Azure/Wasabi: Certificate never makes it to the CurrentUser/My store - azure

I am attempting to get Wasabi (the Enterprise library autoscaling block) to work within an Azure worker role. The Wasabi worker role (Extra Small, full trust) is scaling a different worker role within the same service. It works perfectly from a local console app, with an identical configuration - given the errors, the certificate isn't making it to the VM. I am using the latest versions of the Azure SDKs, the enterprise library autoscaling block, and the Azure portal.
Here are the steps I took, based on these docs:
I created a management certificate as per the directions here:
I exported the .pfx with the private key and gave it a password.
I uploaded the .cer to the Settings->Management Certificates section on the portal.
I uploaded the .pfx with the correct password to the Cloud Services->(My Service)->Certificates, noting the thumbprint listed.
I created some trivial rules that scale up my app a few instances, and correctly configured the service information to use my new cert. The XML files are in blob storage. This exactly configuration works fine on my local machine in a console app.
I added an entry in the Wasabi role's configuration, using the correct cert name and thumbprint. I set it to use the CurrentUser\My store. I confirmed that the .csdef and .cscfg files were correctly updated.
I deploy the service to staging on Azure, using the publish tool. The certificate configuration setting correctly shows up in the Configuration setting for the role.
It doesn't scale the app. I check the trace entries, and it has an exception when trying to pull access the management API. It is trying to access the right subscription, and it's trying to find the correct certificate thumbprint in the right store, so my configuration is being loaded correctly. It claims that it cannot find the certificate with that thumbprint in that store.
I tried the LocalMachine\My store (configured in the role certificate settings, and in the service information store XML), and I got a different exceptionthe error listed in Azure WASABi SecurityNegotiationException. That fix was ultimately to go to CurrentUser, so that doesn't help me here.
I tried a lot of other combinations of CurrentUser\LocalMachine and different stores, and all CurrentUser locations result in certificate-not-found, and all LocalMachine stores result in the other exception.
I triple-checked the thumbprints in the role settings, the portal (certificate page) and the service information file, and they all match.
I then enabled remote-desktop and logged in to the Wasabi role instance, and used MMC to look at the certificate configuration for both the local machine and the current user. When I selected the LocalMachine store in the role certificate settings, the certificate did show up in the LocalMachine store, which tells me that the certificate is correctly installed in the service and the thumbprints match. When the CurrentUser store is selected, the certificate is not visible anywhere. This could be because the user that is used by RDP is not the same user as the service, but it does match the error.
So, in summary:
The certificate was correctly configured and installed in the portal (management certificates for the subscription, and service certificates).
Apparently, you must use the CurrentUser location, not the LocalMachine location, for the Wasabi role (as per the linked SO question).
When I'm trying to install to the CurrentUser, the certificate is not getting placed in the VM, at least not anywhere that the role can find it.
Any ideas?

See my answer to this SO POST. The certificate must be in LocalMachine and because of config changes in SDK 1.8 and Server2012 role initialization you have to run the worker role with elevated permissions to give NETWORK SERVICE access to the cert's private keys. Edit ServiceDefinition.csdef
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ServiceDefinition name="blah" xmlns="" schemaVersion="2012-10.1.8">
<WorkerRole name="blah" vmsize="Small">
<Runtime executionContext="elevated" />


Deploying a split-merge service for Azure SQL Elastic (sharded) databases

I am trying to follow the tutorial for deploying a split-merge service (Azure Elastic Database... tools).
The first complication is that the doc instructs me to create an "Azure Cloud Service." The closest thing to that seems to be "Cloud service (classic)," so that's what I created.
When it came to creating a self-signed cert, I had to translate the parameters for makecert (which is deprecated and no longer seems to be present in any SDKs) to the powershell New-SelfSignedCertificate cmdlet. The relevant params I passed to the cmdlet were:
Subject: CN=*
KeySpec: KeyExchange
I finally got the certificate created/exported/uploaded, got the service configuration file completed and created the service. Azure portal reports the web and workers running, but I can't hit the service URL (403 access denied even after prompting me to select my certificate). I confirmed that my certificate thumbprint shows correctly in the various places in the service configuration (DataEncryptionPrimaryCertificateThumbprint, DataEncryptionPrimary, AdditionalTrustedRootCertificationAuthorities, AllowedClientCertificateThumbprints, DataEncryptionPrimaryCertificateThumbprint). My certificate's thumbprint also shows as the thumbprint in configuration under the "Certificates" section as SSL, CA, and DataEncryptionPrimary.
The only thing I can think of that is causing the access denied is something mentioned in this doc, "If you are using self-signed certificates, you will need to disable certificate chain validation." The PowerShell cmdlet that it shows to use to disable chain validation in that case (for an API service; no clue how that differs from my service) fails with InvalidOperation.
Is there some way for me to disable certificate chain validation for my "classic" cloud service? Other suggestions of things to check?

