Visual Studio - Mylyn Equalivent [duplicate] - visual-studio-2012

Mylyn is a task oriented plugin that allows for example to assign a set of files to a task. Is there a Mylyn type plugin for Visual Studio?

Tasktop has just announced that it is bringing the productivity of Mylyn into Visual Studio! The beta version that is being released will support bringing tasks from HP ALM, Quality Center, and Bugzilla. It includes Mylyn's Task List and Task Editor. The next level of support, which will include compatibility with all existing Mylyn connectors, will be delivered after this beta. Further down the road Tasktop will also be delivering context capture and focus within the Visual Studio IDE.
The beta release will be happening end of November 2010.
See the recent blog post for more details.
David Shepherd, Tasktop Technologies

The closest I've found is Tasktop, by the people that created Mylyn, but it's a standalone application that doesn't integrate with Visual Studio.
(Resharper is irrelevant).

Not even close to mylyn, but here is an open source addin for visual studio that helps to assign a list of source files to a "session" (you could think of the session as a "task")

i'm not aware of anything open source but i do know that team system is setup to support this type of workflow.
resharper might also have features you are looking for but, again, not foss

I asked that question to the VS.NET Development team in Teched 2008.
She said that they've notice about Mylyn, but are still looking on it.
Task focusing plugin is not yet ready in VS.NET environment.

You may be interested in this news from Tasktop:

I'll second tasktop. The newest version especially looks nice. Like orip said, it doesn't provide VS integration, but there's a Firefox extension which should be pretty nice... beats using Eclipse purely for Mylyn.

I've recently released (commercial) Task Canvas extension for Visual Studio 2015 that supports tasks with assigned sets of documents and code fragments.


Where can you find the Microsoft C++ Redistributable: Change Log / Bug Fixes

Prior to release, we are required to review the Change Log / Bug Fixes for all third-party dependencies.
Do you know where I can find the: Microsoft's Visual C++ Redistributes change log?
Visual Studio has release notes, but this does not specifically reference the C++ Redistributable.
The Distributed Code sub-section does mention Visual C++ Runtime Files, but I don't see a change log.
Any input you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Related Resources
Microsoft Support
Can download redistributable? Yes
Has change logs? NO
Visual Studio Subscriptions downloads
Can download redistributable? Yes
Has change logs? NO
Microsoft Developer Community bug list
If you really want to get down in the weeds, this website is an option... but be prepared to spend a lot of time looking. I personally find that the search engine for this website is not great.

Developing applications for Windows Embedded Compact 2013

Today I stumbled over the Application Builder for CE 2013 in Microsoft's download center. As of the description, with this pack I should be able to develop apps that target Windows Embedded Compact 2013 with Visual Studio 2012.
After downloading and installing the Application Builder I found the new framework assemblies in C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\WindowsEmbeddedCompact\v3.9, but there are no project templates targeting Embedded Compact 2013 in Visual Studio 2012.
I tried to create a blank WinForms or WPF project and to retarget it to 3.9, but that doesn't seem to be possible as well. There are no online templates that could be installed.
How do I create a CF 3.9 application using Visual Studio 2012?
All I can do here is sigh. Here's the state of things as of this writing (Mid May, 2013) and it could change in the coming weeks and/or months.
The Application Builder does not ship with device templates. Templates, instead, are shipped with the device SDK. Yes, this is different than in the past. It means that to do any device development, you'll need an SDK.
Windows Embedded Compact 2013 is currently not publicly available, so no one can currently ship an SDK. The net effect of this is that, for now, for the general public, the Application Builder install is completely useless.
Once WEC 2013 is public, I don't believe Microsoft will be shipping any "generic" SDKs. I very likely will. Once we have SDKs in the wild, you'll have templates and be able to build projects.
I also downloaded the Application Builder, and found it quite useless, hey where are the compact project templates! (thanks for the confirmation ctacke) after reading this today and discovering the .net assembly folder posted by Gene, I figured I at least try to use the object browser - and found you can browse the objects by using the Windows Embedded Compact 3.9 filter - figure others might want to at least look at what's new like I am attempting to do..
It is possible to create new SDKs from OS Design projects.
Create one from CEPC.

Pex (not Moles) in VS 2012

I'm looking for the Pex Addin for VS 2012 (or its equivalent).
I know Moles became Fakes ( which is present. I want the Pex part as input generator for automated WhiteBox testing. I'm not sure how I can do this within VS2012. Could someone give me a pointer here?
The Pex Team say that they're going to build a new release of Pex, but the simultaneous move from Moles to Fakes is causing 'some changes to how things work internally, and is delaying the next release of Pex'.
One of the contributors to this question got some information from Microsoft saying that they expect the academic licence to be available in early 2013.
Finally Pex has something for Visual Studio 2012: Code Digger ( You can ask it to generate a input / output table, with parameters that will cover all your code.
However, it supports only Portable Libraries projects today... let's wait for new releases.

Visual Studio 11 Setup Projects

According to Microsoft Visual Studio will no longer support setup projects, requiring instead that developers download and register for a light version of InstallShield.
Does anyone know if there are alternatives out there - WiX comes to mind but in a way this is like going assembly...
Wix. it is not like assembly, it wrocks - especially compared to installshield.
Otherwise no - before Wix came around installers where a bad area to be in anyway. Only buggy products, choose your pain between Installshield and Wise installer (now Symantec Altiris).
I prefer Wix any day over the other stuff.

Running Resharper code analysis outside of Visual Studio

Resharper includes various analysis rules which can be run on your solution from inside Visual Studio but is it possible to run these from say the commandline or as part of your autobuild? Resharper seems to be focused on running in Visual Studio but can it be invoked on solution or project files from outside the IDE?
UPDATE: Seems like TeamCity 7.0 EAP includes a way to execute the code-analysis while building
(blog post) so at least it can somehow be invoked and utilized as part of a CI process.
No, this feature is not currently offered by ReSharper. There is a thread on the JetBrains website related to this question and it can be found here.
Here's a quote:
Currently ReSharper has no interface
from running in a standalone batch
application. However, it is possible
to write such an application that
provides the functionality you're
looking for using ReSharper OpenAPI.
So apparently you could use the ReSharper OpenAPI to create the functionality you want; unfortunately, I haven't had any experience in using it so I'm not much help there.
Some links of interest...
ReSharper OpenAPI Developer Community
ReSharper public API and sample source code (aka. ReSharper PowerToys)
I think you want the functionality provided by fxCop. I am not aware of Resharper functioning outside of Visual Studio.
Looks like they're listening! First version available as a 30-day demo now:
If you're looking for compliance of code to standards, take a look at StyleCop. You can tie it into msbuild and run the rules outside of the IDE.
No, it can not be run from commandline. I still hope that they add this feature since I requested it last october :)
