How can a SystemTap script determine the current thread count? - linux

I want to write a SystemTap script that can determine the actual number of threads for the current PID inside a probe call. The number should be the same as shown in the output of /proc/4711/status in this moment.
My first approach was to count kprocess.create and kprocess.exit event occurrences, but this obviously gives you only the relative increase / decrease of the thread count.
How could a SystemTap script use one of the given API functions to determine this number ? Maybe the script could somehow read the same kernel information as being used for the proc file system output ?

You will be subject to race conditions in either case - a stap probe cannot take locks on kernel structures, which would be required to guarantee that the task list does not change while it's being counted. This is especially true for general systemtap probe context, like in the middle of a kprobe.
For the first approach, you could add a "probe begin {}"-time iteration of the task list to prime the initial thread counts from a bit of embedded-C code. One challenge would be to set systemtap script globals from the embedded-C code (there's no documented API for that), but if you look at what the translator generates (stap -p3), it should be doable.
The second approach would be to do the same iteration, but for locking reasons above, this is not generally safe.


What is the difference between these methods to obtain resource usage?

In Linux, we can use two ways to find out resources used like time, page faults, page swaps, context switching. One of the ways is using the getrusage() function, the other method is using the command /usr/bin/time -v [command to check usage]. What is the difference between these ways of finding resource usage?
When you use a command like time(1) it must use a system call such as getrusage(2) by way of its system library wrapper. This is building a request with the right system call number and structure to indicate it wants rusage information for the processes' children.
For compatibility across UNIX/POSIX operating systems, which specific functions are chosen to build a command is done from a hierarchy of options to adequately cover the OSes the command runs on. (Some OSes may not implement everything or have various quirks.)
In time's case it will prefer to group waiting for the child and getting its usage into calling wait3 which in turn is implemented as a wrapper around the even more complex wait4, which has its own systemcall number.
Both wait3/4 and getrusage fill the same rusage structure with information, and since time only directly calls one child process, calling wait3() as it does or breaking this into less featured calls like wait();getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN) is in essence the same. Therefore, time is effectively displaying the same data as getrusage provides (together with some more general data it assembles from the system like real time elapsed using calls to gettimeofday).
The real difference among the systemcall wrapper functions is:
getrusage has another argument allowing a process to look at itself so far.
wait4 could target just one direct child and that child's decendents.
wait3 is a simplification of either wait4 or using wait();getrusage() that is not as versatile as either but just good enough for the time(1) command as it is implemented. (Therefore wait3 is the simplest and safest option for time to use on OSes where it is available.)
To verify they are the same, one could change time to an alternate version, recompile and compare:
while ((caught = wait3 (&status, 0, NULL)) != pid)
if (caught == -1) {
getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &resp->ru);
return 0;

Which one I should use in Clojure? go block or thread?

I want to see the intrinsic difference between a thread and a long-running go block in Clojure. In particular, I want to figure out which one I should use in my context.
I understand if one creates a go-block, then it is managed to run in a so-called thread-pool, the default size is 8. But thread will create a new thread.
In my case, there is an input stream that takes values from somewhere and the value is taken as an input. Some calculations are performed and the result is inserted into a result channel. In short, we have input and out put channel, and the calculation is done in the loop. So as to achieve concurrency, I have two choices, either use a go-block or use thread.
I wonder what is the intrinsic difference between these two. (We may assume there is no I/O during the calculations.) The sample code looks like the following:
(go-loop []
(when-let [input (<! input-stream)]
... ; calculations here
(>! result-chan result))
(loop []
(when-let [input (<!! input-stream)]
... ; calculations here
(put! result-chan result))
I realize the number of threads that can be run simultaneously is exactly the number of CPU cores. Then in this case, is go-block and thread showing no differences if I am creating more than 8 thread or go-blocks?
I might want to simulate the differences in performance in my own laptop, but the production environment is quite different from the simulated one. I could draw no conclusions.
By the way, the calculation is not so heavy. If the inputs are not so large, 8,000 loops can be run in 1 second.
Another consideration is whether go-block vs thread will have an impact on GC performance.
There's a few things to note here.
Firstly, the thread pool that threads are created on via clojure.core.async/thread is what is known as a cached thread pool, meaning although it will re-use recently used threads inside that pool, it's essentially unbounded. Which of course means it could potentially hog a lot of system resources if left unchecked.
But given that what you're doing inside each asynchronous process is very lightweight, threads to me seem a little overkill. Of course, it's also important to take into account the quantity of items you expect to hit the input stream, if this number is large you could potentially overwhelm core.async's thread pool for go macros, potentially to the point where we're waiting for a thread to become available.
You also didn't mention preciously where you're getting the input values from, are the inputs some fixed data-set that remains constant at the start of the program, or are inputs continuously feed into the input stream from some source over time?
If it's the former then I would suggest you lean more towards transducers and I would argue that a CSP model isn't a good fit for your problem since you aren't modelling communication between separate components in your program, rather you're just processing data in parallel.
If it's the latter then I presume you have some other process that's listening to the result channel and doing something important with those results, in which case I would say your usage of go-blocks is perfectly acceptable.

