I'm taking my first steps into the wonderful world of Haskell. As an exercise, I would like to implement a method which finds the maximum element of a list and its index. Let's call this function "maxi". Calling maxi on a list should return the following result:
ghci> maxi [1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]
(4, 2)
4 is the largest int in this list, and it is located at index 2.
I have attempted to implement this function as follows:
maxim :: (Ord a) => [a] -> (a, Int)
maxim l =
let pmaxim :: (Ord a) => [a] -> Int -> (a, Int) -- Internal function to do the work
pmaxim [] _ = error "Empty list" -- List is empty, error
pmaxim [x] xi = (x, xi) -- List has one item, return it and the index
pmaxim (x:xs) xi -- More than one item, break list apart
| x > t = (x, xi) -- If current item is bigger, return it and its index
| otherwise = (t, ti) -- If list tail has a bigger item, return that
where (t, ti) = pmaxim xs (ti + 1) -- Get max of tail of the list
in pmaxim l 0 -- Call internal function with start index
When I call this, I get something really weird: ghci seems to hang after returning the max element's value.
ghci> maxi [1, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3]
I will venture a guess that this has something to do with Haskell's lazy evaluation nature, but I'm finding it difficult to figure out what is actually going on here, and how to fix it. I would also be really grateful for any tips anyone might have about how to debug in Haskell. Is there an easy way to print out values during execution without effecting behavior?
I just wanted to point out that I am aware that there are several better ways to get this behavior using built-in Haskell functions. I am implementing this from scratch to try and learn Haskell.
Thank you
It's because of a slight bug in your code. You have:
where (t, ti) = pmaxim xs (ti + 1)
... but it should actually be:
where (t, ti) = pmaxim xs (xi + 1)
This fixes your code, which now produces the correct solution:
>>> maxim [1, 2, 3, 2, 1]
(3, 2)
Your code hanged because your computation for ti results in an endless loop since you accidentally defined it in terms of itself. Note that ghc is a sufficiently smart compiler and figures out that t does not depend on the value of ti, which is why your version could still successfully compute the maximum value even if it cannot compute the index.
The standard way to debug pure computations is the Debug.Trace module.
As a side note, there is a much simpler solution:
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
maxi xs = maximumBy (comparing fst) (zip xs [0..])
Edit: Oops, I didn't see that you were deliberately implementing it from scratch, but I'll still leave that there.
I see you already got your question answered. I managed to do it without recursion, using lambda functions.
maxim xs = foldr (\ (x,y) acc -> if (x == maximum xs) then (x,y) else acc) (0,head xs) (zip xs [0..])
Reading the book Get Programming with Haskell, one of the questions was to find if a given element is in the first half of a list. This can be done as
isInFirstHalf x xs = elem x firstHalf
where firstHalf = take (length xs `div` 2) xs
However, the problem is that here length traverses the whole list. In an imperative language, one can shortcircut the loop early by keeping track of the element index and the current counter. E.g. if the list has a million elements, and there was a match on the third element, once you finish looping through the sixth element, you can immediately return true.
My question is if there's a way to implement something like this in Haskell.
halfAsLong (x:_:xs) = x:halfAsLong xs
halfAsLong _ = []
isInFirstHalf x xs = elem x (zipWith const xs (halfAsLong xs))
Try it out:
> isInFirstHalf 3 (1:2:3:4:5:6:undefined)
Exercises for the reader:
Where did the element index and current counter of your proposed imperative solution go? (They are still in there, just hidden in a way I think is a bit subtle!)
This rounds down when dividing odd lengths in half, like length xs `div` 2 does. How would the code have to change to round up, like (length xs + 1) `div` 2 does?
Daniel Wagner posted a very nice answer that shows that you don't really need indices, after all.
Still, if you do want to use indices, a solution can be crafted as follows.
We enumerate all the list elements by pairing them with their indices. This is done by using zip [0..] xs (or zip [1..] xs if you want to start counting at 1).
We find whether your x is in the list, and find its index i if it's present. One could proceed by direct recursion, or use something like dropWhile ((/= x) . fst) ... and then test the result.
Once we know i, we need to check whether there are at least i elements after that. This can be solved by direct recursion, or by dropping i-1 elements and testing whether the result is a non empty list.
There are other alternatives, of course. We could for instance skip enumerating elements with zip [0..] and use recursion by keeping track of the current index: foo n x (y:ys) = ... foo (n+1) x ys ....
Here’s another way to think of the task. An element x appears in the first half of a list xs, excluding the midpoint, if there are strictly fewer elements before the first occurrence of the element than after it.
We can write break (== x) xs using the standard function break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) to split xs into two parts: those appearing before x (or all of xs, if x is not found), and the remainder (including x, if it is found).
