How do you compile and run haskell on notepad++ - haskell

How do you compile and run Haskell on notepad++
I installed the plugin NppExec and then I pressed F6
I saved my Haskell file to C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\haskell files\new 3.hs
So on the command after I press F6 I tried typing in a few different things:
C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\haskell files\new 3.hs`
ghc.exe new 3.hs
haskell new
but I got these responses:
C:\Users\Sam\Desktop\haskell files\new 3.hs
CreateProcess() failed with error code 2:
The system cannot find the file specified.
ghc.exe new 3.hs
Process started >>>
target `new' is not a module name or a source file
<<< Process finished.
haskell new 3
CreateProcess() failed with error code 2:
The system cannot find the file specified.
================ READY ================
What is the correct way of compiling and executing at haskell file on notepad++?

You need to set NppExec to work in the current directory, so In Plugins, NppExec, tick Follow $(CURRENT_DIRECTORY).
Use the command ghc new3.hs when you press F6 (no spaces in filenames).

If you're using Haskell with stack, I found a lovely way to run things quickly using NppExec. It's a simpler process than it looks and once you do it, you're good to go:
Suppose you have a file like this in a file called yourFileName.hs:
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello world!"
Press F6 to begin NppExec. (See Note 1 below.)
Paste the below into the window.
stack ghci
// This is a comment you can delete. Note 2 below.
(See Note 3 below.)
Upon pressing the OK button, the Notepad++ console will run the Haskell interpreter.
Now, press F6 again. A warning menu will pop up.
Type this into the menu: :cmd return $ unlines [":l yourFileName", ":main"] and press ENTER. The file will execute. Pressing F6+ENTER will load and run the file again. When you open Notepad++ next time, this will still be there. Whenever you want to work with a new file, you will have to change yourFileName of course.
Explanation: :cmd return " . . . " allows you to execute a string as multiple ghci commands, separated by \n. unlines takes a list of strings and joins them with \n. If you don't know about $, you'll learn it soon as it's part of basic Haskell.
If you don't have a main function in your file, then instead use :cmd return $ unlines [":l yourFileName"].
Note 1: For convenience, I used the Settings > ShortCutMapper > Plugin Commands to change Execute from F6 to F1.
Note 2: If you run multiple languages in this way (like maybe Lisp?), then you can replace the // This is a comment... line with // :cmd return $ unlines [":l yourFileName", ":main"] just so you have it for later when you switch back to Haskell.
Note 3: Instead of pasting cd "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" stack ghci into the NppExec window, a much simpler way to do all this is to paste stack runghc "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" and nothing else needs to be done. However I found the console takes a lot longer to load and run the file in that case, so the method above is what I use.


Ctrl-p Vim bug - unclear what error message is telling me

prt path <mru>={ files }=<buf> <-> /home/....
Error detected while processing function <SNR>48_NormalPasta:
line 13:
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
Press ENTER or type command to continue
kind of a strange vim error I get when I try to type the 'p' character using vim & ctrlp, using linux ubuntu here
Let's take that message one line at a time:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>48_NormalPasta:
There is an error in function NormalPasta() in the 48th script that was sourced by Vim.
line 13:
The error is on line 13 of that function.
E21: Cannot make changes, 'modifiable' is off
The function is trying to edit a non-modifiable buffer.
From there, you can do:
:filter 48 scriptnames
$ grep -R NormalPasta ~/.vim/**/*.vim
to find in what script the problematic function is located.
This leads to this plugin, which appears to be OK. The whole situation seems rather strange, though, because the problematic function is supposed to be called from normal mode and I don't think a) that you should be in normal mode at CtrlP's prompt and b) that the CtrlP prompt is supposed to be non-modifiable.
My opinion is that the vim-pasta plugin is OK and thus that there is something fishy going on with CtrlP itself or the way you use it.

Using goto with user-defined modules in jedi-vim

jedi-vim works very well with modules and functions installed on my system. For example, if I put the cursor on glob.glob() and hit <leader>d, jedi-vim brings me to the definition of glob() in /usr/lib/python/.
However, for a user-defined module where a function is imported with a line like
from mymodule import myfunction
jedi-vim may not bring me to the function definition. It instead gives the message "jedi-vim: No documentation found for that" if the modules is not in the same directory as the file I'm editing. Similarly, typing <Shift>k gives the same error message.
Do you know how to make user-defined modules in a different directory work with jedi-vim?
If you want to solve this from within vim, the right variable to set is PYTHONPATH. See this doc.
So if you add this to your .vimrc
let $PYTHONPATH .= ';' . 'path/to/distant/file/'
then Jedi's goto command also works on the distant file.
The . is the vim script string concatenation.

What does this statement do on Linux?

I am trying to complete a lab report and I have just started using linux. I am really new to this ecosystem and I don't know how most of it works. I'm slowly learning from the labscript how to compile and execute C programs. However, after executing this statement
execute the output binary file using: $ ./myapp I am a student taking CMP 310
I lost the "$" sign and whenever I pressed enter this ">" would be printed before any statement and I couldn't execute or exit. If any of you could kindly explain what I did I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
You may have pasted an unmatched quote symbol, ' or " or a backtick ` and your terminal allows you to enter multiline statement and waits until you close the quote or backtick to evaluate it. To exit the multiline mode, either enter the closing character, or hit Ctrl-C, which in this case interrupts the input.
You have to paste only this part:
./myapp I am a student taking CMP 310
It tries to execute myapp executable file in your working directory (which ./ stands for), passing to it arguments I am a student taking CMP 310.
Me reproducing your problem:
16:45 $ "I have no idea what I am doing
> wut
> hello?
Most probably Ctrl+C will help you.
If you are working in GUI mode (not terminal) you can just close the window and open new shell session in new window.

Deleting items in stdin with haskell

I have a bit of code in my haskell program like so:
evaluate :: String -> IO ()
evaluate = ...
repl = forever $ do
putStr "> " >> hFlush stdout
getLine >>= evaluate
Problem is, when I press the delete key (backspace on windows), instead of deleting a character from the buffer, I get a ^? character instead. What's the canonical way of getting delete to delete a character when reading from stdin? Similarly, I'd like to be able to get the arrow keys to move a cursor around, etc.
Compile the program and then run the compiled executable. This will give the correct behavior for the Delete key. For some reason interpreting the program screws up the use of Delete.
To compile the program, just invoke ghc like this:
$ ghc -O2 myProgram.hs
This will generate a myProgram executable that you can run from the command line:
$ ./myProgram
That will then give the correct behavior for Delete.

Redirecting Haskell GHCi output to text file [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Outputting Haskell GHCi command results to a txt file
I am new to Haskell and I am trying to redirect test cases output results to a text file. The way it is set up now, is a AddAllTestCases.hs contains all the test cases I need to run in order to test a function I created. I run the test cases on GHCi by loading AddAllTestCases.hs and then simply typing main and hitting enter. That causes test case output results to print inside the GHCi perfectly.
Because there hundreds of test cases, I need to redirect output results to text file.
Attempt #1:
writeFile "myoutput.txt" $ show $ main
I get the following error:
No instance for (Show(IO())) arising from a use of show
Attempt #2 in CMD (trying to create an executable, then outputting executable results to text file):
ghc --make AddAllTests.hs -o testResults.exe
Which gives me the following error:
Warning: output was redirected with -o, but no output will be generated because there is no Min module
This is weird because when I am using GHCi (attempt #1) and I type in main it executes everything perfectly, which I would assume, implies that there is a main module?
I greatly appreciate any help with redirecting test case results to a text file.
Many thanks in advance!
You need a Main module (and a main action) to produce an executable. You can rename your module to Main, or you can specify the module to be considered Main on the command line,
ghc --make -main-is AddAllTests AddAllTests.hs -o testResults.exe
to produce an executable without a module named Main.
A method without compiling would be
ghc AddAllTests.hs -e "main" > testResults.txt
Another method would be to have a file in which you just list all test cases,
3 + 2 :: Rational
reverse "foobar"
and run ghci with redirected in- and output
ghci < testCases > testResults.txt
