Android tabs inside activity - android-layout

I have a really nice design that I want to implement.
This design has tabs inside the activity, lets say in a LinearLayout under an image.
I could only find tabs on tabactivity or that contain whole activity.
Is this doable or should I change my design ?

Yes, for this you can create a class which can extends ActivityGroup.
Here is the beautiful link for TabActivity with the example.


How to transform a fragment in a new activity in android?

I have this activity, with a list of tokens/options in it. As of right now, i have a button that, using intents, opens a new activity based on the item selected (basically: a text to modify the settings and add extra info).
Now, i would like to make the first activity to show, in the below half of the screen,a preview of the new activity, but with fewer/diferent options and less information.
I know how to do that using fragments, but i don't know how to approach the creation of the new activity.
Is there a way to merge them both, to pass the first fragment to the second activity, or do i need to completely code (and thus, modify) "twice"?
Is there a better aproach that lets me do that easily?
If considered you are inflating options in recycler view in the activity, add a frame layout in the same as a container for a fragment to preview the new activity. Set the visibility to gone for the frame layout and when an option is selected set the fragment and display it. For a nice animation use android:animateLayoutChanges="true"
in the options activity xml at the root view. Hope I helped happy coding :)

UICollectionView custom layouts

Hi I am beginning iOS development, and was playing around with UICollectionView. I was just wondering how you could achieve this type of layout. As shown below:
The idea is to have like a main news article in the big cell. Just confused how I am suppose to get two cells in the 2nd column. Much appreciated!
Create custom class which will act as layout for your collection view. This class will child class for UICollectionViewFlowLayout.
Then you can override below two methods and can create your own custom layout as you want.
- (NSArray*)layoutAttributesForElementsInRect:(CGRect)rect
- (UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes *)layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)path
UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes is class which will deal with cell position, frame, Zindex etc
You can also use below properties.

Swapping ActionBar items when displaying different Tabs and Detail Views

this is not a technical question, but one for advice regarding the best practices in designing an Android tablet UI.
I've got my concept of an Android Phone app pinned down.
The first activity (master view) launched contains a tab bar with three fragments from which the user can launch detail view activities of different sorts.
Both the master-view activity and the detail-view activities have actions in their action bars. Different detail views have different action items.
My question is: How should I organize and display the action items on a tablet, where an activity combines both views side by side?
The problem is the unified action bar for both the master-view fragment and whatever kind of detail fragment is shown. I do not think it is a good idea to start messing with the contents of the action bar whenever a different kind of detail view is opened.
The Android Design Guide does not tell you much on that front. There is a sample of a Contacts app in the "Multi-pane Layouts" section, but it does not actually deal with the problem. It evades it, by putting the single relevant action as an icon inside the detail view fragment.
Any advice with regards to best practices and references are appreciated.
I would suggest leaving your master details icons in the action bar, whilst putting your details view icons in another view/area within the details fragment.
My reasoning would be that icons in the action bar affect / are associated with the whole app / view on screen. Whilst your details icons only affect the details view and therefor should not be in the action menu when showing multiple fragments.
I guess you will have to see how the designs look..
I am not a fan of the action bar icons being changed from within the same activity (even if it contains multiple fragments), however when you load a new activity (like in your phone design) then I say yeah throw them in the action bar.
If I understand your question correctly, which I think is basically a question of how multiple Fragments (i.e. when on a multi-pane layout such as on a tablet) should contribute to the single ActionBar, it's quite straightforward and it is actually briefly discussed in the documentation here. Essentially, you can have the multiple Fragments all contributing their own menu items / action items to the single action bar, via some simple API calls.

Reusable edit form in Apache Wicket

I have a simple ContactEditPanel which contains a form and a number of textfields. Up until now I included an AjaxSubmitLink in this panel which, if the form content is valid, saves/updates the Contact instance contained in the Panel model. So far so simple. However now I'd like to remove the link in order that I may, depending on the context in which I use the ContactEditPanel, place the submit link at different levels of my overall component hierarchy. For instance in one context I'd like to use to flip between ContactEditPanel and ContactViewPanel with a bar of actions above the current view (edit | save , cancel). Another context would be to use ContactEditPanel in a standalone way (maybe part of a multi-step process) with just a save link below.
I was contemplating refactoring my ContactEditPanel to extends FormComponentPanel rather than Panel as described here but I'm not sure whether this is the right approach and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.
Any help would be most appreciated!
Many Thanks,
Your using the panel like a FormComponent so extend FormComponentPanel, it will allow you to keep all the validation you write contained to the component and also allow you to reuse it as you wish.
Just think of it as you've created a new FormComponent, like a TextField or DropDownChoice.

Create Custom view in Android

I need to create a Custom view in android which will have dynamic text like price, address etc. and also an ImageView inside it as shown in the image below. I tried to find google some tutorial for custom view but didn't find something satisfactory to do all these things. I also need to use onClick event on this view. Please guys, some code would be of great help. I'm a novice to android. I read google tutorial to create custom view but couldn't implement this.
Thanks for attention.
This is called Custom Overlay for MapView.
You can check example and implement as per your requirement - Android MapView Balloons
You can use FrameLayouts. It is very simple to use. FrameLayout can add several views on top of each other. It creates a stack of the views. Just add whatever views you want to inside FrameLayout and use the property setVisibility() to control when to show which view.
