Input fields not clearing after the validation fails - jsf

I have a form, it contains username and password etc... if i gave any wrong value the validation will fail. next if i see the form na that previously given values are coming in the input fields.. i cleared the bean values also. but the input fields are not yet cleared.
i have cleared the input fields using the following link 1st step.
this is working but what the problem is this is working only in <rich:datatable> 1st page.
if i have navigate to second page and next pages and all that Popup panel itself not opening.
i am using the jsf version 2.0,
Please provide a good solution.

You can add OmniFaces Library to your project and use their ResetInputAjaxActionListener
Like this
<h:commandButton value="Update" action="#{bean.update}">
<f:ajax execute="#this" render="#form" />
<f:actionListener type="org.omnifaces.eventlistener.ResetInputAjaxActionListener" />
Read more about it on BalusC blog Reset non-processed input components on ajax update

Are you using session scope ? Change it to request scope. Otherwise, add your xhtml page and bean class.


ui:repeat with a list sending right object to a p:dialog

I currently have a giant ui:repeat. Within this ui:repeat, some of the repeated objects have a url to a popup image associated with them. When someone clicks display under that particular object, I need the url to popup in a p:dialog.
<ui:repeat var="thing" value="#{bean.thingList}">
<p:commandLink value="details" onclick=";"
and at the bottom of the page:
<p:dialog id="chart" widgetVar="miniImage" >
<h:graphicImage value="#{bean.currentImg}"/>
And in the backing bean I tried using a simple setter and getter for currentImg.
I am a bit confused on this now and would like to accomplish this without having to submit the entire form as well. Any help is greatly appreciated.
If you're using PrimeFaces 3.3 or newer, you could just add partialSubmit="true" to the command component. You can then control the to-be-processed components in process attribute. In this particular case, just the current component (the command component itself) is sufficient, thus so process="#this":
<p:commandLink ... process="#this" partialSubmit="true" />
This way only the request parameters which are really necessary for the process will be sent.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, I suggest to use oncomplete instead of onclick to open the dialog. Otherwise the dialog is opened before update takes place and may cause poor user experience as the enduser would see the image instantly changing.

h:inputText not updating from bean automatically

I have an h:inputText in my form. The value is not properly updating when I update its panelGroup. JSF version is 2.1.13.
If I used disable="true" OR displaying the bean value in h:outputText OR refresh the page its updating properly. But by default its not happening.
<span style="min-width: 100px;"> First Name: #{NewPatient.newPatientBean.firstName}</span>
<h:inputText id="fname"
onchange="initialCaps(this);" maxlength="50">
<f:ajax execute="#this" event="blur"/>
In the above code
First Name: #{NewPatient.newPatientBean.firstName} is properly updating but the inputText is not.
Kindly let me know the mistake and solution for the above issue. Thanks in advance.
That will happen when a validation error occurred during the current or previous postbacks. The input component will then not redisplay the model value, but only the initially submitted value when the component itself failed validation or the local value when another component in the same form failed validation.
As the concrete functional requirement is completely absent in the question, it's not possible to propose the right solution for this. So here's just a link which explains the problem more generically which should give new insights as to the cause and the solution: How can I populate a text field using PrimeFaces AJAX after validation errors occur?

How to retain form data in a multi form page

I am working on JSF. I have an xhtml page with multiple forms. when i am submitting one form, and if i had made some changes on other form i am loosing it, as on submit the page is getting refreshed. I cannot use a single form. is there any way to do.
any solution will be highly appreciated.
thanks !
If you're already using JSF 2.x (your statement that you're using XHTML (Facelets) confirms this less or more), just submit the form by ajax.
It's a matter of adding the following tag to the command links/buttons of the form:
<f:ajax execute="#form" render="#form" />
This way the current <h:form> will be submitted by ajax and the current <h:form> only will be rendered (updated/refreshed). You can if necessary specify other to-be-updated components in the render attribute by adding other client ID(s).
If you're still on the old JSF 1.x, you may want to look at Ajax4jsf sublibrary of RichFaces which supports basically the same.

