Text is displayed in bold in IE 8 - text

All the text on my website appears in bold in IE 8. The other browsers such as IE 9, Chrome and FF show bold only where specified. Is there an IE 8 specific fix that I can use?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Take a look at HTML conditionals. You can target ie-8 and add a css file with a specific rule.


Setting italic in RichtText

I am displaying richtext on my web page. and have added an italic text, but it does no show as italic, just normal text.
when I look in developer tool it looks like the xsp.css is setting font-style to inherit but I can't decide what it inherits from.
how can I find out what is causing the italic to not being set correctly?
I created an empty database with a form and an xpage and seem to get the same problem
the result is the same in Chrome, Firefox and IE
In Developer Tools go to the second tab on the right called Computed. Here you can find "font-style" and see what style sheets are used to compute the styling.
Here's an example from an XPages app that uses the OneUI theme:

Menu item height in Internet Explorer

Why are the menu items of my site in Internet Explorer 11 so high?
I've built a Joomla 3.4.x site with Bootstrap 3.4.x.
Here's the URL: https://www.chjc.nl
There seems to be something wrong with the menu in Internet Explorer (11). In Firefox Opera and Chrome all seems OK (I haven't got MS Edge), the height is what it should be, in IE the menu items are a lot higher.
Secondly: I see list-style circles in front of the menu items in IE.
Can anyone explain what is wrong?
Also: when I change some CSS in the Inspector in IE, something may change and when I then change the CSS file, IE doesn't do what it was doing when I changed the CSS in the Inspector... This may be a totally unrelated bug.
Thomsterdam Web Design
If you change something in your Inspector in IE, it is not changing the file on your webserver. You should open the CSS file in your IDE a.k.a. web editor and save it and upload it to your website.
You should make your <ul> and <ol> have the style list-style:none;
If you make your <a> in the dropdown <li> inline-block instead of display:block your menu will look the same in all the browsers.

Set height for dojo text area in xpages

I have a dojo text area which I'm binding it to a field. I saw that on browser, its height is OK but if I open the xpage in the Notes client its height is twice bigger. I tried adding height property for the text area, but it doesn't work.
Thanks in advance!
Browsers Firefox and XPiNC (XPages in Notes Client - that is XULrunner based on Firefox) show Dojo Text Area (dijit.form.Textarea) always with at least two rows even it contains only one line of text.
Other browsers like Chrome and IE work like expected.
You don't have a chance to change that behavior with style "height"/"minHeight" or parameter "rows".
The only solution I found is to create an own Textarea widget. But I am not sure if it's worth it...
This issue shows up only for contents with one line. As soon as you have two or more text lines Dojo Text Area's height adapts exactly - for all browsers.
Try setting the height using css styles, that should do it.
In case css should not be working here try using the classic HTML attributes 'cols' and 'rows'. I don't have Domino Designer ata hand right now, so I can't tell whether those attributes are available. If not you could add them yourself using the 'attrs' group.

Wide Character Font Rendering in Windows Browsers

I made a custom font to display text so that it looks like the keys on a computer keyboard and embedded it in a website.
All is good on MacOS, but the wide characters render incorrectly on Chrome, IE and FF on Windows. Is this a bug with the browsers? Is something wrong with the font?

colored coding typing in text mate

This seems really silly but I somehow hit a key combination by mistake in text mate and now the colored coded typing is disabled. It's all just black text no matter php or html or variables etc... I scoured google and messed with all the preferences and can't get it back on.
any idea?
thanks in advance
You probably change the source associtation to plain text... at the bottom of the editor window there is a dropdwon where you can choose the source syntax, try selecting the appropriate context (ie. HTML, CSS, PHP, etc.)
