Line 1 of txt files being ignored by delphi app, why? - text

I have a delphi prog that reads from thousands of .txt script files that I have created over some years. I had to do some mass changes so used a search and replace program which in itself took a good few hours! The problem is now the top line of all the txt files seems to be messed up somehow - to me it looks fine however the delphi program doesn't read it and TortoiseSVN records it as a changed line!!
What on earth has happened and how might I resolve it? So far I'm having to delete all the files and remake them. Deleting the line and rewriting doesn't work - even Crtl+A and pasting the old file contents doesn't work! Its as if the header is corrupt?

Could it be a problem with end lines? (windows/UNIX/Mac are different eg \n or \n\r ) use an editor able to show special characters. I think you can with tortoise diff, switching the right option. Else, try with notepad++, for example


source code files with weird line endings

I have noticed that some .Net code committed by a new contracting team has strange line endings. When I do a hex dump of the files I see that each line ends with 2 carriage returns (0d) and 1 line feed (0a).
When viewed in Visual Studio it looks like every code line has an empty line after it, which looks very odd.
What can cause this? It it some strange IDE? Could it be caused by Perforce? (I got the code out by syncing a Perforce workspace).
The only time I've ever seen non-standard line endings before is when people copy/paste code from a web page, email, or chat window. Could that be the cause?
If they submitted Windows-style (CRLF) line endings but used the unix (LF) LineEnd setting in their client workspaces, then the files would have an extra CR as part of each line, and a Windows machine would sync them down as CRCRLF. That's the most likely explanation for what you're seeing.
The ideal way to fix this is just for everyone to use a LineEnd that matches their environment (usually the default of local works just fine for this), but if someone needs to use a mix of tools/platforms within a single workspace, switching to the share LineEnd option will force everything to be normalized on submit by stripping all the CRs. (This also makes it impossible to submit text files with actual CR characters, but that's usually not a big deal -- for files where you don't want any sort of transformation to occur, use the binary filetype.)

Saving Oracle SQL Developer script as a TEXT file (as in ascii... as in Notepad...)

New to Oracle...
I have a bunch of SQL scripts from SQL Server that I want to edit into Oracle. I load these notepad-capable ASCII text files (ex: myscript.sql) into SQL Developer. When I open it, SQL Developer adds an extra line break between every line I had in the ascii text file. Annoying, but I can deal with that. I soldier on. I edit and change syntax. I run it. It works. I save. I'm happy so far. Feeling good.
Now when I try to open myscript.sql in Notepad, line breaks are gone... there is a blank between every character in a word... it's a mess.
What the heck happened? And how do I make it stop? I know I'm old school, but I like to edit the format of my scripts myself... I want them in ascii text so that I can use a bulk file editor to change things...
I have googled this for a couple hours and have found countless pages regarding saving the OUTPUT of a script as text, but nothing about saving a SQL Developer script as plain text.
Welcome to the world of UNIX vs Windows/DOS line ending differences.
I would recommend using a better editor than Notepad. A modern code editing program will automatically handle the conversion and display.
So I still don't know how a couple of my scripts got so mangled up, because I can't recreate the issue. Other scripts are editing and saving just fine.
But I did figure out how to fix the couple scripts that did get hosed up.
I loaded Notepad++ for Windows. I opened the offending script, which shows a bunch of [NUL] all over the place. I was able to use the Searce/Replace function in 'extended mode' to search for \x00 (aka null) and replace it with nothing.
Next was the annoyance with line breaks (new line) versus "carriage return plus new line". I was able to use extended search and replace to replace \n with \r\n .
This now got me a file that I could edit in 'regular' notepad. I still don't know where the extra line breaks came into play, but I was able to spin through the file and remove the extra blank lines.
So all is well with the universe again. I got my couple of mangled scripts back in order, and others seem to behave properly now.
Thanks to all for the help. This site has been invaluable to me.

