Sections Framework Materialize - material-design

In some frameworks we can develop throughout the app in single page .
I drew my app using appframework.js Intel and want to migrate it to materialize , but researched enough in his documentation and have not found a way to make a layout with several pages but in a single html file.
Just I saw ways to do this by invoking other external html files , creating other pages .
Does anyone know to do that? Can pass me a layout or indicate where can I find this information?
It offers a well Layout Material Design as well.

You can use AngularJS to inject pages into your main template. This does not cause the page to load again.
You can read more here:


Why a react app won't be too big with too many components? How do people mitigate this risk?

As a beginner, I found out all my components will be built into one bundle and be loaded in one html. Even I have many pages, each using different dependencies, that will at the end be combined into one large js.
But in normal server-side render app, each page can have its own component and its own dependencies.
Will a react app be too big when there is many components?
How do people deal with it in the industry?
Code splitting & lazy loading is what you need to research for solving this issue. You may also search for Suspense while you are at it.
The standard way these days is to use a technique called Lazy Loading. It consists of only loading the main page of the app initially, and other pages load only when requested.
Check out this article from the official docs
The side effect is that rather having a single JS file upon building the app, we'll have many; one file per page.

Extend IBM Connections on an application level like blogs and forums

We are trying to extend IBM Connections 4.5 CR3 with own XPages apps not on the well described widget extension level for communities but on the application level.
Our goal is to extend the applications menu and load our apps inside the connections framework just like the original blogs or forums IBM apps.
Some others tried the same thing like this one:
It seems that the trick for coming around the CORS trouble is not well documented in there.
Mikkel has put some code onto GitHub for the server side page generation:
Can someone over here solve this or help us to come some steps further?
There are a number of approaches you can take, depending how daring you are.
The most pragmatic approach would be:Load a connections page, steal the HTML that makes up the Menu bar, copy that into a XPages custom control and you are done (of course you had added a link to your application beforehand in LotusConnectionsConfig.xml
Check the JSP that reads the LotusConnectionsConfig.xml how it is rendering the menu bar. Configure the Apache HTTP to expose the XML for read access, so you can dynamically create that menu - saves work when your menu changes often
Use the approaches described by Phil
Add a small JS that you call in your added menu. It would remove the content of the Connections page below the menu level and insert an iFrame which loads your XPage
Cheat by building a widget for a community homepage and have just that one widget (taking the whole page as real estate) in that Community
That's just off my head. Hope it helps

Adding a dynamically generated page as a partial view in an AngularJS app

I'm currently learning Node.js and AngularJS. To learn how to develop with these technologies, I've been playing with the Phone Catalog sample app found here.
The thing I can't figure out is, how to include a server-generated page in my views. Everything I see with Angular seems to be related to static .html. However, I would like a dynamic page that includes some code that's generated on the server. In other words, I would like to add something like
Is this even possible? For the life of me, I can't figure out how to add a server-side page as a partial.
Thank you
AngularJS don't differentiate between server-generated pages, and static pages. From browser's perspective it's all the same.
Just use your /app/partials/dynamicPhone as you would use a static template - only remember you can't use any query parameters with it (because it's supposed to be "static" ie. not changing)

How to paginate when HTML preview is triggered in BIRT RCP?

I've read here that pagination is not possible when using RunAndRenderTask; it should be the separate RunTask and RenderTask to achieve this, correct?
Now, the thing is, we're using BIRT RCP and we cannot implement a separate WebViewer due to our requirements. While I was tracing, however, I noticed that the RCP app uses RunAndRenderTask when I preview the report as HTML. Also, the viewer used is /preview. If I understood this right, for me to get the separated Run & Render tasks, I should be using /frameset.
So, my question is, for BIRT RCP, is there a way to paginate the HTML preview without implementing a separate WebViewer? In short, can I somehow force the base RCP to paginate the HTML in HTML preview? If so, how do I get to the separate Run & Render tasks or use /frameset? I'm not very knowledgeable about emitters and I'm still trying to understand how the HTML emitter was implemented.
Any help would be appreciated!
Found it - set /frameset on the WebViewer class while the controls for the pagination are in the report engine service.

use iframe or template

In our application,there are so many sub pages and menus,for example:
the main menu for the whole site:
Index/Document/News/SysConfig and etc.
And inside the Sysconfig page,there are also other menus like :
user managment,roles,logs... and etc.
Now we use the iframe to make the layout of the site,we change the related iframe's src attribute according to user's choice. but I wonder if this is a good idea?
I thought use the tempalte,for example the apache tiles in jsp and the masterpage in
I wonder which is the best pratice?
Best Practice would be to go the templated route ...
I haven't really looked into web accessibility for a long time ... but in the past when I used to work on externally facing sites, using frames of any sort was a big no-no. Screen readers would have problems with frames including iframes. I'm not sure if the current generation of screen-readers handle them better.
There's also the search result/deep linking issues to consider. For example, will your google result link point directly to the page in the iframe? do you have to do a hack to redirect the user to the main page?
Also going the templated route may not be that difficult as long as you don't have a lot of content to migrate. There are fantastic content management solutions out there like Wordpress, or Drupal and Joomla if you have more complex needs.
