Gnuplot: how to add y2 axis scale for different units - gnuplot

I'm plotting data from a file. The data points are in metric units. I want to show a second scale on the right (y2) that's in standard units.
The file represents rocket motor thrust over time. The data are in Newtons. I want to show newtons on the left (this happens by itself, naturally) and pounds force on the right. The conversion is a simple factor (multiply N by 0.2248 to obtain lbf).
I can set y2tics and if I set y2range manually, they appear on the right. What I don't know how to do is set y2range automatically to y1range * a factor.
My eventual solution is to plot twice, once in Newtons on y1 and once in pounds on y2, and make the y2 plot almost invisible:
plot '-' using 1:($2*0.2248) with dots axes x1y2 lc rgb 'white' notitle, \
'' using 1:2 with lines lc rgb '<color>' title '<title>'
The solution above often generates slightly different y scales: with autoragne, gnuplot rounds up the range so the top tick on each axis is a round number, and of course the rounding is different for different units.
Ultimately I end up with Python code that finds the highest thrust value in each graph, then I explicitly set yrange to that number and y2range to that number * 0.2248:
f.write("set yrange [0:%s]; set y2range[0:%s]\n" % (peak_thrust, peak_thrust*NEWTON_LBF));
Here's the end result: (sample graph below)

It seems to me that the easiest way to do this is to simply scale the data:
set y2tics
plot sin(x) w lines, 5*sin(x) w lines axes x1y2
Of course, you're plotting data from a file, so it would look something more like:
set y2tics
FACTOR=0.2248 #conversion factor from newtons to lbf
plot 'datafile' u 1:2 w lines, '' u 1:(FACTOR*$2) w lines
If you're setting the yrange explicitly (which you may need to do):
set yrange [ymin:ymax]
set y2range [ymin*FACTOR:ymax*FACTOR]
Finally, if you really want to rely on autoscaling, you're going to need to do some "gymnastics".
First, set a dummy terminal so we can plot without making a plot:
set term unknown
plot 'datafile' u 1:2 #collect information on our data
Now that we've collected information on the data, we can set our real y2range
set y2tics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
Now set the terminal and plot the data:
set term ...
set output ...
plot 'datafile' u 1:2 w lines

Version 5.0 added support for this kind of relations between the y and y2 (or also x and x2) axis:
set xrange[0:370]
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics
set link y2 via 0.2248*y inverse y/0.2248
plot x

I know it's an old question and the answer has already been accepted, but I think it's worth sharing my approach.
I simply use modified labels for the x2axis. In your case, this would be
set y2tics ("10" 10/0.2248, "20" 20/0.2248 etc etc...
that can be looped this way
do for [i=0:1000:10] { set y2tics add (sprintf("%i",i) i/0.2248) }
where the for range should be adjusted according to your data (you could use stats and the variable GPVAL_DATA_Y_MAX for complete peace of mind).
Don't forget to
set ytics nomirror
This will give exactly what are you looking for, in (almost) a one liner:
If you want to use a grid and have the converted factors on the x2axis, so that for example to the label y=50 N would correspond y2=11.2 (it keeps things tidy if you use a grid) you can do
do for [i=0:1000:50] { set y2tics add (sprintf("%5.1f",i*0.2248) }
This is the result:


