Proper way to release string for garbage collection after slicing - string

According to this Go Data Structures article, under the Strings section it states that taking a slice of a string will keep the original string in memory.
"(As an aside, there is a well-known gotcha in Java and other languages that when you slice a string to save a small piece, the reference to the original keeps the entire original string in memory even though only a small amount is still needed. Go has this gotcha too. The alternative, which we tried and rejected, is to make string slicing so expensive—an allocation and a copy—that most programs avoid it.)"
So if we have a very long string:
s := "Some very long string..."
And we take a small slice:
newS := s[5:9]
The original s will not be released until we also release newS. Considering this, what is the proper approach to take if we need to keep newS long term, but release s for garbage collection?
I thought maybe this:
newS := string([]byte(s[5:9]))
But I wasn't certain if that would actually work, or if there's a better way.

Yes, converting to a slice of bytes will create a copy of the string, so the original one is not referenced anymore, and can be GCed somewhere down the line.
As a "proof" of this (well, it proves that the slice of bytes doesn't share the same underlying data as the original string):
Edit: and proof that the slice of bytes only has the necessary length and capacity (in other words, it doesn't have a capacity equal to that of the original string):
Edit2: And you can clearly see what happens with the memory profiling. In reuseString(), the memory used is very stable. In copyString(), it grows fast, showing the copies of the string done by the []byte conversion.

The proper way to ensure a string might eventually get eligible for garbage collection after slicing it and keeping the slice "live", is to create a copy of the slice and keeping "live" the copy instead. But now one is buying better memory performance at the cost of worsened time performance. Might be good somewhere, but might be evil elsewhere. Sometimes only proper measurements, not guessing, will tell where the real gain is.
I'm, for example, using StrPack, when I prefer a bit of evilness ;-)


How to implement efficient string interning in f#?

What is to implement a custom string type in f# for interning strings. i have to read large csv files into memory. Given most of the columns are categorical, values are repeating and it makes sense to create new string first time it is encountered and only refer to it on subsequent occurrences to save memory.
In c# I do this by creating a global intern pool (concurrent dict) and before setting a value, lookup the dictionary if it already exists. if it exists, just point to the string already in the dictionary. if not, add it to the dictionary and set the value to the string just added to dictionary.
New to f# and wondering what is the best way to do this in f#. will be using the new string type in records named tuples etc and it will have to work with concurrent processes.
String.Intern uses the Intern Pool. My understanding is, it is not very efficient for large pools and is not garbage collected i.e. any/all interned strings will remain in intern pool for lifetime of the app. Imagine a an application where you read a file, perform some operations and write data. Using Intern Pool solution will probably work. Now imagine you have to do the same 100 times and the strings in each file have little in common. If the memory is allocated on heap, after processing each file, we can force garbage collector to clear unnecessary strings.
I should have mentioned I could not really figure out how to do the C# approach in F# (other than implementing a C# type and using it in F#)
Memorisation pattern is slightly different from what I am looking for? We are not caching calculated results - we are ensuring each string object is created no more than once and all subsequent creations of same string are just references to the original. Using a dictionary to do this is a one way and using String.Intern is other.
sorry if is am missing something obvious here.
I have a few things to say, so I'll post them as an answer.
First, I guess String.Intern works just as well in F# as in C#.
let x = "abc"
let y = StringBuilder("a").Append("bc").ToString()
printfn "1 : %A" (LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality x y) // false
let y2 = String.Intern y
printfn "2 : %A" (LanguagePrimitives.PhysicalEquality x y2) // true
Second, are you using a dictionary in combination with String.Intern in your C# solution? If so, why not just do s = String.Intern(s); after the string is ready following input from file?
To create a type for use in your business domain to handle string deduplication in general is a very bad idea. You don't want your business domain polluted by that kind of low level stuff.
As for rolling your own. I did that some years ago, probably to avoid that problem you mentioned with the strings not being garbage collected, but I never tested if that actually was a problem.
It might be a good idea to use a dictionary (or something) for each column (or type of column) where the same values are likely to repeat in great numbers. (This is pretty much what you said already.)
It makes sense to only keep these dictionaries live while you read the information from file, and stuff it into internal data structures. You might be thinking that you need the dictionaries for subsequent reads, but I am not so sure about that.
The important thing is to deduplicate the great majority of strings, and not necessarily every single duplicate. Because of this you can greatly simplify the solution as indicated. You most probably have nothing to gain by overcomplicating your solution to squeeze out the last fraction of memory savings.
Releasing the dictionaries after the file is read and structures filled, will have the advantage of not holding on to strings when they are no longer really needed. And of course you save memory by not holding onto the dictionaries.
I see no need to handle concurrency issues in the implementation here. String.Intern must necessarily be immune to concurrency issues. If you roll your own with the design suggested, you would not use it concurrently. Each file being read would have its own set of dictionaries for its columns.

