done using C++\CLI. This MSDN topic should give you a start.

Never mind, the problem was that I had to change the parameter of the method I tried to pass from Int32 to Object^.
I´m having a similar issue, though i think my problem are not the arguments. I´m passing those through during thread->Start().
I think my problem is rather that I´m trying to start the thread using a method of a ref class.
invalid delegate initializer -- function does not match the delegate type
Is the error I´m getting. Any Ideas?
void AddForcesAll() {
for (int index = 0; index < n; index++) {
Thread^ thread = gcnew Thread (gcnew ParameterizedThreadStart(this, &Bodies::AddForces));
The Syntax worked fine for me for non referenced classes.


Beginners sincerely ask for advice about string

What the class describes is about "reversing a string", which is correct and usable from the Leetcode website. Today, I want to present "reversing a string" by inputting a value by myself (such as the int main() part below), but I still can't execute it after thinking for a long time. Beginners sincerely ask for advice, maybe you can also attach your writing so that I can learn, thank you.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Solution
string reverseWords(string s)
if (s.size() == 0)
return s;
int front = 0, back = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < s.size() - 1; i++)
if (s[i] != ' ')
reverse(s.begin() + front, s.begin() + back);
front = back + 1;
back = front;
reverse(s.begin() + front, s.begin() + back);
return s;
int main()
Solution word01;
string s1= "Hello caterpillar";
word01 s1;
cout << s1.reverseWords();
Your code is pretty good, however we just want to reverse the words not the chars, for that we can use a while loop.
Similarly using two pointers, this'd pass just fine:
// The following block might trivially improve the exec time;
// Can be removed;
static const auto __optimize__ = []() {
return 0;
// Most of headers are already included;
// Can be removed;
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
static const struct Solution {
using ValueType = std::uint_fast16_t;
std::string reverseWords(std::string s) {
std::reverse(std::begin(s), std::end(s));
ValueType len = std::size(s);
ValueType index = 0;
for (auto left = 0; left < len; ++left) {
if (s[left] != ' ') {
if (index) {
s[index++] = ' ';
ValueType right = left;
while (right < len && s[right] != ' ') {
s[index++] = s[right++];
std::reverse(std::begin(s) + index - (right - left), std::begin(s) + index);
left = right;
s.erase(std::begin(s) + index, std::end(s));
return s;
Here is LeetCode's solution with comments:
class Solution {
string reverseWords(string s) {
// reverse the whole string
reverse(s.begin(), s.end());
int n = s.size();
int idx = 0;
for (int start = 0; start < n; ++start) {
if (s[start] != ' ') {
// go to the beginning of the word
if (idx != 0) s[idx++] = ' ';
// go to the end of the word
int end = start;
while (end < n && s[end] != ' ') s[idx++] = s[end++];
// reverse the word
reverse(s.begin() + idx - (end - start), s.begin() + idx);
// move to the next word
start = end;
s.erase(s.begin() + idx, s.end());
return s;
For additional details, please see the Discussion Board where you can find plenty of well-explained accepted solutions with a variety of languages including low-complexity algorithms and asymptotic runtime/memory analysis1, 2.

Why does my overloading constructor produces a crash?

Basically, when overloading operator (operator--) constructor is called
my program crashes, changing classes arrays from dynamic, to static ones,
solves the problem, why is that?
If classes arrays are change from dynamic to static, overloading works
great, but this isn't a solution I am looking for.
The working version with static array:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int TABLE = 10;
class Player()
int health;
string A[TABLE][TABLE];
health = 17;
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TABLE; j++)
A[i][j] = "-";
Player(int new_health)
health = new_health;
Player operator--()
return Player(health);
int main()
Player p1; // Creates object p1 and calls Player(), initializing
health variable, and string A array.
--p1; // Decrements p1 health value
return 0;
Dynamic array version:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int TABLE = 10;
class Player()
int health;
string **A;
health = 17;
A = new string*[TABLE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE; i++)
A[i] = new string[TABLE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < TABLE; j++)
A[i][j] = "-";
Player(int new_health)
health = new_health;
Player operator--()
return Player(health);
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE; i++)
delete[] A[i];
delete[] A;
int main()
Player p1; // Creates object p1, calls Player(), set health value,
initializes dynamic array
--p1; // Produces a crash with exit status -1
return 0;
No error messages, the crash doesn't happen at the health = new_health
part, it crashes as soon as Player(int new_health) constructor has done
its job. How can dynamic arrays affect overloading constructor and cause a crash?
The error is occurring because the new player instance that you create in your -- overload is getting destructed; however, your constructor overload never initialized your dynamic array. So when the destructor is called you are trying to delete unallocated memory.

