What exactly does cabal install --avoid-reinstalls do? - haskell

I've found --avoid-reinstalls makes packages build where otherwise cabal fails. What exactly is it doing? Doesn't cabal already try to avoid reinstalls, or shouldn't it?

This mailinglist post explains it pretty well: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/beginners/2011-June/007502.html
The dependency resolution algorithm will try to make a consistent
install plan that allows gitit to be run. However, in order to achieve
that, it may decide that it's necessary to reinstall some existing
packages in a new configuration (with other dependency or flag
settings). Such reinstalls will then overwrite the previous package in
the store, and if that previous package was depended on by something
else, these other things will break.
The --avoid-reinstalls flag prevents exactly this behavior.


How to install an library in Haskell?

I try to use
import Control.Monad.Extra (andM)
but has an error:
Could not find module ‘Control.Monad.Extra’
Perhaps you meant
Control.Monad.Catch (needs flag -package-key exceptions-0.10.4)
Control.Monad.Error (needs flag -package-key mtl-2.2.2)
Control.Monad.Except (needs flag -package-key mtl-2.2.2)not found
This error does not make sense.
According to
3.2.1. Installing packages from Hackage
The cabal tool also can download, configure, build and install a Hackage package and all of its dependencies in a single step. To do this, run:
$ cabal install [PACKAGE...]
To browse the list of available packages, visit the Hackage web site.
Which says "in a single step", but in my experience this is too complicated and actually I have no idea how to install Control.Monad.Extra .
Usually, when a Haskeller want to install a specific library/package like this, how do you do this? There's no adequate documentations, it seems.
How to install an library in Haskell?
You don't. You should just depend on them, and then let Cabal worry about any installations that may need to be done. I.e., as you wrote
Go to the Hackage page and study which exact library to be used.
*.cabal file -> build-depends: extra >=1.7.10
This is the crucial step. Your own Cabal file is the way to both specify what libraries are needed right now, as well as ensuring that everything will still work in the future. This file needs to specify both the packages you require, as well as the modules you're defining yourself.
Probably you don't actually need >=1.7.10, but it can't hurt much to be specific there. Standard practice is to add both lower and upper bounds on the x.y level, i.e. you'd use extra >=1.7 && <1.8, and then push the upper boundary as new versions come out. Arguably this is a bit overcautious; if you only use some simple tools from a package that is unlikely to have breaking changes in the future then it may be less trouble to just leave the upper boundary out.
$ cabal install extra
You've already specified that extra is needed for your project, no need to state that again. Instead, simply build your own project now.$ cabal buildor, to get a GHCi prompt with your modules,$ cabal replor, if you have an executable with a main that you wish to execute$ cabal runor if you want to install that executable (and only then)$ cabal installCabal will then automatically figure out that extra-1.7.10 should be installed first.
(In old Cabal it would still have been necessary to run cabal install --dependencies-only first.)
Ok Self-Answered. Comment me if the information is wrong.
1. Go to the Hackage page and study which exact library to be used.
In this case, it seems extra-1.7.10.
2. *.cabal file -> build-depends: extra >=1.7.10 (among other libs)
3. $ cabal install extra
cabal: Cannot build the executables in the package extra because it does not contain any executables. Check the .cabal file for the package and make sure that it properly declares the components that you expect.
Well, I did for sure.
4. cabal install extra --lib
Finally works, but the documentation never said this.
Am I correct?
Is this the only method? or any other smarter way?

Cabal - add build dependency with Cabal instead of manually mangling with the file

Do I need to manually edit the *.cabal file's build-depends section to add package as a project dependency?
Or perhaps there is a more convenient way that is not as error prone as manually mangling with build files is.
Thinking about functionality that pretty much any package manager I used has, namely
apt install
npm i
nuget install
Install Package
and so on. Does such functionality exist in Cabal?
There is no better way at the moment. The answer #danidiaz gave is essentially correct -- cabal-edit will automatically update cabal files for you. The plan is to import similar functionality into cabal directly. This was remains blocked on an exactprinter that can parse and emit cabal files precisely -- and work on that exactprinter is now underway.

