where to find Linux version sys/queue.h header file? - linux

sys/queue.h first appeared in 4.4BSD. Linux has included it in its distribution, but the version seems not up-to-date.
FreeBSD version implements singly-linked lists, singly-linked tail queues, lists and tail queues. Linux version implements lists, tail queues, and circular queues.
I installed libbsd-dev package in my Ubuntu PC and then found BSD version's sys/queue.h in /usr/include/bsd/sys/queue.h.
My questions:
Where can I find the Linux version of this header file?
What's the main difference between these two implementations? Is Linux version just a out-dated version of BSD's ?

They share the same ancestry, but it looks like any development that have been done in them diverged a long time ago.
If you want to use it in your project your best bet is to just copy the one you like the most into your project and use that. Don't depend on the system providing it for you. It's just a header file with a bunch of macros and doesn't need a library or any dependencies to work and as such isn't operating system specific at all. I usually take the one from OpenBSD for my projects.

Looks like Linux's version is seriously outdated. CIRCLEQ is (rather strongly) deprecated in BSDs since 2001, and it even got removed from the documentation, even if the implementation is still in queue.h. We are supposed to use TAILQ, which offers the same functionality with better performance/less problems/saner implementation.
Meanwhile, in Linux it's still even documented, but you can find changes in kconfig migrating from CIRCLEQ to TAILQ citing the BSD deprecation.
The concrete problem in CIRCLEQ seems to be that it uses a specific head, different to a list node, but which is anyway linked as a node; so the head pointer has to be kept around and checked at every node access to see if the node turns out to be the head. So there are 2 problems: the checks at every access, and the need to keep the head pointer at hand, taking registers or cache.


Is there any way to read macOS's "st_flags" field returned by stat() from nodeJS?

Today I found out that one of the several ways in which macOS can mark files as hidden is to use an extra set of "flags" in it's stat struct that it inherited from BSD.
chflags system call to set these flags
stat call that allows reading these flags
On Mac you can see them by doing ls -lO. On the BSDs you can see them by doing ls -lo.
I've found that at least the Python that comes with Macs supports these extra fields (not sure if all Pythons can see them), and of course I can access them from C.
But is there any way to access them from Node? I usually consider Node to be pretty good at this kind of thing but it's definitely not in its stat support, nor can I find it in any module on NPM, or mentioned anywhere on the net. I also don't know how trivial it is to do it in C and call it from Node, but I'm about to look into it.
But perhaps I'm missing something. Even if people rarely code for Mac-specific stuff these days, I'm more surprised that it hasn't been added so the BSDs can make use of it. Maybe nodeJS hasn't been popular on those platforms?
So how might I read and set these flags from nodeJS code?

Update gcc just for current user

Can I update Gcc just for the current user not change the whole Linux system? I am using it on a shared computer, I have no sufficient level of authority。 thanks
There are many ways, but in a nutshell : build yourselves from sources.
You can you use Gentoo Prefix (if it's still alive), Nix package manager, etc. to make it easier.
You should not update for selected user, but install multiple versions in parallel. So every user is able to use any compiler which is needed. But this has also some drawbacks! And getting all the shared library stuff managed can be also a task which is not always easy to solve.
Take a first look at:
Maybe this questions helps a bit:
How to use multiple versions of GCC
Acknowledging it's no small learning curve, Gentoo Linux is very good about making multiple versions of gcc available at once. What I'm not so sure about is how to go about institutionalizing things so that a given user's invocation of simply "gcc" will call a specific version controlled by that user.

Will writing C in both Windows and Linux cause compiling problems?

