Memory release while reassign char * to null - visual-c++

I'm a little bit confused regarding string memory usage in c++.
Is it good reassign *PChar to NULL second time? Will assigned first time to *PChar string memory be released?
char * fnc(int g)
char *PChar = NULL;
if (PChar) { sprintf(s,"%s",PChar); } ;
*PChar = NULL;
if (PChar) { sprintf(s,"%s",PChar); } ;

First things first. The following statement is not what you intend:
*PChar = NULL;
You are NOT assigning null to the pointer, but putting value zero (0) to the first character of the said buffer. You might be willing to do:
PChar = NULL;
As a good programming practice, yes you should assign a pointer to null after it is used (AND possibility memory-deallocated). But assigning a pointer to null will not free the memory - the pointer will not point to allocated memory, but to non-existent memory location. You need to call delete if it was allocated using new, or need to call free if allocated by malloc.
As for the given statement, the compiler would anyway remove the following statement, as the process of optimization:
// PChar = NULL;
You need to be very careful while using pointers, and assignment to it with a statically allocated data or dynamically allocated buffer!

I would suggest declaring a buffer of the PChar type and pass pointer to this buffer in a function call.
Good programming practice cals for passing also the allowed length of the buffer that should be checked in th function.
#define MAX_PCHAR_LEN 1024 // or constant const DWORD . . .
PChar PCharbuf[MAX_PCHAR_LEN] = {0}; // initialize array with 0s
//make a call
fnc (&PCharbuf, MAX_PCHAR_LEN, 2); // whatever 2 means
This way you do not have to worry about who allocates and who released memory, since release is automatic after PCharbuf goes out of scope.


Segmentation Fault With Multiple Threads

I get error segmentation fault because of the free() at the end of this equation...
don't I have to free the temporary variable *stck? Or since it's a local pointer and
was never assigned a memory space via malloc, the compiler cleans it up for me?
void * push(void * _stck)
stack * stck = (stack*)_stck;//temp stack
int task_per_thread = 0; //number of push per thread
while(stck->head == MAX_STACK -1 )
while(task_per_thread <= (MAX_STACK/MAX_THREADS)&&
(stck->head < MAX_STACK) &&
(stck->item < MAX_STACK)//this is the amount of pushes
//we want to execute
{ //store actual value into stack
stck->head = stck->head + 1;
stck->item = stck->item + 1;
task_per_thread = task_per_thread+1;
return NULL;
Edit: You totally changed the question so my old answer doesn't really make sense anymore. I'll try to answer the new one (old answer still below) but for reference, next time please just ask a new question instead of changing an old one.
stck is a pointer that you set to point to the same memory as _stck points to. A pointer does not imply allocating memory, it just points to memory that is already (hopefully) allocated. When you do for example
char* a = malloc(10); // Allocate memory and save the pointer in a.
char* b = a; // Just make b point to the same memory block too.
free(a); // Free the malloc'd memory block.
free(b); // Free the same memory block again.
you free the same memory twice.
-- old answer
In push, you're setting stck to point to the same memory block as _stck, and at the end of the call you free stack (thereby calling free() on your common stack once from each thread)
Remove the free() call and, at least for me, it does not crash anymore. Deallocating the stack should probably be done in main() after joining all the threads.

