Why is there only one non-strict function from Int to Int? - haskell

According to this article on denotational semantics for Haskell there is only one non-strict (non-bottom prreserving) function from Int to Int.
to quote:
it happens that there is only one prototype of a non-strict function of type Integer -> Integer:
one x = 1
Its variants are constk x = k for every concrete number k. Why are these the only ones possible? Remember that one n can be no less defined than one ⊥. As Integer is a flat domain, both must be equal.
Essentially it says that the only non-strict functions of that type signature can only be the constant functions. I don't follow this argument. I'm also unsure what is meant by a flat domain, the rest of the article leads to believe that it simply means that the poset of values has only one node: bottom.
Does something similar occur for function going from A->A, or A->B? That is they must be constant functions?

Any function on Integer that is not const k for some constant k must inspect its argument. You can't partially inspect an Integer, which might be is what is meant by it being a "flat domain". This is a consequence of how the semantics of Integer are defined in the Haskell specs, not something that follows from the core language's semantics.
By contrast, infinitely many non-strict functions of type [a] -> [a] exist for every type a, e.g. take1:
take1 (x:_) = [x]
To show non-strictness, define
ones = 1 : ones
In terms of denotational semantics, [[ones]] = ⊥. But take1 ones evaluates to [1], so take1 is non-strict. So are take2 (x:y:_) = [x,y], take10, etc.
If you want non-strict, non-constant functions on integers, you need a different representation of the integers than Integer, e.g.:
data Bit = Zero | One
newtype BinaryInt = I [Bit]
If we interpret the list in an I as a "little-endian" binary integer, then the function
mod2 (I []) = I []
mod2 (I (lsb:_)) = I [lsb]
is non-strict.

The intuition is that a lazy function can't inspect its argument here without forcing it (and hence become strict). If you don't inspect your argument you have to be const
The real answer in monotonicity. If you think of semantic domains as posets where the ordering relationship is one of "defined-ness", all functions are order preserving. Why? Since all bottoms are created equal, and looping forever is the same thing as bottom, a non monotonic function would be one that solves the halting problem.
Okay, so why does that imply it const creates the only lazy functions? Well, say pick an arbitrary function f such that
f :: Integer -> Integer
f ⊥ = y
since ⊥ <= x for all x, it must be that y <= f x. If y is a non bottom value, then the only solution to that inequality is f x = y
Edit: The reason why this argument holds for types like Integer and Bool but not for types like [a] is the last step: Integer in a sense only has a single ⊥ in it. That is, all Integers are equally defined except for ⊥. On the other hand, ⊥ < (⊥:⊥) while (⊥:⊥) < (⊥:[]) and (⊥:⊥) < (⊥:(⊥:⊥)) < (⊥:(⊥:(⊥:⊥))) < ... whats more, (⊥:⊥) < ('a':⊥). That is, the semantic domain of [a] is rich enough that y <= f x with y =/= ⊥ does not imply that f x = y.


Identity function in Haskell has multiple inhabitants?

In category theory it can be proven that the identity function is unique. It is also said that, reasoning with parametricity, that the type forall a. a -> a has only one inhabitant. In Haskell though I can think of more implementations of the identity function:
id x = x
id x = fst (x, "useless")
id x = head [x]
id x = (\x -> x) x
id x = (\x -> (\x -> x) x) x
How can I understand the statement "the identity function is unique" and "any function with type forall a. a -> a has only one inhabitant" when there are multiple implementations?
Those all look like the same single inhabitant to me. To show that they are different, try to construct an input for which they behave differently. If you cannot, they must in fact be the same function implemented differently.
Consider an analogue from a different discipline. In number theory, it can be proven that there is one unique smallest prime, namely 2. But how can this be? 10/5 is also the smallest prime, as is 1+1. It is possible for all of these statements to be true at once because 10/5 is in fact the same thing as 2, just as all the expressions you've written are the same thing as the identity function.
Those are different implementations of the same function. Thus there is no more then a single inhabitant here as this refers to the function, not to its implementation.

How does evaluation in Haskell work, for expressions with constraints

Suppose I write in GHCi:
GHCi> let x = 1 + 2 :: Integer
GHCi> seq x ()
GHCi> :sprint x
GHCi prints x = 3 as naturally expected.
GHCi> let x = 1 + 2
GHCi> seq x ()
GHCi> :sprint x
yields x = _
The sole difference between the two expressions are their types (Integer vs Num a => a). My question is what exactly happens, and why is seemingly x not evaluated in the latter example.
The main issue is that
let x = 1 + 2
defines a polymorphic value of type forall a. Num a => a, and that is something which evaluates similarly to a function.
Each use of x can be made at a different type, e.g. x :: Int, x :: Integer, x :: Double and so on. These results are not "cached" in any way, but recomputed every time, as if x were a function which is called multiple times, so to speak.
Indeed, a common implementation of type classes implements such a polymorphic x as a function
x :: NumDict a -> a
where the NumDict a argument above is added by the compiler automatically, and carries information about a being a Num type, including how to perform addition, how to interpret integer literals inside a, and so on. This is called the "dictionary-passing" implementation.
So, using a polymorphic x multiple times indeed corresponds to invoking a function multiple times, causing recomputation. To avoid this, the (dreaded) Monomorphism Restriction was introduced in Haskell, forcing x to be monomorphic instead. The MR is not a perfect solution, and can create some surprising type errors in certain cases.
To alleviate this issue, the MR is disabled by default in GHCi, since in GHCi we don't care that much about performance -- usability is more important there. This however causes the recomputation to reappear, as you discovered.

Why the pointfree style does not cause a problem?

I read about The Monomorphism Restriction from the page https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/pitfalls.html and could not understand the last point:
A common violation of the restriction happens with functions defined
in a higher-order manner, as in this definition of sum from the
Standard Prelude:
sum = foldl (+) 0
As is, this would cause a static type error. We can fix the problem by
adding the type signature:
sum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a
Also note that this problem would not have arisen if we had written:
sum xs = foldl (+) 0 xs
because the restriction only applies to pattern bindings.
Why the last point does not cause any error?
because the restriction only applies to pattern bindings.
Essentially, the MR does not apply when we are defining a function using a function binding of the form
f arg1 ... argN = ...
with N > 0.
The intuition is as follows. The purpose of the MR is to avoid turning Haskell non-functions into lower-level functions accidentally. For instance,
x = 3 + 4
is not a function. However, its type is Num a => a, which is usually implemented as a function from a Num dictionary to the result of 3+4 where + is a function defined by the dictionary. This can lead to a bad performance, since every time we use x the sum will need to be recomputed from scratch. This is unavoidable if we want to compute print (x :: Int) >> print (x :: Double), for instance. But actually using x at different types is rather uncommon.
So, the MR makes x monomorphic, preventing us to use it at more than a single type. In that way, recomputation can be avoided.
However, if x is already a function there is no harm in keeping that polymorphic, since we are "recomputing" function calls anyway. So, the MR does not apply to function bindings.

Can any recursive definition be rewritten using foldr?

Say I have a general recursive definition in haskell like this:
foo a0 a1 ... = base_case
foo b0 b1 ...
| cond1 = recursive_case_1
| cond2 = recursive_case_2
Can it always rewritten using foldr? Can it be proved?
If we interpret your question literally, we can write const value foldr to achieve any value, as #DanielWagner pointed out in a comment.
A more interesting question is whether we can instead forbid general recursion from Haskell, and "recurse" only through the eliminators/catamorphisms associated to each user-defined data type, which are the natural generalization of foldr to inductively defined data types. This is, essentially, (higher-order) primitive recursion.
When this restriction is performed, we can only compose terminating functions (the eliminators) together. This means that we can no longer define non terminating functions.
As a first example, we lose the trivial recursion
f x = f x
-- or even
a = a
since, as said, the language becomes total.
More interestingly, the general fixed point operator is lost.
fix :: (a -> a) -> a
fix f = f (fix f)
A more intriguing question is: what about the total functions we can express in Haskell? We do lose all the non-total functions, but do we lose any of the total ones?
Computability theory states that, since the language becomes total (no more non termination), we lose expressiveness even on the total fragment.
The proof is a standard diagonalization argument. Fix any enumeration of programs in the total fragment so that we can speak of "the i-th program".
Then, let eval i x be the result of running the i-th program on the natural x as input (for simplicity, assume this is well typed, and that the result is a natural). Note that, since the language is total, then a result must exist. Moreover, eval can be implemented in the unrestricted Haskell language, since we can write an interpreter of Haskell in Haskell (left as an exercise :-P), and that would work as fine for the fragment. Then, we simply take
f n = succ $ eval n n
The above is a total function (a composition of total functions) which can be expressed in Haskell, but not in the fragment. Indeed, otherwise there would be a program to compute it, say the i-th program. In such case we would have
eval i x = f x
for all x. But then,
eval i i = f i = succ $ eval i i
which is impossible -- contradiction. QED.
In type theory, it is indeed the case that you can elaborate all definitions by dependent pattern-matching into ones only using eliminators (a more strongly-typed version of folds, the generalisation of lists' foldr).
See e.g. Eliminating Dependent Pattern Matching (pdf)

How can quotient types help safely expose module internals?

Reading up on quotient types and their use in functional programming, I came across this post. The author mentions Data.Set as an example of a module which provides a ton of functions which need access to module's internals:
Data.Set has 36 functions, when all that are really needed to ensure the meaning of a set ("These elements are distinct") are toList and fromList.
The author's point seems to be that we need to "open up the module and break the abstraction" if we forgot some function which can be implemented efficiently only using module's internals.
He then says
We could alleviate all of this mess with quotient types.
but gives no explanation to that claim.
So my question is: how are quotient types helping here?
I've done a bit more research and found a paper "Constructing Polymorphic Programs with Quotient Types". It elaborates on declaring quotient containers and mentions the word "efficient" in abstract and introduction. But if I haven't misread, it does not give any example of an efficient representation "hiding behind" a quotient container.
A bit more is revealed in "[PDF] Programming in Homotopy Type Theory" paper in Chapter 3. The fact that quotient type can be implemented as a dependent sum is used. Views on abstract types are introduced (which look very similar to type classes to me) and some relevant Agda code is provided. Yet the chapter focuses on reasoning about abstract types, so I'm not sure how this relates to my question.
I recently made a blog post about quotient types, and I was led here by a comment. The blog post may provide some additional context in addition to the papers referenced in the question.
The answer is actually pretty straightforward. One way to arrive at it is to ask the question: why are we using an abstract data type in the first place for Data.Set?
There are two distinct and separable reasons. The first reason is to hide the internal type behind an interface so that we can substitute a completely new type in the future. The second reason is to enforce implicit invariants on values of the internal type. Quotient type and their dual subset types allow us to make the invariants explicit and enforced by the type checker so that we no longer need to hide the representation. So let me be very clear: quotient (and subset) types do not provide you with any implementation hiding. If you implement Data.Set with quotient types using lists as your representation, then later decide you want to use trees, you will need to change all code that uses your type.
Let's start with a simpler example (leftaroundabout's). Haskell has an Integer type but not a Natural type. A simple way to specify Natural as a subset type using made up syntax would be:
type Natural = { n :: Integer | n >= 0 }
We could implement this as an abstract type using a smart constructor that threw an error when given a negative Integer. This type says that only a subset of the values of type Integer are valid. Another approach we could use to implement this type is to use a quotient type:
type Natural = Integer / ~ where n ~ m = abs n == abs m
Any function h :: X -> T for some type T induces a quotient type on X quotiented by the equivalence relation x ~ y = h x == h y. Quotient types of this form are more easily encoded as abstract data types. In general, though, there may not be such a convenient function, e.g.:
type Pair a = (a, a) / ~ where (a, b) ~ (x, y) = a == x && b == y || a == y && b == x
(As to how quotient types relate to setoids, a quotient type is a setoid that enforces that you respect its equivalence relation.) This second definition of Natural has the property that there are two values that represent 2, say. Namely, 2 and -2. The quotient type aspect says we are allowed to do whatever we want with the underlying Integer, so long as we never produce a result that differentiates between these two representatives. Another way to see this is that we can encode a quotient type using subset types as:
X/~ = forall a. { f :: X -> a | forEvery (\(x, y) -> x ~ y ==> f x == f y) } -> a
Unfortunately, that forEvery is tantamount to checking equality of functions.
Zooming back out, subset types add constraints on producers of values and quotient types add constraints on consumers of values. Invariants enforced by an abstract data type may be a mixture of these. Indeed, we may decide to represent a Set as the following:
data Tree a = Empty | Branch (Tree a) a (Tree a)
type BST a = { t :: Tree a | isSorted (toList t) }
type Set a = { t :: BST a | noDuplicates (toList t) } / ~
where s ~ t = toList s == toList t
Note, nothing about this ever requires us to actually execute isSorted, noDuplicates, or toList. We "merely" need to convince the type checker that the implementations of functions on this type would satisfy these predicates. The quotient type allows us to have a redundant representation while enforcing that we treat equivalent representations in the same way. This doesn't mean we can't leverage the specific representation we have to produce a value, it just means that we must convince the type checker that we would have produced the same value given a different, equivalent representation. For example:
maximum :: Set a -> a
maximum s = exposing s as t in go t
where go Empty = error "maximum of empty Set"
go (Branch _ x Empty) = x
go (Branch _ _ r) = go r
The proof obligation for this is that the right-most element of any binary search tree with the same elements is the same. Formally, it's go t == go t' whenever toList t == toList t'. If we used a representation that guaranteed the tree would be balanced, e.g. an AVL tree, this operation would be O(log N) while converting to a list and picking the maximum from the list would be O(N). Even with this representation, this code is strictly more efficient than converting to a list and getting the maximum from the list. Note, that we could not implement a function that displayed the tree structure of the Set. Such a function would be ill-typed.
I'll give a simpler example where it's reasonably clear. Admittedly I myself don't really see how this would translate to something like Set, efficiently.
data Nat = Nat (Integer / abs)
To use this safely, we must be sure that any function Nat -> T (with some non-quotient T, for simplicity's sake) does not depend on the actual integer value, but only on its absolute. To do so, it's not really necessary to hide Integer completely; it would be sufficient to prevent you from matching on it directly. Instead, the compiler might rewrite the matches, e.g.
even' :: Nat -> Bool
even' (Nat 0) = True
even' (Nat 1) = False
even' (Nat n) = even' . Nat $ n - 2
could be rewritten to
even' (Nat n') = case abs n' of
[|abs 0|] -> True
[|abs 1|] -> False
n -> even' . Nat $ n - 2
Such a rewriting would point out equivalence violations, e.g.
bad (Nat 1) = "foo"
bad (Nat (-1)) = "bar"
bad _ = undefined
would rewrite to
bad (Nat n') = case n' of
1 -> "foo"
1 -> "bar"
_ -> undefined
which is obviously an overlapped pattern.
Disclaimer: I just read up on quotient types upon reading this question.
I think the author's just saying that sets can be described as quotient types over lists. Ie: (making up some haskell-like syntax):
data Set a = Set [a] / (sort . nub) deriving (Eq)
Ie, a Set a is just a [a] with equality between two Set a's determined by whether the sort . nub of the underlying lists are equal.
We could do this explicitly like this, I guess:
import Data.List
data Set a = Set [a] deriving (Show)
instance (Ord a, Eq a) => Eq (Set a) where
(Set xs) == (Set ys) = (sort $ nub xs) == (sort $ nub ys)
Not sure if this is actually what the author intended as this isn't a particularly efficient way of implementing a set. Someone can feel free to correct me.
