Am I allowed to change facebook comment box locale?
I have the following code on my test website
Looks like it's working, but im not sure its allowed.
I have changed en_US to he_IL in the script below.
Please advise.
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = "//"; // Here!
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>
What you've done (inserting the desired locale into the script path) is exactly the first step towards internationalization as recommended by Facebook when using social plugins with XFBML.
According to their Internationalization Documentation:
If you're using XFBML, you need to load the JavaScript SDK in the appropriate locale for your site. For example, if your site is in Spanish, reference this script:
So it looks like yes, it is allowed and you are on the right track.
I try to figure out how to set active links in a navbar or sitebar for an async ufront application.
On the server I can load and parse it dynamically inside the main (top level) controller via an api call like:
#inject public function init(context:HttpContext) {
var navStr:String = "";
//getNavbar loads the navbar html snippet and parses the code to set 'active' some tags in relation to the request uri
var navbarSurprise = siteApi.getNavbar(context.request.uri);
navbarSurprise.handle(function (outcome) {
switch (outcome) {
case Success(navbarStr): navStr = navbarStr;
case Failure(err): navStr = "<h1>Could not load navigation: $err</h1>";
} );
ViewResult.globalValues["navBar"] = navStr;
but that doesn't work on the client for pushstate urls. (navStr would always be empty)
The ViewResult.hx (line:126) doc states:
Helpers (dynamic functions) can be included in your ViewResult also.
Could this be a place to handle that?
But unfortunately I couldn't find any help/examples how to add helper functions to a ViewResult.
I was also thinking about doing it in a custom ViewEngine. But that seems a bit like overcomplicating things.
Any thoughts about that would be appreciated.
Seems your are looking to render the navbar on the server when processing the request.
I did something like that some time ago by using sipple (another templating engine) but you can also use other engine (i think) like haxe template or erazor etc.
This issue sums up how i processed different partials using stipple
Hope it helps.
I'm trying out node and some frameworks for node atm, specifically locomotive. However, i seem to be stuck on routing using locomotive. A couple questions i can't find the answer to, so here goes:
why does the locomotive out-of-box install use index.html.ejs as a
filename? Why not just index.ejs? What's the benefit?
i'm trying to add a route to a view: searchName.html.ejs which i
added in the views folder. To achieve this i made a toolController
like this:
var locomotive = require('locomotive').Controller,
toolController = new Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
I also added a route in routes.js like so:
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
However, that doesn't work (and yet it's what the documentation says ought to work). The result is a 404 error. So how do i make that route work?
Suppose i want to make a route to eg, anExample.html? How do i go
about that? I notice that in the out-of-the-box app from
locomotive, you cannot enter localhost:3000/index.html . Nor even
localhost:3000/index This seems highly impractical to me, as there
are plenty of users who'll add the specific page they want to go to.
So how can i make that work?
PS: I went through all questions regarding this on stackoverflow and searched the web, but i still can't figure this out.enter code here
The benefit is that this naming scheme allows you to specify several different formats for a single route. So you could have search_name.html.ejs and search_name.xml.ejs, then respond with either view depending on what your client is expecting.
There are a couple issues with the example code you posted. You should be seeing a more descriptive error than a 404, so I'm not sure what's happening there, but here are the fixes to your code that work in my environment.
In the controller:
var locomotive = require('locomotive');
var toolController = new locomotive.Controller();
toolController.searchName = function() {
module.exports = toolController;
In routes.js:
module.exports = function routes()
this.match('searchName', 'tool#searchName');
Then, you'll need to change the view to this: views/tool/search_name.html.ejs. It's not clear from the documentation, but locomotive automatically lowercases and underscores actions that are camel-cased, like searchName.
Now start the app and browse to http://localhost:3000/searchName
If you just want to serve a static html file, the easiest way is to just drop it in the public folder. This folder is specifically for serving up static content like client-side js, css, etc. And it works just fine for serving static HTML as well.
