require js with underscore.js not working - requirejs

I am following the tutorial at:
I am basically making a simple template module that requires "jquery" and "underscore"
Here is my app.js
paths: {
"jquery": "",
"underscore": ""
require(['template'], function(template) {
//Template is undefined
Here is my template.js
define(['underscore', 'jquery'], function()
var showName = function(n)
var temp = _.template("Hello <%= name %>");
$("body").html(temp({name: n}));
showName: showName
I have verifed that all the scripts are pulling in via google chrome's network tab, but the template callback is NOT defined.
It seems the error is caused by return with { on another line. I have never run into this before with javascript...Is there a rule for this?

EDIT: It seems the error is caused by return with { on another line. I have never run into this before with javascript...Is there a rule for this?

Despite best efforts of certain luminaries to convince gullible newcomers otherwise, semicolons are optional in JavaScript. This has some implication to how return keyword is handled. See the link.
One of the issues with people thinking that semicolons are required is - they think that the parser will continue parsing until it encounters a semi... Gotcha!


Photoswipe and Require.js configuration

I have a module which is dependent upon both, PhotoSwipe and PhotoSwipeUI_Default. I am requiring both modules, like so and inside of my module I am initialising my gallery. EG:
define("modules/lightboxStart", ["vendor/PhotoSwipe", "vendor/PhotoSwipeUI_Default"], function (PhotoSwipe, PhotoSwipeUI_Default) {
var StartGallery = function(){
var lightBox = new PhotoSwipe($pswp, PhotoSwipeUI_Default, items, options);
The gallery then works as expected but require is throwing a mismatched anonymous define module error in PhotoSwipe.js.
After looking through the docs I came to the conclusion that I need to run both scripts(PhotoSwipe and PhotoSwipeUI_Default) through the require.js API.
I then defined each, like so:
define('PhotoSwipe', function() {
//PhotoSwipe script here
return PhotoSwipe
define('PhotoSwipeUI_Default', function() {
//PhotoSwipeUI_Default script here
return PhotoSwipeUI_Default
This then eliminates the mismatched anonymous define module error I was getting earlier, but I am getting this error now instead:
PhotoSwipe is not a function
How could I fix this? I am essentially trying to access the PhotoSwipe function within PhotoSwipe.js and pass through my arguments but I am unable to do so without generating a load of js errors on the page and I can not figure out why.
Help much appreciated!
define( ["modules/lightboxStart", "vendor/PhotoSwipe", "vendor/PhotoSwipeUI_Default"], function (lightboxStart, PhotoSwipe, PhotoSwipeUI_Default) { //i think so}

Can't figure out where to put require.config when using TypeScript, RequireJs, and Jasmine

I've been following the pattern for setting up TypeScript, RequireJS, and Jasmine that Steve Fenton describes here:
That pattern as really worked well and truly unblocked me (yay!), but I'm now at the point where I need to customize some settings for RequireJS but I can't seem to figure out where to put my require.config call. Everywhere I've tried has caused breaks and regressions. Here are the two approaches that seem most logical/promising
In SpecRunner.cshtml
<script data-main="/Scripts/TypeScript/RequireJsConfig" src="/Scripts/require.js"></script>
In RequireJsConfig.ts
baseUrl: "../Scripts",
paths: {
jquery: "../jquery-2.1.3"
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Attempt 1: When I try it this way I immediately get this error
// JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'config'
import TestLoader = require("Tests/TestLoader");
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Attempt 2: When I try it this way, everything builds and runs without errors, but
// Jasmine doesn't find any of the tests. All I get is "No specs found" even
// though I see the breakpoints on my "it" statements getting hit.
require(["Tests/TestLoader"], (testLoader) => {
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
In TestLoader.ts
import GuidHelperTests = require("Tests/T3/Helpers/GuidHelperTests");
import ObjectHelperTests = require("Tests/T3/Helpers/ObjectHelperTests");
class TestLoader {
public static Run: () => void = () => {
export var Run = () => TestLoader.Run();
In GuidHelperTests.ts
import T3 = require("T3/T3Lib");
export var Run = () => {
describe("GuidHelper tests", () => {
it("GUID validator validates good GUID", () => {
// etc. ...
My guess is that Attempt 2 doesn't work because of some kind of sequencing issue where the test discovery process is happening before modules are loaded, or something like that. I'm just not versed enough in RequireJS to know what my options are here.
I prefer to keep my configuration away from my application - you can pre-register the configuration like this, and it will be picked up by RequireJS when it loads. No need to add it to your first file.
var require = {
baseUrl: "../Scripts",
paths: {
jquery: "../jquery-2.1.3"
<script data-main="/Scripts/TypeScript/RequireJsConfig" src="/Scripts/require.js"></script>