Two structs, one references another

typedef struct Radios_Frequencia {
char tipo_radio[3];
int qt_radio;
int frequencia;
typedef struct Radio_Cidade {
char nome_cidade[30];
char nome_radio[30];
char dono_radio[3];
int numero_horas;
int audiencia;
Radiof *fre;
void Cadastrar_Radio(R_cidade**q){
printf("informa a frequencia da radio\n");
scanf("%d",&q[0]->fre->frequencia); //problem here
printf("%d\n",q[0]->fre->frequencia); // problem here
i want to know why this function void Cadastrar_Radio(R_cidade**q) does not print the data
You allocated storage for your primary structure but not the secondary one. Change
q[0]->fre = malloc(sizeof(Radiof));
which will allocate both. Without that, there's a very good chance that fre will point off into never-never land (as in "you can never never tell what's going to happen since it's undefined behaviour).
You've allocated some storage, but you've not properly initialized any of it.
You won't get anything reliable to print until you put reliable values into the structures.
Additionally, as PaxDiablo also pointed out, you've allocated the space for the R_cidade structure, but not for the Radiof component of it. You're using scanf() to read a value into space that has not been allocated; that is not reliable - undefined behaviour at best, but most usually core dump time.
Note that although the two types are linked, the C compiler most certainly doesn't do any allocation of Radiof simply because R_cidade mentions it. It can't tell whether the pointer in R_cidade is meant to be to a single structure or the start of an array of structures, for example, so it cannot tell how much space to allocate. Besides, you might not want to initialize that structure every time - you might be happy to have left pointing nowhere (a null pointer) except in some special circumstances known only to you.
You should also verify that the memory allocation succeeded, or use a memory allocator that guarantees never to return a null or invalid pointer. Classically, that might be a cover function for the standard malloc() function:
#undef NDEBUG
#include <assert.h>
void *emalloc(size_t nbytes)
void *space = malloc(nbytes);
assert(space != 0);
That's crude but effective. I use non-crashing error reporting routines of my own devising in place of the assert:
#include "stderr.h"
void *emalloc(size_t nbytes)
void *space = malloc(nbytes);
if (space == 0)
err_error("Out of memory\n");
return space;

Identifying memory leaks in C++

I've got the following bit of code, which I've narrowed down to be causing a memory leak (that is, in Task Manager, the Private Working Set of memory increases with the same repeated input string). I understand the concepts of heaps and stacks for memory, as well as the general rules for avoiding memory leaks, but something somewhere is still going wrong:
char* thebuffer = new char[210];
//checked the function, it isn't creating the leak
int size = FuncToObtainInputTextFromApp(thebuffer); //stored in thebuffer
string bufferstring = thebuffer;
int startlog = bufferstring.find("$");
int endlog = bufferstring.find("&");
string str_text="";
str_text = bufferstring.substr(startlog,endlog-startlog+1);
String^ str_text_m = gcnew String(str_text_m.c_str());
//some work done
delete str_text_m;
delete [] thebuffer;
The only thing I can think of is it might be the creation of 'string str_text' since it never goes out of scope since it just reloops in the while? If so, how would I resolve that? Defining it outside the while loop wouldn't solve it since it'd also remain in scope then too. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You should use scope-bound resource management (also known as RAII), it's good practice in any case. Never allocate memory manually, keep it in an automatically allocated class that will clean up the resource for you in the destructor.
You code might read:
// completely safe, no leaks possible
std::vector<char> thebuffer(210);
int size = FuncToObtainInputTextFromApp(&thebuffer[0]);
// you never used size, this should be better
string bufferstring(thebuffer, size);
// find does not return an int, but a size_t
std::size_t startlog = bufferstring.find("$");
std::size_t endlog = bufferstring.find("&");
// why was this split across two lines?
// there's also no checks to ensure the above find
// calls worked, be careful
string str_text = bufferstring.substr(startlog, endlog - startlog + 1);
// why copy the string into a String? why not construct
// this directly?
String^ str_text_m = gcnew String(str_text_m.c_str());
// ...
// don't really need to do that, I think,
// it's garbage collected for a reason
// delete str_text_m;
The point is, you won't get memory leaks if you're ensured your resources are freed by themselves. Maybe the garbage collector is causing your leak detector to mis-fire.
On a side note, your code seems to have lots of unnecessary copying, you might want to rethink how many times you copy the string around. (For example, find "$" and "&" while it's in the vector, and just copy from there into str_text, no need for an intermediate copy.)
Are you #using std, so that str_text's type is std::string? Maybe you meant to write -
String^ str_text_m = gcnew String(str_text.c_str());
(and not gcnew String(str_text_m.c_str()) ) ?
Most importantly, allocating a String (or any object) with gcnew is declaring that you will not be delete'ing it explicitly - you leave it up to the garbage collector. Not sure what happens if you do delete it (technically it's not even a pointer. Definitely does not reference anything on the CRT heap, where new/delete have power).
You can probably safely comment str_text_m's deletion. You can expect gradual memory increase (where the gcnew's accumulate) and sudden decreases (where the garbage collection kicks in) in some intervals.
Even better, you can probably reuse str_text_m, along the lines of -
String^ str_text_m = gcnew String();
str_text_m = String(str_text.c_str());
I know its recommended to set the freed variable to NULL after deleting it just to prevent any invalid memory reference. May help, may not.
delete [] thebuffer;
thebuffer = NULL; // Clear a to prevent using invalid memory reference
There is a tool called DevPartner which can catch all memory leaks at runtime. If you have the pdb for your application this will give you the line numbers in your application where all memory leak has been observed.
This is best used for really big applications.

