How to identify a folder and then decide whether to move it or not in bash - linux

I have a linux issue that I would like some help with...
I have an application that creates directories for me. I'd like to write a script that looks at these directories, checks to see whether the directory starts with a certain string of characters, if it does, leave it alone, if it doesn't then move it...
So, from a logical stance:
If directoryname begins with "ABC" then do nothing
move folder to sharedrive
This script will go in the cron.hourly folder so it runs automatically for me.
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!

find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'ABC*' -exec mv -i {} ./dest \;
If you can identify a simple pattern for the directories you don't want to move, you might even be able to use bash's extglob setting:
shopt -s extglob
mv !(ABC)*/ ./dest/

For such a simple pattern, just use find,
find * -type d ! -name "ABC*" | while read f; do mv $f /tmp/test2; done
You could also use something like this, but it might have problems due to how find does the recursion.
find * -type d ! -name "ABC*" -exec mv {} /tmp/test2 \;
So you could instead just output the list of dirs to a file, and then move them.


Using find to delete symbolic links except those which point to directories

At the moment I recursively remove all softlinks from my current working directory like this:
find . -type l -delete
But I don't want to remove symlinks pointing to a directory anymore.
Is there simple way to customize the find command or do I have to omit the -delete and script something to inspect every found softlink "myself" before removing?
As already suggested in the comments, you can use the test utility for this; but you don't need readlink because test -d always resolves symbolic links.
# replace -print with -exec rm {} +
find . -type l ! -exec test -d {} \; -print
It might be slow due to the overhead from spawning a new process for each symlink though. If that's a problem, you can incorporate a small shell script in your find command to process them in bulks.
find . -type l -exec sh -c '
for link; do
if ! test -d "$link"; then
set "$#" "$link"
# remove echo
echo rm "$#"' sh {} +
Or, if you have GNU find installed, you can utilize the -xtype primary.
# replace -print with -delete
find -type l ! -xtype d -print

Using find to rename files recursively with random chars

I have an IP camera that takes snapshots and nests those snapshots into multiple directories. The sub directories look something like this.
There is a ton of sub directories because of the way it stores files since it places those snapshots within a Minute directory of the Date/Hour directories.
At any rate, there are other types of files mixed in, but I know how to use find to find all the .jpgs I need:
find /cam_folder/ -type f -name '*.jpg'
But what I need to do is rename all the .jpg files to random characters. I was able to find this which works from a single directory in a bash script:
for file in *.jpg; do
new_file="$(mktemp XXXXXXXX.jpg)"
mv -f -- "$file" "$new_file"
My problem is how to tie these together? I need to use find to feed these into a bash script I guess?
Is there an easier way to just walk a directory recursively renaming as I go?
find /cam_folder/ -type f -name '*.jpg' -exec sh -c '
for f; do
mv -f -- "$f" "${f%/*}/$(mktemp -u XXXXXXXX.jpg)"
done' _ {} +
Shell Command Language § The for Loop
Shell Command Language § Parameter Expansions
I think that meets your demand
while IFS= read -r file ; do
new_file="$(mktemp XXXXXXXX.jpg)"
mv -f -- "$file" "$new_file"
done < <(find /cam_folder/ -type f -name '*.jpg')