> break (== 0) []
([], [])
> break (== 0) [0, 1]
([], [0, 1])
> break (== 0) [1, 0]
([1], [0])
> break (== 0) [1, 2, 0, 3, 4]
([1, 2], [0, 3, 4])
> break (== 0) [1, 2, 3, 4]
([1, 2, 3, 4], [])
We then want to compare the lengths of these two parts without calculating the actual lengths strictly as Int. To do so, we can compute the shape of each part by ignoring all its elements, using shape = map (const ()), a.k.a. void :: (Functor f) => f a -> f () specialised to lists.
shape :: [a] -> [()]
shape = void
The Ord instance for lists sorts them lexicographically, and all values of type () are equal—okay, the only value of type ()—so a comparison of shapes [()] is a comparison of the lengths of the lists, which is also lazy enough for our purposes. (For maximal laziness, shape could be defined as genericLength on a lazy natural number type like data N = Z | S N with an appropriate Ord instance.)
> [] < repeat ()
> shape [5 .. 10] >= shape [1 .. 3]
> shape [1 .. 3] > shape [1 ..]
We can also “decrement” the shape of a list using drop 1, which we’ll use to skip counting the element itself if it was found. (Alternatively, we could “increment” the shape with (() :).)
Finally, putting these elements together leads to a fairly simple solution:
isInFirstHalf :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
isInFirstHalf x xs = shape before < shape (drop 1 after)
(before, after) = break (== x) xs
Notice that if the element was not found, after will be empty, so drop 1 will have no effect, but the shape of before can’t possibly be smaller than the empty shape [], so the comparison (<) will still correctly return False.
So I got a score list and want to create a ranking list from it. If scores are the same they share a rank.
For example if I have a score list like
[100, 100, 50, 50, 20]
the generated list would be
[(100, 1), (100, 1), (50, 2), (50, 2), (20, 3)]
I guess this is a fairly simple task, but I haven't gotten to solve it yet. I tried to do it with pattern matching or folding but without any luck.
My last failed approach looks like this:
scores = [100, 100, 50, 50, 20, 10]
ranks = foldr (\x acc -> if x == (fst $ last acc)
then last acc:acc
else (x, (+1) $ snd $ last acc):acc) [(head scores, 1)] scores
Any help is appreciated.
This solution is fairly similar to Willem's, except that it doesn't explicitly use recursion. Many style guides, including the Haskell wiki, suggest to avoid explicit recursion if there's a simple implementation involving higher-order functions. In your case, your function is a pretty straightforward use of scanl, which folds a list with an accumulating value (in your case, the accumulator is the current rank and score) and stores the intermediate results.
ranks :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
-- Handle the empty case trivially.
ranks [] = []
-- Scan left-to-right. The first element of the result should always
-- have rank 1, hence the `(x, 1)' for the starting conditions.
ranks (x:xs) = scanl go (x, 1) xs
-- The actual recursion is handled by `scanl'. `go' just
-- handles each specific iteration.
where go (curr, rank) y
-- If the "current" score equals the next element,
-- don't change the rank.
| curr == y = (curr, rank)
-- If they're not equal, increment the rank and
-- move on.
| otherwise = (y, rank + 1)
By avoiding explicit recursion, it's arguably easier to see at a glance what the function does. I can look at this, immediately see the scanl, and know that the function will be iterating over the list left-to-right with some state (the rank) and producing intermediate results.
We can write a recursive algorithm that maintains a state: the current rank it is assigning. The algorithm each time looks two elements far. In case the next element is the same, the rank is not incremented, otherwise it is.
We thus can implement it like:
rank :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
rank = go 1
where go i (x:xr#(x2:_)) = (x, i) : go'
where go' | x == x2 = go i xr
| otherwise = go (i+1) xr
go i [x] = [(x, i)]
go _ [] = []
We thus specify that rank = go 1, we thus "initialize" a state with 1. Each time we check with go if the list contains at least two elements. If that is the case, we first emit the first element with the state (x, i), and then we perform recursion on the rest xr. Depending on whether the first element x is equal to the second element x2, we do or do not increment the state. In case the list only contains one element x, we thus return [(x, i)], and in case the list contains no elements at all, we return the empty list.
Note that this assumes that the scores are already in descending order (or in an order from "best" to "worst", since in some games the "score" is sometimes a negative thing). We can however use a sort step as pre-processing if that would not be the case.
Here's a simple one-liner, putting some off-the-shelf pieces together with a list comprehension.
import Data.List
import Data.Ord (Down (..))
rank :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
rank xs = [(a, i) | (i, as) <- zip [1..] . group . sortBy (comparing Down) $ xs
, a <- as]
If the list is already sorted in reverse order, you can leave out the sortBy (comparing Down).
I am new to Haskell, actually I just started, and I would like to get a small hint to the question I am about to ask.
I am currently trying to get the GCD of a given list. For example, having the list [3, 6, 9] it will return 3.
