PlatformService on Windows Server 2008 R2 - windows-server-2008-r2

I've installed MDEX version 6.2.1 and PlatformServices version 6.1.1. After I've restarted machine I had 2 service: Endeca JCD and EndecaHTTPservice. Problem is with second one as it fails each time I restart my machine or start service manually. Windows Logs System shows me next message: "The Endeca HTTP service service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 3 time(s)." If somebody has some experience with this help me please! Thanks!

Endeca http service is build on top of the Apache Tomcat, if Tomcat fails to start with whatever reason you should be able to see the corresponding log files under endeca's %ENDECA_ROOT%\workspace\logs folder.
It's possible that the service launcher fails before the tomcat can even start logging anythign, in that case Windows event viewer may have some information.
The JCD in the version 6 is kept only for backward compatibility with v5 installs and shouldn't be used in the brand new v6 and above installations.


While doing a restore backup with appcmd, iis crashed and cannot be fixed

My IIS was crashed - Services are not starting due to the following changes done by me in the IIS due to unaware of version migration.
I have taken the back of IIS 7.5 from Windows Server 2008 R2 using the below command
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe add backup "mySite20210818"
and restored the backup in IIS 8.5 in Windows server 2019 using the below command
%windir%\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe restore backup "mySite20210818"
Due to the above changes the IIS is not working and also i could able to start the IIS service itself...i tried to remove the role and then added the role still its not working..
When restoring, why doesn't it say not to install version incompatible, I have to install windows server 2019 again?
Please suggest solution. I will not use appcmd backup again.
what i tried
I copied the files from "C:\inetpub\history\CFGHISTORY_0000000001" into "%windir%\system32\inetsrv\Config".
iisreset /stop
iisreset /start
iisreset /start
The IIS Management Service or the World Wide Web Publishing Service or a dependent service failed to start. The service or dependent services may have encountered an error or been disabled during startup.
iisreset /status
Status: IIS Management Service ( IISADMIN ): Stopped
Status: Windows Process Activation Service (WAS): Stopped
Status: Net.Pipe Listener Adapter ( NetPipeActivator ): Stopped
Status: Net.Tcp Listener Adapter ( NetTcpActivator ): Stopped
Status: World Wide Web Publishing Service ( W3SVC ): Stopped
Removed iis from roles and reinstalled. But it doesn't come off completely.

Deluge Windows Service

I am trying to run the DelugeD.exe as a windows service. After installing Deluge and creating the services using NSSM, I try to start the service and get the following error:
Windows could not start the Deluged service on Local Computer. The service did not return an error. This could be and internal Windows error or and internal service error. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
I have created the Deluge-web-debug.exe as a Windows Service and it successfully starts. When I browse to http://localhost:8112 the web client appears, however the Connection Manager shows the Deluged daemon has not started.
No error, no logs, what could be the cause?
I thought I would start from scratch, reinstall deluge for windows, and try again. After this it still failed.
Using nssm, the error was:
deluged: Unexpected status SERVICE_PAUSED in response to START control.
This placed the service in a perpetual Paused state.
Finally, I decided to tear down the services using nssm remove, kill any running deluge processes, then delete the Config folder where deluged was pointing.
I am certain deleting the Config folder and all files was what solved the problem, and now it starts successfully.
I think I just solved this one by checking the "Allow service to interact with desktop" box under the LogOn tab for both the Deluge daemon and the WebUI services I created with nssm:
"Allow service to interact with desktop" in services.msc

kibana - logstash as window service in window 7

I installed and configured kibana in my local machine and I am getting event log from 3 different machine.
As log forwarder I am using nxlog which is lightweight so nice to install on production without affecting performance.
One thing I need is NSSM - the Non-Sucking Service Manager from which is blocked by MacAfee. I need it to install all component as window service.
Can anybody suggest Other alternative to install kibana - logstash as window service ?
Update - I try to user apache common daemon to install service but service failed to start saying error code 5 which I guess Access denied.
I am using following command to install
prunsrv //IS//logstash-shipper --DisplayName="logstash-shipper " --Install="C:\Jitendra\ELK\Apache_Commons_Daemon-1.0.15-windows\prunsrv.exe" --StartMode=exe --StopMode=exe --StartImage="C:\Jitendra\ELK\logstash\logstash-1.5.4\bin\logstash.bat agent -f logstash.conf" --LogPath="C:\Jitendra\ELK\logstash\logstash-1.5.4\bin" --PidFile="C:\Jitendra\ELK\logstash\logstash-1.5.4\bin\" --StopPath="C:\Jitendra\ELK\logstash\logstash-1.5.4\bin" --StopImage="shipper-stop.bat"
Can anyone used this component ?
Try this
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\installutil.exe" "c:\"(path to bat files)
Allow exception in MacAfee for NSSM.exe

how to keep a node server app running on windows server

I'm working on a project and I have modified node.js' 'simple chat room' sample application for my need, it works fine.
I have to call the server app's url (the .js file) to start it before opening the client page in the browser, so far everything works fine. But if the node server app goes down for any reason (server restart, iis restart, etc), the client page returns an error .
My question is, how can I keep the node server app alive all the time even after it interrupted. How can I do that without having a monitor or a script which runs every x minutes.
I'm using IIS 7.5 and iisnode module.
Run your script file, as a service, with nssm.
Pretty sure you'll want jesus
$ npm install -g jesus
Start monitoring server
$ jesus daemon /path/to/server.log
To start a process
$ jesus start <id> node /path/to/my-app/index.js
To stop one
$ jesus stop <id>
To stop all
$ jesus stopall
I'm not sure about running node in iis. However, you can take a look at the node packages forever, pm2, and nodemon, which will recover the instance in case of failure.
Here's how to install node.js as a service
Here's something on installing node in iis 7.5
Just an update.
I've been using iisnode at work for the better part of a year. I would recommend it if you are deploying to Windows. and have slightly different feature sets, but aren't Windows specific and still work on Windows unlike many of the other more popular, yet incomplete options such as forever and eternity (as of today anyway).

Shutdown Cassandra server and then restart it in windows 7

I installed single node cluster in my local dev box which is running Windows 7 and it was working fine. Due to some reason, I need to restart my desktop and then after that whenever I am doing like this on the command prompt, it always gives me the below exception-
S:\Apache Cassandra\apache-cassandra-1.2.3\bin>cassandra -f
Starting Cassandra Server
Error: Exception thrown by the agent : java.rmi.server.ExportException: Port already in use: 7199; nested exception is: Address already in use: JVM_Bind
Meaning port being used somewhere. I have made some changes in cassandra.yaml file so I need to shutdown the Cassandra server and then restart it again.
Can anybody help me with this?
Thanks for the help.
in windows7, with apache cassandra, a pid.txt file gets created at the root folder of cassandra. Give following instruction to stop the server:
d:/cassandra/bin> stop-server -p ../pid.txt -f
Running -f starts the server as a service, you can stop it through the task manager.
It sounds like your Cassandra server starts on it's own as a service in the background when your machine boots. You can configure windows startup services. To run cassandra in the foreground on windows simply use:
> cassandra.bat
If your are using Cassandra bundled with DataStax Community Edition and running as a service on startup of your machine then you can execute following commands to start and stop Cassandra server.
Start command prompt with admin rights
run following commands
net start DataStax_Cassandra_Community_Server
net stop DataStax_Cassandra_Community_Server
