I have a problem with my RCP application. When I open the about dialog, it opens up with the full width of the screen, which makes it looks quite odd.
Is there a way to adjust the default about dialog box?
why do not try running eclipse application using command promt unsing -clean as argument
eclipse.exe - clean
I'm trying to use the Monogame Content Builder in Linux with VS Code. I installed this extension in order to easily run the Content.mgcb file, but when I right click the file, the option to run it doesn't appear. Alternatively, when I run dotnet mgcb-editor in the terminal, this window shows up, but there's no option to import a file or do anything! This is what it looks like:
What am I doing wrong? Why won't the extension work, and why won't the the editor open properly? I'm pretty sure the editor should look like this (this image is from a tutorial).
The Linux GTK version displays differently than the windows version.
Use the New button(Leftmost on Bar) or Open button to specify the .mgcb file in the project folder.
Once a file is open, the Bar adds buttons on the left for Build, Rebuild and Clean and Save on the right.
Right-Click the Content node under project to Add existing or add new or build.
I have qpdfview installed on linuxmint 18.The app doesn't show titlebar and is always in fullscreen(f11) mode.there is no max/minnimize or close buttons nor the taskbar.I am not able to have a floating window.
The reason this happened was once I pressed and holded the f11 button for a few seconds and then from then the titlebar was gone.
I uninstalled the software cleaned the directories then reinsatlled a few times but still the same result.
Image of the qpdfview
Then I observed this unusual output for wmctrl -l command
If this issue is related to qpdfview, try to check the local configuration file:
qpdfview uses a configuration file usually located at
which allows configuration of the toolbars and thumbnails.
look for something that uses fullscreen or no borders
If this is not working or its system wide, check the compositing options of your desktop environment
2.8. You can improve graphical performance of your Linux Mint Mate like this:
Menu button - Preferences - Windows
Deselect: Enable software compositing window manager
Getting this error while trying to compile and run app.
Since the only work I have done is on the XIB file, I have tried removing the value from the launch screen file box, still it didn't help.
Here's a screenshot:
Using Xcode 6.1.
If you set outlet connection with any of the object of launch screen then it's give this types of error.Simply launch screen has a plain(static) UI. You can not change it's value run time or using creating UIViewcontroller. So, remove all outlet connection of launch screen. If you want remove Launch Screen then go to General setting tab then clear value of Launch Screen file. Make sure it's also clear into the info.plist file.
Is there a way to have a VIM editor on Windows 8.1 displaying a graphical menu like File, Edit,etc...?
I need to be able to run VIM as Administrator, and then I need to be able to choose what file to open, so having a File menu item would be very helpful
The program you are looking for is called gVim and is available for windows. However, you don't need a graphical menu to open a file in vim. For example
:e file
:o file
should both work fine without any graphical menus.
I have the following situation: I have to modify a .desktop file that is into the package of an application of which I am working.
I have a strange problem that happens when I try to open the content of the file. If I click on it and then I try to click on "Open" it give me an error message that means in English: "LAUNCHER OF APPLICATIONS UNRELIABLE"
The only way to open the .desktop file is for me is to run the following shell command:
sudo gedit myApplication.desktop
Why is this so? Why does the error message appear when I try to open the .desktop file normally?
The content of the .desktop file is:
[Desktop Entry]
Name[en_US]=Connect Data Space
Name=My Application Name
[Desktop Action CheckUpgrade]
Name=Verifica Aggiornamenti
Exec=java -jar /usr/share/MyApplication/appl/lib/shellExtBridge.jar -checkupgrade
And now I have some doubts about it:
1) Icon: reading some documentation it seems to me that if I put an icon called myApplication.png inside the folder /usr/share/pixmaps of my package, it use this icon, is it right?
2) Exec: reading some documentation it seems to me that this field specifies the path to the file that is executed when my icon is clicked, is it right? But in this case what file is executed? /usr/share/MyApplication/appl/launcher.sh or /usr/share/MyApplication/appl/lib/shellExtBridge.jar -checkupgrade.
I think the first file is executed, but then what is the functionality of the file in the second Exec statement?
In general, what is the functionality of the .desktop file? It seems to me that it only adds my application icon to the Unity toolbar to start my application clicking on it. Is that right, or is there additional functionality of the .desktop file?
The .desktop file is a shortcut that points to the executable and add an icon to that particula shortcut.
have you noticed all the .desktop files in /user/share/applications It's there all the shortcuts are gathered. You may take some inspiration from there.
that depends on which icon you point the .desktop file to. (i'm not sure about this one but the icon could also be stored in /usr/share/icons)
yes it's right. The Exec field specifies which file that should be executed. It's the [desktop entry] you should look at so it's the /usr/share/MyApplication/appl/launcher.shfile that is executed
As I can see it will give your shortcut an icon, a name and it will point the shortcut to the /usr/share/MyApplication/appl/launcher.sh file. The StartupWMClass property will do so that your application dosen't actually create a new open application icon in unity instead it will light up the shortcut you already created.
check out this for more info about that.
the Category property Categories=Utility; is made so that gnome2, gnome-fallback, xfce and MATE desktop environments can place the shortcut at the correct position(because they have menus).
i can't tell what the last 4 lines in the desktop file does but i think they are executed when you run the app updater. so that your java app updates itself. Or it will create an update entry when you right click on the icon in the unity launcher so that you can update it through the small right-click menu (but i don't know)
I'm not sure about all this, so correct me if i'm wrong. But some info is better than nothing :)