Haskell Stack package installation error

user$: stack install dictionaries
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for dictionaries-
binary- must match >=0.7.5 && <0.8 (latest applicable is
time- must match >=1.5.0 && <1.6 (latest applicable is
With the above command, I want to install the dictionaries package globally.
What are my options here?
I plan to stack unpack dictionaries, and then modify the versions.
But then how to install the modified 'local' package globally?
What's the best practices here?
Easiest one: Add allow-newer: true to stack.yaml
It would to be the solution in this case. It solves the upper version limitation problem like yours. But of course there is possibility of build failure.
Maybe possible one: Change resolver to latest nightly
That failure occurs sometimes on nightly snapshot. And usually repaired soon by library update and new nightly snapshot. If you are using old snapshot, change it to latest. Or waiting may be one of solution.
Most general one: Make dependency to modified local package
You can do it by adding the package path to stack.yaml packages:. Then stack will use it instead of snapshot one.
The way you want is probably not a good idea. Even if that's possible, how are you going to handle with the many version of snapshot case? Local dependencies should be specified to each package.
With the above command, I want to install the dictionaries package globally.
(Preliminary note: by "globally", I will assume you mean globally for your user, as opposed to a system-wide installation.)
dictionaries is not in any Stackage snapshot. As far as I'm aware of, that means you cannot install it globally, as for libraries that is only an option if the package is in a snapshot. Cf. Stack issue #2656 -- while the planned feature described there sounds like what you are trying to do, there is a caveat:
Should also warn when it isn't used with --copy-bins, and if there are targets that don't have executables, as these both indicate a misunderstanding about how it works.
That being so, my suggestion is to install the package per-project, using the packages field with an extra-dep key -- that is, the "most general" solution in jeiea's answer.

How can I resolve zlib-enum, zlib-binding, zlib-conduit conflict when installing Yesod

I am trying to install my Yesod web app on another machine.
I have it installed fine on my current machine and can cabal install it on there without any problems.
I seem to run into trouble with it on the other machine though (which is a fresh Ubuntu VM - e.g., no cabal packages where installed on it prior.
Note that I changed nothing about my setup (e.g. cabal files are exactly the same).
This is the error I keep getting:
cabal: cannot configure zlib-enum-0.2.2. It requires zlib-bindings ==0.1.*
For the dependency on zlib-bindings ==0.1.* there are these packages:
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 and zlib-bindings- However none of them are available.
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because zlib-conduit- requires zlib-bindings >=0.0.3 && <0.1
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because zlib-bindings- was selected instead
zlib-bindings-0.1.0 was excluded because of the top level dependency zlib-bindings ==
zlib-bindings- was excluded because zlib-conduit- requires zlib-bindings >=0.0.3 && <0.1
zlib-bindings- was excluded because zlib-bindings- was selected instead
zlib-bindings- was excluded because of the top level dependency zlib-bindings ==
I have tried all kind of ways to resolve this, but keep running into this same problem, no matter what path I take.
My guess is, that theses packages' versions are conflicting at this point.
How can I resolve this until it gets fixed?
This is a prime example of cabal dependency hell. Theoretically, the fault lies with zlib-enum, since it should have had a major version bump to reflect the major version bump with zlib-bindings. But really, the problem is cabal's dependency analyzer. The new one will hopefully be ready soon.
In the meanwhile, depending on zlib-enum <= 0.2.1 should work.
Also, #ehird's answer should be helpful too, though it may not entirely solve the problem.
You might want to try installing the new Yesod Platform (Hackage page):
cabal install yesod-platform
It's a metapackage that depends on specific versions of Yesod and all its dependencies, designed to avoid versioning conflicts like this.
You could also try the in-development version of cabal-install, which has the modular dependency solver Michael mentioned. If you darcs get --lazy http://darcs.haskell.org/cabal/, you should be able to run bootstrap.sh in cabal/cabal-install to install it (but you should probably wipe ~/.cabal and ~/.ghc first).1 You still have to explicitly request the modular solver by passing --solver=modular to cabal, though.
Note that, even though it's a development version, it's actually pretty stable; lots of people on GHC 7.4.1 (including me) use it, since the version on Hackage doesn't compile. I haven't had any issues so far.
1 This is for Linux; I think the relevant directory is ~/Library/Haskell on OS X. I have no idea what to do on Windows, especially since the shell script won't run there.

