Append text file with custom footer - text

Good day,
I am a CNC program not a computer programer. I am using CAM software to make cutting programs for our CNC router. The router is a bit old and can only take files 200-300 kb big. We are doing carvings that require 1-2 megs text files. I am using a program called GSplit ( ) to divvy up the text file. It generates 10-25+ files with a custom header that our machine can read. All the files are great and it works, but I have to manually add the closing lines/footer to each file. The files that are created and used are normal .txt files but with a specific extension, .ANC.
Is there any way to automate this process of opening each individual file, scrolling to the end and copy/pasting the same 1-2 lines of code? The files are NAME[number].ANC in a contained folder. Would it be possible to just direct to a folder and say "add this 'text' to every file in this folder"?
Thanks for your time.

What OS are you using? Using Unix you can do a simple script on command line. If you are in the directory with the specific files simply execute:
for file in *; do echo "APPEND THIS" >> $file; done
If you are running Windows you should be able to do the same using cygwin (probably you could also use the power shell, but I don't know anything about the that)

I found a program Notepad++ (apparently the last person to find it...). USed the find/replace files option. A regular expression(note sure exactly what these are but I'm sure you guys do) "\s+\z" as to what to look for. It finds the last space or whatever at the end of all the files and then adds the code I need. Easy, free, and I don't need to write any computer code. Thanks for the attempt to help me Dirkk! :)


Linux bash to compare two files but the second file must be find

I have a batch that integrates an xml file time to time but could happens daily. After it integrates it puts in a folder like /archives/YYMMDD(current day). The problem is if the same file is integrated twice. So I need a script what verifys the file (with diff command its possible but risky to make a bottleneck) but the problem is I can't find to resolve how to make to give the second files location.
P.S. I can't install on the server anything.
Thanks in advance.

IBM Mainframe copy/paste

Disclaimer: I'm new to using Rumba to access IBM Mainframe.
I have currently set up a library for personal use and I have some code that I want to store in a member of this library, how can I copy/paste from a .txt file on my desktop into this program??? As of right now I can successfully copy/paste one line at a time from documents outside of Rumba.
There are various ways. The best one will depend upon the size of the file/amount of data to be transferred.
If it's only a few lines, block copy and paste should work, but you might have to play with Rumba's 'paste' edit settings such as how to handle new lines, etc.
Bigger files can be transferred with the TSO file transfer program indĀ£file (maybe ind$file on your system) which essentially copies a file to the screen and then Rumba 'scrapes' the screen for data to put into a file (this is for a mainframe-to-PC transfer; for going the other way the operation is reversed). This can be surprisingly quick.
Lastly there's FTP - either from the command line or via a program such as WinSCP.
Based on your comment that the files are about 300 lines long, I'd look into using Rumba's file-transfer option using the ind$file utility. Once you have the files on one system, speak to your mainframe tech support team about the best way to get them to the other systems.
If you need help uploading the files, then the tech support team should be your first point of call.
What mainframe editor are you running? TSO/ISPF?
I copy and and paste from ".txt" files into ISPS all the time with no problem.
Select the text you want to copy (in the ".txt" file)
Press CTRL-C
Open the mainframe file using ISPF Edit (option 2).
Enter line command "Inn" at the line where where you want the copy to start.
(This inserts "nn" empty lines to receive the copied data. Personally, I usually use "nn"=20)
Position your cursor at the first character of the first empty line.
Press CTRL-V

AppleScript Replace File

I'd like to write an AppleScript for replacing three system files with ones I've modified. I'd like to do this with an AppleScript instead of manually replacing them because I'll have to replace three files every time there's an OS X update. Specifically, I'll be replacing stock graphics drivers with ones I've modified to support a graphics card which is connected via Thunderbolt. Is it possible to write an AppleScript for replacing one file with another? I ask because I know that when you replace a file, a dialog pops up with three options, and I don't know how to address that.
You can do this with Finder:
set freshFile to choose file
tell application "Finder"
move freshFile to desktop replacing yes
end tell
All you need to do is work out the source and destination paths to completely automate the script.
Many scripters do not like working with Finder, for a variety of reasons. If you want something that is incredibly fast, you would use the do shell script inside of your AppleScript:
do shell script " mv -f ~/Desktop/ArlandaTilUppsala.pdf ~/Documents/Employ.pdf"

Line 1 of txt files being ignored by delphi app, why?

I have a delphi prog that reads from thousands of .txt script files that I have created over some years. I had to do some mass changes so used a search and replace program which in itself took a good few hours! The problem is now the top line of all the txt files seems to be messed up somehow - to me it looks fine however the delphi program doesn't read it and TortoiseSVN records it as a changed line!!
What on earth has happened and how might I resolve it? So far I'm having to delete all the files and remake them. Deleting the line and rewriting doesn't work - even Crtl+A and pasting the old file contents doesn't work! Its as if the header is corrupt?
Could it be a problem with end lines? (windows/UNIX/Mac are different eg \n or \n\r ) use an editor able to show special characters. I think you can with tortoise diff, switching the right option. Else, try with notepad++, for example

Zip file with .csv extention lost somewhere in filesystem

The file is also locked with winzip and I cant remember the name or directory, I hid it in a very obscure directory. Could be in the windows system files could be in a program directory file. I did a search for all .CSV files I have 4-5K to go through. Any suggestions on how this could be done?
I was opening up files in batches by highlighting a bunch that pressing edit with notepad plus plus. Than going through each one. I know once the file is opened in notepad plus it will not show any words. It is pictures. I own an eCommerce site and I have my master copies that I bought $X,XXX and did not want to take any chances in them be found and resold by other people on my network. Any suggestions?
Opening any zip file in a hex editor suggests that every zip file starts with a data of PK. We can use it in our favour. :)
Download this software: EditPad Pro
What this software does is, it recurses through the whole filesystem starting from a specified base folder to search for any string residing in any of the child files, they maybe Text or Binary, it treats them the same, thus giving accurate results.
In our case, it's a regex: ^PK
When you'll execute this search, the software will return all the files that start with data PK, make sure you do a casesensitive search.