For the moment, I tought of the following aproach, am I going in a good direction?
let getGCD l = map (\x y -> gcd x y) l
Not quite, you don't want map but rather a fold. map will let you transform every element in the list uniformly, so you give it a local transformation a -> b and it gives you a global transformation ([a] -> [b]). This isn't really what you want.
As a quick primer on folds, there's a whole family of them which all let us express computations which we build up by repeatedly applying a function to an initial value, the next element and the list, and then repeating with the result of that application as the new initial value. So foldl' (+) 0 [1, 2, 3, 4] would so something like
foldl' (+) 0 [1, 2, 3, 4] ==>
foldl' (+) 1 [2, 3, 4] ==>
foldl' (+) 3 [3, 4] ==>
foldl' (+) 6 [4] ==>
foldl' (+) 10 [] ==> -- For empty lists we just return the seed given
Can you see how to slot your problem into this framework?
More hints
You want to take a list and compute a result which depends on every element of the list, something like
gcdAll :: [Int] -> Int
gcdAll l = foldl' step initial l
is closer to what you want where step takes the current gcd of the list you've processed so far and the next element of the list and returns the next value and initial is the value to start with (and what is returned if l is empty. Since there isn't really a sane value, I'd instead split this into
gcdAll :: [Int] -> Maybe Int
gcdAll [] = Nothing
gcdAll (h : rest) = Just $ foldl' step h rest
so that you correctly signal the possibility of failure, after all, what's the gcd of nothing?
Note that foldl' is imported from Data.List.
You can recursively use gcd on a list (essentially a fold implementation)
gcd' :: (Integral a) => [a] -> a
gcd' [] = 1
gcd' [x] = x
gcd' (x:xs) = gcd x (gcd' xs)
A GCD is a property of a pair of numbers. So, really, you want to look at pairs of numbers drawn from your list. Ultimately you want to end up with a single GCD for the entire list, but as a first step, you want pairs.
There's a widely-known trick for working with consecutive pairs:
f1 list = zipWith f2 list (tail list)
The zipWith function is a bit like map, but works with a pair of lists. In this case, the original list, and the tail of the original list. (Note that this fails if the list is empty.) If you replace f2 with your gcd function, you now have a new list which is the GCD of each consecutive pair of numbers. And this list is one element shorter than the original:
f1 [x, y, z, w] ==> [gcd x y, gcd y z, gcd z w]
So each time you apply f1 to a list, you get a new, shorter list of GCDs. Apply it enough times, and you should end up with just one element...
I just tackled this one and this would be the quickest, simplest
myGCDMultiple = foldr1 gcd
> myGCDMultiple [3,6,9]
I'm just learning Haskell and am kind of stuck.
I'd like to compare list elements and measure the difference between them and return the highest one.
Unfortunatly, I do not know how to approach that problem.
For usual, I'd just iterate the list and compare the neighbours but that does not seem to be the way to go in Haskell.
I already tried using map but as I said I do not really know how you can solve that problem.
I'd be thankful for every kind of advice!
Best wishes
Edit: My idea is to first zip all pairs like this pairs a = zip a (tail a). Then I'd like to get all differences (maybe with map?) and then just chose the highest one. I just can't handle the Haskell syntax.
I don't know what you mean by "measure the discrepancy" between list elements, but if you want to calculate the "largest" element in a list, you'd use the built-in maximum function:
maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
This function takes a list of values that can be ordered, so all numbers, chars, and strings, among others.
If you want to get the difference between the maximum value and the minimum value, you can use the similar function minimum, then just subtract the two. Sure, there might be a slightly faster solution whereby you only traverse the list once, or you could sort the list then take the first and last elements, but for most cases doing diff xs = maximum xs - minimum xs is plenty fast enough and makes the most sense to someone else.
So what you want to do is compute a difference between successive elements, not calculate the minimum and maximum of each element. You don't need to index directly, but rather use a handy function called zipWith. It takes a binary operation and two lists, and "zips" them together using that binary operation. So something like
zipWith (+) [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6] = [1 + 4, 2 + 5, 3 + 6] = [5, 7, 9]
It is rather handy because if one of the lists runs out early, it just stops there. So you could do something like
diff xs = zipWith (-) xs ???
But how do we offset the list by 1? Well, the easy (and safe) way is to use drop 1. You could use tail, but it'll throw an error and crash your program if xs is an empty list, but drop will not
diff xs = zipWith (-) xs $ drop 1 xs
So an example would be
diff [1, 2, 3, 4] = zipWith (-) [1, 2, 3, 4] $ drop 1 [1, 2, 3, 4]
= zipWith (-) [1, 2, 3, 4] [2, 3, 4]
= [1 - 2, 2 - 3, 3 - 4]
= [-1, -1, -1]
This function will return positive and negative values, and we're interested only in the magnitude, so we can then use the abs function:
maxDiff xs = ??? $ map abs $ diff xs
And then using the function I highlighted above:
maxDiff xs = maximum $ map abs $ diff xs
And you're done! If you want to be fancy, you could even write this in point-free notation as
maxDiff = maximum . map abs . diff
Now, this will in fact raise an error on an empty list because maximum [] throws an error, but I'll let you figure out a way to solve that.
