How to install GCC on X-Linux - linux

I'm at a bit of a loss, the problem is that I need to install GCC on X-Linux. Basically what's happening is I have been told to try and get wine on I transfer the files over run the configure and I'm told I need GCC, so I download GCC only to find that I don't have a 'make' command...So I download the tar for the make command, turns out make needs a C compiler to run!
I'm stuck in a kind of chicken-and-the-egg loop me!

A GNU Make source tarball contains a script to resolve this chicken-and-egg situation. From the README:
If you need to build GNU Make and have no other make program to use,
you can use the shell script instead. To do this, first run
configure as described in INSTALL. Then, instead of typing make to
build the program, type sh This should compile the program
in the current directory. Then you will have a Make program that you
can use for ./make install, or whatever else.


make: i686-linux-gnu-ld: Command not found

i want to install cpanm WWW::Curl::Form on my Synology NAS. But that fails. Here is the output cpanm WWW::Curl::Form WWW::Curl::Easy File::Find::Rule String::CRC32 URI::Escape
--> Working on WWW::Curl::Form
Fetching ... OK
Configuring WWW-Curl-4.17 ... OK
Building and testing WWW-Curl-4.17 ... FAIL
! Installing WWW::Curl::Form failed. See /var/services/homes/fox/.cpanm/work/1541095458.25803/build.log
the log file gives me:
make: i686-linux-gnu-ld: Command not found
But i dont know how to fix it on my Synology NAS (DSM 6.2 and appollolake architecture DS918+)
After reviewing your additional comments, I believe I have potential solution. It looks like you are trying to install some Perl modules via the default Perl shell, cpan. As part of the installation process, the make utility is being executed. This utility is heavily used for compiling and building source from C and C++ source code, along with other languages.
The make utility is trying to call some executable i686-linux-gnu-ld which is a linker, see ld. A linker is a utility used in C programming for linking (combining) multiple compiled object files into a single executable binary. make is calling this utility as some sort of build process. Instead of calling i686-linux-gnu-ld it should probably just be calling ld. The only thing I am not sure about is why it is using the full name of the utility instead of ld.
I can think of two solutions. The first would be to update the make file to use the correct name for the linker. I'm not sure how you would do this when it is being installed via cpan since it is downloading a package and executing the make file before you have a chance to modify it. The other option is to create a symbolic link from the incorrect name and path of ld that the make file is using to the correct path /opt/bin/ld. This will result in ld being called when i686-linux-gnu-ld is called. Also, I forgot to mention it earlier but the which command will tell you where an executable / command is located on your shell's path.
The Stack Overflow post, How to symlink a file in Liunx?, gives a good explanation of how to create a symlink. You need to create a symlink to point to the correct name and path of the linker. To do so run the following command:
ln -s /opt/bin/ld /usr/bin/i686-linux-gnu-ld
Depending on the permissions of these directories you may need to run this command under a account with elevated permissions or via sudo. I apologize for this post being rather long and verbose. I just wanted to explain my solution in detail. I hope this helps. Please let me know if this doesn't resolve the problem.
edit: fixed typo in the command.

How to include additional directories when configuring makefiles

I'm trying to compile geany-plugins-1.28. The debugger plugin (the only one I need) gives the error:
debug.c:53:21: fatal error: vte/vte.h: No such file or directory
#include <vte/vte.h>
Clearly it needs to know where this file is located to compile. I found the vte.h file in the src directory of the main program geany-1.28. When running
sudo ./configure cflags=-I/home/pi/Desktop/geany-1.28/src
I get the same error about the missing header later trying to compile the debugger plugin.
I ran
./configure --help
to get all the flag options. The output is here
How do I get this to configure correctly so that it compiles. I need to compile the debugger version 1.28 myself because apt only installs 1.24 which I think has a bug because it crashes when I run my code with the error:
close failed in file object destructor:
sys.execpthook is missing
lost sys.stderr
CFLAGS is case-sensitive environment variable, so you should set it before running configure, not try to pass it as a command line argument. This variant:
$ export CFLAGS=-I/home/pi/Desktop/geany-1.28/src
$ ./configure
leaves CFLAGS set for current shell until you leave it. While this:
$ CFLAGS=-I/home/pi/Desktop/geany-1.28/src ./configure
sets variable only for current command, i.e. configure.
Some other issues:
You do not need sudo to configure and make. It is also unnecessary for make install if you set PREFIX to a path you have privileges to write to.
Does plugin's build system also builds all it's dependencies? If not, you may face linker errors a bit later.
I have tried to build debugger plugin and got rid of your error. It seems that vte.h coming with Geany is it's intrinsic, while the plugin requires full-featured file from the library. So I just installed vte and vte-devel from repos. Nevertheless, I got some other unrelated errors coming from Glib. I will not continue my attempts to build all this right now. Hope my effort will be helpful at least a little.
As in this answer stated, vte.h is not the file you are looking for. Install libvte(-dev) package on your system and rerun configure.
Just for the record: vte.h on Geany is a dummy to allow Geany to kind of dynamical enable vte or disable it depending on vte is installed on the system or not.