Bash find- is showing the files but returning no such file or directory

I have a bash script I cannot get working. I am a dead set beginner in bash this is actually the first script I've ever used. I'm trying to get omxplayer to play a list of files in a directory. When the script runs I get feedback showing the file then the error that there is no such file or directory. Please help me?
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/ -name "*.mp3" -exec PLAY={} \;; omxplayer "$PLAY";
This is the echo:
find: `PLAY=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Dance.mp3': No such file or directory
find: `PLAY=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Whitemary.mp3': No such file or directory
find: `PLAY=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Limo.mp3': No such file or directory
find: `PLAY=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Silo.mp3': No such file or directory
File "" not found.
Easy way:
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3 -name \*.mp3 -exec omxplayer {} \;
while IFS= read -r -d '' mp3
omxplayer "$mp3"
done < <(find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3 -name \*.mp3 -print0)
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3 -name \*.mp3 -print0 | xargs -0 -n1 omxplayer
You can omit the -n1 if the omxplayer could handle multiple filenames. In such case the 1st could be written as:
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3 -name \*.mp3 -exec omxplayer {} +
but the simplest probably will be
#shopt -s globstar #the default is on
for mp3 in /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/{,**/}*.mp3
omxplayer "$mp3"
EDIT I stand corrected, but won't delete the answer as you can also learn from the mistakes of others. See comment and rather use this answer :)
So please don't do it like this, as this is a typical "happy path" solution - meaning: it works if you know what you're doing and you know your paths (e.g. that they don't contain spaces). I keep forgetting that many people don't know yet that spaces in paths are evil.
Just use xargs to pass what you found to your player like this:
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/ -name "*.mp3" | xargs omxplayer
The -exec foo part means run the command foo for each path found.
In your case, -exec PATH={}, the {} part is replaced with the path name, ending up with something like -exec PATH=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Dance.mp3, and so then find tries to run the command PATH=/media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/Dance.mp3 which fails because there isn't actually any such program to execute.
xargs is the usual way to do what you're trying to do, as described in another comment already.
You could also do:
find /media/pi/88DC-E668/MP3/ -name \*.mp3 |
while read f; do
omxplayer "$f"

how to cp files with spaces in the filename when files are provided by find

I would like to ensure that all files found by find with a given criteria are properly copied to the required location.
$from = '/some/path/to/the/files'
$ext = 'custom_file_extension'
$dest = '/new/destination/for/the/files/with/given/extension'
cp 'find $from -name "*.$ext"' $dest
The problem here is that, when a file found with the proper extension and it is containing space cp cannot copy it properly.
You don't do that. You can't splat filenames with spaces that way.
You either get to use something from to read the output from find line-by-line or into an array or you use find -exec to do the copy work.
Something like this:
find "$from" -name "*.$ext" -exec cp -t "$dest" {} +
Using -exec command + here means that find will only execute as many cp commands as it needs based on command length limits. Using -exec command ; here would run one cp-per-file-found (but is more portable to older systems).
See comment from gniourf_gniourf about the use of -t in that cp command to make -exec command + work correctly.
Use -exec:
find "$from" -name "*.$ext" -exec cp {} "$dest" \;
you need to copy file one by one:
for file in "$from"/*."$ext"; do
cp "$file" "$dest"
I just use glob here, and it's enough and complete. I think find may introduce problem if the file name contains funny character.
The solution for this sort of problem is xargs -0 and the -print0 flag for find.
-print0 instructs find to print the results with a NUL character termination, instead of a newline, while -0 for xargs tells it expect input in that format.
Finally, the -J option for xargs allows one to put the arguments in the right place for a copy.
find "$from" -name "*.$ext" -print0 | xargs -0 -J % cp % "$dest"
It's better to use -exec argument of find command to do this:
find . -type f -name "*.ext" -exec cp {} ./destination_dir \;
I've checked this case with files containing spaces and it's work for me. Also don't forger to point out '-type f' if you want to find only files, not directories.

From directories create files changing their ending

I have several directories with a pattern:
$find -name "*.out"
I can get the list into a file find -name "*.out" > files because I want to create for each directory a file ending with .ref instead of .out : trnascanse.ref, darn.ref, blast_rnaz.refand so on.
I would say that this is possible with some grep and touch but I don't know how to do it. Any idea? Or just create each one manually is the only way (as I did with this directories). Thanks
Here's one way:
for d in *.out ; do echo touch "${d%.out}.ref" ; done
The ${d%.out} expands $d and removes the trailing .out. Read about it in the bash man page.
If the output of above one-liner looks ok, pipe it to sh , or remove the echo and re-run it.
Use this:
find -maxdepth 1 -type d -printf "%f" -exec bash -c "mkdir $(echo '{}' | sed 's/\.out$//').ref" \;
