I'm trying to understand the Haskell 2010 Report section 3.17.2 "Informal Semantics of Pattern Matching". Most of it, relating to a pattern match succeeding or failing seems straightforward, however I'm having difficulty understanding the case which is described as the pattern match "diverging".
I'm semi-persuaded it means that the match algorithm does not "converge" to an answer (hence the match function never returns). But if doesn't return, then, how can it return a value, as suggested by the parenthetical "i.e. return ⊥"? And what does it mean to "return ⊥" anyway? How one handle that outcome?
Item 5 has the particularly confusing (to me) point "If the value is ⊥, the match diverges". Is this just saying that a value of ⊥ produces a match result of ⊥? (Setting aside that I don't know what that outcome means!)
Any illumination, possibly with an example, would be appreciated!
Addendum after a couple of lengthy answers:
Thanks Tikhon and all for your efforts.
It seems my confusion comes from there being two different realms of explanation: The realm of Haskell features and behaviors, and the realm of mathematics/semantics, and in Haskell literature these two are intermingled in an attempt to explain the former in terms of the latter, without sufficient signposts (to me) as to which elements belong to which.
Evidently "bottom" ⊥ is in the semantics domain, and does not exist as a value within Haskell (ie: you can't type it in, you never get a result that prints out as " ⊥").
So, where the explanation says a function "returns ⊥", this refers to a function that does any of a number of inconvenient things, like not terminate, throw an exception, or return "undefined". Is that right?
Further, those who commented that ⊥ actually is a value that can be passed around, are really thinking of bindings to ordinary functions that haven't yet actually been called upon to evaluate ("unexploded bombs" so to speak) and might never, due to laziness, right?
The value is ⊥, usually pronounced "bottom". It is a value in the semantic sense--it is not a normal Haskell value per se. It represents computations that do not produce a normal Haskell value: exceptions and infinite loops, for example.
Semantics is about defining the "meaning" of a program. In Haskell, we usually talk about denotational semantics, where the value is a mathematical object of some sort. The most trivial example would be that the expression 10 (but also the expression 9 + 1) have denotations of the number 10 (rather than the Haskell value 10). We usually write that ⟦9 + 1⟧ = 10 meaning that the denotation of the Haskell expression 9 + 1 is the number 10.
However, what do we do with an expression like let x = x in x? There is no Haskell value for this expression. If you tried to evaluate it, it would simply never finish. Moreover, it is not obvious what mathematical object this corresponds to. However, in order to reason about programs, we need to give some denotation for it. So, essentially, we just make up a value for all these computations, and we call the value ⊥ (bottom).
So ⊥ is just a way to define what a computation that doesn't return "means".
We also define other computations like undefined and error "some message" as ⊥ because they also do not have obvious normal values. So throwing an exception corresponds to ⊥. This is exactly what happens with a failed pattern match.
The usual way of thinking about this is that every Haskell type is "lifted"--it contains ⊥. That is, Bool corresponds to {⊥, True, False} rather than just {True, False}. This represents the fact that Haskell programs are not guaranteed to terminate and can have exceptions. This is also true when you define your own type--the type contains every value you defined for it as well as ⊥.
Interestingly, since Haskell is non-strict, ⊥ can exist in normal code. So you could have a value like Just ⊥, and if you never evaluate it, everything will work fine. A good example of this is const: const 1 ⊥ evaluates to 1. This works for failed pattern matches as well:
const 1 (let Just x = Nothing in x) -- 1
You should read the section on denotational semantics in the Haskell WikiBook. It's a very approachable introduction to the subject, which I personally find very fascinating.
Denotational semantics
So, briefly denotational semantics, which is where ⊥ lives, is a mapping from Haskell values to some other space of values. You do this to give meaning to programs in a more formal manner than just talking about what programs should do—you say that they must respect their denotational semantics.
So for Haskell, you often think about how Haskell expressions denote mathematical values. You often see Strachey brackets ⟦·⟧ to denote the "semantic mapping" from Haskell to Math. Finally, we want our semantic brackets to be compatible with semantic operations. For instance
⟦x + y⟧ = ⟦x⟧ + ⟦y⟧
where on the left side + is the Haskell function (+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a and on the right side it's the binary operation in a commutative group. While is cool, because then we know that we can use the properties from the semantic map to know how our Haskell functions should work. To wit, let's write the commutative property "in Math"
⟦x⟧ + ⟦y⟧ == ⟦y⟧ + ⟦x⟧
= ⟦x + y⟧ == ⟦y + x⟧
= ⟦x + y == y + x⟧
where the third step also indicates that the Haskell (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> a ought to have the properties of a mathematical equivalence relationship.
Well, except...
Anyway, that's all well and good until we remember that computers are finite things and Maths don't much care about that (unless you're using intuitionistic logic, and then you get Coq). So, we have to take note of places where our semantics don't follow Math quite right. Here are three examples
⟦undefined⟧ = ??
⟦error "undefined"⟧ = ??
⟦let x = x in x⟧ = ??