My semaphore module is not working properly(Dining philosopher)

I'm implementing a semaphore methods to understand synchronization and thread things.
By using my semaphore, I tried to solve the Dining Philosophers problem.
My plan was making deadlock situation first.
But I found that just only one philosopher eat repeatedly.
And I checked that my semaphore is working quite good by using other synchronization problems. I think there is some problem with grammar.
please let me know what is the problem.
Here is my code.
dinig.c (including main function)
#include "sem.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static tsem_t *chopstick[5];
static tsem_t *updating;
static int update_status (int i, int eating)
static int status[5] = { 0, };
static int duplicated;
int idx;
int sum;
tsem_wait (updating);
status[i] = eating;
/* Check invalid state. */
duplicated = 0;
sum = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
sum += status[idx];
if (status[idx] && status[(idx + 1) % 5])
/* Avoid printing empty table. */
if (sum == 0)
tsem_signal (updating);
return 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < 5; idx++)
fprintf (stdout, "%3s ", status[idx] ? "EAT" : "...");
/* Stop on invalid state. */
if (sum > 2 || duplicated > 0)
fprintf (stdout, "invalid %d (duplicated:%d)!\n", sum, duplicated);
exit (1);
fprintf (stdout, "\n");
tsem_signal (updating);
return 0;
void *thread_func (void *arg)
int i = (int) (long) arg;
int k = (i + 1) % 5;
tsem_wait (chopstick[i]);
tsem_wait (chopstick[k]);
update_status (i, 1);
update_status (i, 0);
tsem_signal (chopstick[i]);
tsem_signal (chopstick[k]);
while (1);
return NULL;
int main (int argc,
char **argv)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
chopstick[i] = tsem_new (1);
updating = tsem_new (1);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
pthread_t tid;
pthread_create (&tid, NULL, thread_func, (void *) (long) i);
/* endless thinking and eating... */
while (1)
usleep (10000000);
return 0;
sem.c(including semaphore methods)
#include "sem.h"
sem.h(Header for sem.c)
#ifndef __SEM_H__
#define __SEM_H__
#include <pthread.h>
typedef struct test_semaphore tsem_t;
tsem_t *tsem_new (int value);
void tsem_free (tsem_t *sem);
void tsem_wait (tsem_t *sem);
int tsem_try_wait (tsem_t *sem);
void tsem_signal (tsem_t *sem);
#endif /* __SEM_H__ */
compile command
gcc sem.c dining.c -pthread -o dining
One problem is that in tsem_wait() you have the following code sequence outside of a lock:
while(sem->count <= 0)
There's no guarantee that the program will actually re-read sem->count - the compiler is free to produce machine code that does something like the following:
int temp = sem->count;
while(temp <= 0)
In fact, this will likely happen in an optimized build.
Try changing your busy wait loop to something like this so the count is checked while holding the lock:
void tsem_wait (tsem_t *sem)
while (sem->count <= 0) {
// sem->mutexLock is still held here...
Strictly speaking, you should do something similar for tsem_try_wait() (which you're not using yet).
Note that you might want to consider using a pthread_cond_t to make waiting on the counter changing more efficient.
Finally, your code to 'get' the chopsticks in thread_func() has the classic Dining Philosopher deadlock problem in the situation where each philosopher simultaneously acquires the 'left' chopstick (chopstick[i]) and ends up waiting forever to get the 'right' chopstick (chopstick[k]) since all the chopsticks are in some philosopher's left hand.

