Pex (not Moles) in VS 2012 - visual-studio-2012

I'm looking for the Pex Addin for VS 2012 (or its equivalent).
I know Moles became Fakes ( which is present. I want the Pex part as input generator for automated WhiteBox testing. I'm not sure how I can do this within VS2012. Could someone give me a pointer here?

The Pex Team say that they're going to build a new release of Pex, but the simultaneous move from Moles to Fakes is causing 'some changes to how things work internally, and is delaying the next release of Pex'.
One of the contributors to this question got some information from Microsoft saying that they expect the academic licence to be available in early 2013.

Finally Pex has something for Visual Studio 2012: Code Digger ( You can ask it to generate a input / output table, with parameters that will cover all your code.
However, it supports only Portable Libraries projects today... let's wait for new releases.


Migrating from Visual studio 2008 to 2015

I have code for a software written in C++ with MFC in Visual Studio 2005. Now I need to migrate it to Visual Studio 2015. How can I do it and what are the challenges to be countered?
Like said in comments, open your solution, it will be converted. The issues I had when doing so:
Only blocking issue for compilation I had was to change the Unicode handling option in project options because one of the related options disapeared/changed its values. There is a report after the conversion is complete, read it!
All possible issues with such a huge gap in compilator versions are still possible then. So be carefull of the warnings (activate them if not done)
Running some code analysis may be a good idea to detect deprecated syntax/methods, I had some unexpected behaviour on old Microsoft methods that were a bit too permissive before (clearly it was my fault but for some reason the old compilator was kind with some of my mistakes).

Upgrade VB 6 projects to Visual studio 2012

I have a couple of Projects created in visual basic 6 with oracle databases. I want to upgrade these proejects to visual studio 2012 and use TFS version control. I have read that first I need to upgrade to Visual studio 2008 and then to Visual studio 2012.
Before going ahead with the upgrade ( I need to install Visual studio 2008 as well) I want to make sure this is a realistic approach. So
1. Does converting a vb6 project to VS 2012 ok or I will have to make a lot of changes to make things work?
2. After upgradation would I be able to use TFS for the projects?
TL;DR - yes, you'll need to make lots of changes regardless of how you choose to migrate. TFS question seems irrelevant to me. If you're setup to use TFS for projects, you can use it for these after upgrade as well.
The only reason to consider a 2-step upgrade that includes VS 2008 is that was the last version that included the migration tool built-in (ie, free). As others alluded to, those tools don't make pretty code but a mashup of VB6 and .Net. After trying a few times, I now personally find it simpler and more robust to recreate a new .Net version from scratch, but using the VB6 code as a template. I copy and paste as practical and then do Find/Replace to catch the majority of errors/warnings and then deal with all the others individually. If I have to convert another project, I may use 2008 once just to see what kind of issues the original code had or if there are any unusual situations/controls I'll need to deal with, but I would still start a new 2013 project from scratch. That gives me a better opportunity to improve it as well. You'd be replacing all the connecting code to Oracle anyway. I'd been using OO4O and moved to ODP.NET. If you used 2008, you would have to move to at least 2010 to use the latter in managed mode, which is great not having to load Oracle Client on each machine.
I'd be wary of upgrading VB 6 to using the automated tools. I did it back in the day (around 2003) when .net was just starting out and my memory is that it wasn't a pleasant experience.
The code produced by the upgrade wizard is a nasty mix of old VB conventions trim, instr and .net conventions. We also had a bunch of weird bugs. Sorry it was a long time ago and I can't remember any details. Only that we did it once for a small number of components, around 6 or 7 activex dll's. That experience was bad enough that we decided it wasn't worth the pain.
We kept the VB 6 code in service until it was re-written as part of a larger push to modernise the codebase.
If you do decide to upgrade then the output is a standard visual studio project that can be source controlled in TFS just like any .net project.
If you reason for upgrading to just to use TFS then take a look at the MSSCCIProvider. This allows you at hook TFS in to the VB6 IDE
I am doing something very similar and did develop a tool to assist with the designer portion of the conversion. It parsers the VB6 file and creates designer code for .NET.
The source is here.
The only thing I was not able to solve is that controls within tab pages have really wierd X locations like -60000. So I parse those to 0. You'll have to move them to the right place.

Visual Studio - Mylyn Equalivent [duplicate]

Mylyn is a task oriented plugin that allows for example to assign a set of files to a task. Is there a Mylyn type plugin for Visual Studio?
Tasktop has just announced that it is bringing the productivity of Mylyn into Visual Studio! The beta version that is being released will support bringing tasks from HP ALM, Quality Center, and Bugzilla. It includes Mylyn's Task List and Task Editor. The next level of support, which will include compatibility with all existing Mylyn connectors, will be delivered after this beta. Further down the road Tasktop will also be delivering context capture and focus within the Visual Studio IDE.
The beta release will be happening end of November 2010.
See the recent blog post for more details.
David Shepherd, Tasktop Technologies
The closest I've found is Tasktop, by the people that created Mylyn, but it's a standalone application that doesn't integrate with Visual Studio.
(Resharper is irrelevant).
Not even close to mylyn, but here is an open source addin for visual studio that helps to assign a list of source files to a "session" (you could think of the session as a "task")
i'm not aware of anything open source but i do know that team system is setup to support this type of workflow.
resharper might also have features you are looking for but, again, not foss
I asked that question to the VS.NET Development team in Teched 2008.
She said that they've notice about Mylyn, but are still looking on it.
Task focusing plugin is not yet ready in VS.NET environment.
You may be interested in this news from Tasktop:
I'll second tasktop. The newest version especially looks nice. Like orip said, it doesn't provide VS integration, but there's a Firefox extension which should be pretty nice... beats using Eclipse purely for Mylyn.
I've recently released (commercial) Task Canvas extension for Visual Studio 2015 that supports tasks with assigned sets of documents and code fragments.

