ServiceStack ORMLite - servicestack

We are migrating our SProc based solution over to ORMLite, and so far has been pretty painless. Today I wrote the following method:
public AppUser GetAppUserByUserID(int app_user_id)
var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(this.ConnectionString, SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance);
AppUser item = null;
var rh = new RedisHelper();
var id= CacheIDHelper.GetAppUserID( app_user_id );
item = rh.Get<AppUser>(id);
if (item == null)
using (var db = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection())
item = db.Single<AppUser>("application_user_id={0}", app_user_id);
rh.Set<AppUser>(item, id);
catch (Exception ex)
APLog.error(ex, "Error retrieving user!");
return item;
I have remove some of the extraneous fields, but they are basically:
public class AppUser : APBaseObject
public int? UserID
public string UserGUID
The challenge is that they only field that is populate is the ID field, AND I already know that ID because I am passing it into the method.
I did get the last SQL called and ran that against the DB directly and all of the fields were being referenced correctly.
I stepped through the code in the debugger, and everything came back correctly, except that the only field returned was the ID.

I had a similar issue which was caused by my class methods not mapping to the db properly. My exact issue was caused by a nullable int field in the db and the class method was defined as an 'int' instead of 'int?'.
Perhaps you have a similar issue?


Entity Framework deleting object upon Update

I have a problem where Entity Framework (Core) is deleting an object upon update. I think this is related to Automapper (map DTO Resource to object). I have other objects mapped the exact same way as this object and updates work just fine.
public async Task<IActionResult> UpdateFeedback(Guid Id, [FromBody] FeedbackResource feedbackResource)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return BadRequest(ModelState);
//removing or else get a tracking error with EF
feedbackResource.FeedbackType = null;
var feedback = await feedbackRepository.GetFeedback(Id);
if (feedback == null)
return NotFound();
//if I use this line to map, EF will delete the object upon save.
mapper.Map<FeedbackResource, Feedback>(feedbackResource, feedback);
// if I map manually, i get no error
//feedback.Title = feedbackResource.Title;
//feedback.Details = feedbackResource.Details;
//feedback.IsGoodFeedback = feedbackResource.IsGoodFeedback;
//feedback.IsReviewed = feedbackResource.IsReviewed;
//feedback.FeedbackTypeId = feedbackResource.FeedbackTypeId;
// feedback.ReviewDate = DateTime.Now;
// feedback.ReviewedBy = UserId;
//} else {
// feedback.ReviewDate = null;
// feedback.ReviewedBy = null;
await uow.CompleteAsync();
return Accepted(feedback);
I have no idea what to troubleshoot here and cannot see this issue on any google search.
I was faced with a similar situation (ef core 1.1). I will assume that your problem is similar to mine.
Also a similar problem is described here
I have the following models:
1) ApplicatonUser - standard user from EF
2) AnyDAL - any class in DB, which have link to user
public class AnyDAL
public long Id { get; set; }
public long UserId { get; set; }
public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
3) AnyDTO - model that comes from the browser side. Like your's [FromBody] FeedbackResource feedbackResource
public class AnyDTO
public long Id { get; set; }
public long UserId { get; set; }
/// It is root of all evil. See below.
/// And yes, it is bad practice.
public ApplicationUser User { get; set; }
1) get AnyDAL from the database;
2) map AnyDTO on AnyDAL using AutoMapper _mapper.Map(DTO, DAL);
3) SaveChanges()
In one case, SaveChanges() leads to Delete, in other to Update.
What we should know: in my case property AnyDTO.User is always null after deserialization.
The choice between delete and update depends on the value of property AnyDAL.User before mapping:
1)AnyDAL.User is null - we get Update.
2)AnyDAL.User is NOT null - we get Delete.
In other words. If property AnyDAL.User changed from some value to null - entity will be deleted. Despite the fact that AnyDAL.UserId remains the same.
There is two ways to solve it:
1) Remove property User from AnyDTO;
2) Property AnyDTO.User should always has value.
For me, this issue ended up being caused by an interaction between the automapper and EntityFramework. This was described well by Automapper creating new instance rather than map properties
This is a little old but I ran into the same issue with EF Core 2.2 and based on this
EntityFrameworkCore it is still an issue in 3.0
The issue seems to be that the navigation property being null is causing the entity to be deleted.
I was able to resolve by configuring lazy loading
Install this package
Enable lazy loading in the configuration
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
for me, this was resolved if I marked as Detached the entity, use automapper to map, then mark entity as Modified.
_context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Detached;
_mapper.Map<ProductVM, Product>(viewModelProduct, product);
_context.Entry(product).State = EntityState.Modified;