Infinite loop inside 'do_select' function of Linux kernel

I am surprised that Linux kernel has infinite loop in 'do_select' function implementation. Is it normal practice?
Also I am interested in how file changes monitoring implemented in Linux kernel? Is it infinite loop again?
select.c source code
This is not an infinite loop; that term is reserved for loops with no exit condition at all. This loop has its exit condition in the middle: This is a very common idiom in C. It's called "loop and a half" and there's a simple pseudocode example here: which clearly illustrates why you would want to do this. (That question talks about Java but that's not important; this is a general structured-programming idiom.)
I'm not a kernel expert, but this particular loop appears to have been written this way because the logic of the inner loop needs to run both before and after the call to poll_schedule_timeout at the very bottom of the outer loop. That code is checking whether there are any events to return; if there are already events to return when select is invoked, it's supposed to return immediately; if there aren't any initially, there will be when poll_schedule_timeout returns. So in normal operation the outer loop should cycle either 0.5 or 1.5 times. (There may be edge-case circumstances where the outer loop cycles more times than that.) I might have chosen to pull the inner loop out to its own function, but that might involve passing pointers to too many local variables around.
This is also not a spin loop, by which I mean, the CPU is not wasting electricity checking for events over and over again until one happens. If there are no events to report when control reaches the call to poll_schedule_timeout, that function (by, ultimately, calling __schedule) will cause the calling thread to block -- the CPU is taken away from that thread and assigned to another process that can do something useful with it. (If there are no processes that need the CPU, it'll be put into a low-power "halt" until the next interrupt fires.) When one of the events happens, or the timeout, the thread that called select will get "woken up" and poll_schedule_timeout will return.
On a larger note, operating system kernels often do things that would be considered strange, poor style, or even flat-out wrong, in the service of other engineering goals (efficiency, code reuse, avoidance of race conditions that can only occur on some CPUs, ...) They are written by people who know exactly what they are doing and exactly how far they can get away with bending the rules. You can learn a lot from reading though OS code, but you probably shouldn't try to imitate it until you have a bit more experience. You wouldn't try to pastiche the style of James Joyce as your first exercise in creative writing, ne? Same deal.

Is is OK to use a non-zero return code for a process that executed successfully?

I'm implementing a simple job scheduler, which spans a new process for every job to run. When a job exits, I'd like it to report the number of actions executed to the scheduler.
The simplest way I could find, is to exit with the number of actions as a return code. The process would for example exit with return code 3 for "3 actions executed".
But the standard (AFAIK) being to use the return code 0 when a process exited successfully, and any other value when there was en error, would this approach risk to create any problem?
Note: the child process is not an executable script, but a fork of the parent, so not accessible from the outside world.
What you are looking for is inter process communication - and there are plenty ways to do it:
Shared memory
Exclusive file descriptors (to some extend, rather go for something else if you can)
Return convention changes are not something a regular programmer should dare to violate.
The only risk is confusing a calling script. What you describe makes sense, since what you want really is the count. As Joe said, use negative values for failures, and you should consider including a --help option that explains the return values ... so you can figure out what this code is doing when you try to use it next month.
I would use logs for it: log the number of actions executed to the scheduler. This way you can also log datetimes and other extra info.
I would not change the return convention...
If the scheduler spans a child and you are writing that you could also open a pipe per child, or a named pipes or maybe unix domain sockets, and use that for inter process communication and writing the processed jobs there.
I would stick with conventions, namely returning 0 for success, expecially if your program is visible/usable around by other people, or anyway document well those decisions.
Anyway apart from conventions there are also standards.

Is it required to lock shared variables in perl for read access?

I am using shared variables on perl with use threads::shared.
That variables can we modified only from single thread, all other threads are only 'reading' that variables.
Is it required in the 'reading' threads to lock
lock $shared_var;
if ($shared_var > 0) .... ;
isn't it safe to simple verification without locking (in the 'reading' thread!), like
if ($shared_var > 0) ....
Locking is not required to maintain internal integrity when setting or fetching a scalar.
Whether it's needed or not in your particular case depends on the needs of the reader, the other readers and the writers. It rarely makes sense not to lock, but you haven't provided enough details for us to determine what your needs are.
For example, it might not be acceptable to use an old value after the writer has updated the shared variable. For starters, this can lead to a situation where one thread is still using the old value while the another thread is using the new value, a situation that can be undesirable if those two threads interact.
It depends on whether it's meaningful to test the condition just at some point in time or other. The problem however is that in a vast majority of cases, that Boolean test means other things, which might have already changed by the time you're done reading the condition that says it represents a previous state.
Think about it. If it's an insignificant test, then it means little--and you have to question why you are making it. If it's a significant test, then it is telltale of a coherent state that may or may not exist anymore--you won't know for sure, unless you lock it.
A lot of times, say in real-time reporting, you don't really care which snapshot the database hands you, you just want a relatively current one. But, as part of its transaction logic, it keeps a complete picture of how things are prior to a commit. I don't think you're likely to find this in code, where the current state is the current state--and even a state of being in a provisional state is a definite state.
I guess one of the times this can be different is a cyclical access of a queue. If one consumer doesn't get the head record this time around, then one of them will the next time around. You can probably save some processing time, asynchronously accessing the queue counter. But here's a case where it means little in context of just one iteration.
In the case above, you would just want to put some locked-level instructions afterward that expected that the queue might actually be empty even if your test suggested it had data. So, if it is just a preliminary test, you would have to have logic that treated the test as unreliable as it actually is.
