Count number of attributes with schematron - attributes

i am trying to check the existence of an attribute with Schematron.
<Page id="id-001" description="Database Sections">
<TreeView id="id-001" description="">
If there is a "TreeView id" it must allready exist in a "Page id"
So i tried to count the "Page id´s" with the same name as my "Treeview id", they have to be >=1:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sch:schema xmlns:sch=""
<sch:pattern name="Vote Count">
<sch:rule context="Layout/TreeViews/Treeview/#name">
<sch:report test="count(Layout/Pages/Page[#id=current()]) >= 1">
min. 1
What am i doing wrong? Thanks for your hlep!

how about this rule:
<iso:pattern id="check IDs">
<iso:rule context="TreeView">
<iso:assert test="parent::*/parent::*/Pages/Page/#id = #id">
TreeViews/TreeView/#id = <iso:value-of select="./#id" /> NOT FOUND in Pages
Hope this helps.


move an element to another element or create a new one if it does not exist using xslt-3

using xslt 3, i need to take all content elements' values, and move them to the title elements (if the title elements already exist in a record, they need to be appended with a separator like -) i now have inputted my real data, since the below solution does not solve the problem when implemented to something like:
example input:
<RECORD ID="31365">
<title>1 title</title>
<content>1 content</content>
<RECORD ID="31366">
<content>1 title</content>
expected output:
<RECORD ID="31365">
<title>1 title - 1 content</title>
<RECORD ID="31366">
<title>1 title</title>
with my attempt, i did not manage to move the elements, i just got an empty line where the content element existed, so please add the removal of blank lines in the suggested solution.
i believe the removal of blank lines could be fixed with the use of
<xsl:template match="text()"/>
One way to achieve this is the following template. It uses XSLT-3.0 content value templates.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="3.0" expand-text="true">
<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
<xsl:mode on-no-match="shallow-copy" />
<xsl:strip-space elements="*" /> <!-- Remove space between elements -->
<xsl:template match="RECORD">
<xsl:copy-of select="#*" />
<title>{title[1]}{if (title[1]) then ' - ' else ''}<xsl:value-of select="content" separator=" " /></title>
<xsl:apply-templates select="node() except (title,content)" />
It's output is as desired.
If you want to separate the <content> elements with a -, too, you can simplify the core <title> expression to
<xsl:value-of select="title|content" separator=" - " />
All I changed was replacing chapter with RECORD, and it's working fine with Saxon-HE The only difference in the output is that the title element is always at the first position, but that shouldn't matter. I also added a directive to remove space between elements.

SCXML notation of a target set

How can I define a "legal state configuration" according to I want to specify a target set (!), not a single target. Target sets can be defined inside the initial attribute of the <scxml> and <state> elements, as well as a target attribute of <transition> elements. But I can't seem to find any example of the notation of more than one state inside the above-mentioned attributes. Do they have to be space-separated? Or array notation according to JavaScript? Or object notation? Or comma-separated?
Thanks for any hints.
But anyway I'd like to know, what I have missed in the standard, to be sure to be interpreter-independent.
Here's a little testcode:
<scxml xmlns="" version="1.0">
<transition target="State_3_2 State_4_2" />
<parallel id="Parallel_1">
<history id="hist" type="deep">
<transition target="State_1_2 State_2_2" />
<state id="State_1">
<state id="State_1_1" />
<state id="State_1_2" />
<state id="State_2">
<state id="State_2_1" />
<state id="State_2_2" />
<parallel id="Parallel_2">
<transition target="hist" event="switch_hist" />
<state id="State_3">
<state id="State_3_1" />
<state id="State_3_2" />
<state id="State_4">
<state id="State_4_1" />
<state id="State_4_2" />
To test: on entry, the states State_3_2 and State_4_2 must be active (initial element executed correctly), after event switch_hist, states State_1_2 and State_2_2 must be active (transitionattribute executed correctly).
If somebody has an interpreter all set other than SCION, could You test this there?
Also the alternative syntax with the first 4 lines replaced by
<scxml xmlns="" version="1.0" initial="State_3_2 State_4_2">
Thank You.
It is space-separated. You can see an example of this in the SCXML test test suite. For example line 9 of test364.
Hope this helps. Thanks.