I work from 2 different machines. One is Windows and the other is Linux. If I alternately work on the same project but switch between both OSes, will I eventually run into compiling errors? I ask because maybe there are standards supported by one but not by the other.
That question is a pretty broad one and it depends, strictly speaking, on your tool chain. If you were to use the same tool chain (e.g. GCC/MinGW or Clang), you'd be minimizing the chance for this class of errors. If you were to use Visual Studio on Windows and GCC or Clang on the Linux side, you'd run into more issues alone because some of the headers differ. So once your program leaves the realm of strict ANSI C (C89) you'll be on your own.
However, if you aren't careful you may run into a lot of other more profane errors, such as the compiler on Linux choking on the line endings if you didn't tell your editor on the Windows side to use these.
Ah, and also keep in mind that if you want to actually cross-compile, GCC may be the best choice and therefore the first part I mentioned in my answer becomes a moot point. GCC is a proven choice on both ends. And given your question it's unlikely that you are trying to write something like a kernel mode driver - which would be fundamentally different.
That may be only if your application use some specific API.
It is entirely possible to write code that works on both platforms, with no issues to compile the code. It is, however, not without some difficulties. Compilers allow you to use non-standard features in the compiler, and it's often hard to do more fancy user interfaces (even if it's still just text) because as soon as you start wanting to do more than "read a line of text as it is entered in a shell", it's into "non-standard" land.
If you do find yourself needing to do more than what the standard C library can do, make sure you isolate those parts of the code into a separate file (or a couple of files, one for Linux/Unix style systems and one for Windows systems).
Using the same compiler (gcc) would help avoiding problems with "compiler B doesn't compile code that works fine in compiler A".
But it's far from an absolute necessity - just make sure you compile the code on both platforms and with all of your "suppoerted" compilers often enough that you haven't dug a very deep hole that is hard to get out of before you discover that "it's not working on the other system". It certainly helps if you have (at least) a virtual machine running the other OS, so you can easily try both variants.
Ideally, you want to set up an automated system, such that when you change the code [and feel that the changes are "complete"], it automatically gets built on both platforms and all compilers you want to use. And if possible, also automatically tested!
I would also seriously consider using version control - that way, when something breaks on one or the other side, you can go back and look at what the code looked like before it stopped working, and (hopefully) find the reason it broke much quicker than "Hmm, I think it's the change I made to foo.c, lets take that out... No, not that one, ok how about the change here..." - at least with version control, you can say "Ok, so version 1234 doesn't work, let's try version 1220 - ok, that works. Now try 1228, still works - so change between 1229 and 1234 - try 1232, ah, it's broken..." No editing files and you can still go to any other version you like with very little difficulty. I have used Mercurial quite a bit, git a little bit, some subversion, and worked on a project in Perforce for a few years. All of these are good - personally, I think I prefer mercurial.
As a side-effect: Most version control systems also deal with filename and line endings in the saner way than doing this manually.
If you combine your version control system with a "automated build and test-system", such as Jenkins, you can get everything very automated. Jenkins is free and runs on both Windows and Linux, and you can use it to automatically build and test your code as and when you submit the code to the version control system.
It will not create a problem until you recompile the source code in the respective OS. If you wanna run your compiled file generated by windows(.exe or .obj), into linux or vice-versa then it will definitely create a problem and wont be possible. But you can move you source code (file with extension .c/.c++) into any of the os. And sometimes it also create problems with different header files, so take care of that also. Best practice is to use single OS for you entire project, avoid multiple os until it is extremely necessary.

Linux equivalent header for synch.h

I have a C code which contains #include<synch.h> The code compiles successfully in solaris but in Linux I find that the header is missing.
As suggested in a few links, can "sync.h" be used instead?
Or is there any other equivalent header for synch.h in Linux?
The synch.h header in Solaris is for Solaris threads. Among other things, it provides declarations for semaphores and mutexes. You can either this library (http://sctl.sourceforge.net/sctl_v1.1_rn.html) to give you Solaris compatible threading on Linux or, a much better idea, rework your code to use POSIX threading.
We can't be sure, but one likely possibility is that this is the synch.h that's part of NACHOS, which is often used in educational environments. Head over to the NACHOS project page and read up on it, and decide whether you think that's probably the right thing; if so, you can download and install it for free.