Visual Studio 2012 MSTest vs NUnit pros and cons

We have to decide which technology to use for our unit testing. Currently we use Visual Studio 2010 and not happy with MSTest that came with that. It is buggy, poor in deployment (E.g the test setting output directory is not recognized correctly), and have several issues when trying to test assemblies in 32bit and 64bit versions. To make matters worst MSTest does not have a good impedance match with our Jenkins build system. We therefore thought of moving into NUnit. However, no one in our team has a good exposure to NUnit. Also,we will be soon moving into Visual Studio 2012.
I need to know the pros and cons of Visual Studio 2012 MSTest vs Nunit latest version. Since most of the articles on stack overflow are related to older versions of VS they are not related to us. I guess Microsoft has improved MSTest a lot since 2010. Please provide an unbiased comparison with detail technical issues you have faced in both technologies (newer versions only)
I'm using both MSTest and NUnit at the moment. IMHO NUnit is still a better solution. If you have Visual Studio 2012 Premium edition then it's actually quite nice, except for the fact that you can't seem to group together tests. I like the fact it's integrated into Visual Studio, but the lack of grouping and the ability to run a subset of tests without manually selecting them is a huge problem.
The coverage analysis is also pretty neat in Premium. It's fast and gives you what you need quickly. It is a Premium feature though.
Since there are still lacking features in MSTest (even removed features since vs2010), I would still recommend using NUnit for unit tests. The benefits include test grouping by namespace, the ability to add test case annotations (running the same test multiple times with different parameters) and it works well with Opencover and Report Generator for coverage analysis. The main cited con is that it's not integrated like MSTest, so it really depends how much that matters to you as to whether or not that is a con.
#Biranchi: It doesn't matter anymore which unit test framework you use in Visual Studio 2012 (and upwards). See my blogpost here, the sequel to the one you refer to.
You can even mix and match tests from different frameworks, you can even do that down to the method level !!
This means you can even move legacy code from one to another with no bad sideeffects.
Also see this for how to use Nuget to install the NUnit adapter into the solution, freeing the developer for installing it herself.
#Sriwantha: MSTest is a simpler framework than NUnit. NUnit (and also XUnit) give you more flexibility, which also leads to less code to write. One example: If you are using categories (and you should), MSTest require a category to decorate every method. NUnit allows you to decorate the class - that will take effect for all the methods in that class. NUnit also allow to you use strongly typed categories
public class Integration : Category {}
This is enough to declare a category that you can use instead of
where you risk spelling errors.
NUnit has much better support for data driven tests.
NUnit has also support for theories
to name a few.
VS2012 does allow categorization of tests into groups if you have "Update 1" or later:
Have you looked into Traits functionality of VS ?
Grouping is much better in mstest (2012 update 1) compared to nunit.
One more thing to add here. It looks like MSTEST engine doesn't work well with TFS Build in certain scenarios. If you are using TFS build, it won't report the skipped tests (marked with Ignore attribute). It will only include Assert.Inconclusive. If that's an issue, you should use NUnit instead of MSTest.

Any static code analysis tools for C# 4.0 yet?

Pretty straightforward question here: I like tools such as FxCop when it comes to scanning assemblies to get better insight into my code, and would like to start doing it on C# 4.0 assemblies. Any out there yet, or should I sit tight for a few more months while it's released and tools are updated?
What about Microsoft StyleCop for Visual Studio 2010?
The VS2010 beta includes a newer version of Code Analysis, which runs FxCop during the build process and displays the output as warnings. See the Code Analysis tab of project properties.
However, it's only available in the Premium and Ultimate editions. (See comparison)
I really wish that Microsoft would include it in the Express Editions and enable it by default for all projects; that might substantially improve beginner code.
The tool NDepend supports C#4, and even now C#5. It integrates inside Visual Studio 2012, 2010 and 2008. Disclaimer: I am one of the developers of the tool
The tool propose many facilities for your need of scanning assemblies to get better insight into my code, like Dependency Graph, Dependency Matrix, Code Metrics, Code Diff capabilities...
If you like FxCop, then you'll find useful the NDepend possibility to write Code Query and Code Rule over LINQ Queries (namely CQLinq). More than 200 CQLinq code queries and rules are proposed by default.
It is easy to write your own ones or customize existing ones. CQLinq queries are compiled and executed instantly and their results are presented in a browsable-friendly way, see the screenshot below:
The SD C# Clone Doctor statically analyzes C# (yes, even version 4.0) source code for duplication.
The CloneDR can be applied to large scale software systems, and typically finds 10-20% duplicated code.
There is a sample clone report at the link.