Is it possible to store pointers in shared memory without using offsets?

When using shared memory, each process may mmap the shared region into a different area of its respective address space. This means that when storing pointers within the shared region, you need to store them as offsets of the start of the shared region. Unfortunately, this complicates use of atomic instructions (e.g. if you're trying to write a lock free algorithm). For example, say you have a bunch of reference counted nodes in shared memory, created by a single writer. The writer periodically atomically updates a pointer 'p' to point to a valid node with positive reference count. Readers want to atomically write to 'p' because it points to the beginning of a node (a struct) whose first element is a reference count. Since p always points to a valid node, incrementing the ref count is safe, and makes it safe to dereference 'p' and access other members. However, this all only works when everything is in the same address space. If the nodes and the 'p' pointer are stored in shared memory, then clients suffer a race condition:
x = read p
y = x + offset
Increment refcount at y
During step 2, p may change and x may no longer point to a valid node. The only workaround I can think of is somehow forcing all processes to agree on where to map the shared memory, so that real pointers rather than offsets can be stored in the mmap'd region. Is there any way to do that? I see MAP_FIXED in the mmap documentation, but I don't know how I could pick an address that would be safe.
Edit: Using inline assembly and the 'lock' prefix on x86 maybe it's possible to build a "increment ptr X with offset Y by value Z"? Equivalent options on other architectures? Haven't written a lot of assembly, don't know if the needed instructions exist.
On low level the x86 atomic inctruction can do all this tree steps at once:
x = read p
y = x + offset Increment
refcount at y
mov edi, Destination
mov edx, DataOffset
mov ecx, NewData
mov eax, [edi + edx] //load OldData
//Here you can also increment eax and save to [edi + edx]
lock cmpxchg dword ptr [edi + edx], ecx
jnz #Repeat
This is trivial on a UNIX system; just use the shared memory functions:
shgmet, shmat, shmctl, shmdt
void *shmat(int shmid, const void *shmaddr, int shmflg);
shmat() attaches the shared memory
segment identified by shmid to the
address space of the calling process.
The attaching address is specified by
shmaddr with one of the following
If shmaddr is NULL, the system chooses
a suitable (unused) address at which
to attach the segment.
Just specify your own address here; e.g. 0x20000000000
If you shmget() using the same key and size in every process, you will get the same shared memory segment. If you shmat() at the same address, the virtual addresses will be the same in all processes. The kernel doesn't care what address range you use, as long as it doesn't conflict with wherever it normally assigns things. (If you leave out the address, you can see the general region that it likes to put things; also, check addresses on the stack and returned from malloc() / new[] .)
On Linux, make sure root sets SHMMAX in /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax to a large enough number to accommodate your shared memory segments (default is 32MB).
As for atomic operations, you can get them all from the Linux kernel source, e.g.
* Make sure gcc doesn't try to be clever and move things around
* on us. We need to use _exactly_ the address the user gave us,
* not some alias that contains the same information.
typedef struct {
int counter;
} atomic_t;
* atomic_read - read atomic variable
* #v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically reads the value of #v.
#define atomic_read(v) ((v)->counter)
* atomic_set - set atomic variable
* #v: pointer of type atomic_t
* #i: required value
* Atomically sets the value of #v to #i.
#define atomic_set(v, i) (((v)->counter) = (i))
* atomic_add - add integer to atomic variable
* #i: integer value to add
* #v: pointer of type atomic_t
* Atomically adds #i to #v.
static inline void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "addl %1,%0"
: "=m" (v->counter)
: "ir" (i), "m" (v->counter));
64-bit version:
typedef struct {
long counter;
} atomic64_t;
* atomic64_add - add integer to atomic64 variable
* #i: integer value to add
* #v: pointer to type atomic64_t
* Atomically adds #i to #v.
static inline void atomic64_add(long i, atomic64_t *v)
asm volatile(LOCK_PREFIX "addq %1,%0"
: "=m" (v->counter)
: "er" (i), "m" (v->counter));
We have code that's similar to your problem description. We use a memory-mapped file, offsets, and file locking. We haven't found an alternative.
You shouldn't be afraid to make up an address at random, because the kernel will just reject addresses it doesn't like (ones that conflict). See my shmat() answer above, using 0x20000000000
With mmap:
void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset);
If addr is not NULL, then the kernel
takes it as a hint about where to
place the mapping; on Linux, the
mapping will be created at the next
higher page boundary. The address of
the new mapping is returned as the
result of the call.
The flags argument determines whether
updates to the mapping are visible to
other processes mapping the same
region, and whether updates are
carried through to the underlying
file. This behavior is determined by
including exactly one of the following
values in flags:
MAP_SHARED Share this mapping.
Updates to the mapping are visible to
other processes that map this
file, and are carried through to the
underlying file. The file may not
actually be updated until msync(2) or
munmap() is called.
EINVAL We don’t like addr, length, or
offset (e.g., they are too large, or
not aligned on a page boundary).
Adding the offset to the pointer does not create the potential for a race, it already exists. Since at least neither ARM nor x86 can atomically read a pointer then access the memory it refers to you need to protect the pointer access with a lock regardless of whether you add an offset.

