What is this character "" and why does it cause a line break? - node.js

I'm using handlebars + hbs (following the block/extend helper example) to render html for my node application. For some reason, one of my div's is getting pushed down 1 line.
I checked the dom inspector in chrome, and there's a line with double quotes:
Which causes this:
When I remove the double quotes from the dom inspector (press backspace or delete) the layout is correct:
What the crap is going on? Is it a non-printing character or something? There's nothing in the html/template, and a blank space (or whatever character that is) shouldn't cause a block level element to change position, right?
Here's some code:
The relevant section of Layout.html
<div id="details" class="east">{{{block "east"}}}</div>
The template:
<div id="details-title">
<h3 class="title elide" style="height:26px;">{{Title}}</h3>
<div id="details-body" class="content text">
<img class="card" src="{{ImagePath}}" />
<span class="type">{{Type}}</span>
<div class="body">
The block + extend helpers: (from the hbs example)
hbs.registerHelper("extend", function (name, context) {
var block = blocks[name];
if (!block) {
block = blocks[name] = [];
if (typeof context.fn !== "undefined") {
hbs.registerHelper("block", function (name) {
var val = (blocks[name] || [])
.filter(function () { return true })
// clear the block
blocks[name] = [];
return val;
Apparently, this is char 65279, my precompiled handlebars templates all emit this as the first character when rendered.

So I added a hack to remove the BOM that appears as the first character in the template output:
var html = detailTemplate(res.data);
if (html.charCodeAt(0) === 65279) { // hack to fix precompiled hbs template bug
html = html.substring(1);
It turns out that the block + extend helpers have nothing to do with the problem. I'm assuming it's a problem with the encoding I'm using, but I'm not sure how to change that. The above code fixes the issue though.

Solved, Save with Encoding > UTF-8


iron:router syntax Layout

I am using iron router to render a template within meteor framwork, as i was following probably an outdated tutorial, it seems to me there is a change in syntaxes which i could not figure out.
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<div class="span2">
<div class="span7">
<div class="span3">
function.setDefault ('category', null );
this.route('/', layout);
The following error occurs
unexpected token (1:8)
Where you have Router.route and use this.route in a function, Router.route should read Router.map however this is deprecated in favour of Router.route (without the map wrapper) as below:
Session.setDefault ('category', null );
//You will need to declare a template at the least here so it knows what to render to main area
Router.route('/', {template: "template_name");
this.next ();
//you don't need this to be layout
//as you are defining a default layout above
//but you will need to specify a template for the main yield area
// you don't need to specify path here as it will use '/products'
//if you want to specify a route name use line below
//,name: 'routename'
Where url would be /products/product_name
Where template_name is the template you want to render in your main {{> yield}}
In your layout template you need to place the following for your yields wherever you want to display them
{{> yield 'products'}}
{{> yield 'categories'}}
{{> yield 'cart'}}
{{> yield }} //this is the template you specify in template: 'template_name'
(Done from my phone so can't test but can update later if it doesn't work for you)

ejs 2 custom delimiter

EJS2 can only do character to be use with angle brackets for open/close:
ejs.delimiter = '$';
ejs.render('<$= users.join(" | "); $>', {users: users});
I would like to use {{ }} instead of <% %>, previous version will allow this esj.open = '{{' and esj.close = '}}'.
Any help?
EJS has been updated & changed maintainers, so the main site is found here: https://ejs.co/
and the Github is here: https://github.com/mde/ejs
Unlike previous versions of EJS, you can't use completely custom delimiters now - you can use 'partial' custom delimiters - the first set of brackets aren't optional, but the following character is. To set up a custom delimiter you can do the following:
// app.js
const ejs = require('ejs');
ejs.delimiter = '?';
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.render('index', {
myVariable: 'Hey!'
// index.ejs
<?=myVariable ?>
// index.html (rendered output)
You can add a complete options object and other things, but hopefully that gets you started if you want to change the default delimiters.
Documentation states that custom delimiters are supported:
This isn't possible without modifying the module's source code.
My solution to using custom delimiters is be doing a string replace on the template
const template = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, './template.html'), 'utf8').replace('{{', '<%').replace('}}', '%>')
const render = ejs.compile(template)
This allows me to declare my template like this:
{{ if (someVar) { }}
{{= someVar }}
{{ } }}