RequireJS issues accessing app object across app

I have an application which has an app object which does the start routine and stores useful things like app.state and app.user. However I am trying to access this app instance without passing this from the app instance all the way around my large codebase.
Strangely I work on other projects which include app in the same way as in something.js and it works but I can't see why.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cannot require app in another file</title>
<script data-main="config" src="require.js"></script>
deps: ['app']
], function(Something) {
'use strict';
var App = function() { = 'My app';
return new App();
], function (require, app) {
'use strict';
var SomeModule = function() {
app = require('app'); // EXCEPTION
console.log('App:', app);
return new SomeModule();
When loading this requirejs exception is throw because of the require in SomeModule:
Uncaught Error: Module name "app" has not been loaded yet for context: _
Demo of above (see console for error):
It's not clear to me why you need to have a circular dependency. As stated in the documentation for RequireJS:
Circular dependencies are rare, and usually a sign that you might want to rethink the design.
This being said, if you do need the circular dependency, the issue with your code is that require('app') is called too early. It cannot be called until after the module something has returned its value. Right now, it is called before the value is returned. If you look at the code given as example in the documentation:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if a also asked for b,
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
return require("a").doSomething();
you see that the module returns a function which then would be called by the code that required the module, which happens after this module has returned its value.
So how do you fix this? What you could do is have the class you return call a function that fetches module app whenever needed. So:
], function (require) {
'use strict';
var app_;
function fetch_app() {
if (app_ === undefined)
app_ = require("app");
return app_;
var SomeModule = function() {
// ...
SomeModule.prototype.doSomethingWithApp = function () {
var app = get_app();
return new SomeModule();
I've removed app from the list of arguments and store the value of the app module in app_ because doing it this way provides for early detection of a missing call to get_app() in any method of SomeModule. If app is made a parameter of the module's factory function then using app inside a method without calling get_app() first would be detected only if it so happened that no other method that calls get_app() was called first. (Of course, I could type app_ and face the same problem as the one I aim to prevent. It's a matter of respective likelihoods: I'd be very likely to forget to call get_app() everywhere it is needed because I don't usually write code with circular dependencies. However, I'd be unlikely to type app_ for app because I don't usually put _ at the end of my variable names.)

Can Blanket.js work with Jasmine tests if the tests themselves are loaded with RequireJS?

