Resharper breaks Edit.FindAllReferences (not just the shortcut) - resharper

I install ReSharperSetup.7.1.1000.900.msi. This broke Edit.FindAllReferences in Visual Studio 2008.
I don't mean that it broke Shift-F12, which is the usual VS2008 shortcut to Edit.FindAllReferences, I mean that it broke Edit.FindAllReferences itself.
I know this because Edit.FindAllReferences was bound to Ctrl+K,R and pressing this resulted in a tooltip saying “Usages of ‘[whatever]’ were not found”.
I uninstalled Resharper and then Edit.FindAllReferences works again.
I Googled for about an hour to try to fix this but no solution works.

Fixed by JetBrains:
Thank you for contacting us.
There is a known issue -
and seems like the issue was fixed here -
Please let me know about the result.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
Thank you.

Usages of '[whatever]' is R#'s "Find Usages" feature - which maps to Ctrl+K,R by default to give a better Find References. If you don't want R#'s version, then change the key mapping back to Visual Studio's default Edit.FindAll...


Android Studio very slow lint

I do not remember the exact version, but about from 3.2, the lint processing of Android studio has become dreadful.
ctrl + b won't work for about 5min after putting the code, and red lines which are supposed to indicate unwritten methods or wrong referencing is completely broken.
I never had such issue on the previous versions, and I don't know what to do with this. I looked through stackoverflow with the tag android-studio, but no one seems to have the same issue, or I'm selecting the wrong keyword for this.
But, all three of my colleagues are having the same issue from a certain version of Android studio.
Is this an issue with vmOption? Please help.

In Visual Studio 2012 - Keyboard suddenly stops working properly

as stated in the questions title, we have an issue with VS2012. The problem is that sometimes suddenly some keyboard-input in VS isn't executed properly, if at all.
When the problem occurs, we are only able to type in characters and numbers, but neither are we able to delete them (backspace or DEL), nor to use the arrow key to jump up down a line or to the next/previous character. Overwriting a text which has been marked with the mouse is working.
I have found a very similar Question but the hints stated there doesn't work here. Those are:
Hitting Alt+Enter
Closing and Reopening Editor Windows
Closing the ToolboxWindow
Restarting VS
Pressing ScollLock
The Problem seems to be related to the Stylecop-AddIn. After uninstalling it, the issue doesn't come up anymore. Is there some known workaround? Thanks in advance!
Apparently StyleCop can be used with out Resharper, I didn't know. Very sorry. However, if you look at the documentation for StyleCop, if you right click on your project, click Source Analysis Settings, you will be presented with a dialog to turn on or off all of StyleCops rules.
Here is a link to the actual documentation which has images which helps describe it. StyleCop Settings

Are there any known issues with TypeScript 0.9.1, ReSharper 8.x and VS2012?

The question is fairly straightforward really. The symptom is that, with ReSharper enabled in VS2012 8.x, intellisense simply won't work. Each time I turn on "Auto list members" and "Parameter information", something switches it off, almost immediately.
The only something I can fathom is ReSharper. When I suspend it, this no longer happens.
NOTE: This blog post from JetBrains - does not fix the issue.
Can anybody help?
You can completely disable ReSharper 8's TypeScript support in Options -> Languages, or you can selectively disable ReSharper's TypeScript intellisense by language in Options -> IntelliSense -> General. Select "Limited ReSharper IntelliSense" and select all except TypeScript.
I couldn't get citizenmatt's solution to work for me, but ReSharper 8.1 fixed the issue, so everyone who is still on 8.0 and is bothered by the lack of intellisense for TypeScript should download the update.

Fix Resharper intellisense

Does anyone know how to fix this, besides pressing esc then typing the variable name again?
JetBrains ReSharper 6.1 C# Edition
Build on 2011-12-21T04:15:24
Plugins: none
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.
You may want to try changing the IntelliSense option:
Whether you're using IntelliSense ReSharper or Visual Studio, try changing it, then changing it back. I've sometimes had similar issues and toggling the option can help.
Usually restart of Visual Studio tends to re-enable intellisense, I'd much rather a proper fix from JetBrains.
For me, R# intellisense stopped working after installing (and then uninstalling) certain R# extensions. Adding the extensions back fixed the problem.
Edit 1:
Also, try playing with the R# IntelliSense options and see what happens.
In particular switch "Options | Environment | IntelliSense | Completion Appearance | Display completion items in:" from "Visual Studio IntelliSense font" to "Text Editor font" and back.
In the end I tried many things (including upgrading and downgrading R#) over and over again until R# IntelliSense was back.
I had this issue, and I hadn't realized I had opened a project in Folder view mode. Resharper Intellisense won't show unless you switch to a solution view.
Make sure you select a solution instead of a Folder view:

Resharper installed, now no automatic code prompts in immediate window

I've become accustomed to using ReSharper, so uninstalling it is not an option.
However 1 little thing that I would like to try fix is the immediate window, I used to get automatic intellisense prompts when for example typing myObject.
That seems to no longer be working (and only in immediate window while debugging) since I installed ReSharper. Any ideas on how to get it back?
Unfortunately, if you're using the ReSharper intellisense (instead of the Visual Studio one), it won't work. I remember reading somewhere that this is a known issue due to a limitation in the Visual Studio extensibility API. This also affects the watch dialog.
The only thing you could do is manually invoke intellisense each time using Ctrl-Space. Perhaps this issue will be solved in Visual Studio 2010.
The problem is ReSharper and there is no current any solution.
And the shortcut for intellisense-pop is Ctrl + Space, (not Ctrl + Alt + Space)