Gnuplot smoothing data in loglog plot

I would like to plot a smoothed curve based on a dataset which spans over 13 orders of magnitude [1E-9:1E4] in x and 4 orders of magnitude [1E-6:1e-2] in y.
set log x
set log y
set xrange [1E-9:1E4]
set yrange [1E-6:1e-2]
set samples 1000
plot 'data.txt' u 1:3:(1) smooth csplines not
The smooth curve looks nice above x=10. Below, it is just a straight line down to the point at x=1e-9.
When increasing samples to 1e4, smoothing works well above x=1. For samples 1e5, smoothing works well above x=0.1 and so on.
Any idea on how to apply smoothing to lower data points without setting samples to 1e10 (which does not work anyway...)?
Thanks and best regards!
To my understanding sampling in gnuplot is linear. I am not aware, but maybe there is a logarithmic sampling in gnuplot which I haven't found yet.
Here is a suggestion for a workaround which is not yet perfect but may act as a starting point.
The idea is to split your data for example into decades and to smooth them separately.
The drawback is that there might be some overlaps between the ranges. These you can minimize or hide somehow when you play with set samples and every ::n or maybe there is another way to eliminate the overlaps.
### smoothing over several orders of magnitude
reset session
# create some random test data
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
set logscale x
set logscale y
set format x "%g"
set format y "%g"
set samples 100
pMin = -9
pMax = 3
set table $Smoothed
myFilter(col,p) = (column(col)/10**p-1) < 10 ? column(col) : NaN
plot for [i=pMin:pMax] $Data u (myFilter(1,i)):2 smooth cspline
unset table
plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ti "Data", \
$Smoothed u 1:2 every ::3 w l ti "cspline"
### end of code
Thanks to #maij who pointed out that it can be simplified by simply mapping the whole range into linear space. In contrast to #maij's solution I would let gnuplot handle the logarithmic axes and keep the actual plot command as simple as possible with the extra effort of some table plots.
### smoothing in loglog plot
reset session
# create some random test data
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
set samples 500
set table $SmoothedLog
plot $Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) smooth csplines
set table $Smoothed
plot $SmoothedLog u (10**$1):(10**$2) w table
unset table
set logscale x
set logscale y
set format x "%g"
set format y "%g"
set key top left
plot $Data u 1:2 w p pt 7 ti "Data", \
$Smoothed u 1:2 w l lc "red" ti "csplines"
### end of code
Using a logarithmic scale basically means to plot the logarithm of a value instead of the value itself. The set logscale command tells gnuplot to do this automatically:
read the data, still linear world, no logarithm yet
calculate the splines on an equidistant grid (smooth csplines), still linear world
calculate and plot the logarithms (set logscale)
The key point is the equidistant grid. Let's say one chooses set xrange [1E-9:10000] and set samples 101. In the linear world 1e-9 compared to 10000 is approximately 0, and the resulting grid will be 1E-9 ~ 0, 100, 200, 300, ..., 9800, 9900, 10000. The first grid point is at 0, the second one at 100, and gnuplot is going to draw a straight line between them. This does not change when afterwards logarithms of the numbers are plotted.
This is what you already have noted in your question: you need 10 times more points to get a smooth curve for smaller exponents.
As a solution, I would suggest to switch the calculation of the logarithms and the calculation of the splines.
# create some random test data, code "stolen" from #theozh (
set print $Data
do for [p=-9:3] {
do for [m=1:9:3] {
print sprintf("%g %g", m*10**p, (1+rand(0))*10**(p/12.*3.-2))
set print
# this makes the splines smoother
set samples 1000
# manually account for the logarithms in the tic labels
set format x "10^{%.0f}" # for example this format
set format y "1e{%+03.0f}" # or this one
set xtics 2 # logarithmic world, tic distance in orders of magnitude
set ytics 1
# just "read logarithm of values" from file, before calculating splines
plot $Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) w p pt 7 ti "Data" ,\
$Data u (log10($1)):(log10($2)) ti "cspline" smooth cspline
This is the result:

Automatic offset in gnuplot

I am plotting data from a datafile and the data has behaviour that after a while on the x-axis the y-axis start to monotonically decrease and ultimately go to zero (with some very small fluctuations later on).
Hence, I want to offset the y-axis so that those fluctuations are clearly visible. For that I use something like set offsets 0,0,0,0.1. But I have actually written a bash script to generate the plot for me. I just need to provide the datafile name to it. So for each plot I don't want to go into the script and manually set offset value based on the data.
I would like if the offset were determined by gnuplot automatically based on the bin-size on the axis, like the offset is 1*bin-size. So my command could look like :
set offsets 0,0,0,1*$bin_size
Is there any way to achieve this?
This is the script I am using.
#Requires that the script be in the same directory as the data files
#sed -n '3001,4000p' fish_data_re.dat > fish_data_re_3k_4k.dat : Can be used to extract data from specific range in data file
#Code to generate normalised files
awk 'NR == FNR {if(max < $2) {max = $2}; next} {$2 = $2 / max; printf "%f\t%f\n", $1, $2}' $DATA_FILE_NAME.$DATA_FILE_TYPE $DATA_FILE_NAME.$DATA_FILE_TYPE > $DATA_FILE_NAME\_normed.$DATA_FILE_TYPE
Y_LABEL="Real Classical Fisher Information"
TITLE="Real Classical Fisher Information vs Time"
#Set font size for axis tics
set xlabel "$X_LABEL"
set ylabel "$Y_LABEL"
#Following command allows the printing of underscore from name of data file in plot
set key noenhanced
set title "$TITLE"
set xtics font ", $X_TICS_SIZE"
set ytics font ", $Y_TICS_SIZE"
set xtics nomirror
set ytics nomirror
#set ytics format "%.22g"
set ytics format "%0.s*10^{%L}"
#set xtics format "%t"
set multiplot
#------The big-plot------
set title "$TITLE"
set offsets 0,0,0,0.01
#Following plots only data from line 1 to line 100
#plot "<(sed -n '1,100p' $DATA_FILE_NAME.$DATA_FILE_TYPE)" u 1:2 notitle w l lc "red" lw 2
plot "$DATA_FILE_NAME.$DATA_FILE_TYPE" u 1:2 notitle w l lc "red" lw 2
#------The sub-plot------
unset title
unset offsets
set origin 0.25,0.3
set size 0.45,0.45
set xrange [30:60]
set yrange [-0.01:0.01]
unset xlabel
unset ylabel
#unset label
plot "$DATA_FILE_NAME.$DATA_FILE_TYPE" u 1:2 notitle w l lc "red" lw 2
unset multiplot
set term "$OUTPUT_FILE_TYPE"
set output "$OUTPUT_FILE_NAME"
As you can see I need to provide the offset manually.
Here is the plot I am getting.
The y-axis here got offset by -0.002 -0.2. I want to automate this thing and want gnuplot to always use the the offset as the size of a bin (which I define as the distance between successive tics).
(If this is a trivial question I apologise in advance, I am quite new to gnuplot.)
I guess I still don't understand your exact problem. By the way, your offset it -200e-3 = -0.2 not -0.002.
Is your data always between 0 and 1?
You could set the offsets depending on the graph (check help offsets)
set offsets 0,0,0, graph 0.2
In general, why not using logarithmic scale? With this you will be able to see all small features in your data.
### linear scale vs logarithmic scale
reset session
# Gauss curve by specifing Amplitude A, position x0 and width via FWHM
GaussW(x,x0,A,FWHM) = A * exp(-(x-x0)**2/(2*(FWHM/(2*sqrt(2*log(2))))**2))
# create some test data
set xrange[0:100]
set samples 500
set table $Data
plot '+' u 1:(GaussW($1,5,1,2.5) + GaussW($1,40,7e-3,2) + GaussW($1,47,8e-4,5) + 2e-4) w table
unset table
set multiplot layout 1,2
set offset 0,0,0, graph 0.2
set yrange[-0.02:1]
plot $Data u 1:2 w l title "linear y-scale"
set logscale y
set yrange[1e-4:1]
plot $Data u 1:2 w l title "logarithmic y-scale"
unset multiplot
### end of code

Gnuplot: oscilloscope-like line style?

Is it possible in Gnuplot to emulate the drawing style of an analogue oscilloscope, meaning thinner+dimmisher lines on larger amplitudes, like this:?
The effect you see in the oscilloscope trace is not due to amplitude, it is due to the rate of change as the trace is drawn. If you know that rate of change and can feed it to gnuplot as a third column of values, then you could use it to modulate the line color as it is drawn:
plot 'data' using 1:2:3 with lines linecolor palette z
I don't know what color palette would work best for your purpose, but here is an approximation using a function with an obvious, known, derivative.
set palette gray
set samples 1000
plot '+' using ($1):(sin($1)):(abs(cos($1))) with lines linecolor palette
For thickness variations, you could shift the curve slightly up and down, and fill the area between them.
f(x) = sin(2*x) * sin(30*x)
dy = 0.02
plot '+' u 1:(f(x)+dy):(f(x)-dy) w filledcurves ls 1 notitle
This does not allow variable colour, but the visual effect is similar.
Another approach:
As #Ethan already stated, the intensity is somehow proportional to the speed of movement, i.e. the derivative. If you have sin(x) as waveform, the derivative is cos(x). But what if you have given data? Then you have to calculate the derivative numerically.
Furthermore, depending on the background the line should fade from white (minimal derivative) to fully transparent (maximum derivative), i.e. you should change the transparency with the derivative.
### oscilloscope "imitation"
reset session
set term wxt size 500,400 butt # option butt, otherwise you will get overlap points
set size ratio 4./5
set samples 1000
set xrange[-5:5]
# create some test data
f(x) = 1.5*sin(15*x)*(cos(1.4*x)+1.5)
set table $Data
plot '+' u 1:(f($1)) w table
unset table
set xtics axis 1 format ""
set mxtics 5
set grid xtics ls -1
set yrange[-4:4]
set ytics axis 1 format ""
set mytics 5
set grid ytics ls -1
ColorScreen = 0x28a7e0
set obj 1 rect from screen 0,0 to screen 1,1 behind
set obj 1 fill solid 1.0 fc rgb ColorScreen
Derivative(x,y) = (dx=x-x0,x0=x,x-dx/2,dy=y-y0,y0=y,dy/dx) # approx. derivative
# get min/max derivative
set table $Dummy
plot n=0 $Data u (d=abs(Derivative($1,$2)),n=n+1,n<=2? (dmin=dmax=d) : \
(dmin>d ? dmin=d:dmin), (dmax<d?dmax=d:dmax)) w table
unset table
myColor(x,y) = (int((abs(Derivative(column(x),column(y)))-dmin)/(dmax-dmin)*0xff)<<24) +0xffffff
plot $Data u 1:2:(myColor(1,2)) w l lw 1.5 lc rgb var not
### end of code

