how to find sum of the changing nCr*mCs sereis? - combinatorics

I am just stuck to find formula for the sum of the following series. (m-q+1+i)C(i) * (n+q-1-i)C(n-i) where i varies from 0 to p; p < n, p < m.
i.e**( !m-q+1-i/ !i * !m-q+1) * ( n + q-1-i / !q-1 * !n-i)**. i starts from 0 and goes upto p.


How to handle n not a multiple p in worker processes in matrix multiplication?

I am working on a problem regarding pseudocode for matrix multiplication using worker processes. w is the amount of workers, p is the amount of processors and n is the amount of processes.
The psuedocode calculates the matrix result by dividing the i rows into P strips of n/P rows each.
process worker[w = 1 to P]
int first = (w-1) * n/P;
int last = first + n/P - 1;
for [i = first to last] {
for [j = 0 to n-1] {
c[i,j] = 0.0;
for[k = 0 to n-1]
c[i,j] = c[i,j] + a[i,k]*b[k,j];
my question is how I would handle if n was not a multiple of P processors as can happen often where n is not divisible by p?
The simplest solution is to give the last worker all the remaining rows (they won't be more than P-1):
if w == P {
last += n mod P
n mod P is the remainder of the division of n by P.
Or change the calculation of first and last like this:
int first = ((w-1) * n)/P
int last = (w * n)/P - 1
This automatically takes care for the case when n is not divisible by P. The brackets are not really necessary in most languages where * and / have the same precedence and are left-associative. The point is that the multiplication by n should happen before the division by P.
Example: n = 11, P = 3:
w = 1: first = 0, last = 2 (3 rows)
w = 2: first = 3, last = 6 (4 rows)
w = 3: first = 7, last = 10 (4 rows)
This is a better solution as it spreads the remainder of the division evenly among the workers.

Intersect of two planes - divide by zero

I have following alghoritm to find line intersection of two planes:
public static function getIntersectOf2Planes ( self $P1 , self $P2 )
/* Line equation in parametric form:
x = x0 + t*a
y = y0 + t*b
z = z0 + t*c
$x0 = ( $P1->B * $P2->D - $P2->B * $P1->D ) / ( $P1->A * $P2->B - $P2->A * $P1->B ) ;
$a = ( $P1->B * $P2->C - $P2->B * $P1->C );
$y0 = ( $P2->A * $P1->D - $P1->A * $P2->D ) / ( $P1->A * $P2->B - $P2->A * $P1->B ) ;
$b = ( $P2->A * $P1->C - $P1->A * $P2->C );
$z0 = 0;
$c = ( $P1->A * $P2->B - $P2->A * $P1->B );
$IntersectionLine = new Line3D( $x0, $a, $y0, $b, $z0, $c );
return $IntersectionLine;
and it works fine, but to compute $x0 and $y0 i have to divide by:
( $P1->A * $P2->B - $P2->A * $P1->B )
and in some cases, the value of this expression is equal to zero, so I get an "dividing by zero" error :(
What should I do in this case?
I know, that the case when this expression is equal to zero, doesn't mean that there is no intersection, because it's happen when I have planes perpendicular to one of the axies.
For example for:
A = 0
B = 0
C = 100
D = 0
A = 50
B = 0
C = 0
D = -250
so the equation of line should exists.
PS I wrote this code with a view to:
In short, you have to implement the intersection algorithm for the case when (a1*b2 - a2*b1) = 0 (ie. when the planes are not independent when you set z=0).
To expand on that, first we need to understand how you got this far. First let us write down the equation of two planes:
a1x + b1y + c1z + d1 = 0
a2x + b2y + c2z + d2 = 0
When two planes intersect, the intersection is a line. So, the most usual way to solve that is by finding a point first on such a line and then figuring out its orientation (a, b, c) in your case. The orientation is a straight forward cross product. The intersection point is typically calculated by setting one of the co-ordinates to 0 and then solving the 2 linear equations that you get. In your code, this is done by setting:
z = 0
But this only works when the equations
a1x + b1y + d1 = 0 and a2x + b2y + d2 = 0
are capable of giving a solution for x and y, which is not the case when a1b2-a2b1=0. So In such cases, you can solve the same by setting either x or y to 0 which again gives two linear equations that you can solve to obtain a point on the line. Then you can compute the parametric form much like how you did. For example (setting y to 0):
x0 = (c1d2 - c2d1)/(a1c2 - a2c1)
y0 = 0
z0 = (a2d1 - a1d2)/(a1c2 - a2c1)
But for this to be a defined value you need to have (a1c2 - a2c1) to be non-zero. Does this help?