How to update a h:inputHidden with p:commandButton?

I writed an ajax request for any data. But the data don't work with h:inputHidden.
I think it's a bug of Primefaces.
But I don't know how to get the data now.
<h:inputHidden id="buttonData" value="#{buttonDataBean.buttonData}" />
<p:commandButton id="getData" action="#{buttonAction.getButtonData}" update="buttonData" />
When I click the commandButton, the value of don't work.
But if I use the h:outputText, it worked.
My requirement:
Before click the commandButton, I have create any html buttons dynamically. I want to click the commandButton and update the name and position of html buttons. So that I must get any data and update the html buttons with Javascript.
how could I do about it?
If I want to use the JavaScript to get the ajax data, how to do it. I see the document and find two method: jsf.ajax.request() and Primefaces.ajax.AjaxRequest(). But I don't know how to use the two method. for example: Primefaces.ajax.AjaxRequest("test.xhtml",,). The "test.xhtml" how to request the method testMethod of TestAction?
use firebug to inspect html code. you can see new value
<h:form id="form">
<h:inputHidden id="buttonData" value="#{buttonDataBean.buttonData}" />
<p:commandButton id="getData" value="button"
action="#{buttonDataBean.buttonAction}" update="buttonData" />
If your problem does not get solved with primefaces ajax, you can use the native ajax provided by jsf have a look at it.It works, i have done many such things with it.
Instead of using a hidden input you could take advantage of JSF and use a f:param or f:attribute.
Read this really fine article, under the brand of BalusC: .

JSF 2.0 navigating on commandLink and commandButton doesn't work

I'm using JSF 2.0 and I have a problem with navigation after both commandLink and commandButton. I use following code:
<h:commandLink action="login?faces-redirect=true"
value="#{showElementBean.showElement()}"> Login </h:commandLink>
<h:commandButton action="login?faces-redirect=true" value="Move to login.xhtml" />
These tags are inside a form, login is just an example. Result of clicking on rendered controls is always POST with refresh of a current page. What do I wrong?
According to comments of BalusC I' adding real code fragment:
<h:commandLink actionListener="#{showElementBean.showElement(element)}"
value="View" > </h:commandLink>
I have a page with a list of elements and I want to add links that leads to element view page. Thus I need to pass this element to a show page. I'm JSF primer, e.g. in Rails I'd use GET and URL params, but I don't know how to do it 'in JSF-way'.
There are a lot of possible causes for this behaviour. They are all cited in the following answer, along with solutions: commandButton/commandLink/ajax action/listener method not invoked or input value not updated.
However, in your particular case, you seem rather to be interested in plain GET requests instead of POST requests, as all you want is simple page-to-page navigation. In that case, you need a <h:link> or <h:button> instead:
<h:link outcome="login" value="Login" />
<h:button outcome="login" value="Move to login.xhtml" />
(I have no idea what you're trying to do with both #{showElementBean.showElement()} and Login as command link value, so I omitted the former)
See also:
When should I use h:outputLink instead of h:commandLink?
Refer this info: JSF HTML Tags
The commandButton tag renders an HTML submit button that can be
associated with a backing bean or ActionListener class for event
handling purposes. The display value of the button can also be
obtained from a message bundle to support internationalization (I18N).
<h:commandButton id="button1" value="#{bundle.checkoutLabel}" action="#{shoppingCartBean.checkout}" />
HTML Output
<input id="form:button1" name="form:button1" type="submit" value="Check Out" onclick="someEvent();" />
The commandLink tag renders an HTML anchor tag that behaves like a
form submit button and that can be associated with a backing bean or
ActionListener class for event handling purposes. The display value of
the link can also be obtained from a message bundle to support
internationalization (I18N).
<h:commandLink id="link1" value="#{bundle.checkoutLabel}" action="#{shoppingCartBean.checkout}" />
HTML Output
Check Out
Noticed that backing bean method is not called if the form is for file upload:
<h:form name="searchForm" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="/search">
I also faced with that issue and adding the
<h:form><h:commandLink></h:commandLink> </h:form>
solved my problem.
