Rails 3.2.x + Glassfish + How to multithread? - multithreading

I have a JRuby 1.6.7/Rails 3.2.11 web application deployed on Glassfish (with no web server in front of it). I would like to make my application multi-threaded.
A best practices article suggests that I need to set the max and min runtimes to 1, and then go to config/environment.rb and put in the line
However, a note from Oracle says (along with this note at Github) that I only have to set the minimum and maximum number of runtimes in the web.xml configuration file or the command line, and it says nothing about config.threadsafe!. (My feeling with this method is that it will take up a lot of memory because each runtime loads up a full instance of Rails).
Which method is right? Are they both right? Which is the better way to go multi-threaded?

One must do the following
set the min and max runtimes to 1
go into config/environments/production.rb and uncomment the
#config.threadsafe! line, you must also do this for any other environments you would want threadsafe mode to work in.
By doing these things Rails will run using one runtime and multiple threads saving you lots of memory. Additional information regarding threadsafe jruby on rails apps can be found here http://nowhereman.github.com/how-to/rails_thread_safe/
If you are using Warbler, you can skip step one - if you only follow step#2 the min and max runtimes will be set by default look at the web.xml within the war file you will see that it has been set. Likewise, if threadsafe has not been set you will see the absence of the min and max settings.
That being said Rails 4 will have threadsafe enabled by default. Here's the commit https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/6685
Also, here's a post about the hows and whys: http://tenderlovemaking.com/2012/06/18/removing-config-threadsafe.html


Behavior of multiple instance of ParallelWebAppClassLoaders in Tomcat JVM retaining objects

I am working on identifying repeated OutOfMemory issues in a Tomcat 8.5.38 server (Centos 7.6, openjdk 1.8, 4 CPU) running a Spring MVC application.
This issue is new for this app. (Edit: The issue started after Tomcat was upgraded from 8.5.35 to 8.5.38). I saved a memory heap dump by adding the “-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError” JVM setting. In the heap dump I see that there are 2 instances of ParallelWebAppClassLoader. This app uses a large HashMap (about 200 Mb) of lookup values as a cache. Each class loader has a separate reference to this HashMap. I am trying to find why there are 2 ParallelWebAppClassLoader instances in this JVM? The server.xml does not specify the use of ParallelWebAppClassLoader.
Also is it correct to expect the ParallelWebAppClassLoader to maintain a copy of the HashMap?
If it is 2 copies of the same object, how can this duplicate space be optimized, if ParallelWebAppClassLoader is used?
The issue was because of the upgrade of Tomcat from 8.5.35 to 8.5.35. After this upgrade the JVM has two class loaders, and thus occupies twice the memory. A quick fix can be by increasing the RAM or rolling back the Tomcat version to 8.5.35.
If there is a setting to control the number of class loaders, please post an answer. I will upvote that.

Cassandra and Java 9 - ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 is outside the allowed range

