Which area of the screen user look at the most? - user-experience

Is there a graph or chart or something that indicates which area of the screen attracts user attention first and the most?

Here is some research regarding how people read web pages:


How to change height and width of page layout in google sites

When I create a site there's a lot of white space around a section. That's the only section and I'd like to have very little margin.
Is ti possible to change the margin / padding?
It helps to distinguish between classic and new Google Sites when asking questions, as the answer is not always the same for each.
Assuming you mean new Google Sites then as far as your question is concerned, the answer is no.
New Google Sites is pretty good at automatically configuring the output for different sizes, and orientation, of screens to support monitors, tablets, and phones. The trade off for that is that you loose some control over how the content is displayed; including margins and padding.
You can embed your own HTML, and have far more control of what happens with that section of display. But not outside of it.

How to use/get Apple Watch Full Screen mode

I don't want to hide time, but want to use full screen
In the storyboard on the interface controller settings I set the checkbox "Full Screen" and "Fixed to screen edges" to ON.
In the storyboard I can see the full screen mode is working and the WKInterfaceGroup is scaled to the entire display.
But unfortunately on the watch device/simulator it does not work.
The group has alignment center/center OR center/top and width and height are set to "Relative to Container"
How can I really use the full screen mode?.
I just have to add a label equal to Time in top black space. I want to show some text here. I have seen this in some other apps, They are using this space. Even in Apple design guide lines docs, they use this space. I am adding these reference screenshots also.
In above pictures, you can see they used this top space for titles. I also want to add a label to show some text equal to time.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a really weird bug. After digging around I've found a way to fill the whole screen. It's not pretty but I'm consistently getting full screen if i'm adding a sprite kit scene into a "main group". Again; it's not an elegant fix but it works and isn't really that resource intensive. Hope this works for you too!

A hologram is offset in a screenshot

I use Vuforia to recognize a tag and put a hologram above it. I want to take a screenshot with that. But the hologram is displayed in the wrong place on the screenshot, although I see it in the right place through HoloLens.
What is the reason? How can I correct it?
This happens because the camera is not in the center of the HoloLens but, rather it is over the right eye. Therefore any pictures you take with the HoloLens will be slightly offset.
If you are using Mixed Reality Capture (MRC), for good alignment you have to make sure that the focus plane is set at the hologram depth as discussed in the link above. Here is some information on how to set it in Unity https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/develop/unity/focus-point-in-unity

How to display a pe:timeline in a vertical position

Please refer the link. In the link timeline is displayed in a horizontal way. Is there any possibility to display it vertically?
Sorry, no this is not possible.
See also http://forum.primefaces.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=17418
Make google your friend

DoubleClick for Publishers - support multiple screen sizes

I'm showing banner at left in my web page.
According to screen size 160x600 or 300x600 have to be used.
I can determine screen size and set proper code, but I think this isn't correct way.
Does somebody know how to leave to DoubleClick to decide which one ad fits better in page?
Unfortunately DoubleClick documentation is from ancient times :)
Solution: Do not put baner size in web page. Set it dynamicaly in javascript code provided from Doubleclick.