How to return few string from threads and concat it in C++/CLI

how to return few Strings from threads and link it to one String ?
I use CLI/C++, threads in windows forms. This code should divide message from user to n(nThreads) texts and in each thread should encipher message.
Finally it must concat all results to one.
Actually I did something like this:
public: ref class ThreadExample
static String^ inputString;
static String^ outputString;
static array<String^>^ arrayOfThreads = gcnew array <String^>(nThreads);
static int iterator;
static void ThreadEncipher()
string input, output;
MarshalString(inputString, input);
output = CaesarCipher::encipher(input);
outputString = gcnew String(output.c_str());
arrayOfThreads[iterator] = outputString;
Function where I use threads:
array<String^>^ ThreadEncipherFuncCpp(int nThreads, string str2){
array<String^>^ arrayOfThreads = gcnew array <String^>(nThreads);
string loopSubstring;
messageLength = str2.length();
int numberOfSubstring = messageLength / nThreads;
int isModulo = messageLength % nThreads;
array<Thread^>^ xThread = gcnew array < Thread^ >(nThreads);
int j;
//loop dividing text to threads
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++)
j = i;
if (i == 0 && numberOfSubstring != 0)
loopSubstring = str2.substr(0, numberOfSubstring);
else if ((i == nThreads - 1) && numberOfSubstring != 0){
if (isModulo != 0)
loopSubstring = str2.substr(numberOfSubstring*i, numberOfSubstring + isModulo);
loopSubstring = str2.substr(numberOfSubstring*i, numberOfSubstring);
else if (numberOfSubstring == 0){
loopSubstring = str2.substr(0, isModulo);
i = nThreads - 1;
loopSubstring = str2.substr(numberOfSubstring*i, numberOfSubstring);
xThread[i] = gcnew Thread(gcnew ThreadStart(&ThreadExample::ThreadEncipher));
auto start = chrono::system_clock::now();
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++){
ThreadExample::iterator = i;
ThreadExample::inputString = gcnew String(loopSubstring.c_str());
for (int i = 0; i < nThreads; i++){
auto elapsed = chrono::system_clock::now() - start;
long long milliseconds = chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(elapsed).count();
cppTimer = milliseconds;
arrayOfThreads = ThreadExample::arrayOfThreads;
delete xThread;
return arrayOfThreads;
I'm going to take a guess here and say that the program ran without error, but your output was blank.
The reason the output is blank is because of the static class initializer. This is executed earlier than you think it is: As soon as you reference the class in any way, the static initializer runs. Therefore, when you try to execute ThreadExample::inputString = "Some example text. Some example text2.";, the static class initializer has already run, and your array of threads is set.
To fix this, move that code out of the static initializer, and into the method where you create the threads.
Also, a more general note on C++/CLI: If you're trying to learn C++, please don't use C++/CLI. C++/CLI is not the same thing as C++. C++/CLI has all the complexities of C++, all the complexities of C#, and some complexities of its own thrown in for good measure. It should be used when it's needed to interface .Net code to C++ code, not as a primary development language.