Very recently I installed JDK 9 and Apache Cassandra from the official site. But now when I start cassandra in foreground, I get this message:
apache-cassandra-3.11.1/bin$ ./cassandra -f
[0.000s][warning][gc] -Xloggc is deprecated. Will use -Xlog:gc:/home/mmatak/monero/apache-cassandra-3.11.1/logs/gc.log instead.
intx ThreadPriorityPolicy=42 is outside the allowed range [ 0 ... 1 ]
Improperly specified VM option 'ThreadPriorityPolicy=42'
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
So far I didn't find any solution for this. Is it maybe possible that Java 9 and Cassandra are not yet compatible? Here is that problem mentioned as well - #CASSANDRA-13107
But I am not sure how to just "remove the flag"? Where is it possible to override or remove this flag?
I had exactly the same issue:
Can't start Cassandra (Single-Node Cluster on CentOS7)
If it is an option for you, using Java 8, instead of 9, is the simplest way to solve the issue.
Setting the following env variables solved the problem in MAC
export JAVA8_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home
#Martin Matak Just comment out that line in the conf/jvm.options file:
# allows lowering thread priority without being root on linux - probably
# not necessary on Windows but doesn't harm anything.
# see http://tech.stolsvik.com/2010/01/linux-java-thread-priorities-workaround.html
Some background on -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy.
These were the values, as documented in the source code.
0 : Normal.
VM chooses priorities that are appropriate for normal
applications. On Solaris NORM_PRIORITY and above are mapped
to normal native priority. Java priorities below
NORM_PRIORITY map to lower native priority values. On
Windows applications are allowed to use higher native
priorities. However, with ThreadPriorityPolicy=0, VM will
not use the highest possible native priority,
THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL, as it may interfere with
system threads. On Linux thread priorities are ignored
because the OS does not support static priority in
SCHED_OTHER scheduling class which is the only choice for
non-root, non-realtime applications.
1 : Aggressive.
Java thread priorities map over to the entire range of
native thread priorities. Higher Java thread priorities map
to higher native thread priorities. This policy should be
used with care, as sometimes it can cause performance
degradation in the application and/or the entire system. On
Linux this policy requires root privilege.
In other words: The default Normal setting causes thread priorities to be ignored on Linux.
Now someone found a bug in the code, which disabled the "is root?" check for values other than 1, but would still try to set the thread priority for every value other than 0.
Unless running as root, it would only be possible to lower the thread priority. So although not perfect, this was quite an improvement, compared to not being able to control the priorities at all.
Starting with Java 9, command line arguments like this one started to get checked, and this hack stopped working.
Fwiw, on Java 11/Linux, I can set the parameter to 1 without being root, and setting thread priorities does have an effect. So something has changed in the meantime, and at least with recent JVMs, and this hack does not seem necessary any more.
Solution to your Question
Reason for this exception
Multiple JDK versions running,probably JDK9,JDK 10 is causing this exception.
Set the Path to Point JDK 8 Version only.
Currently cassandra 3.1 is desired to run greater than jdk 8 only.
Change in Cassandra-Conf file (/opt/apache-cassandra-3.11.2/conf/cassandra-env.sh)
4.If you want to use higher JDK Version, update the system path variables based on your OS.
Theres a jvm.options in your conf directory which sets it:
Following from Jay's answer if you're on macOS and installed via Homebrew: the file is located at local/etc/cassandra/jvm.options.

How to avoid angular2 giant footprint

I am investigating the development setup for our next developments.
Java, WAR
Javascript, Angular2
JSP, Html, CSS
When doing this with eclipse-neon and nodeeclipse a simple Angular2 "Hello World" will take up giant
100 MBytes, in words hundred megabytes
nearly all is located in "node_modules".
Generating a WAR results in about 30 MBytes after waiting a long time.
Is there a way to reduce this giant footprint to a reasonable size?
As proposed I investigated both ways using webpack with simple "Hello World" apps
First I tried
. After removing .map-files the total size was 1.1MB. The (packed) WAR comes with 250KB
Second I tried angular-cli. angular-cli creates a set of config-files and a simple "Hello World". After remove .map-files the total size was 3.2MB. the WAR comes with 490KB.
Regarding the size both approaches looks valid. However, we will continue with the first approach since it used explicit config file for webpack. We need to tweak webpack in order to use and support JSP. It is not obvious how this could be done with angular-cli.
If you do not need to tweak the webpack config, you may prefer angular-cli
In fact this is an experience you make when starting with angular 2 and node. The solution to this is using a package builder like "webpack". I'd recommend to create a starter project with "angular-cli"
and start from there to add your project-specific components, libraries, ...
This makes it possible to jump right into development and testing this feature very quickly. Investigating the mighty and complexity behind that is recommended, but can be done step by step.
The command-line commands for this generated project - you can see them defined in the generated "package.json" - provide all you need to develop and run the code
and also
e.g. npm run build:prod
preparing the code for deployment, including reducing and packing the code to an absolute minimum size (in my case from ~ 120MB to 2.7MB)

Is there any JIT pre-caching support in NodeJS?