JavaFX & FXML: how do I set the default selected item in a ChoiceBox in FXML?

I have the following FXML:
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
<String fx:value="2 minutes" />
<String fx:value="5 minutes" />
<String fx:value="15 minutes" />
But in the GUI it just shows a ChoiceBox with a default of nothing. I would like the first element in the list to be the default, and for a choice of "null" or nothing to be prohibited.
How do I accomplish this?
I added the value attribute to the ChoiceBox tag, and that worked.
<ChoiceBox value="2 minutes">
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
<String fx:value="2 minutes" />
<String fx:value="5 minutes" />
<String fx:value="15 minutes" />
First, you should import your needed value model, like Crowell answer, you should import like this in your fxml header:
<?import javafx.collections.*?>
Second, if you want's import your own model, import it first and then like this:
<?import com.zzg.mybatis.generator.model.*?>
<ChoiceBox layoutX="24.0" layoutY="14.0" prefWidth="150.0">
<FXCollections fx:factory="observableArrayList">
<DatabaseDTO name="MySQL" value="1"></DatabaseDTO>
<DatabaseDTO name="Oracle" value="2"></DatabaseDTO>
#Groostav: In case we programmatically "know" the value that should appear as selected (for example, we landed in an edit form), we can do the following:
1) Add a new item with index 0 (that is, the element we need to show as selected):
myChoiceBox.getItems().add(0, ItemObtainedProgrammatically);
2) Show the item as selected (since we already know it's at position 0):
Probably this qualifies as a dirty hack, but it works. The con: You have the same item twice in your choicebox

Build a string in MSBuild as a concatenation of a base string n-times

I have a numer, "n" in a property in MSBuild. I also have a string "Str" that needs to be duplicated n-times to achieve a final string that is the repetition of "Str" n times.
Eg. If n is 3 and Str is "abc", what I want to obtain is "abcabcabc"
Since one cannot loop in MSBuild, I don't know how to achieve this. Perhaps with an item group, but how do I create one based on a property containing an "n" count?
To create a String repeated n times, you can also do this (at least in MSBuild Tools v4.0):
<SomeRepeatedString>$([System.String]::New("-", 40))</SomeRepeatedString>
usually for things like this I resolve to using inline C#, as it costs me less time than searching all over the internet to find a 'true' msbuild solution; here you go:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<UsingTask TaskName="RepeatString" TaskFactory="CodeTaskFactory" AssemblyFile="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll">
<s ParameterType="System.String" Required="true" />
<n ParameterType="System.Int32" Required="true" />
<result ParameterType="System.String" Output="true" />
<Code Type="Fragment" Language="cs"><![CDATA[
result = string.Concat( Enumerable.Repeat( s, n ) );
<Target Name="doit">
<RepeatString s="$(MyString)" n="$(Count)">
<Output PropertyName="result" TaskParameter="result" />
<Message Text="Result = $(result)"/>

Ribbon button should be hidden based on lead status - CRM 2011

I have custom button in lead ribbon. The custom button should be hidden when lead is qualified. How can I do that? Can any one please explain. I appreciate.
You can actually accomplish this entirely with built-in DisplayRule functionality. When a Lead is qualified, the StatusCode property is set to "Qualified", which translates into an OptionSet value of "3". You can check for the value of this property in a ValueRule and display/hide the control appropriately. I can think of two ways to achieve this:
Erik Pool's Visual Ribbon Editor
<CustomAction Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.CustomAction" Location="Mscrm.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Controls._children" Sequence="41">
<Button Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample" Command="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command" Sequence="29" ToolTipTitle="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText" LabelText="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText" ToolTipDescription="$LocLabels:CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Description" TemplateAlias="isv" />
<RibbonTemplates Id="Mscrm.Templates"></RibbonTemplates>
<CommandDefinition Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command">
<EnableRules />
<DisplayRule Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command.DisplayRule.ValueRule" />
<Url Address="" />
<TabDisplayRules />
<DisplayRule Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Command.DisplayRule.ValueRule">
<ValueRule Field="statuscode" Value="3" />
<EnableRules />
<LocLabel Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.LabelText">
<Title languagecode="1033" description="Sample" />
<LocLabel Id="CompanyName.Form.lead.MainTab.Actions.Sample.Description">
<Title languagecode="1033" description="Sample Description" />