This is where ⊥ comes into play. We just assert that so far as the denotational semantics of Haskell are concerned each of those examples might as well mean (the newly introduced Mathematical/semantic concept of) ⊥. What are the Mathematical properties of ⊥? Well, this is where we start to really dive into what the semantic domain is and start talking about monotonicity of functions and CPOs and the like. Essentially, though, ⊥ is a mathematical object which plays roughly the same game as non-termination does. To the point of view of the semantic model, ⊥ is toxic and it infects expressions with its toxic-nondeterminism.
But it's not a Haskell-the-language concept, just a Semantic-domain-of-the-language-Haskell thing. In Haskell we have undefined, error and infinite looping. This is important.
Extra-semantic behavior (side note)
So the semantics of ⟦undefined⟧ = ⟦error "undefined"⟧ = ⟦let x = x in x⟧ = ⊥ are clear once we understand the mathematical meanings of ⊥, but it's also clear that those each have different effects "in reality". This is sort of like "undefined behavior" of C... it's behavior that's undefined so far as the semantic domain is concerned. You might call it semantically unobservable.
So how does pattern matching return ⊥?
So what does it mean "semantically" to return ⊥? Well, ⊥ is a perfectly valid semantic value which has the infection property which models non-determinism (or asynchronous error throwing). From the semantic point of view it's a perfectly valid value which can be returned as is.
From the implementation point of view, you have a number of choices, each of which map to the same semantic value. undefined isn't quite right, nor is entering an infinite loop, so if you're going to pick a semantically undefined behavior you might as well pick one that's useful and throw an error
*** Exception: <interactive>:2:5-14: Non-exhaustive patterns in function cheers
Because Prolog uses chronological backtracking(from the Prolog Wikipedia page) even after an answer is found(in this example where there can only be one solution), would this justify Prolog as using eager evaluation?
mother_child(trude, sally).
father_child(tom, sally).
father_child(tom, erica).
father_child(mike, tom).
sibling(X, Y) :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y).
parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).
parent_child(X, Y) :- mother_child(X, Y).
With the following output:
?- sibling(sally, erica).
true ;
To summarize the discussion with #WillNess below, yes, Prolog is strict. However, Prolog's execution model and semantics are substantially different from the languages that are usually labelled strict or non-strict. For more about this, see below.
I'm not sure the question really applies to Prolog, because it doesn't really have the kind of implicit evaluation ordering that other languages have. Where this really comes into play in a language like Haskell, you might have an expression like:
f (g x) (h y)
In a strict language like ML, there is a defined evaluation order: g x will be evaluated, then h y, and f (g x) (h y) last. In a language like Haskell, g x and h y will only be evaluated as required ("non-strict" is more accurate than "lazy"). But in Prolog,
f(g(X), h(Y))
does not have the same meaning, because it isn't using a function notation. The query would be broken down into three parts, g(X, A), h(Y, B), and f(A,B,C), and those constituents can be placed in any order. The evaluation strategy is strict in the sense that what comes earlier in a sequence will be evaluated before what comes next, but it is non-strict in the sense that there is no requirement that variables be instantiated to ground terms before evaluation can proceed. Unification is perfectly content to complete without having given you values for every variable. I am bringing this up because you have to break down a complex, nested expression in another language into several expressions in Prolog.
Backtracking has nothing to do with it, as far as I can tell. I don't think backtracking to the nearest choice point and resuming from there precludes a non-strict evaluation method, it just happens that Prolog's is strict.
That Prolog pauses after giving each of the several correct answers to a problem has nothing to do with laziness; it is a part of its user interaction protocol. Each answer is calculated eagerly.
Sometimes there will be only one answer but Prolog doesn't know that in advance, so it waits for us to press ; to continue search, in hopes of finding another solution. Sometimes it is able to deduce it in advance and will just stop right away, but only sometimes.
Prolog does no evaluation on its own. All terms are unevaluated, as if "quoted" in Lisp.
Prolog will unfold your predicate definitions as written and is perfectly happy to keep your data structures full of unevaluated uninstantiated holes, if so entailed by your predicate definitions.
Haskell does not need any values, a user does, when requesting an output.
Similarly, Prolog produces solutions one-by-one, as per the user requests.
Prolog can even be seen to be lazier than Haskell where all arithmetic is strict, i.e. immediate, whereas in Prolog you have to explicitly request the arithmetic evaluation, with is/2.
So perhaps the question is ill-posed. Prolog's operations model is just too different. There are no "results" nor "functions", for one; but viewed from another angle, everything is a result, and predicates are "multi"-functions.
As it stands, the question is not correct in what it states. Chronological backtracking does not mean that Prolog will necessarily backtrack "in an example where there can be only one solution".
Consider this:
foo(a, 1).
foo(b, 2).
foo(c, 3).
?- foo(b, X).
X = 2.
?- foo(X, 2).
X = b.
So this is an example that does have only one solution and Prolog recognizes that, and does not attempt to backtrack. There are cases in which you can implement a solution to a problem in a way that Prolog will not recognize that there is only one logical solution, but this is due to the implementation and is not inherent to Prolog's execution model.