Orchard CMS - new properties not updating after migration

I am writing a custom module that retrieves and pushes data directly from the Orchard DB using an injected IRepository.
This works fine until i need to update a content part. I add an update in my migrations class and the update runs through (DB schema updated with default values), however I can't update any of the new values through IRepository. I have to drop down into the NHibernate.ISession to flush the changes through.
This all works fine on a newly created recipe, it's only when i alter a part. Here are the key code snippets:
public class TranslationsPartRecord : ContentPartRecord
internal const string DefaultProductName = "Product";
public TranslationsPartRecord()
ProductName = DefaultProductName;
public virtual string ProductName { get; set; }
public class TranslationsPart : ContentPart<TranslationsPartRecord>
public string ProductName
get { return Record.ProductName; }
set { Record.ProductName = value; }
public class TranslationsHandler : ContentHandler
public TranslationsHandler(IRepository<TranslationsPartRecord> repository)
public class Migrations : DataMigrationImpl
public int Create()
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("TranslationsPartRecord", table => table
.Column<int>("Id", column => column.PrimaryKey().Identity())
.Column("ProductName", DbType.String, column => column.NotNull().WithDefault(TranslationsPartRecord.DefaultProductName))
return 1;
public int UpdateFrom1()
SchemaBuilder.AlterTable("TranslationsPartRecord", table => table.AddColumn("ProductDescription", DbType.String, column => column.NotNull().WithDefault(TranslationsPartRecord.DefaultProductDescription)));
return 2;
When i add the second property "ProductDescription" in this example, after the update is run the columns appear in the DB but i cannot update them until i recreate the Orchard recipe (blat App_Data and start again).
here's how I am trying to update:
// ctor
public AdminController(IRepository<TranslationsPartRecord> translationsRepository)
_translationsRepository = translationsRepository;
public ActionResult Translations(TranslationsViewModel translationsViewModel)
var translations = _translationsRepository.Table.SingleOrDefault();
translations.ProductName = translationsViewModel.ProductName;
translations.ProductDescription = translationsViewModel.ProductDescription;
and here's the NHibernate "fix":
var session = _sessionLocator.For(typeof(TranslationsPartRecord));
var translations = _translationsRepository.Table.SingleOrDefault();
// is translations.Id always 1?
var dbTranslations = session.Get<TranslationsPartRecord>(translations.Id);
dbTranslations.ProductName = translationsViewModel.ProductName;
dbTranslations.ProductDescription = translationsViewModel.ProductDescription;
which seems a bit kludgey...
ps i'm still running Orchard 1.3.9
pps after more testing, the NHibernate fix has stopped working now, so perhaps my initial findings were a red herring. It seems as though new properties on the content part are totally ignored by NHibernate when updating/retrieving - as though the object definition is cached somewhere...
If your mappings aren't being updated that is strange. You can try to force it by deleting the mappings.bin in the app_data folder, and restarting the application. Orchard should recreate the nhibernate mappings and save as mappings.bin.
I have ran into the same issue, and the only way around it that I can find is to delete mappings.bin (I don't need to disable and re-enable the module). In fact, this is the answer that I got from Bertrand when I asked why this was happening.
I have logged this as an issue at If you could vote this up, then we may get it looked at quicker.
This seems like a similar issue to what I am seeing... I am seeing that when you enable a module, it runs the NHibernate mappings BEFORE running the Migrations..
Update the hash value in the ComputingHash method in the PersistenceConfiguration Class,
updating the hash value may recreate the mappings.bin file.
public class PersistenceConfiguration : ISessionConfigurationEvents
public void Created(FluentConfiguration cfg, AutoPersistenceModel defaultModel)
DoModelMapping(cfg, defaultModel);
public void ComputingHash(Hash hash)
private void DoModelMapping(FluentConfiguration cfg, AutoPersistenceModel defaultModel)
// mappings here....
public void Prepared(FluentConfiguration cfg) { }
public void Building(Configuration cfg) { }
public void Finished(Configuration cfg) { }

How do I prevent duplicate entries using the UnitOfWork pattern with code first Entity Framework?

I am using the Unit of Work and Generic Repository pattern. Here is the statement that checks for a duplicate entry:
int id = int.Parse(; //id comes from the item we're hoping to insert
if (_unitOfWork.BeerRepository.GetByID(id) == null)
\\create a new model br
Apparently this is failing to check to see if the beer is already in the database because I get this inner exception:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Beers_3214EC2703317E3D'.
Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Beers'.\r\nThe statement
has been terminated.
I also get this message:
An error occurred while saving entities that do not expose foreign
key properties for their relationships. The EntityEntries property
will return null because a single entity cannot be identified as the
source of the exception. Handling of exceptions while saving can be
made easier by exposing foreign key properties in your entity types.
See the InnerException for details.
The UnitOfWork class has my BeerRecommenderContext which implements DbContext and the UnitOfWork has a generic repository for each entity:
namespace BeerRecommender.Models
public class GenericRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
internal BeerRecommenderContext context;
internal DbSet<TEntity> dbSet;
public GenericRepository(BeerRecommenderContext context)
this.context = context;
this.dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();
public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(
Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null,
Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null,
string includeProperties = "")
IQueryable<TEntity> query = dbSet;
if (filter != null)
query = query.Where(filter);
foreach (var includeProperty in includeProperties.Split
(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
query = query.Include(includeProperty);
if (orderBy != null)
return orderBy(query).ToList();
return query.ToList();
public virtual TEntity GetByID(object id)
return dbSet.Find(id);
public virtual void Insert(TEntity entity)
public virtual void Delete(object id)
TEntity entityToDelete = dbSet.Find(id);
public virtual void Delete(TEntity entityToDelete)
if (context.Entry(entityToDelete).State == EntityState.Detached)
public virtual void Update(TEntity entityToUpdate)
context.Entry(entityToUpdate).State = EntityState.Modified;
I have a similar usage of repository using code-first. Occasionally, I would see conflicts like the one you described. My issue was with change tracking across multiple processes. Are you inserting items into the database inside one process (using a single entity context)?
If you are, you should look at the Merge Options available with Entity Framework. If you are using the default merge option (AppendOnly), then you could be querying the in memory context instead of going to the database. This could cause the behaviour you are describing.
Unfortunately, as far as I understand, all the merge options are not yet exposed to Code-First. You can choose the default (AppendOnly) or NoTracking, which will go to the database every time.
Hope this helps,