Cannot use $(this) in $.getJSON in .each

Im building a custom Minecraft Server Status and hit a problem. The first version of this was successful but the code was rather long and I decided to make it better and shorter. The script is supposed to fill the elements of each .server but it doesn't work.
<div class="server_status">
<div class="container servers_info">
<h1>My Network</h1>
<div id="of the server" class="server" title="of the server" server-ip="">
<div class="name"></div>
<div class="count"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="players">Loading player data <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="status"></div>
<div id="of the server" class="server" title="of the server" server-ip="">
<div class="name"></div>
<div class="count"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="players">Loading player data <i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>
<div class="status"></div>
<!-- ..... more servers -->
<span class="total"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></span>
$(document).ready(function ping() {
$( ".servers_info .server" ).each( function() {
var name = $(this).attr( "title" );
var ip = $(this).attr( "server-ip" );
var id = $(this).attr( "id" );
var total = 0;
var call = "Get Avatar List adress";
//Set the name:
//Gets the data:
$.getJSON("http://mcapi.ca/v2/query/info/?ip=" + ip, function (json) {
//Checks The status and applies visual effects:
if (json.status !== "false") {
$(".status",this).html("<span class=\"l-online\">" + json.ping + " ms</span>");
} else {
$(".status",this).html("<span class=\"l-offline\">0 ms</span>");
//Sets Refresh rate of 10s
setTimeout(ping, 10000);
I narrowed down the problem to the $.getJSON part. The data is retrieved correctly but cannot be placed in its respective DIVs. The only difference with the first version of the script is that I used 4 getJSON separately for each of the servers I wanted to display. Now using .each to combine it for all 4 of them and also $(this) to use relative objects.
I suspect the problem is in th usage of $(this) in .get but I'm nnot sure and don't know how to fix it.
As you suspect, the issue is the $(this). part. Inside the $.getJSON callback this no longer refers to the DOM object that triggered the event.
To fix this you can either:
Add a .bind(this) to the callback function. No changes required inside the function itself.
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
/* all your code here */
Or save the reference to this before $.getJSON and use it inside the callback.
var _this = this;
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
/* replace all references of this to _this for example*/
Hope that helps

Custom Handlebars Helper with partial as hash argument

I'm trying to create a custom handlebars helper, and I want to be able to pass it a "base-template" and a "partial"..
So what it should do is render the base template and then render whatever partials is passed as the second parameter.
I have the following right now:
module.exports.register = function(Handlebars, options) {
var assembleOpts = options || {};
Handlebars.registerHelper("sgComponent", function (template, partial, options) {
// Default options
var opts = {
cwd: '',
src: '',
glob: {}
options = _.defaults(options.hash, assembleOpts.sgComponent, opts);
var partialContent, partialContext;
// Join path to 'cwd' if defined in the helper's options
var cwd = path.join.bind(null, options.cwd, '');
var src = path.join.bind(null, options.src, '');
glob.find(src(partial), options.glob).map(function(path) {
partialContext = yfm.extract(path).context;
partialContent = yfm.extract(path).content;
return glob.find(cwd(template), options.glob).map(function(path) {
var context = yfm.extract(path).context;
var content = yfm.extract(path).content;
return {
path: path,
context: processContext(grunt, partialContext),
content: content
}).map(function (obj) {
var template = Handlebars.compile(obj.content);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(template({content: obj.context}));
var processContext = function(grunt, context) {
grunt.config.data = _.defaults(context || {}, _.cloneDeep(grunt.config.data));
return grunt.config.process(grunt.config.data);
And right now I'm using my helper like this:
{{{sgComponent 'path/to/basetemplate/basetemplate.hbs' 'path/to/partial/partial.hbs'}}}
I'm a little stuck right now. At the moment I can only figure out how to render either the base template or the partial.. Or render the base template but with the context from the partial (it's yaml font matter) What I would like to achieve is the basetemplate being rendered and the partials content being render inside of it, with whatever context defined in the partial.
Like so (base template):
<div class="sg-component">
<!-- Markup -->
<div class="sg-component__markup">
<!-- Documentation -->
<div class="sg-component__documentation">
context: context stuff here
<h1 class="title--huge">This is a very large header</h1>
<h2 class="title--xlarge">This is a large header</h2>
<h3 class="title--large">This is a medium header</h3>
<h4 class="title--medium">This is a moderate header</h4>
<h5 class="title--small">This is a small header</h5>
<h6 class="title--xsmall">This is a tiny header</h6>
Thanks in advance!
So, I fixed it my self! Hurray..
I sat down it thought it through and came to the conclusion that I only needed to register the second hash argument as a partial.
So I added this after the Handlebars.compile(obj.content);
Handlebars.registerPartial("sgComponentContent", partial);
And then within my basetemplate I can now use {{> sgComponentContent}}

Dijit.MenuItem and <a href=></a> link

My question is similar to that one:
Dijit Menu (bar) with link
I'm using Dijit Menu as in following listing:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu">
<div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem">
But link is not working as it blocked by dojo.stopEvent in _onClick().
The question is:
How to remove dojo.stopEvent and make link inside <div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem"> work properly?
The issue:
I need to put inside <div id=menuItem"> some code, which has to receive onClick event.
P.S. Originally this is XPages code.
Well I fell in same problem, saw this post and the related other, but wasn't satisfied with the "onclick" solution :
it didn't work (for me) with keyboard navigation
it imposes to a add script element (onclick=...) in the declarative zone which is not what I expect for unobtrusive JavaScript
Finaly I digged further in dojo and decided to directly use the href attribute of first sub-node in the handler. My script section (derived from dijit menus tutorial) is then :
"dijit/WidgetSet", // for registry.byClass
], function(dom, parser, domattr, query, registry){
// a menu item selection handler
var onItemSelect = function(event){
dom.byId("lastSelected").innerHTML = this.get("label");
var achild = query("a", this.domNode)[0];
if (achild != null) {
var href = domattr.get(achild, "href");
if ((href != null) && (href != '') && (href != '#')) {
window.location.href = href;
var setClickHandler = function(item){
item.on("click", onItemSelect);
That way I don't have to change anything in a menu of type
that works with JavaScript disabled, and links work fine with mouse and keyboard navigation when JavaScript is enabled. Simply don't forget the "class='claro'" in body element ....
What about this:
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/Menu">
<div id="menuItem" data-dojo-type="dijit/MenuItem"
Working jsfiddle:
