<meta name="autosize" content="off" /> - What does it do? - meta-tags

I found this meta tag on a website, and I can't figure out exactly what it does. Can't find anything in Google either.
<meta name="autosize" content="off" />
Autosize? Which autosize (mobile?) and why would I want it to be off?

It seems to be a remnant of IE6. I instituted it in my own pages years ago with a number of other anti-IE6 tags. Recently found that HTML5 won't validate it. Can't remember what it was for, but found the following comment (original spelling mistake, not mine) in an example I found by Googling:
Kill Propietary Image Auto-resize in XP/IE6
There's something in the wikipedia entry about IE6 that seems to fit. I'm going to pull it, and suggest that it would be safe for anyone else to do likewise.


How to detect the current browser

Question: Is there a easy way to detect the browser of the user ?
Details: I would like to change for example the value of background-color of body. I've already see something like <!--[if !IE]>.
Okay, I agree, browser detect is bad (Link taken from #TylerH), and should not be used. Thank I take note. And If someone really still want to use them, I've found a good website with a list of browser detection hack.
I think there is no way to do it with HTML or CSS (I don't like hacks).
But you could check the user agent string with JS.
See here: How to make CSS visible only for Opera

MODx Relative Links Broken

I was having a lot of trouble getting relative links working in MODx. As soon as I made a container and put some pages one level above the root, nothing was linking correctly. Lots of missing images and broken links.
NOTE: This fix apparently will break all links linking to content identifiers.
I fixed it by putting the following at the top of the web template:
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
You have to use that. If you hardcode it, it will screw up depending on which protocol you use, http or https.
StingyB's answer is correct. This tag should be in the head section of all MODX templates:
`<base href="[[++site_url]]" />`
Note that if you have multiple front-end contexts, the placeholder should be uncached:
`<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />`
Also, it must be a short tag. This will not work:
`<base href="[[!++site_url]]"></base>`
I'm not sure where comment about "breaking all links linking to content identifiers" is coming from. These tags are standard in all MODX installs.

Embedded Google Earth Plug-Ins no longer working

I really hope someone can help me. I just noticed that none of my website's Google Earth embedded plug-in's work anymore (in Safari, Chrome or Firefox)  All you can see now is blank space and small text that says "Information is temporarily unavailable."
I have no idea why they would no longer be working.  Nothing has changed whatsoever.
Example here: http://www.grandcanyonvirtualtour.com/_tours/phantom_ranch.html
Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!
Please note, I am not a coder -- I am a photographer who is learning how to integrate photographs into maps, so I apologize if any questions are elementary.
I am on a MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i7; OS 10.7.4
According to the generated code here, your embedded Google Earth gadget should be in a script element, e.g.:
<script src="//www.gmodules.com/ig/ifr?url=http://dl.google.com/developers/maps/embedkmlgadget.xml&up_kml_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.grandcanyonvirtualtour.com%2F_kml%2Fgrand_canyon_fly_thru_tour.kmz&up_view_mode=earth&up_earth_2d_fallback=0&up_earth_fly_from_space=1&up_earth_show_nav_controls=1&up_earth_show_buildings=1&up_earth_show_terrain=1&up_earth_show_roads=1&up_earth_show_borders=1&up_earth_sphere=earth&up_maps_zoom_out=0&up_maps_default_type=map&synd=open&w=500&h=400&title=Embedded+KML+Viewer&border=%23ffffff%7C3px%2C1px+solid+%23999999&output=js"></script>
However, looking at the website you've linked to, the gadget URL is inside an iframe, e.g.:
<iframe src="http://www.gmodules.com/..."
Maybe this is your problem?

disabling chrome translation for javascript

I am writing a Google Chrome extension. The targeted pages are written in Russian. Chrome translates to English. I can see some inconsistencies appear that seem to be linked to translation. For example, in the following code I check to see if I am in a particular folder:
if (searchResult[0].innerHTML.indexOf("Общая папка")!=-1) alert("You are in Shared Folder."); else (alert(searchResult[0].innerHTML));
If I reload the exact same page several times, the result is inconsistent. Sometimes it detects "Общая папка" but other times it does not. When it does not detect this phrase, the alert says I am in "Shared Folder" which is the translation for ""Общая папка." There appears to be no consistency here. Sometimes I am dealing with the original text (which is preferred) but sometimes I am dealing with crappy translations that are useless for my script because the translations change all the time.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Turning it off would probably fix it but actually the translations are useful and necessary for other aspects of the extension. I understand that the translation works with some secondary layer of the HTML (I have not researched this very well). Can I simply refer to the original in my script?
According to this answer, you can disable translation by placing the following element in the head portion of your web page:
Insert this to the head section of your web page.
<meta name="google" value="notranslate">
If you needed to programmatically disable translation, you could add that tag through JavaScript.
Not sure about disabling it, but looks like after a translation Chrome adds class="translated-ltr" to <html> element, so maybe you at least can detect when the page was translated and either warn a user that the extension might not work properly on this page or just disable it.

Preferred way to use favicons?

I was trying to add a favicon to a website earlier and looked for a better way to implement this than to dump a favicon.ico file in the root of the website.
I found this nice little guide: How to Add a Favicon. However, the preferred method did not work in IE (7) and the second method is the old fashioned way (which I resigned myself to use).
Is there a third method that works across all the most popular browsers?
This is what I always use:
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />
The second one is for IE. The first one is for other browsers.
You can use HTML to specify the favicon, but that will only work on pages that have this HTML. A better way to do this is by adding the following to your httpd.conf (Apache):
AddType image/x-icon .ico
I think the most reliable method is the simply added the favicon.ico file to the root of your website.
I don't think there is any need for a meta tag unless you want to manually override the default favicon, but I was unable to find any research to support my argument.
This is how they're doing it right here on Stack Overflow:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />
Well, the file is in the root so it does not show whether the tag works or if the browser just got the icon from the usual location (the root).
Edit: I'll try it and see if it works.
Edit 2: Using both tags make it work even for any file name as long as the file is an icon for IE7: I tried using .png files and it only worked with Firefox.
There are a million different ways these icons are used (different browsers, different platforms, mobile site-pinning, smart TVs, etc, etc), so there's really no longer a simple answer. For a great explanation see this S.O. answer, but the short answer is:
Use this site which lets you upload a png/jpg and then does all the hard work for you: https://realfavicongenerator.net/