As mentioned by bheklilr, maximum is the quick and easy solution.
If you want some of the background though, here's a bit. What we're trying to do is take a list of values and reduce it to a single value. This is known as a fold, and is possible with (among others) the foldl function, which has the signature foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a.
The (a -> b -> a) section of foldl is a function which takes two values and returns one of the first type. In our case, this should be our comparison function:
myMax :: Ord a => a -> a -> a
myMax x y | x > y = x
| otherwise = y
(note that Ord a is required so that we can compare our values).
So, we can say
-- This doesn't work!
myMaximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
myMaximum list = foldl myMax _ list
But what is _? It doesn't make sense to have a starting value for this function, so we turn instead to foldl1, which does not require a starting value (instead it takes the first two values from the list). That makes our maximum function
myMaximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
myMaximum list = foldl1 myMax list
or, in pointfree format,
myMaximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
myMaximum = foldl1 myMax
If you look at the actual definition of maximum in Data.List, you'll see it uses this same method.
map maps a function over a list. It transforms each thing1 in a list to a thing2.
What you want is to find the biggest difference between two neighbours, which you can't do with map alone. I'll assume you're only looking at numbers for now, because that's just easier.
diffs :: (Num a) => [a] -> [a]
diffs [] = []
diffs [x] = []
diffs (x1:x2:xs) = abs(x1-x2) : (diffs$x2:xs)
mnd :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a
mnd [] = 0
mnd [x] = 0
mnd xs = maximum$diffs xs
So diffs takes each list item one at a time and gets the absolute difference between it and its neighbour, then puts that at the front of a list it creates at it goes along (the : operator puts an individual element at the front of a list).
mnd is just a wrapper around maximum$diffs xs that stop exceptions being thrown.
If I call the following Haskell code
find_first_occurrence :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Int
find_first_occurrence elem list = (snd . head) [x | x <- zip list [0..], fst x == elem]
with the arguments
'X' "abcdXkjdkljklfjdlfksjdljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"
how much of the zipped list [('a',0), ('b',1), ] is going to be built?
I tried to run
find_first_occurrence 10 [1..]
and returns 9 almost instantly, so I guess it does use lazy evaluation at least for simple cases? The answer is also computed "instantly" when I run
let f n = 100 - n
find_first_occurrence 10 (map f [1..])
Short answer: it will be built only up to the element you're searching for. This means that only in the worst case you'll need to build the whole list, that is when no element satisfies the conditions.
Long answer: let me explain why with a pair of examples:
ghci> head [a | (a,b) <- zip [1..] [1..], a > 10]
In this case, zip should produce an infinite list, however the laziness enables Haskell to build it only up to (11,11): as you can see, the execution does not diverge but actually gives us the correct answer.
Now, let me consider another issue:
ghci> find_first_occurrence 1 [0, 0, 1 `div` 0, 1]
*** Exception: divide by zero
ghci> find_first_occurrence 1 [0, 1, 1 `div` 0, 0]
it :: Int
(0.02 secs, 1577136 bytes)
Since the whole zipped list is not built, haskell obviously will not even evaluate each expression occurring in the list, so when the element is before div 1 0, the function is correctly evaluated without raising exceptions: the division by zero did not occur.
All of it.
Since StackOverflow won't let me post such a short answer: you can't get away with doing less work than looking through the whole list if the thing you're looking for isn't there.
Edit: The question now asks something much more interesting. The short answer is that we will build the list:
(Actually, this answer is just the slightest bit subtle. Your type signature uses the monomorphic return type Int, which is strict in basically all operations, so all the numbers in the tuples above will be fully evaluated. There are certainly implementations of Num for which you would get something with more thunks, though.)
You can easily answer such a question by introducing undefineds here and there. In our case it is sufficient to change our inputs:
find_first_occurrence 'X' ("abcdX" ++ undefined)
You can see that it produces the result, which means that it does not even look beyond the 'X' it found (otherwise it would have thrown an Exception). Obviously, the zipped list can not be built without looking at the original list.
Another (possibly less reliable) way to analyse your laziness is to use trace function from Debug.Trace:
> let find_first_occurrence elem list = (snd . head) [x | x <- map (\i -> trace (show i) i) $ zip list [0..], fst x == elem]
> find_first_occurrence 'X' "abcdXkjdkljklfjdlfksjdljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj"