Add new property in subsonic partial class - subsonic

I added a new column(DateCreated) in a table(Activity) in sqlserver.
and I am using subsonic 2.0, how can I add this column as property in subsonic partial class, so that I can insert and update the value of "DateCreated" Column.
DateCreated will be provided by the user from the GUI.
following is the code I m using but it insert NULL & retrive NULL from the database.
public partial class ActivityInscription
public struct Columns
public static string IsInMixedList = #"IsInMixedList";
public bool? IsInMixedList
Please any one help me to resolve this issue.

If you added the column to the database then just rebuild the DAL. It will pick up the new column and add it to the subsonic DAL. There is no reason for a Partial class in your case. This will work providing that the table "Activity" is part of your subsonic list (includeTableList) of tables in the config file.

Following is the solution, I used and it is working:
public partial class Activity
public DateTime? DateCreated
protected override void BeforeInsert()
TableSchema.Table tblSchema = Schema;
TableSchema.TableColumn ccDateCreated = new TableSchema.TableColumn(tblSchema);
ccrDateCreated.ColumnName = "DateCreated";
ccDateCreated.DataType = DbType.DateTime;
ccDateCreated.MaxLength = 0;
ccDateCreated.AutoIncrement = false;
ccDateCreated.IsNullable = false;
ccDateCreated.IsPrimaryKey = false;
ccDateCreated.IsForeignKey = false;
ccDateCreated.IsReadOnly = false;
ccDateCreated.DefaultSetting = #"";
ccDateCreated.ForeignKeyTableName = "";
if (!tblSchema.Columns.Contains("DateCreated"))
if (this.GetSchema().Columns.Contains("DateCreated"))
this.SetColumnValue(Columns.DateCreated, DateCreated);
Now it is working fine & inserting the values that I provide from the GUI.


Spark Cassandra Connector Java API append/remove data in a collection fail

I am trying to append values to a column of type set, via the JAVA API.
It seems that the connector disregards the type of CollectionBehavior I am setting,
and always overrides the previous collection.
Even when I use CollectionRemove, the value to be removed is added to the collection.
I am following the example as shown in:
I am using:
spark-core_2.11 2.2.0
spark-cassandra-connector_2.11 2.0.5
Cassandra 2.1.17
Could it be that this feature is no supported on those versions?
Here is the implementation code:
CREATE TABLE test.profile (
id text PRIMARY KEY,
dates set<bigint>,
public class ProfileRow {
public static final Map<String, String> namesMap;
static {
namesMap = new HashMap<>();
namesMap.put("id", "id");
namesMap.put("dates", "dates");
private String id;
private Set<Long> dates;
public ProfileRow() {}
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public Set<Long> getDates() {
return dates;
public void setDates(Set<Long> dates) {
this.dates = dates;
public void execute(JavaSparkContext context) {
List<ProfileRow> elements = new LinkedList<>();
ProfileRow profile = new ProfileRow();
Set<Long> dates = new HashSet<>();
JavaRDD<ProfileRow> rdd = context.parallelize(elements);
RDDAndDStreamCommonJavaFunctions<T>.WriterBuilder wb = javaFunctions(rdd)
.writerBuilder("test", "profile", mapToRow(ProfileRow.class, ProfileRow.namesMap));
CollectionColumnName appendColumn = new CollectionColumnName("dates", Option.empty(), CollectionAppend$.MODULE$);
scala.collection.Seq<ColumnRef> columnRefSeq = JavaApiHelper.toScalaSeq(Arrays.asList(appendColumn));
SomeColumns columnSelector = SomeColumns$.MODULE$.apply(columnRefSeq);
I found the answer. There are 2 things I had to change:
Add the primary key column to the column selector.
WriterBuilder.withColumnSelector() generates a new instance of WriterBuilder, so I had to store the new instance.
RDDAndDStreamCommonJavaFunctions<T>.WriterBuilder wb = javaFunctions(rdd)
.writerBuilder("test", "profile", mapToRow(ProfileRow.class, ProfileRow.namesMap));
ColumnName pkColumn = new ColumnName("id", Option.empty())
CollectionColumnName appendColumn = new CollectionColumnName("dates", Option.empty(), CollectionAppend$.MODULE$);
scala.collection.Seq<ColumnRef> columnRefSeq = JavaApiHelper.toScalaSeq(Arrays.asList(pkColumn, appendColumn));
SomeColumns columnSelector = SomeColumns$.MODULE$.apply(columnRefSeq);
wb = wb.withColumnSelector(columnSelector);

