Accessing non-public photos in Flickr API - flickr

I'm developing an app that gets photos from Flickr with Javascript. Photoset ID that shown in image is not public hence when i select the "don't sign call" option, API responses "error". I don't want make my Flickr photos public but i want call them from another page via API. I know that it's possible with "token". But token is required going "Login Page".
Can it is possible accessing non-public photos with my API Key?

Yes, your app can access your private photos. You will need to learn about Flickr's user authentication API, which uses the OAuth protocol. It's a little tricky to get started with, but there are third-party libraries to help with some of the work.


How to access Instagram Basic Display API without user login?

I am developing a website which would facilitate an end user to see an Instagram user's media such as Profile Pictures, Posts and Stories with the Instagram Basic Display API.
As per the documentation of the API, an Authorization Window needs to be implemented to get Authorization Codes and permissions from app users. Authorization Codes need to be exchanged for Instagram User Access Tokens, which must be included when querying an app user's profile or their media.
Bu there are numerous services which are able to show an Instagram user's media without having to implement the complex pipeline above:
So, how are these services even able to bypass the Authorization Window and provide a seamless user experience without the end user's login? Especially how is InstaDP able to display reels and InstaDP which are not even support yet in the API?
It's way more sophisticated & costly than official Basic Display API. They are using Instagram private APIs. They use multiple accounts (by its cookies) to fetch those data from Instagram, e.g. for fetching user info, they call endpoints like You can open your browser's developer tools to see the endpoints Instagram calls to fetch the details.
By sophistication, I meant
The services that you have mentioned need to emulate human behavior while scraping data from Instagram otherwise Instagram would block those "fake accounts" and it's extremely hard to create accounts in Instagram via automation, you cannot create bulk accounts.
They use residential proxies, and they pay for it.
If you do not want to go all those hassles, you can buy Instagram private APIs but it's not cheap.
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Get Instagram data from a backend

It is possible to get data from Instagram users, like number of posts, profile photo etc from a backend service? I don't want to force my user to login into his Instagram account to get those informations.
I'm reading about Instagram new api but always it talks about oauth which implied force login vis frontend.
Why would Instagram give some users data, without login? Only possible option is through Instagram public APIs, using OAuth/OIDC.
You should be able to use someone else's token (... yours?) to fetch informations about users and posts.
But that will always be limited.... for example users with non public profile, you won't be able to see those, or maybe you'll loose some posts, ....

Google Photos API for Public Albums

I have a website that the gallery part uses photos that are stored on Google Photos.
I'm trying to migrate a connection to the Picasa API (now completely depreciated) to Google Photos API. However all suggestions point to the visitor to authenticate themselves and exchange code for a token, however I'm looking for a simpler method that skips this for public shared photos and users without a Google account. Any suggestions?
PS: I'm using C# WebForms, but an API that returns a JSON would be great.

Instagram API on other users

I am new to instagram api usage but this website really thrills me: can this website access all the users profile details (of course only when they are public but still) ?!
They are most likely using the official Instagram API along with some other logic to find the most popular users and display their profile.
They could also be using the unofficial API (reverse engineered) to have untethered access to instagram.

Retrieve tagged photos from Instagrams API without forcing user to login?

I want to retrieve a list of recent photos with a given tag to display on a website in a very simple gallery.
For that, the doc says I need an access token. However, it seems that the only way to authenticate against Instagram is through OAuth; which involves sending the user to instagram and allowing my application access to their basic data. However, I don't want my users to do anything; I'd like my application to authenticate against Instagram for me and then retrieve the data I want.
Sounds simple, but all online documentation seems to end up in "Redirect your user to...". And I find no sensible ways to do this programatically; it's all about sending users away, letting them authenticate, and then receiving the access token afterwards. I could of course scrape the HTML, parse the forms (for example, the unique-per-session csrfmiddlewaretoken field which needs to be posted along with login requests etc) and let my server side application pretend to be my own user and login/authorize the app, but that doesn't seem like the way to go.
I could also just authenticate manually in the browser, pick up the auth token and paste into my application; but as the doc says: "do not assume your access_token is valid forever." - so I'd like this to be fully automated.
If I try to create a WebClient and POST to{clientId}&redirect_uri={redirectUri}&response_type=code&scope=basic it just returns a 403 Forbidden which is of no use. (For what it's worth, I'm using C# and have found instasharp, but this problem is not tied to any given platform...)
Am I completely overlooking something, or am I right that server side authentication against Instagram has become really complicated? Most other social media platform API's I've touched lets me get some form of authentication token just by posting a combination of the application id and secret.