How to Find a Point Where a Circle and Line with 1/0 Slope Intersect

I'm writing a simple 2D top-down game in Python 3 using tkinter. All the collidable objects are either circles/arcs or lines. I wrote the following method to detect when a circle hits a line:
I am using the formulas y = mx + b and r^2 = (x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2
def CheckHitCToL(self, LX0, LY0, LX1, LY1, CX0, CX1, Tab):
H = self.Creatures[Tab].X
K = self.Creatures[Tab].Y
R = abs((CX0 - CX1) / 2)
M = (LY0 - LY1) / (LX0 - LX1)
B = M * (-LX1) + LY1
QA = (M * M) + 1
QB = (-H - H) + (((B - K) * M) * 2)
QC = (H * H) + ((B - K) * (B - K)) - (R * R)
X = (- QB + sqrt((QB * QB) - (4 * QA * QC))) / (2 * QA)
Y = (M * X) + B
if ((X <= LX0 and X >= LX1) or (X >= LX0 and X <= LX1)) and ((Y <= LY0 and Y >= LY1) or (Y >= LY0 and Y <= LY1)):
return True
return False
return False
My problem is when you have a vertical line, M (Or the slope) is (LY0 - LY1) / 0. (This is because the slope is equal to rise/run, and vertical lines don't have a run, just a rise) Which of course returns an error, caught by try except, which then informs my movement method that no collision has taken place. Of course I can simply move the "try:" down a few lines, but it's still going to throw an error. How can I adapt this program to not throw an error when working with a vertical line?
Well, the most obvious method would involve using if( (LX0 - LX1)==0 ) and doing this case separately. In such cases, you need to check whether distance between LX0 and CX0 is equal to the radius of circle.
You can use another forms of line equation -
implicit A*x + B*y + C = 0
or parametric x = LX0 + t * (LX1 - LX0), y = LY0 + t *(LY1 - LY0)
with appropriate modification of calculations

AS2: How to iterate X times through a percentage calculation (containing a circular reference)?

Here is a question for the Excel / math-wizards.
I'm having trouble doing a calculation which is based on a formula with a circular reference. The calculation has been done in an Excel worksheet.
I've deducted the following equations from an Excel file:
a = 240000
b = 1400 + c + 850 + 2995
c = CEIL( ( a + b ) * 0.015, 100 )
After the iterations the total of A+B is supposed to be 249045 (where b = 9045).
In the Excel file this gives a circular reference, which is set to be allowed to iterate 4 times.
My problem: Recreate the calculation in AS2, going through 4 iterations.
I am not good enough at math to break this problem down.
Can anyone out there help me?
Edit: I've changed the formatting of the number in variable a. Sorry, I'm from DK and we use period as a thousand separator. I've removed it to avoid confusion :-)
2nd edit: The third equation, C uses Excels CEIL() function to round the number to nearest hundredth.
I don't know action script, but I think you want:
a = 240000
c = 0
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
b = 1400 + c + 850 + 2995
c = (a + b) * 0.015
But you need to determine what to use for the initial value of c. I assume that Excel uses 0, since I get the same value when running the above as I get in Excel with iterations = 4, c = 3734.69...
Where do you get the "A + B is supposed to be 249045" value? In Excel and in the above AS, b only reaches 8979 with those values.
function calcRegistrationTax( amount, iterations ) {
function roundToWhole( n, to ) {
if( n > 0 )
return Math.ceil( n/ to ) * to;
else if( n < 0)
return Math.floor( n/ to ) * to;
return to;
var a = amount;
var b = 0;
var c = 0
for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++){
b = basicCost + ( c ) + financeDeclaration + handlingFee;
c = ( a + b ) * basicFeeRatio;
c = roundToWhole( c, 100 );
return b;
totalAmount = 240000 + calcRegistrationTax( 240000, 4 ); // This gives 249045
This did it, thanks to Benjamin for the help.

Partition line into equal parts

This is a geometry question.
I have a line between two points A and B and want separate it into k equal parts. I need the coordinates of the points that partition the line between A and B.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
You just need a weighted average of A and B.
C(t) = A * (1-t) + B * t
or, in 2-D
Cx = Ax * (1-t) + Bx * t
Cy = Ay * (1-t) + By * t
When t=0, you get A.
When t=1, you get B.
When t=.25, you a point 25% of the way from A to B
So, to divide the line into k equal parts, make a loop and find C, for t=0/k, t=1/k, t=2/k, ... , t=k/k
for(int i=0;i<38;i++)
Points[i].x = m_Pos.x * (1 - (i/38.0)) + m_To.x * (i / 38.0);
Points[i].y = m_Pos.y * (1 - (i/38.0)) + m_To.y * (i / 38.0);
if(i == 0 || i == 37 || i == 19) dbg_msg("CLight","(%d)\nPos(%f,%f)\nTo(%f,%f)\nPoint(%f,%f)",i,m_Pos.x,m_Pos.y,m_To.x,m_To.y,Points[i].x,Points[i].y);
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (0)
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (19)
[4c7cba40][CLight]: (37)
which looks fine but then my program doesn't work :D.
but your method works so thanks