Compiler options basic ./configure explanation

recently, i try to compile a gnu wget from source code in cygwin environtment that pop-up error if perl is not found. otherwise, perl is installed both perl and perl5 on /bin/ but the wget is try search perl on /usr/bin. i think i have missed basic ./configure to setup path executable. so my question is basic.
what is it all about options on below:
Thank you
These options specify directories where a software package being compiled is going to be installed. As far as I remember it doesn't deal with checks performed by configure. Make sure that perl is in $PATH. If nothing helps, try to locate the exact place in the configure script (usually it's robot-generated and not intended for human eyes, but afterall it's a shell script, and anybody can read it) and see what checks exactly are performed to locate perl.
Update: I have checked, the tests corresponding to perl look like this in (which essentially is a "source code" for configure):
AC_PATH_PROGS(PERL, [perl5 perl], no)
AC_PATH_PROG(POD2MAN, pod2man, no)
This means that PERL with executable named perl5 or perl (somewhere in $PATH) is checked, and then POD2MAN with executable pod2man. Carefully check the configure output and config.log file and see what tests have failed.
Update2: The third argument of the AC_PATH_PROG and AC_PATH_PROGS is value-if-no-found. Also you may specify the fourth argument, $PATH for this particular check. Make sure that configure gets rebuilt after you changed (usually it happens automatically, but may be performed by autoconf explicitly)
what is it all about options on below:
The first (bindir), is where binaries will be installed. For wget, that's (on my system) /usr/bin.
The second (sbindir), is where static binaries will be installed. You might set that to /usr/sbin.
The third (libexecdir), is where your runtime libraries are to be installed. That's usually /usr/lib.
In fact, usually you let configure set all three by using --prefix.
./configure --prefix=/usr/local

How to compile bash?

How to compile bash? I did small modifications to the code I got from I want to see those changes. Can anyone please point to me simple steps to compile bash?
You can first run
cd bash-4.2
./configure --prefix=/usr \
--bindir=/bin \
--htmldir=/usr/share/doc/bash-4.2 \
--without-bash-malloc \
make install
Also refer for more information
The simplest way to compile Bash is:
cd to the directory containing the source code and type ./configure to configure Bash for your system. If you're using csh on an old version of System V, you might need to type sh ./configure instead to prevent csh from trying to execute configure itself.
Running configure takes some time. While running, it prints messages telling which features it is checking for.
/bash-4.2$ ./configure
Type make to compile Bash and build the bashbug bug reporting script.
/bash-4.2$ make
Optionally, type make tests to run the Bash test suite.
/bash-4.2$ make tests
Type make install to install bash and bashbug. This will also install the manual pages and Info file.
/bash-4.2$ make install
The configure shell script attempts to guess correct values for various system-dependent variables used during compilation.

How to compile GTK2 source code?

I'm trying to modify GTK2 on Ubuntu Oneiric.
I download the source:
apt-get source libgtk2.0-0
cd gtk+2.0-2.24.6/
I try to compile and overwrite the current GTK2:
./configure --prefix=/usr
sudo make
Soemhow I get an error (I have all the necessary libraries and the build-essential package etc):
In file included from gtkquery.c:26:0:
gtkquery.h:31:2: error: #error "gtkfilechooserprivate.h is not supported API for general use"
By the way, I am able to modify and recompile GTK3 with no problems with the same steps.
If use debuild, I get thousands of
dpkg-source: error: cannot represent change to gtk+2.3.0-2.24.6/gtk+2.0-2.24.6/something: binary file contents changed
You won't get anything near the Ubuntu-provided build if you try building it by hand that way -- you'll miss all the ./configure options and other settings. (Look into debian/rules for the full details of what they're setting.)
Instead, try debian/rules build.
For reasons I haven't investigated yet (possibly including me not understanding how it should work), that didn't work on the first package I tried, but setting up pbuilder let me build the package I wanted.
It might feel like overkill to get a clean chroot as a build environment, but it is way too easy to build yourself problems that no one else in the world can replicate because you've got something funny on your local system.