Fast substring in scala

According to Time complexity of Java's substring(), java's substring takes linear time.
Is there a faster way (may be in some cases)?
I may suggest iterator, but suspect that it also takes O(n).
val s1: String = s.iterator.drop(5).mkString
But several operations on an iterator would be faster than same operations on string, right?
If you need to edit very long string, consider using data structure called Rope.
Scalaz library has Cord class which is implementation of modified version of Rope.
A Cord is a purely functional data structure for efficiently
storing and manipulating Strings that are potentially very long.
Very similar to Rope[Char], but with better constant factors and a
simpler interface since it's specialized for Strings.
As Strings are - according to the linked question - always backed by a unique character array, substring can't be faster than O(n). You need to copy the character data.
As for alternatives: there will at least be one operation which is O(n). In your example, that's mkString which collects the characters in the iterator and builds a string from them.
However, I wouldn't worry about that too much. The fact that you're using a high level language means (should mean) that developer time is more valuable than CPU time for your particular task. substring is also the canonical way to ... take a substring, so using it makes your program more readable.
EDIT: I also like this sentence (from this answer) a lot: O(n) is O(1) if n does not grow large. What I take away from this is: you shouldn't write inefficient code, but asymptotical efficiency is not the same as real-world efficiency.

How to minimize the garbage collection in Go?

Some times you could want to avoid/minimize the garbage collector, so I want to be sure about how to do it.
I think that the next one is correct:
Declare variables at the beginning of the function.
To use array instead of slice.
Any more?
To minimize garbage collection in Go, you must minimize heap allocations. To minimize heap allocations, you must understand when allocations happen.
The following things always cause allocations (at least in the gc compiler as of Go 1):
Using the new built-in function
Using the make built-in function (except in a few unlikely corner cases)
Composite literals when the value type is a slice, map, or a struct with the & operator
Putting a value larger than a machine word into an interface. (For example, strings, slices, and some structs are larger than a machine word.)
Converting between string, []byte, and []rune
As of Go 1.3, the compiler special cases this expression to not allocate: m[string(b)], where m is a map and b is a []byte
Converting a non-constant integer value to a string
defer statements
go statements
Function literals that capture local variables
The following things can cause allocations, depending on the details:
Taking the address of a variable. Note that addresses can be taken implicitly. For example a.b() might take the address of a if a isn't a pointer and the b method has a pointer receiver type.
Using the append built-in function
Calling a variadic function or method
Slicing an array
Adding an element to a map
The list is intended to be complete and I'm reasonably confident in it, but am happy to consider additions or corrections.
If you're uncertain of where your allocations are happening, you can always profile as others suggested or look at the assembly produced by the compiler.
Avoiding garbage is relatively straight forward. You need to understand where the allocations are being made and see if you can avoid the allocation.
First, declaring variables at the beginning of a function will NOT help. The compiler does not know the difference. However, human's will know the difference and it will annoy them.
Use of an array instead of a slice will work, but that is because arrays (unless dereferenced) are put on the stack. Arrays have other issues such as the fact that they are passed by value (copied) between functions. Anything on the stack is "not garbage" since it will be freed when the function returns. Any pointer or slice that may escape the function is put on the heap which the garbage collector must deal with at some point.
The best thing you can do is avoid allocation. When you are done with large bits of data which you don't need, reuse them. This is the method used in the profiling tutorial on the Go blog. I suggest reading it.
Another example besides the one in the profiling tutorial: Lets say you have an slice of type []int named xs. You continually append to the []int until you reach a condition and then you reset it so you can start over. If you do xs = nil, you are now declaring the underlying array of the slice as garbage to be collected. Append will then reallocate xs the next time you use it. If instead you do xs = xs[:0], you are still resetting it but keeping the old array.
For the most part, trying to avoid creating garbage is premature optimization. For most of your code it does not matter. But you may find every once in a while a function which is called a great many times that allocates a lot each time it is run. Or a loop where you reallocate instead of reusing. I would wait until you see the bottle neck before going overboard.

Delphi String Sharing Question

I have a large amout of objects that all have a filename stored inside. All file names are within a given base directory (let's call it C:\BaseDir\). I am now considering two alternatives:
Store absolute paths in the objects
Store relative paths in the object and store the base path additionally
If I understand Delphi strings correctly the second approach will need much less memory because the base path string is shared - given that I pass the same string field to all the objects like this:
TDataObject.Create (FBasePath, RelFileName);
Is that assumption true? Will there be only one string instance of the base path in memory?
If anybody knows a better way to handle situations like this, feel free to comment on that as well.
You are correct. When you write s1 := s2 with two string variables, there is one string in memory with (at least two) references to it.
You also ask whether trying to reduce the number of strings in memory is a good idea. That depends on how many strings you have in comparison to other memory consuming objects. Only you can really answer that.
As David said, the common string would be shared (unless you use ie UniqueString()).
Having said that, it looks like premature optimisation. If you actually need to work with full paths and never need the dir and filename part separately then you should think about splitting them up only when you really run into memory problems.
Constantly concatenating the base and filename parts could significantly slow down your program and cause memory fragmentation.

What's the advantage of a String being Immutable?

Once I studied about the advantage of a string being immutable because of something to improve performace in memory.
Can anybody explain this to me? I can't find it on the Internet.
Immutability (for strings or other types) can have numerous advantages:
It makes it easier to reason about the code, since you can make assumptions about variables and arguments that you can't otherwise make.
It simplifies multithreaded programming since reading from a type that cannot change is always safe to do concurrently.
It allows for a reduction of memory usage by allowing identical values to be combined together and referenced from multiple locations. Both Java and C# perform string interning to reduce the memory cost of literal strings embedded in code.
It simplifies the design and implementation of certain algorithms (such as those employing backtracking or value-space partitioning) because previously computed state can be reused later.
Immutability is a foundational principle in many functional programming languages - it allows code to be viewed as a series of transformations from one representation to another, rather than a sequence of mutations.
Immutable strings also help avoid the temptation of using strings as buffers. Many defects in C/C++ programs relate to buffer overrun problems resulting from using naked character arrays to compose or modify string values. Treating strings as a mutable types encourages using types better suited for buffer manipulation (see StringBuilder in .NET or Java).
Consider the alternative. Java has no const qualifier. If String objects were mutable, then any method to which you pass a reference to a string could have the side-effect of modifying the string. Immutable strings eliminate the need for defensive copies, and reduce the risk of program error.
Immutable strings are cheap to copy, because you don't need to copy all the data - just copy a reference or pointer to the data.
Immutable classes of any kind are easier to work with in multiple threads, the only synchronization needed is for destruction.
Perhaps, my answer is outdated, but probably someone will found here a new information.
Why Java String is immutable and why it is good:
you can share a string between threads and be sure no one of them will change the string and confuse another thread
you don’t need a lock. Several threads can work with immutable string without conflicts
if you just received a string, you can be sure no one will change its value after that
you can have many string duplicates – they will be pointed to a single instance, to just one copy. This saves computer memory (RAM)
you can do substring without copying, – by creating a pointer to an existing string’s element. This is why Java substring operation implementation is so fast
immutable strings (objects) are much better suited to use them as key in hash-tables
a) Imagine StringPool facility without making string immutable , its not possible at all because in case of string pool one string object/literal e.g. "Test" has referenced by many reference variables , so if any one of them change the value others will be automatically gets affected i.e. lets say
String A = "Test" and String B = "Test"
Now String B called "Test".toUpperCase() which change the same object into "TEST" , so A will also be "TEST" which is not desirable.
b) Another reason of Why String is immutable in Java is to allow String to cache its hashcode , being immutable String in Java caches its hash code and do not calculate every time we call hashcode method of String, which makes it very fast as hashmap key.
Think of various strings sitting on a common pool. String variables then point to locations in the pool. If u copy a string variable, both the original and the copy shares the same characters. These efficiency of sharing outweighs the inefficiency of string editing by extracting substrings and concatenating.
Fundamentally, if one object or method wishes to pass information to another, there are a few ways it can do it:
It may give a reference to a mutable object which contains the information, and which the recipient promises never to modify.
It may give a reference to an object which contains the data, but whose content it doesn't care about.
It may store the information into a mutable object the intended data recipient knows about (generally one supplied by that data recipient).
It may return a reference to an immutable object containing the information.
Of these methods, #4 is by far the easiest. In many cases, mutable objects are easier to work with than immutable ones, but there's no easy way to share with "untrusted" code the information that's in a mutable object without having to first copy the information to something else. By contrast, information held in an immutable object to which one holds a reference may easily be shared by simply sharing a copy of that reference.