Certificate imported via Azure Portal not found in Personal store [duplicate]

I am having trouble referencing x.509 certificates once a web service is deployed on azure. The error I get is:
Cannot find the X.509 certificate using the following search criteria: StoreName 'My', StoreLocation 'LocalMachine',
FindType 'FindByThumbprint', FindValue 'd50d00762ab0b5bfa2ccd51122360e89ff5db55e'
I have tried various StoreName and Location permutations and no success.
Part of my config is as follows:
<behavior name="ClientCredentialsBehavior">
<clientCertificate findValue="D50D00762AB0B5BFA2CCD51122360E89FF5DB55E" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="TrustedPeople" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint"/>
<defaultCertificate findValue="E194EBAAFBE5129D097795751127D21577293A87" storeLocation="LocalMachine" storeName="TrustedPeople" x509FindType="FindByThumbprint"/>
How do I solve this error on azure. Please help me I have spent hours now trying to solve this issue. Thank you.
To fix the problem you're facing, please ensure that the certificate is uploaded in the cloud service and that certificate is referenced in the cloud service configuration files (csdef/cscfg). Please see this link on how to do so:
Now comes the explanation :).
As you know, Cloud Services are the PaaS offering. Thus you would need to tell the Fabric Controller (which does the magic of creating your VM, installing your application and making all the configuration changes) that your application needs to use a certificate that is uploaded in the cloud service.
The way you tell it to the Fabric Controller is specifying the certificate details (like certificate thumbprint) in the service definition file/service configuration file. You would also tell in which certificate store on the Cloud Service VM you would want Fabric Controller to install the certificate.
Once Fabric Controller gets this information, at the time of VM creation it goes to the certificates already uploaded in the cloud service, finds matching certificate based on the thumbprint and installs that certificate in your Cloud Service VMs. Since you didn't specify this in the service definition/configuration file, the certificate was never installed on your Cloud Services VM.

Error uploading .pfx certificate to Azure Web app using ARM template from VSTS

I'm using a Azure Resource Manager(ARM) template to create and update a resource group in a release definition in Visual Studio Team Services(VSTS). I'm using the same template to upload the .pfx certificate to the web app.
For the first deployment the certificate got uploaded perfectly, but from the next deployment the deployment fails with the error "Another certificate exists with same thumbprint ******** at location West US in the Resource Group MyResourceGroup".
I tried recreating the webapp, but to my surprise the deployment fails for the first time itself. Looks like the certificate got uploaded to the resource group.
Is there a way to overwrite the existing .pfx certificate for every deployment.
You do not have to upload certificate for all deployments. The first certificate will become available to all deployments
Certificates are exposed at the resource group level, so deploying the same certificate again will definitely error out.
However, I don't see a reason as to why you need to upload a certificate.
Does your application need to read this certificate? if yes, then there is a different way to do this. See this article:
Until today I had never encountered this error. I have been able to redeploy my applications, certificates and all, with no issues. I believe in my case that someone had previously manually added the certificate using a different name, possibly through the portal, and then when my pipeline executed it attempted to add the certificate using a different name.
Certificates are child resources of Microsoft.Web under the resource group. There are likely a number of options for resolving but I am going to focus on removing the certificate using Resource Explorer. (I bet that there is a Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell command to do this too.)
In resource explorer, locate the certificates node associated with your resource group using the left hand navigation pane. This will likely be in something like subscriptions -> {subscription name} -> resourceGroups -> {resource group name} -> providers -> Microsoft.Web -> certificates -> {certificate name}
Once located, select your certificate and then can use the Actions (POST, DELETE) tab in the right hand pane to delete the certificate. You should then be able to redeploy.

Upload certificate to azure with exportable flag

I want to make Azure WebApp instance (with .Net WebAPI2) to use Google service account certificate.
Steps I went through:
Create and download .pfx from Google developers console.
Upload .pfx to Azure WebApp -> Custom domains and SSL.
Introduce new variable in AppSettings. Key: WEBSITE_LOAD_CERTIFICATES Value:
(or thumbprint)
After completing these steps I am getting:
CryptographicException. Key not valid for use in specified state.
One of the reasons I would think of is that it needs an exportable private key, but there are no options (or at least I have not found) to change while uploading it.
I have tested the certificate it works locally.
How to solve this?

Cannot add a certificate in local Azure Web role VM

I have some difficulties in managing Azure certificates from my code.
Indeed I'm trying to use Azure REST Services API (e.g. creating HTTP requests) in order to know my services state from my Azure web site.
It works well in local debugging, but my web role seams to have some limitation with the certificates manager. Bellow is what I do:
// this method stores a certificate from the resources
// to the local certificates manager
private X509Certificate2 StoreCertificate(Certificates certName)
X509Certificate2 newCert = null;
// get certificate from resources
newCert = this.GetCertificateFromResources(certName);
// store it into the local certificate manager
if (newCert != null)
var store = new X509Store(
// reset ref and try to load it from manager
newCert = null;
newCert = this.GetCertificate(certName);
return newCert;
An Access is denied error appends when I try to add the certificate.
Any idea ? Can I store certificates into the Azure VM ?
Should I use a special location to store those ?
Are you using a Cloud Service (web/worker role)? If so, which OS family? I've seen some reports that with a worker role using OS family 3, you need to run the role with elevated permissions in order to read certs from the local cert store. Not sure if that applies to web roles as well and adding to the cert store.
Has the service cert been added via the Azure management portal as well (or via the REST API or PowerShell)?
Well I have found lot of things:
I was deploying my code in a web site so that I cannot add a certificate to the Shared VM in Azure
I have tried to connect to the VM in a remote desktop session and I added a certificate manually.
Even in this case, I have an (403) Forbidden error in an InvalidOperationException.
So here is the current state:
a certificate has been created (makecert) and added manually in the VM that hosts my web role (deployed in a service)
this certificate has been uploaded to both the Azure Account certificates and to the Azure service certificates (the one that deploys my web role)
the thumbprint of this certificate has been added in my code and I can access to the certificate when my code is executed
So 2 questions:
Is there something I should do with my certificate ?
When I try my web role locally in the Azure emulator, everything works. Is there a special setting to update during the publish / deploy step ?
Thanks for your help.
In order to save the time of other developers, here is what I did to solve the main problem:
connect to the VM that deploys the web role: see there
create the certificate: see there
Eventually plays with the certificates manager (mmc.exe)
Then the certificate is available from the code.