You should read up on Prolog's execution model. From the Wikipedia article which you seem to cite, "Operationally, Prolog's execution strategy can be thought of as a generalization of function calls in other languages, one difference being that multiple clause heads can match a given call. In that case, [emphasis mine] the system creates a choice-point, unifies the goal with the clause head of the first alternative, and continues with the goals of that first alternative." Read Sterling and Shapiro's "The Art of Prolog" for a far more complete discussion of the subject.
from Wikipedia I got
In eager evaluation, an expression is evaluated as soon as it is bound to a variable.
Then I think there are 2 levels - at user level (our predicates) Prolog is not eager.
But it is at 'system' level, because variables are implemented as efficiently as possible.
Indeed, attributed variables are implemented to be lazy, and are rather 'orthogonal' to 'logic' Prolog variables.
Intuitively, I would expect the "mathematical" answer to all (==1) [1,1..] to be True because all of the elements in a list that only contains 1s are equal to 1. However I understand that "computationally", the process of evaluating the infinite list in order to check that each element does in fact equal 1 will never terminate, therefore the expression instead "evaluates" to bottom or ⊥.
I find this result counter-intuitive and a little unnerving. I think the fact that the list is an infinite one confuses the issue both mathematically and computationally, and I would love to hear from anyone who has some insight and experience in this area
My question is, which is the most mathematically correct answer? ⊥ or True?
Some elaboration as to why one answer is more correct than the other would also be much appreciated.
edit: This might indirectly have something to do with the Curry-Howard isomorphism (Programs are proofs and types are theorems) and Gödel's incompleteness theorems. If I remember correctly, one of the incompleteness theorems can be (incredibly roughly) summarised as saying that "sufficiently powerful formal systems (like mathematics or a programming language) cannot prove all true statements that can be expressed in the system"
The value
all (==1) [1,1..]
is the least upper bound of the sequence
all (==1) (⊥)
all (==1) (1 : ⊥)
all (==1) (1 : 1 : ⊥)
and all terms of this sequence are ⊥, so the least upper bound is also ⊥. (All Haskell functions are continuous: preserve least upper bounds.)
This is using the denotational semantics for Haskell and doesn't depend (directly) on choosing any particular evaluation strategy.
In programming, we use not classical logic, but intuitionistic (constructive) logic. We can still interpret types as theorems, but we don’t care about the truth of these theorems; instead, we talk about whether they’re constructively provable. Even though all (== 1) [1, 1 ..] is true, we can’t prove it in Haskell, so we get ⊥ (here, an infinite loop).
In constructive logic, we don’t have the law of the excluded middle, nor double negation elimination as a result. The Haskell function type all (== 1) :: [Int] -> Bool doesn’t represent the theorem [Int] → Bool, which would be a total function; it represents the theorem [Int] → ¬¬Bool. If all can prove the theorem by producing a result, then that result will be of type Bool; otherwise, the result is bottom.
I don't know enough about computability to answer this properly, but I do draw comfort from the simplicity in the language design. In this case, I find it simple and elegant that all doesn't have to know anything about the input it's given. It's arguably easier for human to reason about the snippet that you have given.
Sure, now it would be good for the infinite list comprehension to somehow tell all that it's an infinite list of ones. But... that's what it says "by being of that value". Having a bit more generic metadata about the repeated sequence would be more successful for optimization purposes, but I think the simplicity would be reduced, and complexity introduced.
For example, a referentially transparent function with no free variables:
g op x y = x `op` y
A now now a function with the free (from the point-of-view of f) variables op and x:
x = 1
op = (+)
f y = x `op` y
f is also referentially transparent. But is it a pure function?
If it's not a pure function, what is the name for a function that is referentially transparent, but makes use of 1 or more variables bound in an enclosing scope?
Motivation for this question:
It's not clear to me from Wikipedia's article:
The result value need not depend on all (or any) of the argument values. However, it must depend on nothing other than the argument values.
(emphasis mine)
nor from Google searches whether a pure function can depend on free (in the sense of being bound in an enclosing scope, and not being bound in the scope of the function) variables.
Also, this book says:
If functions without free variables are pure, are closures impure?
The function function (y) { return x } is interesting. It contains a
free variable, x. A free variable is one that is not bound within
the function. Up to now, we’ve only seen one way to “bind” a variable,
namely by passing in an argument with the same name. Since the
function function (y) { return x } doesn’t have an argument named x,
the variable x isn’t bound in this function, which makes it “free.”
Now that we know that variables used in a function are either bound or
free, we can bifurcate functions into those with free variables and
those without:
Functions containing no free variables are called pure functions.
Functions containing one or more free variables are called closures.
So what is the definition of a "pure function"?
To the best of my understanding "purity" is defined at the level of semantics while "referentially transparent" can take meaning both syntactically and embedded in lambda calculus substitution rules. Defining either one also leads to a bit of a challenge in that we need to have a robust notion of equality of programs which can be challenging. Finally, it's important to note that the idea of a free variable is entirely syntactic—once you've gone to a value domain you can no longer have expressions with free variables—they must be bound else that's a syntax error.
But let's dive in and see if this becomes more clear.
Quinian Referential Transparency
We can define referential transparency very broadly as a property of a syntactic context. Per the original definition, this would be built from a sentence like
New York is an American city.
of which we've poked a hole
_ is an American city.
Such a holey-sentence, a "context", is said to be referentially transparent if, given two sentence fragments which both "refer" to the same thing, filling the context with either of those two does not change its meaning.
To be clear, two fragments with the same reference we can pick would be "New York" and "The Big Apple". Injecting those fragments we write
New York is an American city.
The Big Apple is an American city.
suggesting that
_ is an American city.
is referentially transparent. To demonstrate the quintessential counterexample, we might write
"The Big Apple" is an apple-themed epithet referring to New York.
and consider the context
"_" is an apple-themed epithet referring to New York.
and now when we inject the two referentially identical phrases we get one valid and one invalid sentence
"The Big Apple" is an apple-themed epithet referring to New York.
"New York" is an apple-themed epithet referring to New York.
In other words, quotations break referential transparency. We can see how this occurs by causing the sentence to refer to a syntactic construct instead of purely the meaning of that construct. This notion will return later.
Syntax v Semantics
There's something confusing going on in that this definition of referential transparency above applies directly to English sentences of which we build contexts by literally stripping words out. While we can do that in a programming language and consider whether such a context is referentially transparent, we also might recognize that this idea of "substitution" is critical to the very notion of a computer language.
So, let's be clear: there are two kinds of referential transparency we can consider over lambda calculus—the syntactic one and the semantic one. The syntactic one requires we define "contexts" as holes in the literal words written in a programming language. That lets us consider holes like
let x = 3 in _
and fill it in with things like "x". We'll leave the analysis of that replacement for later. At the semantic level we use lambda terms to denote contexts
\x -> x + 3 -- similar to the context "_ + 3"
and are restricted to filling in the hole not with syntax fragments but instead only valid semantic values, the action of that being performed by application
(\x -> x + 3) 5
5 + 3
So, when someone refers to referential transparency in Haskell it's important to figure out what kind of referential transparency they're referring to.
Which kind is being referred to in this question? Since it's about the notion of an expression containing a free variable, I'm going to suggest that it's syntactic. There are two major thrusts for my reasoning here. Firstly, in order to convert a syntax to a semantics requires that the syntax be valid. In the case of Haskell this means both syntactic validity and a successfully type check. However, we'll note that a program fragment like
x + 3
is actually a syntax error since x is simply unknown, unbound leaving us unable to consider the semantics of it as a Haskell program. Secondly, the very notion of a variable such as one that can be let-bound (and consider the difference between "variable" as it refers to a "slot" such as an IORef) is entirely a syntactic construct—there's no way to even talk about them from inside the semantics of a Haskell program.
So let's refine the question to be:
Can an expression containing free variables be (syntactically) referentially transparent?
and the answer is, uninterestingly, no. Referential transparency is a property of "contexts", not expressions. So let's explore the notion of free variables in contexts instead.
Free variable contexts
How can a context meaningfully have a free variable? It could be beside the hole
E1 ... x ... _ ... E2
and so long as we cannot insert something into that syntactic hole which "reaches over" and affects x syntactically then we're fine. So, for instance, if we fill that hole with something like
E1 ... x ... let x = 3 in E ... E2
then we haven't "captured" the x and thus can perhaps consider that syntactic hole to be referentially transparent. However, we're being nice to our syntax. Let's consider a more dangerous example
do x <- foo
let x = 3
return x
Now we see that the hole we've provided in some sense has dominion over the later phrase "return x". In fact, if we inject a fragment like "let x = 4" then it indeed changes the meaning of the whole. In that sense, the syntax here is no referentially transparent.
Another interesting interaction between referential transparency and free variables is the notion of an assigning context like
let x = 3 in _
where, from an outside perspective, both phrases "x" and "y" are reference the same thing, some named variable, but
let x = 3 in x ==/== let x = 3 in y
Progression from thorniness around equality and context
Now, hopefully the previous section explained a few ways for referential transparency to break under various kinds of syntactic contexts. It's worth asking harder questions about what kinds of contexts are valid and what kinds of expressions are equivalent. For instance, we might desugar our do notation in a previous example and end up noticing that we weren't working with a genuine context, but instead sort of a higher-order context
foo >>= \x -> (let x = 3 in ____(return x)_____)
Is this a valid notion of context? It depends a lot on what kind of meaning we're giving the program. The notion of desugaring the syntax already implies that the syntax must be well-defined enough to allow for such desugaring.
As a general rule, we must be very careful with defining both contexts and notions of equality. Further, the more meaning we demand the fragments of our language to take on the greater the ways they can be equal and the fewer the valid contexts we can build.
Ultimately, this leads us all the way to what I called "semantic referential transparency" earlier where we can only substitute proper values into a proper, closed lambda expression and we take the resulting equality to be "equality as programs".
What this ends up meaning is that as we impute more and more meaning on our language, as we begin to accept fewer and fewer things as valid, we get stronger and stronger guarantees about referential transparency.
And so this finally leads to the notion of a pure function. My understanding here is (even) less complete, but it's worth noting that purity, as a concept, does not much exist until we've moved to a very rich semantic space—that of Haskell semantics as a category over lifted Complete Partial Orders.