Gnuplot: logarithmic axes and dgrid3d not working together

I have a sparse grid of data that I would like to plot with a log scale in the x and y axes, with colours and contours defining the z axis.
Using logscale xy results in a very different looking plot to when I plot a linear plot of the log of each axis.
I want the nice logarithmic axes and positioning of the contour legend of the first plot, with the nice central portion and colour scale of the second plot.
My current script is
set dgrid3d 50,50 splines
set pm3d
set pm3d map
set cntrparam levels auto
set contour surface
#set logscale xy
#splot "test_data.dat" using 1:2:3 with l nosurf lw 3
splot "test_data.dat" using (log10($1)):(log10($2)):3 with lines nosurf lw 3
where I change the comments to change which plots I make.
What am I doing wrong?
All suggestions will be gladly accepted.
edit: Through some more research, I think that the data is being gridded by dgrid3d in linear space, and then plotted in log space by logscale xy. I want the data to be gridded and plotted in log space.
Is there a gnuplot-only solution?
Two-fold solution. 1) the difference in the look of the plots was due to a bug in 5.2.2. Upgrade to 5.2.3 fixed it.
2) Solved the gridding issue by plotting the log of the data on linear axes and then bodging the axes to look logarithmic.
The plot needs to be improved by making the minor tics smaller than the major.
set pm3d
set pm3d map
set cntrparam levels auto
set contour surface
#set xrange [2:6] #setting this makes the image finish at the y2 tics, without changing the xtics
set xtics 2,1,6
unset xtics
# "major" tics
set xtics ("100" 2, "1000" 3, "10000" 4, "100000" 5, "1e6" 6)
# "minor" ticks
set for [i=2:6:1] xtics add ("" log10(2*10**i),"" log10(3*10**i),"" log10(4*10**i),"" log10(5*10**i), "" log10(6*10**i),"" log10(7*10**i),"" log10(8*10**i),"" log10(9*10**i))
set ytics -2,1,-1
unset ytics
set ytics ("0.01" -2, "0.1" -1)
set for [i=-3:0:1] ytics add ("" log10(2*10**i),"" log10(3*10**i),"" log10(4*10**i),"" log10(5*10**i), "" log10(6*10**i),"" log10(7*10**i),"" log10(8*10**i),"" log10(9*10**i))
splot "test_data.dat" using (log10($1)):(log10($2)):3

How can I fix zero to be at the same place when using separate y axes in gnuplot?

I have a data file, with column 1 as the independent variable and columns 2 and 3 as dependent variables. I want to plot variables 2 and 3 on different y axes using something like this:
plot "file.out" u 1:2 axes x1y1, "file.out" u 1:3 axes x1y2
When I do this, the "0" for both axes are offset from one another. How can I fix the zero of one y-axis to the zero of the other y-axis, without explicitly setting yrange to be symmetric for both quantities?
It is possible form version 5 to use set link. However it does not autofit the ratios, so you're left with calculating them yourself
stat "file.out" u 1:2
stat "file.out" u 1:3
set link y2 via min(MAX1/MAX2,MIN1/MIN2)*y inverse y/min(MAX1/MAX2,MIN1/MIN2)
plot "file.out" u 1:2 axes x1y1, "file.out" u 1:3 axes x1y2
Here is a solution which works without linking axes, hence it also works even with gnuplot 4.4 (the version from 2010).
Although, it doesn't need stats but as a disadvantage it requires to replot the data to get the proper scaling of the y2-axis.
### aligning zero on y1- and y2-axes
set ytics nomirror
set y2tics nomirror
set xzeroaxis
set key top left
plot \
sin(x) axes x1y1 w l, \
cos(x)-0.5 axes x1y2 w l
y2_min_new = abs(GPVAL_Y2_MIN)>abs(GPVAL_Y2_MAX) ? GPVAL_Y2_MIN : R0*GPVAL_Y2_MAX/(R0-1)
y2_max_new = abs(GPVAL_Y2_MAX)>abs(GPVAL_Y2_MIN) ? GPVAL_Y2_MAX : (R0-1)*GPVAL_Y2_MIN/R0
set y2range[y2_min_new:y2_max_new]
### end of code
Unfortunately, you can't (at least not in general). If the yrange has the same percent above and below 0, it should probably work, e.g.:
set yrange [-5:10]
set y2range [-10:20]
But if you don't want to do that, then I don't know that there's a better solution...