How to build Linux system from kernel to UI layer

I have been looking into MeeGo, maemo, Android architecture.
They all have Linux Kernel, build some libraries on it, then build middle layer libraries [e.g telephony, media etc...].
Suppose i wana build my own system, say Linux Kernel, with some binariers like glibc, Dbus,.... UI toolkit like GTK+ and its binaries.
I want to compile every project from source to customize my own linux system for desktop, netbook and handheld devices. [starting from netbook first :)]
How can i build my own customize system from kernel to UI.
I apologize in advance for a very long winded answer to what you thought would be a very simple question. Unfortunately, piecing together an entire operating system from many different bits in a coherent and unified manner is not exactly a trivial task. I'm currently working on my own Xen based distribution, I'll share my experience thus far (beyond Linux From Scratch):
1 - Decide on a scope and stick to it
If you have any hope of actually completing this project, you need write an explanation of what your new OS will be and do once its completed in a single paragraph. Print that out and tape it to your wall, directly in front of you. Read it, chant it, practice saying it backwards and whatever else may help you to keep it directly in front of any urge to succumb to feature creep.
2 - Decide on a package manager
This may be the single most important decision that you will make. You need to decide how you will maintain your operating system in regards to updates and new releases, even if you are the only subscriber. Anyone, including you who uses the new OS will surely find a need to install something that was not included in the base distribution. Even if you are pushing out an OS to power a kiosk, its critical for all deployments to keep themselves up to date in a sane and consistent manner.
I ended up going with apt-rpm because it offered the flexibility of the popular .rpm package format while leveraging apt's known sanity when it comes to dependencies. You may prefer using yum, apt with .deb packages, slackware style .tgz packages or your own format.
Decide on this quickly, because its going to dictate how you structure your build. Keep track of dependencies in each component so that its easy to roll packages later.
3 - Re-read your scope then configure your kernel
Avoid the kitchen sink syndrome when making a kernel. Look at what you want to accomplish and then decide what the kernel has to support. You will probably want full gadget support, compatibility with file systems from other popular operating systems, security hooks appropriate for people who do a lot of browsing, etc. You don't need to support crazy RAID configurations, advanced netfilter targets and minixfs, but wifi better work. You don't need 10GBE or infiniband support. Go through the kernel configuration carefully. If you can't justify including a module by its potential use, don't check it.
Avoid pulling in out of tree patches unless you absolutely need them. From time to time, people come up with new scheduling algorithms, experimental file systems, etc. It is very, very difficult to maintain a kernel that consumes from anything else but mainline.
There are exceptions, of course. If going out of tree is the only way to meet one of your goals stated in your scope. Just remain conscious of how much additional work you'll be making for yourself in the future.
4 - Re-read your scope then select your base userland
At the very minimum, you'll need a shell, the core utilities and an editor that works without an window manager. Paying attention to dependencies will tell you that you also need a C library and whatever else is needed to make the base commands work. As Eli answered, Linux From Scratch is a good resource to check. I also strongly suggest looking at the LSB (Linux standard base), this is a specification that lists common packages and components that are 'expected' to be included with any distribution. Don't follow the LSB as a standard, compare its suggestions against your scope. If the purpose of your OS does not necessitate inclusion of something and nothing you install will depend on it, don't include it.
5 - Re-read your scope and decide on a window system
Again, referring to the everything including the kitchen sink syndrome, try and resist the urge to just slap a stock install of KDE or GNOME on top of your base OS and call it done. Another common pitfall is to install a full blown version of either and work backwards by removing things that aren't needed. For the sake of sane dependencies, its really better to work on this from bottom up rather than top down.
Decide quickly on the UI toolkit that your distribution is going to favor and get it (with supporting libraries) in place. Define consistency in UIs quickly and stick to it. Nothing is more annoying than having 10 windows open that behave completely differently as far as controls go. When I see this, I diagnose the OS with multiple personality disorder and want to medicate its developer. There was just an uproar regarding Ubuntu moving window controls around, and they were doing it consistently .. the inconsistency was the behavior changing between versions. People get very upset if they can't immediately find a button or have to increase their mouse mileage.
6 - Re-read your scope and pick your applications
Avoid kitchen sink syndrome here as well. Choose your applications not only based on your scope and their popularity, but how easy they will be for you to maintain. Its very likely that you will be applying your own patches to them (even simple ones like messengers updating a blinking light on the toolbar).
Its important to keep every architecture that you want to support in mind as you select what you want to include. For instance, if Valgrind is your best friend, be aware that you won't be able to use it to debug issues on certain ARM platforms.
Pretend you are a company and will be an employee there. Does your company pass the Joel test? Consider a continuous integration system like Hudson, as well. It will save you lots of hair pulling as you progress.
As you begin unifying all of these components, you'll naturally be establishing your own SDK. Document it as you go, avoid breaking it on a whim (refer to your scope, always). Its perfectly acceptable to just let linux be linux, which turns your SDK more into formal guidelines than anything else.
In my case, I'm rather fortunate to be working on something that is designed strictly as a server OS. I don't have to deal with desktop caveats and I don't envy anyone who does.
7 - Additional suggestions
These are in random order, but noting them might save you some time:
Maintain patch sets to every line of upstream code that you modify, in numbered sequence. An example might be 00-make-bash-clairvoyant.patch, this allows you to maintain patches instead of entire forked repositories of upstream code. You'll thank yourself for this later.
If a component has a testing suite, make sure you add tests for anything that you introduce. Its easy to just say "great, it works!" and leave it at that, keep in mind that you'll likely be adding even more later, which may break what you added previously.
Use whatever version control system is in use by the authors when pulling in upstream code. This makes merging of new code much, much simpler and shaves hours off of re-basing your patches.
Even if you think upstream authors won't be interested in your changes, at least alert them to the fact that they exist. Coordination is essential, even if you simply learn that a feature you just put in is already in planning and will be implemented differently in the future.
You may be convinced that you will be the only person to ever use your OS. Design it as though millions will use it, you never know. This kind of thinking helps avoid kludges.
Don't pull upstream alpha code, no matter what the temptation may be. Red Hat tried that, it did not work out well. Stick to stable releases unless you are pulling in bug fixes. Major bug fixes usually result in upstream releases, so make sure you watch and coordinate.
Remember that it's supposed to be fun.
Finally, realize that rolling an entire from-scratch distribution is exponentially more complex than forking an existing distribution and simply adding whatever you feel that it lacks. You need to reward yourself often by booting your OS and actually using it productively. If you get too frustrated, consistently confused or find yourself putting off work on it, consider making a lightweight fork of Debian or Ubuntu. You can then go back and duplicate it entirely from scratch. Its no different than prototyping an application in a simpler / rapid language first before writing it for real in something more difficult. If you want to go this route (first), gNewSense offers utilities to fork your own OS directly from Ubuntu. Note, by default, their utilities will strip any non free bits (including binary kernel blobs) from the resulting distro.
I strongly suggest going the completely from scratch route (first) because the experience that you will gain is far greater than making yet another fork. However, its also important that you actually complete your project. Best is subjective, do what works for you.
Good luck on your project, see you on distrowatch.
Check out Linux From Scratch:
Linux From Scratch (LFS) is a project
that provides you with step-by-step
instructions for building your own
customized Linux system entirely from
Use Gentoo Linux. It is a compile from source distribution, very customizable. I like it a lot.