We are trying to get an image file that has been attached to a Doc in a local CouchBase-Lite.
I'd like to be able to get this files by using the same URL syntax used for the CouchDB Remote server. (Just point to local server instead of remote)(
I can seem to find how to do this.
Anyone know how? Thanks
Assuming that you are actually asking about Couchbase-Lite (aka TouchDB, ie. the embedded iOS/Android SDK) then you should look here (or the Android equivalent if that's what you're working on).
I'm not sure why you're also asking about URL syntax if that's what you're doing, so I'm not sure that is what you're doing, but hey - there's your answer. You can clarify if you were talking about something else.
This is not really an answer because I'm also looking for a solution to this. I am using CBL iOS and i want to get the local database URL to be able to get info from it.
This is what i have so far :
string[] paths = NSSearchPath.GetDirectories(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomain.User);
var request = new NSMutableUrlRequest();
request.Url = new NSUrl(paths[0], false);
request.HttpMethod = "GET";
var data = NSUrlConnection.SendSynchronousRequest(request, out response, out error);
if(error != null)
Console.WriteLine("Error in SendRequest=" + error.LocalizedDescription);
throw new HttpRequestException(error);
And this prints out in the console : Error in SendRequest=The requested URL was not found on this server.
the URL is something like this :
What I basically try to accomplish is to re-use jade partials/templates when getting data through a socket connection. Non working example:
socket.on('company_created', function(company) {
var html = include _company;
$('#companies ul').append(html);
Normally I had to create a new li and set the content like so (which is working as expected):
$('#companies ul').append($('<li>').text(;
This is okay for a simple list, but if I had complexer list and stuff, this could get messy pretty quick, plus I had to write plain HTML again, so I figured re-using my already existing jade templates with all their goodness would be awesome, but had not luck, yet.
Any clue?
PS: Please do not tell my to use Ember, Backbone, Derby, Meteor, Angular or whatsoever.
Thanks in advance!
You can compile your jade sources to JS with jade.compile. Then include these sources in the client-side javascript, include jade's runtime.min.js, and refer to your jade templates as to normal JS functions in your client-side code.
For example,
app.get('/templates/:template.js', function (req, res) {
var template = req.params.template;
"window.templates = window.templates || {};",
"window.templates[\"" + template + "\"] = " + jade.compile(template + ".jade", { client: true; });
$(function() { $("#placeholder").html(window.templates["content"]({user: "Daniel" })); });
h1: Hello #{user}!
Note that the code above might be syntactically incorrect and is provided solely to illustrate the idea.
we have a build step that compiles them to functions sort of like penartur mentioned. I dont use extend or include (which dont work on the client anyway ATM), but personally I find we have absolutely no need for that on the client at all since the DOM provides all the separation we need.
This question came up on the etherpad-open-source-discuss mailing list and I thought it would be useful to have it here.
Just construct a URL like so and fetch it:
That will get the live, plaintext contents of
For example, in PHP you can grab it with
Note that that's just the "export to plain text" link that's provided in the Import/Export menu of every pad.
A few other possibilities:
From a browser, you can hit
From within the code of the collaborative editor (ace2_inner.js), use rep.alltext
Within the Etherpad's javascript, use pad.text for the most recent version of pad.getRevisionText(rev.revNum) for a specified previous revision.
It seems that the javascript functions mentioned by Ari in his response are no longer present in the current versions of Etherpad as implemented on sites like
However you can now simply use the following javascript function, within eherpad's javascript to get the text of the latest revision
You can get the plaintext content of etherpad using jQuery as:
var padId = 'examplePadIntense';//Id of the div in which etherpad lite is integrated
var epframeId = 'epframe'+ padId;
var frameUrl = $('#'+ epframeId).attr('src').split('?')[0];
var contentsUrl = frameUrl + "/export/txt";
jQuery.get(contentsUrl, function(data) {
var textContent = data;
You can also use the getText HTTP api to retrieve the contents of a pad.
See my other answer for more details.