I am using a rather large and performance-intensive nodejs program to generate hinting data for CJK fonts (sfdhanautohint), and for some better dependency tracking I had to end up calling the nodejs program tens of thousands of times from a makefile like this.
This immediately brought me to the concern that doing such is actually putting a lot of overhead in starting and pre-heating the JIT engine, so I decided to find something like ngen.exe for nodejs. It appears that V8 already has some support for code caching, but is there anything I can do to use it in NodeJS?
Searching for kProduceCodeCache in NodeJS's GitHub repo doesn't return any non-bundled-v8 results. Perhaps it's time for a feature request…
Yes, this happens automatically. Node 5.7.0+ automatically pre-caches (pre-heats the JIT engine for your source) the first time you run your code (since PR #4845 / January 2016 here: https://github.com/nodejs/node/pull/4845).
It's important to note you can even pre-heat the pre-heat (before your code is ever even run on a machine, you can pre-cache your code and tell Node to load it).
Andres Suarez, a Facebook developer who works on Yarn, Atom and Babel created v8-compile-cache, which is a tiny little module that will JIT your code and require()s, and save your Node cache into your $TMP folder, and then use it if it's found. Check out the source for how it's done to suit other needs.
You can, if you'd like, have a little check that runs on start, and if the machine architecture is in your set of cache files, just load the cached files instead of letting Node JIT everything. This can cut your load time in half or more for a real-world large project with tons of requires, and it can do it on the very first run
Good for speeding up containers and getting them under that 500ms "microservice" boot time.
It's important to note:
Caches are binaries; they contain machine-executable code. They aren't your original JS code.
Node cache binaries are different for each target CPU you intend to run on (IA-32, IA-64, ARM etc). If you want to pre-cache pre-caches for your users, you must make cache targets for each target architecture you want to support.
Enjoy a ridiculous speed boost :)

Webstorm becomes extremely slow with node.js

Anyone knows what's the deal with this IDE?
I have been running it for a while, lately it has become very slow and unresponsive at times.
Gobbles up CPU even when just editing a bunch of js files.
1. My code base is getting bigger...
2. I have several listeners which compile coffeescript and sass files in the background when these change.
In any case, I am very surprised (for the worse) that this is so slow. Would expect better from a developer of an IDE.
Anyone had this kind of problem before?
There are a couple performance tweaks you can apply to Webstorm to see if it improves your situation. When my colleagues and I found that Webstorm was slowing down these tweaks solved all our problems.
First things first, ensure your project is configured to utilise webstorm resources efficiently by excluding particular directories from a project. This will ensure the containing files are not indexed in memory and will not decrease performance when performing functions such as searching for files or text within files. Some examples of good candidates to exclude are the node_modules directory and compiled code directories.
If there are still performance issues, try the following:
If you are on Windows by default you would be using the 32-bit version. Navigate to the Webstorm directory (within program files) and you'll see webstorm64.exe, which will run Webstorm in 64-bit mode. (You might need to install a proper 64-bits JDK yourself then.)
The default VM options for IntelliJ IDEA may be not optimal when your project contains more than 10000 classes and developers often try to change the default options to minimize IntelliJ IDEA hangtime.
You can try bumping up the JVM memory limits for Webstorm. Open the VM options from the IDE_HOME\bin\<product>[bits][.exe].vmoptions. Initially try doubling the Xms and Xmxmemory values.
Please note that very big Xmx and Xms values are not so good. In this case, GarbageCollector has to work with a big part of memory at a time and causes considerable hang-ups.
For more info on configuring JVM memory options you can refer to:
Configuring IntelliJ IDEA VM options - http://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2006/04/configuring-intellij-idea-vm-options/
Configuring JVM options and platform properties - https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/entries/23395793-Configuring-JVM-options-and-platform-properties
You can now do it from UI.
These are my before-after. No problems with the garbage collector. Just multiplied all values by 4. Machine: 20Gb RAM, 4Ghz i7 CPU & SSD disk. With defaults it started to lag. Now no lag again.
Pasting as text for quick copy:
# custom WebStorm VM options
# Default:
# -Xms128m
# -Xmx750m
# -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=240m
# -XX:+UseCompressedOops
I was dealing with a similar situation. CPU used to spike like crazy, and the IDE used to lag. Go to WebStorm preference and try disabling plugins that you do not need.
For instance, if your project uses SASS, what's the point of having LESS plugin running? Likewise, if your project uses Git, you don't need to have CVS or Perforce Integration.
CPU still spikes when WebStorm is indexing my project files, but I usually just wait it out.
Stopping my TypeScript file watching significantly helped (both in the IDE settings menu and in tsconfig.json). I assume that once the project gets big enough, any changes force a large recompile. It's not ideal but it's something that worked for me and may work for others as well.