How to use lua_pop() function correctly?

Can anyone pls tell me that how to use lua_pop() function correctly in C++.
Should I call it when I use a lua_get*() function ? like.
lua_getglobal(L, "something");
lua_pop(L, 1);
or how to use it ? Will the garbage collector clear those stuff after the threshold ? Thanks.
You call lua_pop() to remove items from the Lua stack. For simple functions, this can be entirely unnecessary since the core will clean up the stack as part of handling the return values.
For more complex functions, and especially for C code that is calling into Lua, you will often need to pop things from the stack to prevent the stack from growing indefinitely.
The lua_getglobal() function adds one item to the stack when called, which is either nil if the global doesn't exist or the value of the named global variable. Having a copy of that value on the stack protects it from the garbage collector as long as it is there. That value needs to remain on the stack as long as it is in use by the C code that retrieved it, because if the global were modified, the copy on the stack might be the only remaining reference.
So the general patterns for using a global are something like these:
void doMyEvent(lua_State *L) {
lua_getglobal(L, "MyEvent");
lua_call(L, 0, 0); /* pops the function and 0 parameters, pushes 0 results */
double getGlobalDouble(lua_State *L, const char *name) {
double d;
d = lua_tonumber(L,1); /* extracts the value, leaves stack unchanged */
lua_pop(L,1); /* pop the value to leave stack balanced */
return d;
char *copyGlobalString(lua_State *L, const char *name) {
char *s = NULL;
if (!lua_isnil(L,-1))
s = strdup(lua_tostring(L,-1));
return s;
In the last example, I am careful to copy the content of the string because the pointer returned by lua_tostring() is only guaranteed to be valid as long as the value remains on the stack. The requires that a caller of copyGlobalString() is responsible for calling free() later.
Note too that recent editions of the Lua manual include a notation along with each function that identifies the number of stack entries consumed, and the number pushed. This helps avoid unexpected stack growth.