If that doesn't make much sense, then just imagine purity is a concept that only exists when talking about Haskell values as functions and equality of programs. In particular, we examine the collection of Haskell functions
trivial :: a -> ()
trivial x = x `seq` ()
where we have a trivial function for every choice of a. We'll notate the specific choice using an underscore
trivial_Int :: Int -> ()
trivial_Int x = x `seq` ()
Now we can define a (very strictly) pure function to be a function f :: a -> b such that
trivial_b . f = trivial_a
In other words, if we throw out the result of computing our function, the b, then we may as well have never computed it in the first place.
Again, there's no notion of purity without having Haskell values and no notion of Haskell values when your expressions contain free variables (since it's a syntax error).
So what's the answer?
Ultimately, the answer is that you can't talk about purity around free variables and you can break referential transparency in lots of ways whenever you are talking about syntax. At some point as you convert your syntactic representation to its semantic denotation you must forget the notion and names of free variables in order to have them represent the reduction semantics of lambda terms and by this point we've begun to have referential transparency.
Finally, purity is something even more stringent than referential transparency having to do with even the reduction characteristics of your (referentially transparent) lambda terms.
By the definition of purity given above, most of Haskell isn't pure itself as Haskell may represent non-termination. Many feel that this is a better definition of purity, however, as non-termination can be considered a side effect of computation instead of a meaningful resultant value.
The Wikipedia definition is incomplete, insofar a pure function may use constants to compute its answer.
When we look at
increment n = 1+n
this is obvious. Perhaps it was not mentioned because it is that obvious.
Now the trick in Haskell is that not only top level values and functions are constants, but inside a closure also the variables(!) closed over:
add x = (\y -> x+y)
Here x stands for the value we applied add to - we call it variable not because it could change within the right hand side of add, but because it can be different each time we apply add. And yet, from the point of view of the lambda, x is a constant.
It follows that free variables always name constant values at the point where they are used and hence do not impact purity.
Short answer is YES f is pure
In Haskell map is defined with foldr. Would you agree that map is functional? If so did it matter that it had global function foldr that wasn't supplied to map as an argument?
In map foldr is a free variable. It's not doubt about it. It makes no difference that it's a function or something that evaluates to a value. It's the same.
Free variables, like the functions foldl and +, are essential for functional languages to exist. Without it you wouldn't have abstraction and the languages would be worse off than the Fortran.
I often read that lazy is not the same as non-strict but I find it hard to understand the difference. They seem to be used interchangeably but I understand that they have different meanings. I would appreciate some help understanding the difference.
I have a few questions which are scattered about this post. I will summarize those questions at the end of this post. I have a few example snippets, I did not test them, I only presented them as concepts. I have added quotes to save you from looking them up. Maybe it will help someone later on with the same question.
Non-Strict Def:
A function f is said to be strict if, when applied to a nonterminating
expression, it also fails to terminate. In other words, f is strict
iff the value of f bot is |. For most programming languages, all
functions are strict. But this is not so in Haskell. As a simple
example, consider const1, the constant 1 function, defined by:
const1 x = 1
The value of const1 bot in Haskell is 1. Operationally speaking, since
const1 does not "need" the value of its argument, it never attempts to
evaluate it, and thus never gets caught in a nonterminating
computation. For this reason, non-strict functions are also called
"lazy functions", and are said to evaluate their arguments "lazily",
or "by need".
-A Gentle Introduction To Haskell: Functions
I really like this definition. It seems the best one I could find for understanding strict. Is const1 x = 1 lazy as well?
Non-strictness means that reduction (the mathematical term for
evaluation) proceeds from the outside in,
so if you have (a+(bc)) then first you reduce the +, then you reduce
the inner (bc).
-Haskell Wiki: Lazy vs non-strict
The Haskell Wiki really confuses me. I understand what they are saying about order but I fail to see how (a+(b*c)) would evaluate non-strictly if it was pass _|_?
In non-strict evaluation, arguments to a function are not evaluated
unless they are actually used in the evaluation of the function body.
Under Church encoding, lazy evaluation of operators maps to non-strict
evaluation of functions; for this reason, non-strict evaluation is
often referred to as "lazy". Boolean expressions in many languages use
a form of non-strict evaluation called short-circuit evaluation, where
evaluation returns as soon as it can be determined that an unambiguous
Boolean will result — for example, in a disjunctive expression where
true is encountered, or in a conjunctive expression where false is
encountered, and so forth. Conditional expressions also usually use
lazy evaluation, where evaluation returns as soon as an unambiguous
branch will result.
-Wikipedia: Evaluation Strategy
Lazy Def:
Lazy evaluation, on the other hand, means only evaluating an
expression when its results are needed (note the shift from
"reduction" to "evaluation"). So when the evaluation engine sees an
expression it builds a thunk data structure containing whatever values
are needed to evaluate the expression, plus a pointer to the
expression itself. When the result is actually needed the evaluation
engine calls the expression and then replaces the thunk with the
result for future reference.
Obviously there is a strong correspondence between a thunk and a
partly-evaluated expression. Hence in most cases the terms "lazy" and
"non-strict" are synonyms. But not quite.
-Haskell Wiki: Lazy vs non-strict
This seems like a Haskell specific answer. I take that lazy means thunks and non-strict means partial evaluation. Is that comparison too simplified? Does lazy always mean thunks and non-strict always mean partial evaluation.