using hard link with kate editor

I have problem in working with link command in linux mint.
I made file1 and add a new hard link to that file :
link file1 file2
I know when I change the contents of file1 , file2 should change too.
and when I edit file1 with vim or add text to it with redirections it works well but when
I edit file1 with kate editor then it's like that the editor break the link of file2! and after that when
I change the contents of file1 with kate or vim,... file 2 will never change any more.
what's the problem?
I'm one of the Kate developers. The issue is as follows: Whenever Kate saves, it does so by saving into a temporary file in the same folder, and on success just does a move to the desired location.
This move operation is exactly what destroys your hard link: first, the hard link is removed, then the temporary file is renamed.
While this avoids data loss, it also has its own problems as you experience. We are tracking this bug here: - QSaveFile: Kate removes a hard link to file when opening a file with several hard links
And in addition, QSaveFile also has two further issues, tracked here: - QSaveFile: kate changes file owner - QSaveFile: Files are unlinked upon save
The solution would be to just directly write in all these corner cases, then we could avoid this trouble at the expense of loosing data in case of a system crash, so it's a tradeoff. To fix this, we need to patch Qt, which noone did so far.
Different programs save files in different ways. At least two come to mind:
open existing file and overwrite its content
create temporary file, write new content there, then somehow replace original file with new one (remove old file and rename new one; or rename old file, rename new file, then remove old file; or use system function to swap files content (in fact, swap names of files), then remove old file; or ...)
Judging from its current source code, Kate is using the latter approach (using QSaveFile in the end, with direct write fallback though). Why? Usually, to make file saving more or less atomic, and also to make sure that saving won't result in errors caused by e.g. lack of free space (although this also means that it uses the space of sum of old and new file sizes when saving).
I don't have Kate on Linux Mint but I have noticed issues which lead me to suspect you may have come across a "bug".
Here are two 'similar' issues with hard links that have been reported.
Bug 316240 - KSaveFile: Kate/kwrite makes a copy of a file while editing a hard link
"Hard link not supported" with NTFS on Linux #3241

Fix broken txt files from GREP reports

I get a report from the companies servers (of which I have no control) in the form of grep txt dumps. I need to process them to get the info in a sane manner, which I use excel, and it works great.
Problem is, sometimes there are a few txt files that are broken, and cannot be processed with excel. Funny thing is, if I open them in notepad or something, copy all the data, create a new txt file, paste it all and there and process the new file, it works perfectly. Another curious thing is that when I do this, the new file which works, is a few kb's larger than the "broken" original.
My question is, is there a program, script or macro that I could use to
Open the text files in a folder
Copy the text of a file
Paste it in a new text file
Save that file with the same name as the original, in a different
Rinse and repeat for each file in a folder
Any idea is a great help, I have thousands of files to sift through each month, and it really is quite a pain.
Turns out the files were in Unix format rather than windows one. I ran todos.exe and it fixed my problems.

Append text file with custom footer

Good day,
I am a CNC program not a computer programer. I am using CAM software to make cutting programs for our CNC router. The router is a bit old and can only take files 200-300 kb big. We are doing carvings that require 1-2 megs text files. I am using a program called GSplit ( ) to divvy up the text file. It generates 10-25+ files with a custom header that our machine can read. All the files are great and it works, but I have to manually add the closing lines/footer to each file. The files that are created and used are normal .txt files but with a specific extension, .ANC.
Is there any way to automate this process of opening each individual file, scrolling to the end and copy/pasting the same 1-2 lines of code? The files are NAME[number].ANC in a contained folder. Would it be possible to just direct to a folder and say "add this 'text' to every file in this folder"?
Thanks for your time.
What OS are you using? Using Unix you can do a simple script on command line. If you are in the directory with the specific files simply execute:
for file in *; do echo "APPEND THIS" >> $file; done
If you are running Windows you should be able to do the same using cygwin (probably you could also use the power shell, but I don't know anything about the that)
I found a program Notepad++ (apparently the last person to find it...). USed the find/replace files option. A regular expression(note sure exactly what these are but I'm sure you guys do) "\s+\z" as to what to look for. It finds the last space or whatever at the end of all the files and then adds the code I need. Easy, free, and I don't need to write any computer code. Thanks for the attempt to help me Dirkk! :)