We've been using Jasmine and RequireJS successfully together for unit testing, and are now looking to add code coverage, and I've been investigating Blanket.js for that purpose. I know that it nominally supports Jasmine and RequireJS, and I'm able to successfully use the "jasmine-requirejs" runner on GitHub, but this runner is using a slightly different approach than our model -- namely, it loads the test specs using a script tag in runner.html, whereas our approach has been to load the specs through RequireJS, like the following (which is the callback for a requirejs call in our runner):
var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 1000;
var htmlReporter = new jasmine.TrivialReporter();
var jUnitReporter = new jasmine.JUnitXmlReporter('../JasmineTests/');
jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
var specs = [];
$(function () {
require(specs, function () {
This approach works fine for simply doing unit testing, if I don't have blanket or jasmine-blanket as dependencies for the function above. If I add them (with require.config paths and shim), I can verify that they're successfully fetched, but all that appears to happen is that I get jasmine-blanket's overload of jasmine.getEnv().execute, which simply prints "waiting for blanket..." to the console. Nothing is triggering the tests themselves to be run anymore.
I do know that in our approach there's no way to provide the usual data-cover attributes, since RequireJS is doing the script loading rather than script tags, but I would have expected in this case that Blanket would at least calculate coverage for everything, not nothing. Is there a non-attribute-based way to specify the coverage pattern, and is there something else I need to do to trigger the actual test execution once jasmine-blanket is in the mix? Can Blanket be made to work with RequireJS loading the test specs?
I have gotten this working by requiring blanket-jasmine then setting the options
paths: {
'jasmine': '...',
'jasmine-html': '...',
'blanket-jasmine': '...',
shim: {
'jasmine': {
exports: 'jasmine'
'jasmine-html': {
exports: 'jasmine',
deps: ['jasmine']
'blanket-jasmine': {
exports: 'blanket',
deps: ['jasmine']
], function (blanket, jasmine) {
blanket.options('filter', '...'); // data-cover-only
blanket.options('branchTracking', true); // one of the data-cover-flags
require(['myspec'], function() {
var jasmineEnv = jasmine.getEnv();
jasmineEnv.updateInterval = 250;
var htmlReporter = new jasmine.HtmlReporter();
jasmineEnv.specFilter = function (spec) {
return htmlReporter.specFilter(spec);
jasmineEnv.addReporter(new jasmine.BlanketReporter());
The key lines are the addition of the BlanketReporter and the currentRunner execute. Blanket jasmine adapter overrides jasmine.execute with a no-op that just logs a line, because it needs to halt the execution until it is ready to begin after it has instrumented the code.
Typically the BlanketReport and currentRunner execute would be done by the blanket jasmine adapter but if you load blanket-jasmine itself in require, the event for starting blanket test runner will not get fired as subscribes to the window.load event (which by the point blanket-jasmine is loaded has already fired) therefore we need to add the report and execute the "currentRunner" as it would usually execute itself.
This should probably be raised as a bug, but for now this workaround works well.

Crossroads and requirejs

I'm having trouble getting a route to match using crossroads with requirejs. Well, it probably has nothing to do with requirejs, just thought I'd mention it.
This is what my code looks like:
shim: {
/* use shims to define dependencies for modules. e.g.,
'jquery.colorize': ['jquery'],
'jquery.scroll': ['jquery'],
'crossroads': ['signals', 'can']
paths: {
"jquery": "",
"can": "/scripts/can/amd/can",
"can.fixture": "/scripts/can/amd/can/util/fixture",
"signals": "/scripts/signals/signals",
"crossroads": "/scripts/crossroads/crossroads"
require(['jquery', 'crossroads', 'controllers/project'], function ($, crossroads, projectController) {
var projectRoute = crossroads.addRoute('projects', function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
console.log('projects ready');
$.when(ProjectModel.findAll()).then(function (projectResponse) {
var projects = new SortList(projectResponse);
console.log('doc ready projects=', projects);
new ProjectsControl('#projects', {
projects: projects,
defaultSort: 'priority'
console.log('matched: ', projectRoute.match(window.location.href));
The url that it's trying to match is http://localhost:34382/projects and the output of console.log is "matched: false"
Any suggestions?
I figured out that I need to change what I'm matching on. I've changed this line
console.log('matched: ', projectRoute.match(window.location.href));
to this
console.log('matched: ', projectRoute.match(window.location.pathname +;
and now it works.
Also realized that you have to explicitly call crossroads.parse() somewhere for it to work (or am I missing something?)
so at the end of my require function I call this and my route is found
crossroads.parse(window.location.pathname +;
Also, in case anyone is wondering, I'm using CanJS as the client-side MVC framework and ASP.NET MVC4 as the server-side.