In programming language theory, lazy evaluation or call-by-need1 is
an evaluation strategy which delays the evaluation of an expression
until its value is actually required (non-strict evaluation) and also
avoid repeated evaluations (sharing).
-Wikipedia: Lazy Evaluation
Imperative Examples
I know most people say forget imperative programming when learning a functional language. However, I would like to know if these qualify as non-strict, lazy, both or neither? At the very least it would provide something familiar.
Short Circuiting
f1() || f2()
C#, Python and other languages with "yield"
public static IEnumerable Power(int number, int exponent)
int counter = 0;
int result = 1;
while (counter++ < exponent)
result = result * number;
yield return result;
-MSDN: yield (c#)
int f1() { return 1;}
int f2() { return 2;}
int lazy(int (*cb1)(), int (*cb2)() , int x) {
if (x == 0)
return cb1();
return cb2();
int eager(int e1, int e2, int x) {
if (x == 0)
return e1;
return e2;
lazy(f1, f2, x);
eager(f1(), f2(), x);
I know the answer is right in front of me with all those resources, but I can't grasp it. It all seems like the definition is too easily dismissed as implied or obvious.
I know I have a lot of questions. Feel free to answer whatever questions you feel are relevant. I added those questions for discussion.
Is const1 x = 1 also lazy?
How is evaluating from "inward" non-strict? Is it because inward allows reductions of unnecessary expressions, like in const1 x = 1? Reductions seem to fit the definition of lazy.
Does lazy always mean thunks and non-strict always mean partial evaluation? Is this just a generalization?
Are the following imperative concepts Lazy, Non-Strict, Both or Neither?
Short Circuiting
Using yield
Passing Callbacks to delay or avoid execution
Is lazy a subset of non-strict or vice versa, or are they mutually exclusive. For example is it possible to be non-strict without being lazy, or lazy without being non-strict?
Is Haskell's non-strictness achieved by laziness?
Thank you SO!
Non-strict and lazy, while informally interchangeable, apply to different domains of discussion.
Non-strict refers to semantics: the mathematical meaning of an expression. The world to which non-strict applies has no concept of the running time of a function, memory consumption, or even a computer. It simply talks about what kinds of values in the domain map to which kinds of values in the codomain. In particular, a strict function must map the value ⊥ ("bottom" -- see the semantics link above for more about this) to ⊥; a non strict function is allowed not to do this.
Lazy refers to operational behavior: the way code is executed on a real computer. Most programmers think of programs operationally, so this is probably what you are thinking. Lazy evaluation refers to implementation using thunks -- pointers to code which are replaced with a value the first time they are executed. Notice the non-semantic words here: "pointer", "first time", "executed".
Lazy evaluation gives rise to non-strict semantics, which is why the concepts seem so close together. But as FUZxxl points out, laziness is not the only way to implement non-strict semantics.
If you are interested in learning more about this distinction, I highly recommend the link above. Reading it was a turning point in my conception of the meaning of computer programs.
An example for an evaluation model, that is neither strict nor lazy: optimistic evaluation, which gives some speedup as it can avoid a lot of "easy" thunks:
Optimistic evaluation means that even if a subexpression may not be needed to evaluate the superexpression, we still evaluate some of it using some heuristics. If the subexpression doesn't terminate quickly enough, we suspend its evaluation until it's really needed. This gives us an advantage over lazy evaluation if the subexpression is needed later, as we don't need to generate a thunk. On the other hand, we don't lose too much if the expression doesn't terminate, as we can abort it quickly enough.
As you can see, this evaluation model is not strict: If something that yields _|_ is evaluated, but not needed, the function will still terminate, as the engine aborts the evaluation. On the other hand, it may be possible that more expressions than needed are evaluated, so it's not completely lazy.
Yes, there is some unclear use of terminology here, but the terms coincide in most cases regardless, so it's not too much of a problem.
One major difference is when terms are evaluated. There are multiple strategies for this, ranging on a spectrum from "as soon as possible" to "only at the last moment". The term eager evaluation is sometimes used for strategies leaning toward the former, while lazy evaluation properly refers to a family of strategies leaning heavily toward the latter. The distinction between "lazy evaluation" and related strategies tend to involve when and where the result of evaluating something is retained, vs. being tossed aside. The familiar memoization technique in Haskell of assigning a name to a data structure and indexing into it is based on this. In contrast, a language that simply spliced expressions into each other (as in "call-by-name" evaluation) might not support this.
The other difference is which terms are evaluated, ranging from "absolutely everything" to "as little as possible". Since any value actually used to compute the final result can't be ignored, the difference here is how many superfluous terms are evaluated. As well as reducing the amount of work the program has to do, ignoring unused terms means that any errors they would have generated won't occur. When a distinction is being drawn, strictness refers to the property of evaluating everything under consideration (in the case of a strict function, for instance, this means the terms it's applied to. It doesn't necessarily mean sub-expressions inside the arguments), while non-strict means evaluating only some things (either by delaying evaluation, or by discarding terms entirely).
It should be easy to see how these interact in complicated ways; decisions are not at all orthogonal, as the extremes tend to be incompatible. For instance:
Very non-strict evaluation precludes some amount of eagerness; if you don't know whether a term will be needed, you can't evaluate it yet.
