How to paginate when HTML preview is triggered in BIRT RCP? - pagination

I've read here that pagination is not possible when using RunAndRenderTask; it should be the separate RunTask and RenderTask to achieve this, correct?
Now, the thing is, we're using BIRT RCP and we cannot implement a separate WebViewer due to our requirements. While I was tracing, however, I noticed that the RCP app uses RunAndRenderTask when I preview the report as HTML. Also, the viewer used is /preview. If I understood this right, for me to get the separated Run & Render tasks, I should be using /frameset.
So, my question is, for BIRT RCP, is there a way to paginate the HTML preview without implementing a separate WebViewer? In short, can I somehow force the base RCP to paginate the HTML in HTML preview? If so, how do I get to the separate Run & Render tasks or use /frameset? I'm not very knowledgeable about emitters and I'm still trying to understand how the HTML emitter was implemented.
Any help would be appreciated!

Found it - set /frameset on the WebViewer class while the controls for the pagination are in the report engine service.


Adding onBlur and onFocus events

My company is currently looking into making our website "Web Accessible". I'm very rough when it comes to using Kentico (v8.2.50), but that's the CMS that is driving our site.
Running the front page through a Web Accessibility Checker, we encountered this warning on our main menu strip:
script not keyboard accessible - onmouseout missing onblur
onmouseover event handler missing onfocus event handler.
The fix sounds simple, but I'm not sure where to add these events. Has anyone had any experience with this?
It really depends on how your site has been put together. If the site has been built using the portal engine, you're probably able to find the markup that you're looking for in one of the transformations. There is a possibility that you're using the CMSListMenu control which for restricted flexibility in terms of markup. Without a little more information or a page to look at it is hard to tell.
As for looking through transformations, I can highly recommend Search for Kentico to help find things within the CMS, it's been invaluable on a number of occasions when looking for specific markup. What it can do is help you locate things within Kentico by very quickly looking through the templates and transformations etc.

How can I allow users to change their Liferay portrait from a velocity template?

I´m coding a template for a customize theme and would like to let users change their Liferay portrait from there. In addition, it would be nice to add the functionality provided in the "official" window that gives the possibility to select a part of the uploaded image.
The simplest way I can imagine to do this is "building" a link that directly brings the user to that window without having to pass through his profile. Right now, I´m trying to do this with the JS function "Liferay.Portlet.openWindow" but still I haven't been able to find the correct arguments (including the large URL) to accomplish it.
Is what I´m trying to do possible? if so, could you help me?
I think that the best solution to that would be to build a custom liferay MVC or Vaadin protlet to do just that.
This is because the friendlyURL (large URL as you called it) to take a user to that place is usually generated on the fly within the portal instance so you may not have the correct redirection.
Also you would have to use the method ImageLocalServiceUtil which is used to upload images to do the actually portrait change.

Sections Framework Materialize

In some frameworks we can develop throughout the app in single page .
I drew my app using appframework.js Intel and want to migrate it to materialize , but researched enough in his documentation and have not found a way to make a layout with several pages but in a single html file.
Just I saw ways to do this by invoking other external html files , creating other pages .
Does anyone know to do that? Can pass me a layout or indicate where can I find this information?
It offers a well Layout Material Design as well.
You can use AngularJS to inject pages into your main template. This does not cause the page to load again.
You can read more here:

A default and easy way to display a spinner while performing lengthy operations

I'm transferring huge chunks of data while my users work with their forms. Besides trying to optimize the code to ensure for the fastest connections, I'd like to display a spinning image in the middle of the form to notify the user that the software is sweating it's parts of to get the info as quickly as possible.
I'd like to point to following considerations.
Can I use an arbitrary animated image (e.g. abc.gif)?
Is it possible (suggested, even) to use the default spinner seen in the CRM?
Can such a solution be applicable even for older versions of CRM?
IS is possible (recommended, maybe) to use jQuery and it's cool effects?
Yes you can use any animated gif. Add as a web resource in CRM 2011.
You can take the default spinner and add as a web resource. I'd strongly recommend you don't try and address it directly.
Yes but the way you manage your scripts is less prescribed. No solutions or web resources to use in CRM4.
Absolutely. See below.
The jQuery plugin BlockUI is one of the most popular for potentially long running OData calls from which you need to prevent further UI interaction.
Since you'll need to attach directly to a DOM element it's use won't be supported. However, as long as you stick with attaching to the <body> element and avoid digging too far down into the DOM like for example onto the markup for specific form sections you'll be OK.
For CRM 2011 we use our own Web Resource to wrap BlockUI providing a very simple API enforcing consistent binding to the <body> element which also checks for the inclusion of jQuery and BlockUI scripts (Web Resources) on the form.
Same deal applies for CRM 4 but script management is much more down to how your team are currently managing customisations and dependencies.
The easier you can make it to use, the less likely other developers on the team are to go off and try and roll their own causing horrible inconsistencies in the final UX.

How can I implement/use browser using lwuit in j2me?

I am new to LWUIT, its indeed a great fun to use it so far. Currently I have to use its browser component to send and receive data to and from the server. Can anybody give me an insight about it or a tutorial so that I can get working into it. Thanks in advance.
If you intend to have browser specific functionality like XML, HTML page rendering in your application than read the following articles
HTML Component Writeup In Ofir's Blog
Mobile web and HTML inside JavaME with LWUIT {Suggested by #Baqueta, Thanks}
Download LWUIT 1.5 and check project 'Browser' under folder 'apps' in lwuit root directory.
If you intend to implement communication between client and server using LWUIT than refer LWUIT4IO library packaged with LWUIT 1.5 download. Read the following articles to better understand 'LWUIT4IO' the library.
Introducing LWUIT For IO (LWUIT4IO)
Logging & Caching In LWUIT4IO
If you intend to communicate with the server from mobile client purely for data exchange then have a look at Generic Connection Framework. Here you can find ample information, sample code snippets and get to know various connection methodologies available for JavaME.
