Visual Studio 2012 InstallShield Nightmare - visual-studio-2012

Being forced to use the garbage version of LE in VS 2012, I cannot get things to build because it is telling me that my install folder path is too long. It literally looks like it is creating the same path, verbatim, inside of another folder. First this fails on the DVD so can I disable that? Second, this appears to be controlled by the variable ISProductFolder but I cannot find how to modify that location.
Can somebody please help?

Well, it is not surprise that each setup tool has its problems. Please note that there are no tools which can accurately detect your application dependencies. The best a tool can do is make suggestions. This is why most setup developers determine the dependencies themselves and manually include them in the installer.
If you're not happy with InstallShield, you can try a different setup tool:
The free version of Advanced Installer includes a Visual Studio setup project which may help.


Add C++ redistribuitable in my .msi and install on silent

I am working with a setup project of Visual Studio 2015. I want to distribute the 2015 C++ library, vc_redist.x86.exe. But I don't want user to be aware of this pre-requisite, so the idea is that while he is running the .msi, the C++ library will be auto-installed.
I have been reading about the merge modules, but this cannot fix my problem because the setup.exe should be run. Please, could anybody tell me how to deal with this?
Many thanks!
You'll need to change (or create your own custom one) the standard bootstrapper that has documentation starting here:
The bootstrapper packages contain the detection and install logic for the redistributables. For example, the \Bootstrapper\Packages folder has VC redist folders, each with a product.xml and a package.xml about installing them as prerequisites. They have standard command lines such as:
Command PackageFile="vcredist_x64.exe" Arguments=' /q:a
and you can substitute that command with something like those listed here:
that show the quiet options (as do standard Microsoft docs somewhere).

CMAKE changing Visual Studio Settings

I've been using CMAKE recently on Linux and Windows and I really like it. Its a great way of spinning up a project and organizing your builds. There are just a few things that are bugging me and I'm hoping to get help here.
Visual Studio Settings
Everytime CMAKE generates a project it will be a fresh solution and will not maintain any of the settings you applied to the Visual Studio project. I know that many things such as CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS, etc can change the properties. But what if I want to change settings such as "Suppress Startup Banner", "Environment", Enabling Microsoft Symbol Server, Enabling Native Code Debugging. How do I force CMAKE to set the options I want for fields like these?
Combining Debug/Release/Etc into one solution
It seems that with CMAKE you have to do separate generations for Debug/Release/etc. But in typical manually created Visual Studio projects you can combine the profiles and just change a project setting to get your new settings. Is it possible to generate a single solution file from CMAKE?
Okay so I scoured the CMAKE boards as well. Here are the answers I found.
Visual Studio Settings
For this one CMAKE can't modify the *.user files at all. However what was proposed was to make a user file template and then use CMAKE to supply all the paths and such that you are concerned with. This worked very well for me.
Combining Debug/Release/Etc into one solution
To change various settings on a per configuration basis. It seems like it is best to use fields like CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_ and most importantly generator expressions. Generator expressions allow you to test for the build type and then generate whatever include, libraries, etc that you need.
Take a look at "Generator Expressions" here

the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue

when i try to run a application developed in vc++ on windows7,i get popup window saying that"the program can not be started because MSVCR80D.dll is missing from your computer,try reinstalling the program to fix this issue."
I googled it,it says that this DDL may not be present in your system or it has been got corrupted,Now i searched this file, i get this file at 20 different folder in win7.
I am not getting which file has been corrupted or if it is missing then where it is mising?
can anybody tell in which folder ,this DDL is missing or might be corrupted?
Thanks in advance. .
You're trying to run a Debug version of your program on a machine which does not have VS installed. The MS*D.dll files are not redistributable - they are installed were VS is installed. If you want to run executables on other machines, compile them as Release. You might still need to deploy some files (depending on how you're linking to the CRT), but that won't be a problem.
Never ever distribute your DEBUG builds to customers. Always distribute Release build.
Yes, of course, in develoment environment having multiple machines, you may share Debug builds to other developers - provided others developers have debugging-tools (like VS) installed on their system along with Debug-binaries of shared DLLs (like MSVCRxx).
Are you using the same computer that compiled the program? If not, you need visual studio redistributable files to run it.
Search the internet for your version of visual studio or visual c++ redist, you'll find it.

Getting others to use my apps with Visual C++

I am learning how to build games in Visual C++ and when I upload them so friends can check them out, they all end up with messages saying it can not run. I did some research and found that it is because I am compiling against a Dynamic library instead of a static library. Correct me if I am wrong anywhere please. Upon further research, I found that a lot of people do not advise going this direction but instead include the files needed by my game.
How would I go about distributing my games to friends and make it real easy for them to just open up my .exe and play the game?
If you link to any DLLs, you also need to ship those along. If you produce a single .exe in your output, you probably need your friends to install the MS Visual Studio redistributable package for your version of visual studio. This is an example link for the VS 2010 one, but the one you give your friends should match your version.
There are essentially two options: Keep everything as-is and provide them with the runtime files (also named Microsoft Visual C++ * Redistributable Package or similar; the * has to be replaced with your version, e.g. 2005, 2008 or 2010). Downloads can be found on Microsoft's download site as well as in your Visual Studio installation folder (look for a folder called "Redist").
Alternative solution: In your project settings you're able to select the runtime environment (under linker options). Change your release build to use "Multithreaded" instead of "Multithreaded-DLL".

How to properly install MS VC++ 9 runtime?

I have an application that uses the ms vc++ runtime. How should I install it on the end-user's system if it is not present? I was thinking of bundling it with the installer... but how would I do that as far as what to include? Is there some silent installer? If so, where can it be found? I can't seem to find it in the Windows SDK.
There is an interesting post about deploying the runtime libraries on the Visual C++ blog. The post is about VC8 so I'm not sure all the recommendations apply to VC9.
Here are your options according to Microsoft:
Use an .msi installer including the .MSM files for the VC
libraries you're using. These MSM
files install the libraries globally.
They also keep a reference count so
that the libraries are removed when
the last application using them gets
Use "app-local"
deployment i.e. copy the
libraries and manifest files in your
application directory. This is a simpler
solution if you don't use an .msi
installer. Your app should still use the
system version of the libraries if they are more
up-to-date than your own.
Link everything statically (and avoid crt usage across dll boundaries)
Another option Microsoft discourage you from using is running the Visual C++ redist installer from your own installer.
I'm not sure what their reasons are. It will take a few extra megabytes and will not be reference counted but it still works very well AFAICT. You can pass the /q option to vc_redist_x86.exe to perform an unattended install (no user interaction).
It has it's own installation program. I've seen it usually run as a prereq step of a larger installer.
One way or the other, you need to list it in your manifest. So you might just as well deliver it as via SxS in your application rather than try to deliver a global copy to the target machine. SxS is a big hard subject, sadly. Hopefully someone will supply an answer with more details and I'll delete this one.