Very strict evaluation makes non-eagerness somewhat irrelevant; if you're evaluating everything, the decision of when to do so is less significant.
Alternate definitions do exist, though. For instance, at least in Haskell, a "strict function" is often defined as one that forces its arguments sufficiently that the function will evaluate to _|_ ("bottom") whenever any argument does; note that by this definition, id is strict (in a trivial sense), because forcing the result of id x will have exactly the same behavior as forcing x alone.
This started out as an update but it started to get long.
Laziness / Call-by-need is a memoized version of call-by-name where, if the function argument is evaluated, that value is stored for subsequent uses. In a "pure" (effect-free) setting, this produces the same results as call-by-name; when the function argument is used two or more times, call-by-need is almost always faster.
Imperative Example - Apparently this is possible. There is an interesting article on Lazy Imperative Languages. It says there are two methods. One requires closures the second uses graph reductions. Since C does not support closures you would need to explicitly pass an argument to your iterator. You could wrap a map structure and if the value does not exist calculate it otherwise return value.
Note: Haskell implements this by "pointers to code which are replaced with a value the first time they are executed" - luqui.
This is non-strict call-by-name but with sharing/memorization of the results.
Call-By-Name - In call-by-name evaluation, the arguments to a function are not evaluated before the function is called — rather, they are substituted directly into the function body (using capture-avoiding substitution) and then left to be evaluated whenever they appear in the function. If an argument is not used in the function body, the argument is never evaluated; if it is used several times, it is re-evaluated each time it appears.
Imperative Example: callbacks
Note: This is non-strict as it avoids evaluation if not used.
Non-Strict = In non-strict evaluation, arguments to a function are not evaluated unless they are actually used in the evaluation of the function body.
Imperative Example: short-circuiting
Note: _|_ appears to be a way to test if a function is non-strict
So a function can be non-strict but not lazy. A function that is lazy is always non-strict.
Call-By-Need is partly defined by Call-By-Name which is partly defined by Non-Strict
An Excerpt from "Lazy Imperative Languages"
the distinction between "non-strict semantics" and "lazy evaluation".
Non-strictsemantics are those which specify that an expression is not
evaluated until it is needed by a primitiveoperation. There may be
various types of non-strict semantics. For instance, non-strict
procedure calls donot evaluate the arguments until their values are
required. Data constructors may have non-strictsemantics, in which
compound data are assembled out of unevaluated pieces Lazy evaluation,
also called delayed evaluation, is the technique normally used to
implement non-strictsemantics. In section 4, the two methods commonly
used to implement lazy evaluation are very brieflysummarized.
general name used for procedure calls with strict semantics. In call
by valuelanguages, each argument to a procedure call is evaluated
before the procedure call is made; the value isthen passed to the
procedure or enclosing expression. Another name for call by value is
"eager" evaluation.Call by value is also known as "applicative order"
evaluation, because all arguments are evaluated beforethe function is
applied to them."Call by lazy" (using William Clinger's terminology in
[8]) is the name given to procedure calls which usenon-strict
semantics. In languages with call by lazy procedure calls, the
arguments are not evaluatedbefore being substituted into the procedure
body. Call by lazy evaluation is also known as "normal
order"evaluation, because of the order (outermost to innermost, left
to right) of evaluation of an expression."Call by name" is a
particular implementation of call by lazy, used in Algol-60 [18]. The
designers ofAlgol-60 intended that call-by-name parameters be
physically substituted into the procedure body, enclosedby parentheses
and with suitable name changes to avoid conflicts, before the body was
CALL BY LAZY VS. CALL BY NEED Call by need is an
extension of call by lazy, prompted by the observation that a lazy
evaluation could beoptimized by remembering the value of a given
delayed expression, once forced, so that the value need notbe
recalculated if it is needed again. Call by need evaluation,
therefore, extends call by lazy methods byusing memoization to avoid
the need for repeated evaluation. Friedman and Wise were among the
earliestadvocates of call by need evaluation, proposing "suicidal
suspensions" which self-destructed when theywere first evaluated,
replacing themselves with their values.
The way I understand it, "non-strict" means trying to reduce workload by reaching completion in a lower amount of work.
Whereas "lazy evaluation" and similar try to reduce overall workload by avoiding full completion (hopefully forever).
from your examples...
f1() || f2()
...short circuiting from this expression would not possibly result in triggering 'future work', and there's neither a speculative/amortized factor to the reasoning, nor any computational complexity debt accruing.
Whereas in the C# example, "lazy" conserves a function call in the overall view, but in exchange, comes with those above sorts of difficulty (at least from point of call until possible full completion... in this code that's a negligible-distance pathway, but imagine those functions had some high-contention locks to put up with).
int f1() { return 1;}
int f2() { return 2;}
int lazy(int (*cb1)(), int (*cb2)() , int x) {
if (x == 0)
return cb1();
return cb2();
int eager(int e1, int e2, int x) {
if (x == 0)
return e1;
return e2;
lazy(f1, f2, x);
eager(f1(), f2(), x);
If we're talking general computer science jargon, then "lazy" and "non-strict" are generally synonyms -- they stand for the same overall idea, which expresses itself in different ways for different situations.
