Where can I download DDESpy? - dde

I am looking for the old DDESpy tool.
Does anyone know where I could download it or something similar?

Found it: http://filedb.experts-exchange.com/incoming/2009/06_w26/153525/DDESPY.exe.txt
(rename to exe, remove txt extension)

It's part of Visual Studio 6, and isn't downloadable officially. You have to find a distribution of VS6.
This MSDN thread talks about replacing it with Spy++.


Can we use Android-Studio Translations Editor for Flutter?

Translations editor was very good in dealing with strings and translating it to many languages. I wonder if I could use it for flutter apps.
if(yes) {
tell me how;
tell me the best way to translate texts in flutter;
now I think we couldn't use it.
so, for now, I can use excel to make CSV file of strings and use flappy_translator package to use it in a flutter app.
if there's a way to use android studio translations editor or there's a better way, please tell me.
So you want the handy Android Studio Translation Editor, however it only works with
strings.xml in a res/values folder in native Android projects, as it seems.
But I can offer you something similar. I found the Android Studio Plugin Easy i18n
Go to File->Settings->Plugins (windows) and search for the plugin.
After Installation, you can work with JSON files, I put them in assets/translations:
And added the dependency to the whole folder in my Pubspec.yaml:
- assets/translations/
And if you open the Editor via View->Tool Windows->Easy i18n, you can edit them, very similar to the Android Studio Translation Editor:
I use the values from the JSON files with the Easy Localization plugin.
Disclaimer: I don't think the authors of Easy i18n and Easy Localization are the same team, at least as I can tell. And I am in no way related to these projects/authors. This is just what worked for me. On my journey, I stumbled across this StackOverFlow post multiple times, so I thought I'd share.

How to reference .dll that in different solution from the main solution visual c++ 2008?

i found a guide that showed how to reference .dll files to the main project, if it is in the same solution but i didn't find something that shows how to do this with two different solutions
Hope this is somewhat helpful. Good Luck!!

Find installed MSVC with NSIS Installer?

I would like to find out if any kind of a Microsoft Visual package is installed during my Nsis installation (I need the Compiler from those Microsoft packages (C,C++ Compiler))
One possibility could be to have a look in the registry...but it would always be a different entry.
So far I´ve got no good solution to detect a MSVC maybe anyone else does?
Your best bet is probably to look in the registry. You could take a look at some open source build tools and see how they do it. (SCons etc.)
The other alternative would be to search all drives for cl.exe with FindFirst and friends but that could be slow and you would probably have to check the version information to filter out false positives...

error RC2176 : old DIB in res\icon3.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT?

what is this Error, and how to resolve it?
I am using Visual studio 2005 for Smart device MFC developement,
Is upgrading to 2008 can solve my problem.
Error 85 error RC2176 : old DIB in res\icon3.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT
this might help you:
It looks like vista icons now use PNG headers. The error is slightly false though as its not an old DIB its just a header it doesn't recognize, PNG.
How was that icon created? Long ago Visual C++ 6.0 had its own little way of creating icon .ico files. Probably not using PNG so this might be the way to go is to find some program to emulate that and create an icon using the old DIB way. Or upgrading to 2008 :)
Actually there is another way not mentioned here in the other answers.
If you would install and integrate a more recent (same or later release date than VS 2008) SDK with VS 2005, that also resolves it. You can also go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin (or your equivalent of the path) and replace the files rcdll.dll and rc.exe with the ones from a more recent VS, WDK or SDK.
Side-note: the version of rcdll.dll and rc.exe must match, that is you need to copy both at once from your source (be it VS, WDK or SDK). For me any version starting with 6.0 or 6.1 worked. That's any version starting from the compilers that accompanied the Vista SDKs and VS versions or later.
There are actually 2 situations I've encountered that lead to this error RC2176.
As you probably know, a Windows .ICO file can contain multiple images for different sizes and color depth. VS2005 throws this error in at least two situations (unrelated to DIB)
.PNG images in the icon (as described in Codejoy's answer)
256x256 or larger images in the icon
By using GIMP to shrink the largest image size to 128x128, and avoiding .PNG, the problem is resolved with VS2005. Or, upgrade to a newer VS ;)
I had this problem in VS2012 for which I googled but didn't find anything else but this link to a MSDN site which talked about opening it up with sdk-paint , so in my project I doubleclicked the icon that was responsible for the error and deleted the PNG format and voila program started.
The compressed/packed 256x256 was the problem for me. Once I unchecked the option to save as compressed (for Vista) in my icon editor app, the problem went away.
There is another situation I encountered which triggered the error, that is a corrupted PNG file. I've used the sed command to globally replace some strings in the project folder, and it just replaced the (looks liked) windows line ending to UNIX one, which caused my image files corrupted.
So, maybe there are some bugs in the PNG parser of MFC library, which cannot handle malformed input files.
Best resolution I have come across is from Axialis where they offer guidance of saving the ICO file in uncompressed PNG format.

How do I backup my C++ Builder component installation?

I finally have my C++ Builder 2010 installation the way I want it, with all my components upgraded and installed. (touch wood)
I have been working with C++builder since version 1 and I know from countless previous traumatic experiences that this state of affairs could change in an instant. I would like to backup the installation and component set.
Is there a way to do this? A tool perhaps? A menu command that I have maybe missed all these years? I don't want to have to reinstall all the components from the bpl source again.
I make nightly backup images of my entire drive, I would like to do this for c++builder only if possible.
If it's a matter of simply copying files, which files would I need to copy? Are there entries in the registry that would need to be restored?
Thanks in advance for any thoughts and suggestions
The HKCU\Software\CodeGear\BDS\7.0\ registry section contains the "known packages" subtree that contains which components you have installed. reg export/import should save you some trouble.
You'll also want to backup/restore the actual files referenced there as well.
It has been a while since I used C++ Builder, but I will make two suggestions...
1) run regedit and looks for "builder". You will probably find a hive like hk_local_machine/software/codegear or such. Export that and you can import it later
2) have a look at GExperts - is they don't have the exact solution, they still have some pretty useful (and free) tools