ServiceStack ORMLite

We are migrating our SProc based solution over to ORMLite, and so far has been pretty painless. Today I wrote the following method:
public AppUser GetAppUserByUserID(int app_user_id)
var dbFactory = new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(this.ConnectionString, SqlServerOrmLiteDialectProvider.Instance);
AppUser item = null;
var rh = new RedisHelper();
var id= CacheIDHelper.GetAppUserID( app_user_id );
item = rh.Get<AppUser>(id);
if (item == null)
using (var db = dbFactory.OpenDbConnection())
item = db.Single<AppUser>("application_user_id={0}", app_user_id);
rh.Set<AppUser>(item, id);
catch (Exception ex)
APLog.error(ex, "Error retrieving user!");
return item;
I have remove some of the extraneous fields, but they are basically:
public class AppUser : APBaseObject
public int? UserID
public string UserGUID
The challenge is that they only field that is populate is the ID field, AND I already know that ID because I am passing it into the method.
I did get the last SQL called and ran that against the DB directly and all of the fields were being referenced correctly.
I stepped through the code in the debugger, and everything came back correctly, except that the only field returned was the ID.
I had a similar issue which was caused by my class methods not mapping to the db properly. My exact issue was caused by a nullable int field in the db and the class method was defined as an 'int' instead of 'int?'.
Perhaps you have a similar issue?

Retrieving values of ReadOnly fields from DynamicData DetailsView in Edit Mode on Updating using LinqDataSource

I have several tables in my database that have read-only fields that get set on Inserting and Updating, namely: AddDate (DateTime), AddUserName (string), LastModDate (DateTime), LastModUserName (string).
All of the tables that have these values have been set to inherit from the following interface:
public interface IUserTrackTable
string AddUserName { get; set; }
DateTime AddDate { get; set; }
string LastModUserName { get; set; }
DateTime LastModDate { get; set; }
As such, I have the following method on the Edit.aspx page:
protected void DetailsDataSource_Updating(object sender, LinqDataSourceUpdateEventArgs e)
IUserTrackTable newObject = e.NewObject as IUserTrackTable;
if (newObject != null)
newObject.LastModUserName = User.Identity.Name;
newObject.LastModDate = DateTime.Now;
However, by the time it hits this method, the e.OriginalObject has already lost the values for all four fields, so a ChangeConflictException gets thrown during the actual Update. I have tried adding the four column names to the DetailsView1.DataKeyNames array in the Init event handler:
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
// other things happen before this
var readOnlyColumns = table.Columns.Where(c => c.Attributes.SingleOrDefaultOfType<ReadOnlyAttribute>(ReadOnlyAttribute.Default).IsReadOnly).Select(c => c.Name);
DetailsView1.DataKeyNames = DetailsView1.DataKeyNames.Union<string>(readOnlyColumns).ToArray<string>();
DetailsView1.RowsGenerator = new CustomFieldGenerator(table, PageTemplates.Edit, false);
// other things happen after this
I've tried making that code only happen on PostBack, and still nothing. I'm at a lose for how to get the values for all of the columns to make the round-trip.
The only thing the CustomFieldGenerator is handling the ReadOnlyAttribute, following the details on C# Bits.
UPDATE: After further investigation, the values make the round trip to the DetailsView_ItemUpdating event. All of the values are present in the e.OldValues dictionary. However, they are lost by the time it gets to the LinqDataSource_Updating event.
Obviously, there are the "solutions" of making those columns not participate in Concurrency Checks or other ways that involve hard-coding, but the ideal solution would dynamically add the appropriate information where needed so that this stays as a Dynamic solution.
i Drovani, I assume you want data auditing (see Steve Sheldon's A Method to Handle Audit Fields in LINQ to SQL), I would do this in the model in EF4 you can do it like this:
partial void OnContextCreated()
// Register the handler for the SavingChanges event.
this.SavingChanges += new EventHandler(context_SavingChanges);
private static void context_SavingChanges(object sender, EventArgs e)
// handle auditing
AuditingHelperUtility.ProcessAuditFields(objects.GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState.Modified), InsertMode: false);
internal static class AuditingHelperUtility
internal static void ProcessAuditFields(IEnumerable<Object> list, bool InsertMode = true)
foreach (var item in list)
IAuditable entity = item as IAuditable;
if (entity != null)
if (InsertMode)
entity.InsertedBy = GetUserId();
entity.InsertedOn = DateTime.Now;
entity.UpdatedBy = GetUserId();
entity.UpdatedOn = DateTime.Now;
Sadly this is not possible with EF v1

Sharepoint search fails when using DataKeynames

We have a Sharepoint site which uses search.
We get the following error:
Unable to validate data. at
(Boolean fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length,
IVType ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo)
at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString)
After a bit of testing we have found that the error occurs when we use DateKeyNames on a GridView control.
Not sure why there should be any combination between Search, this error and DataKeyNames.
Any ideas?
Update: Here is some code
public class TestErrorGridView : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
Control ascxToAdd;
public TestErrorGridView()
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void CreateChildControls()
Table test = new Table();
TestBindObject t1 = new TestBindObject() { ID = 1, Name = "Test" };
List<TestBindObject> l1 = new List<TestBindObject>();
SPGridView testGrid = new SPGridView() { AutoGenerateColumns = false};
BoundField header = new BoundField();
header.DataField = "ID";
BoundField name = new BoundField();
name.DataField = "Name";
testGrid.DataSource = l1;
// If you comment out this line search works
testGrid.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "ID" };
SPGridView testGrid = new SPGridView() { AutoGenerateColumns = false, EnableViewState=false };
testGrid.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "testid" };
public class TestBindObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
This error occurrs on the developer machines, so it is not realated to machine keys being different on different machines in a cluster.
One of the developers has MOSS installed, he does not get the error. The developers who have just WSS installed get the error.
Have added datasource to code
I'm going to throw out a guess here since the code where you set the GridView's datasource is missing as well, but here goes...
It probably has something to do with the order in which you are setting the GridView's properties. My guess is that you need to set it in this order:
Create your GridView
Set the GridView's datasource (so that it has data)
Set DataKeyNames
Call GridView.DataBind()
Step 3 and 4 are the steps I am not sure about. You may have to DataBind and then set DataKeyNames.
We eventually solved this by following the example in this link:
I think that is was binding to a data table rather than a list that made the difference.
The fact that Sharepoint grids do not allow autogenerated columns appears to be one of the factors leading to this problem.

SharePoint 2007 (wss) search and Unable to validate data Exception

We have a problem with SharePoint's search box. Whenever we try to search for something we get:
Unable to validate data. at
fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier,
Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType
ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo)
inputString) exeption.
Does any one know the reason for this exception, or a way to work around it?
New entry:
I'm using a SPGridView where i use the datakeys property in a web part. The webpart works, but we found that using the datakeys property breaks seach in that if you try to use the search textbox and click the seach button it gets this exception:
Unable to validate data. at System.Web.Configuration.MachineKeySection.EncryptOrDecryptData(Boolean fEncrypt, Byte[] buf, Byte[] modifier, Int32 start, Int32 length, IVType ivType, Boolean useValidationSymAlgo)
at System.Web.UI.ObjectStateFormatter.Deserialize(String inputString)
This is what i have tryed to do:
Make the gridview not spgridview and set autogenerate true (works)
Remove the datakeynames (works)
Test with a empty gridvew (failes)
Test with a non-empty gridview (failes)
Change Machine Keys (failes)
Turn of view state on the gridvew (failes)
Move the gridview ti a ascx file (failes)
I can't seem to figure this one out. Have enyone got this error and been able to work around it?
EDit 10.09.2009
This is the last code I tested. I used a MSDN excample as referance. I have also tried without Data table MSDN Example
public class TestErrorGridView : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
Control ascxToAdd;
protected DataTable PropertyCollection = new DataTable();
private DataColumn key;
public TestErrorGridView()
key = PropertyCollection.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
PropertyCollection.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
public void AddProperty(TestBindObject data)
DataRow newRow = PropertyCollection.Rows.Add();
newRow["ID "] = data.ID;
newRow["Name"] = data.Name;
public void BindGrid(SPGridView grid)
SPBoundField fldPropertyName = new SPBoundField();
fldPropertyName.HeaderText = "ID";
fldPropertyName.DataField = "ID";
SPBoundField fldPropertyValue = new SPBoundField();
fldPropertyValue.HeaderText = "Name";
fldPropertyValue.DataField = "Name";
PropertyCollection.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { key };
grid.DataSource = PropertyCollection.DefaultView;
grid.DataKeyNames = new string[] { key.ColumnName };
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
protected override void CreateChildControls()
TestBindObject t1 = new TestBindObject() { ID = 1, Name = "Test3" };
SPGridView testGrid = new SPGridView() { AutoGenerateColumns = false };
public class TestBindObject
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
From the error message I'd say that you are operating in a web-farm environment. Have you set the same machineKey in each of the SharePoint web.config files? See this link for a little more info.