However, in a given particular specialized context, they may have acquired differing technical meanings. I don't think you can say anything accurate and universal about what the difference between "lazy" and "non-strict" is likely to be in the situation where there is a difference to make.
I'm wondering why Haskell doesn't have a single element tuple. Is it just because nobody needed it so far, or any rational reasons? I found an interesting thread in a comment at the Real World Haskell's website http://book.realworldhaskell.org/read/types-and-functions.html#funcstypes.composite, and people guessed various reasons like:
No good syntax sugar.
It is useless.
You can think that a normal value like (1) is actually a single element tuple.
But does anyone know the reason except a guess?
There's a lib for that!
Actually, we have a OneTuple we use all the time. It's called Identity, and is now used as the base of standard pure monads in the new mtl:
And it has an important use! By virtue of providing a type constructor of kind * -> *, it can be made an instance (a trival one, granted, though not the most trivial) of Monad, Functor, etc., which lets us use it as a base for transformer stacks.
The exact reason is because it's totally unnecessary. Why would you need a one-tuple if you can just have its value?
The syntax also tends to be a bit clunky. In Python, you can have one-tuples, but you need a trailing comma to distinguish it from a parenthesized expression:
onetuple = (3,)
All in all, there's no reason for it. I'm sure there's no "official" reason because the designers of Haskell probably never even considered a single element tuple because it has no use.
I don't know if you were looking for some reasons beyond the obvious, but in this case the obvious answer is the right one.
My answer is not exactly about Haskell semantics, but about the theoretical mathematical elegance of making a value the same as its one-tuple. (So this answer should not be taken as an explanation of the standard behavior expected of a Haskell implementation, because it isn't intended as such.)
In programming languages and computation models where all functions are curried, such as lambda-calculus and combinatory logic, every function has exactly one input argument and one output/return value. No more, no less.
When we want a particular function f to have more than one input argument – say 3 –, we simulate it under this curried regime by creating a 1-argument function that returns a 2-argument function. Thus, f x y z = ((f x) y) z, and f x would return a 2-argument function.
Likewise, sometimes we might want to return more than one value from a function. It is not literally possible under this semantics, but we can simulate it by returning a tuple. We can generalize this.
If, for uniformity, we constrain the only return value of any function to be an (n-)tuple, we are able to harmonize some interesting features of the unit value and of supposedly non-tuple return values with the features of tuples in general, as follows.
Let's adopt as the general syntax of n-tuples the following schema, where ci is the component with the index i:
Notice that n-tuples have delimiting parentheses in this syntax.
Under this schema, how would we represent a 0-tuple? Since it has no components, this degenerate case would be represented like this: ( ). This syntax precisely coincides with the syntax we adopt to represent the unit value. So, we are tempted to make the unit value the same as a 0-tuple.
What about a 1-tuple? It would have this representation: . Here a syntactical ambiguity would immediately arise: parentheses would be used in the language both as 1-tuple delimiters and as mere grouping of values or expressions. So, in a context where (v) appears, a compiler or interpreter would be unsure whether this is a 1-tuple with a component whose value is v, or just an isolated value v inside superfluous parentheses.
A way to solve this ambiguity is to force a value to be the same as the 1-tuple that would have it as its only component. Not much would be sacrificed, since the only non-empty projection we can perform on a 1-tuple is to obtain its only value.
For this to be consistently enforced, the syntactical consequence is that we would have to relax a bit our former requirement that delimiting parentheses are mandatory for all n-tuples: now they would be optional for 1-tuples, and mandatory for all other values of n. (Or we could require all values to be delimited by parentheses, but this would be inconvenient for practical use.)
In summary, under the interpretation that a 1-tuple is the same as its only component value, we could, by making syntactic puns with parentheses, consider all return values of functions in our programming language or computing model as n-tuples: the 0-tuple in the case of the unit type, 1-tuples in the case of ordinary/"atomic" values which we usually don't think of as tuples, and pairs/triples/quadruples/... for other kinds of tuples. This heterodox interpretation is mathematically parsimonious and uniform, is expressive enough to simulate functions with multiple input arguments and multiple return values, and is not incompatible with Haskell (in the sense that no harm is done if the programmer assumes this unofficial interpretation).
This was an argument by syntactic puns. Whether you are satisfied or not with it, we can do even better. A more principled argument can be taken from the mathematical theory of relations, by exploring the Cartesian product operation.
An (n-adic) relation is extensionally defined as a uniform set of (n-)tuples. (This characterization is fundamental to relational database theory and is therefore important knowledge for professional computer programmers.)
A dyadic relation – a set of pairs (2-tuples) – is a subset of the Cartesian product of 2 sets:
. For a homogeneous relation: .
A triadic relation – a set of triples (3-tuples) – is a subset of the Cartesian product of 3 sets:
. For a homogeneous relation: .
A monadic relation – a set of monuples (1-tuples) – is a subset of the Cartesian product of 1 set:
(by the usual mathematical convention).
As we can see, a monadic relation is just a set of atomic values! This means that a set of 1-tuples is a set of atomic values. Therefore, it is convenient to consider that 1-tuples and atomic values are the same thing.