Copying objects in C++/CLI and message passing in multithreading

I'm trying to transfer a command line code that I have to a more visual program with a
GUI to enable easier use. The original code was in C++, so I'm using Visual C++ that is
available in Visual Studio Express 2012, but I have problems understanding the "new"
managed C++/CLI way of handling objects. Being new to CLI and managed C++, I was wondering
if someone can explain what I am doing wrong, and why it doesn't work. Now here is a
description of the code and the problem.
The program is essentially an optimization program:
There are multiple boxes (modes) in a system, each mode, depending on its type has a
few numerical coefficients that control its behavior and the way it responds to outside
The program asks the user to specify the number of boxes and the type of each box.
Then tries to find the numerical coefficients that minimize the difference between
the system response with those obtained experimentally.
So, the UI has means for user to open the experimental result files, specify the number
of modes, and specify the type of each mode. Then, the user can initiate the processing
function by clicking on a start button, that initiates a background worker.
Following the example given in MSDN, I created a class that performs the work:
ref class curveFit
public: ref class CurrentState{
int percentage;
int iterationNo;
int stage;
bool done;
multimode systemModel;
int modes;
int returncode;
array<double> ^expExcitations;
array<double> ^expResults;
multimode systemModel;
void fcn(int, int, double*, double*, int*);
double totalError(std::vector<double> &);
delegate void fcndelegate(int, int, double*, double*, int*);
curveFit^ fit(System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker^, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^, Options^);
multimode is just a container class: a list of different boxes.
ref class multimode
Collections::Generic::List<genericBoxModel ^>^ models;
int modes;
multimode(const multimode%);
int modeNo(void);
void Add(genericBoxModel^);
void Clear();
genericBoxModel^ operator[](int);
multimode% operator=(const multimode%);
double result(double);
bool isValid();
std::vector<double> MapData();
void MapData(std::vector<double> &);
models = gcnew Collections::Generic::List<genericBoxModel ^>();
modes = 0;
multimode::multimode(const multimode% rhs)
models = gcnew Collections::Generic::List<genericBoxModel ^>();
for(int ind = 0; ind < rhs.modes; ind++)
modes = rhs.modes;
int multimode::modeNo(void)
return modes;
void multimode::Add(genericBoxModel^ model)
void multimode::Clear()
modes = 0;
genericBoxModel^ multimode::operator[](int ind)
return models[ind];
multimode% multimode::operator=(const multimode% rhs)
for(int ind = 0; ind < rhs.modes; ind++)
modes = rhs.modes;
return *this;
double multimode::result(double excitation)
double temp = 0.0;
for(int ind = 0; ind < modes; ind++)
temp += models[ind]->result(excitation);
return temp;
bool multimode::isValid()
bool isvalid = true;
if(modes < 1)
return false;
for(int ind = 0; ind < modes; ind++)
isvalid = (isvalid && models[ind]->isValid());
return isvalid;
std::vector<double> multimode::fullMap()
//Map the model coefficients to a vector of doubles
void multimode::fullMap(std::vector<double> &data)
//Map a vector of doubles to the model coefficients
and genericBoxModel is an abstract class that all box models are based on.
The curvefit::fit function does the optimization based on the options passed to it:
curveFit^ curveFit::fit(System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker^ worker, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e, Options^ opts)
fcndelegate^ del = gcnew fcndelegate(this, &curveFit::fcn);
std::vector<double> data;
CurrentState^ state = gcnew CurrentState;
state->done = false;
state->stage = 0;
state->percentage = 0;
state->systemModel = systemModel;
worker->ReportProgress(state->percentage, state);
case 0:
while(iterationNo < maxIterations)
data = systemModel.MapData();
OptimizationMethod0::step(some_parameters, data, (optmethods::costfunction)Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal::GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(del).ToPointer());
state->percentage = 0;
state->systemModel = systemModel;
worker->ReportProgress(state->percentage, state);
I'm passing the system model inside the state so that I can display the results of the
latest step on the screen, which doesn't work, but that is another question :-)
The start button calls the curvefit::fit function after initializing the system model:
private: System::Void btnStart_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
for(int mode = 0; mode < modes; mode++)
case 0:
systemModel.Add(gcnew model0);
systemModel[mode]->coefficients[0] = 100.0 / double(mode + 1);
btnStart->Enabled = false;
stStatusText->Text = "Calculating!";
Application::UseWaitCursor = true;
curveFit^ cf = gcnew curveFit;
private: System::Void fitCurve_DoWork(System::Object^ sender, System::ComponentModel::DoWorkEventArgs^ e) {
System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker^ worker;
worker = dynamic_cast<System::ComponentModel::BackgroundWorker^>(sender);
curveFit^ cf = safe_cast<curveFit^>(e->Argument);
cf->expExcitations = gcnew array<double>(expExcitations.Count);
cf->expResults = gcnew array<double>(expResults.Count);
cf->systemModel = systemModel;
cf->modes = modes;
e->Result = cf->fit(worker, e, options);
This works perfectly! But, in order to make the optimization process faster and more
successful, I wanted to use the results of previous optimizations as the initial guess
for the next run (if possible):
multimode oldmodel(systemModel);
for(int mode = 0; mode < modes; mode++)
case 0:
if(mode < oldmodel.modeNo() && oldmodel.isValid() && (oldmodel[mode]->model == 0))
systemModel.Add(gcnew model0);
systemModel[mode]->coefficients[0] = 100.0 / double(mode + 1);
Now, my problem is, after this change, it seems that the messages don't get passed
correctly: the first time the start button is clicked everything functions as it should,
but from then on, if the statement systemModel.Add(oldmodel[mode]); gets executed,
results remain the same as the initial guesses, and don't get updated after the fit
function is called.
So, why should these two lines(Add(oldmodel[mode]) and Add(gcnew model0)) give
such different results?