Using the --reinstall flag with cabal-dev

I'm working on the wxHaskell library, and wishing to keep my development work separate from the stable wxHaskell from hackage I'm using cabal-dev in the following manner:
I obtained the source for wxHaskell from darcs;
Because wxHaskell is comprised of three components I used cabal-dev add-source to add each one (wx, wxcore, wxdirect);
I was then able to install into a sandbox local package library by doing cabal-dev install wx, as expected, the dependencies were detected and everything built and installed.
Finally I successfully ran my test code by using ghc -package-conf to specify the location of the sandboxed package database.
The problem comes when I make modifications to the wxHaskell source. In order to build and install the updated code I have to use cabal-dev install --reinstall, which makes sense as I don't increment the version number; the build takes place and I see "Installing library in..." and "Registering..." but the changes I've made in the code aren't present in the recompiled sandbox library.
The work around I have at the moment is to delete the cabal-dev library and repeat the process every time I want to rebuild.
UPDATE: cabal-install >= 1.18 has support for sandboxes, and will be better maintained than cabal-dev going forward. Cabal-install also has better support for using add-source with sandboxes. Here's a description of the new sandboxing features in cabal-install: http://coldwa.st/e/blog/2013-07-30-Cabal-sandbox.html
Old answer:
As you found, 'add-source' is not meant for use with actively changing projects. I'm not sure that there is a good solution there either - it's difficult to track the location of an add-source'd project (there is no existing infrastructure for that, at least), and I'm not sure that's always the right thing.
Another workflow may serve you better - just use cabal-dev install, pointing to the sandbox you wish to use for future development. Recent versions of the cabal toolchain (by which I mean Cabal, cabal-install and cabal-dev) allow for this sort of thing:
$ ls
wx wxcore wxdirect
$ cabal-dev install --sandbox=<path-to-some-sandbox> ./wx ./wxcore ./wxdirect
(Note: I have not tested this with WX - kinks may arise that I'm unaware of!)
Assuming everything goes as expected, that will install the three packages from the local sub directories into the specified sandbox. Updating the source just means re-issuing a cabal-dev install command for the project that changed.
Keep in mind that you must either issue the repeated cabal-dev install commands in the correct order on your own, or you must use the batch command above and update version numbers accordingly.
I make no claims about this being ideal ;) but I think it's better than deleting the sandbox each time.
After some investigation I can confirm that this is a result of my misunderstanding regarding the usage of add-source, as detailed in "Using a sandbox-local Hackage" section of the README, which is given here (the strong was added by myself and indicates the reason for my misunderstanding):
Cabal-dev also allows you to use un-released packages as though they
were on hackage with cabal-dev add-source.
For example, the linux-ptrace and posix-waitpid packages were only
recently uploaded to hackage. Previously, cabal-dev was used to build
applications that depended on these two packages:
$ ls
linux-ptrace/ myProject/ posix-waitpid/
$ cd myProject
$ cabal-dev add-source ../linux-ptrace ../posix-waitpid
$ cabal-dev install
Note that cabal-dev add-source accepts a list of source locations.
Be careful, however, because packages that have been added are not
tied to their original source locations any more. Changes to the
linux-ptrace source in the above example will not be used by
myProject unless the user issues cabal-dev add-source with the
path to the linux-ptrace source again. This is similar to the
cabal install step you may do now to enable a project to make use of
changes to a dependency.