Add new property in subsonic partial class

I added a new column(DateCreated) in a table(Activity) in sqlserver.
and I am using subsonic 2.0, how can I add this column as property in subsonic partial class, so that I can insert and update the value of "DateCreated" Column.
DateCreated will be provided by the user from the GUI.
following is the code I m using but it insert NULL & retrive NULL from the database.
public partial class ActivityInscription
public struct Columns
public static string IsInMixedList = #"IsInMixedList";
public bool? IsInMixedList
Please any one help me to resolve this issue.
If you added the column to the database then just rebuild the DAL. It will pick up the new column and add it to the subsonic DAL. There is no reason for a Partial class in your case. This will work providing that the table "Activity" is part of your subsonic list (includeTableList) of tables in the config file.
Following is the solution, I used and it is working:
public partial class Activity
public DateTime? DateCreated
protected override void BeforeInsert()
TableSchema.Table tblSchema = Schema;
TableSchema.TableColumn ccDateCreated = new TableSchema.TableColumn(tblSchema);
ccrDateCreated.ColumnName = "DateCreated";
ccDateCreated.DataType = DbType.DateTime;
ccDateCreated.MaxLength = 0;
ccDateCreated.AutoIncrement = false;
ccDateCreated.IsNullable = false;
ccDateCreated.IsPrimaryKey = false;
ccDateCreated.IsForeignKey = false;
ccDateCreated.IsReadOnly = false;
ccDateCreated.DefaultSetting = #"";
ccDateCreated.ForeignKeyTableName = "";
if (!tblSchema.Columns.Contains("DateCreated"))
if (this.GetSchema().Columns.Contains("DateCreated"))
this.SetColumnValue(Columns.DateCreated, DateCreated);
Now it is working fine & inserting the values that I provide from the GUI.

Retrieving values of ReadOnly fields from DynamicData DetailsView in Edit Mode on Updating using LinqDataSource

I have several tables in my database that have read-only fields that get set on Inserting and Updating, namely: AddDate (DateTime), AddUserName (string), LastModDate (DateTime), LastModUserName (string).
All of the tables that have these values have been set to inherit from the following interface:
public interface IUserTrackTable
string AddUserName { get; set; }
DateTime AddDate { get; set; }
string LastModUserName { get; set; }
DateTime LastModDate { get; set; }
As such, I have the following method on the Edit.aspx page:
protected void DetailsDataSource_Updating(object sender, LinqDataSourceUpdateEventArgs e)
IUserTrackTable newObject = e.NewObject as IUserTrackTable;
if (newObject != null)
newObject.LastModUserName = User.Identity.Name;
newObject.LastModDate = DateTime.Now;
However, by the time it hits this method, the e.OriginalObject has already lost the values for all four fields, so a ChangeConflictException gets thrown during the actual Update. I have tried adding the four column names to the DetailsView1.DataKeyNames array in the Init event handler:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
// other things happen before this
var readOnlyColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => c.Attributes.SingleOrDefaultOfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>(ReadOnlyAttribute.Default).IsReadOnly).Select(c => c.Name);
DetailsView1.DataKeyNames = DetailsView1.DataKeyNames.Union<string>(readOnlyColumns).ToArray<string>();
DetailsView1.RowsGenerator = new CustomFieldGenerator(table, PageTemplates.Edit, false);
// other things happen after this
I've tried making that code only happen on PostBack, and still nothing. I'm at a lose for how to get the values for all of the columns to make the round-trip.
The only thing the CustomFieldGenerator is handling the ReadOnlyAttribute, following the details on C# Bits.
UPDATE: After further investigation, the values make the round trip to the DetailsView_ItemUpdating event. All of the values are present in the e.OldValues dictionary. However, they are lost by the time it gets to the LinqDataSource_Updating event.
Obviously, there are the "solutions" of making those columns not participate in Concurrency Checks or other ways that involve hard-coding, but the ideal solution would dynamically add the appropriate information where needed so that this stays as a Dynamic solution.
i Drovani, I assume you want data auditing (see Steve Sheldon's A Method to Handle Audit Fields in LINQ to SQL), I would do this in the model in EF4 you can do it like this:
partial void OnContextCreated()
// Register the handler for the SavingChanges event.
this.SavingChanges += new EventHandler(context_SavingChanges);
private static void context_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
// handle auditing
AuditingHelperUtility.ProcessAuditFields(objects.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified), InsertMode: false);
internal static class AuditingHelperUtility
internal static void ProcessAuditFields(IEnumerable<Object> list, bool InsertMode = true)
foreach (var item in list)
IAuditable entity = item as IAuditable;
if (entity != null)
if (InsertMode)
entity.InsertedBy = GetUserId();
entity.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now;
entity.UpdatedBy = GetUserId();
entity.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
Sadly this is not possible with EF v1
