Pros and Cons of CPU affinity - linux

Suppose I have a multi-threaded application (say ~40 threads) running on a multiprocessor system (say 8 cores) with Linux as the operating system where different threads are more essentially LWP (Light Weight Processes) being scheduled by the kernel.
What would be benefits/drawbacks of using the CPU affinity? Whether CPU affinity is going to help by localizing the threads to a subset of cores thus minimizing cache sharing/misses?

If you use strict affinity, then a particular thread MUST run on that processor (or set of processors). If you have many threads that work completely independently, and they work on larger chunks of memory than a few kilobytes, then it's unlikely you'll benefit much from running on one particular core - since it's quite possible the other threads running on this particular CPU would have thrown out any L1 cache, and quite possibly L2 caches too. Which is more important for performance - cahce content or "getting to run sooner"? Are some CPU's always idle, or is the CPU load 100% on every core?
However, only you know (until you tell us) what your threads are doing. How big is the "working set" (how much memory - code and data) are they touching each time they get to run? How long does each thread run when they are running? What is the interaction with other threads? Are other threads using shared data with "this" thread? How much and what is the pattern of sharing?
Finally, the ultimate answer is "What makes it run faster?" - an answer you can only find by having good (realistic) benchmarks and trying the different possible options. Even if you give us every single line of code, running time measurements for each thread, etc, etc, we could only make more or less sophisticated guesses - until these have been tried and tested (with VARYING usage patterns), it's almost impossible to know.
In general, I'd suggest that having many threads either suggest that each thread isn't very busy (CPU-wise), or you are "doing it wrong"... More threads aren't better if they are all running flat out - better to have fewer threads in that case, because they are just going to fight each other.

The scheduler already tries to keep threads on the same cores, and to avoid migrations. This suggests that there's probably not a lot of mileage in managing thread affinity manually, unless:
you can demonstrate that for some reason the kernel is doing a bad a job for your particular application; or
there's some specific knowledge about your application that you can exploit to good effect.

localizing the threads to a subset of cores thus minimizing cache
Not necessarily, you have to consider cache coherence too, if two or more threads access a shared memory buffer and each one is bound to a different CPU core their caches have to be synchronized if one thread writes to a shared cache line there will be a significant overhead to invalidate other caches.


Why does Dropbox use so many threads?

My understanding of threads is that you can only have one thread per core, two with hyper threading, before you start losing efficiency.
This computer has eight cores and so should work best with 8/16 threads then, yet many applications use several times that, especially Dropbox.
It also uses 95 threads while idling on my laptop, which only has 4 cores.
Why is this the case? Does it have so many threads for programming convenience, have I misunderstood threading efficiency or is it something else entirely?
I took a peek at the Mac version of the client, and it seems to be written in Python and it uses several frameworks.
A bunch of threads seem to be used in some in house actor system
They use nucleus for app analytics
There seems to be a p2p network
some networking threads (one per hype core)
a global pool (one per physical core)
many threads for file monitoring and thumbnail generation
task schedulers
db checkpointing
something called infinite configuration
Most are idle.
It looks like a hodgepodge of subsystems, each starting their own threads, but they don't seem too expensive in terms of memory or CPU.
My understanding of threads is that you can only have one thread per core, two with hyper threading, before you start losing efficiency.
Nope, this is not true. I'm not sure why you think that, but it's not true.
As just the most obvious way to show that it's false, suppose you had that number of threads and one of them accessed a page of memory that wasn't in RAM and had to be loaded to disk. If you don't have any other threads that can run, then one core is wasted for the entire time it takes to read that page of memory from disk.
It's hard to address the misconception directly without knowing what flawed chain of reasoning led to it. But the most common one is that if you have more threads ready-to-run than you can execute at once, then you have lots of context switches and context switches are expensive.
But that is obviously wrong. If all the threads are ready-to-run, then no context switches are necessary. A context switch is only necessary if a running thread stops being ready-to-run.
If all context switches are voluntary, then the implementation can select the optimum number of context switches. And that's precisely what it does.
Having large numbers of threads causes you to lose efficiency if, and only if, lots of threads do a small amount of work and then become no longer ready-to-run while other waiting threads are ready-to-run. That forces the implementation to do a context even where it is not optimal.
Some applications that use lots of threads do in fact do this. And that does result in poor performance. But Dropbox doesn't.

Run threads in each core in Delphi

I'm working with a Delphi application and I have created two threads to sync with different databases, one to read and other to write. I would like to know if Delphi is actually using all potential of each core (running on an i5 with 4 cores for example) or if I need to write a specific code to distribute the threads to each core.
I have no idea how to find this.
There's nothing you need to do. The operating system schedules ready-to-run threads on available cores.
There is nothing to do. The OS will choose the best place to run each of your threads taking into account a large number of factors completely beyond your control. The OS manages your threads in conjunction with all other threads in all other processes on the system.
Don't forget that if your threads aren't particularly busy, there will be absolutely no need to run them on different cores.
Sometimes moving code to a separate core can introduce unexpected inefficiencies. Remember CPU's have high speed memory caches; and if certain data is not available in the cache of one core, moving to it could incur relatively slower RAM access.
The point I'm trying to make here, is that you trying to second-guess all these scenarios and permutations is premature optimisation. Rather let the OS do the work for you. You have other things you should rather focus on as indicated below.
However, that said any interaction between your threads can significantly affect the OS's ability to run them on separate cores. E.g.
At one extreme: if each of your threads do a lot of work through a shared lock (perhaps the reader thread places data in a shared location that the writer consumes, so a lock is used to avoid race conditions), then it's likely that both threads will run on the same core.
The best case scenario would be when there is zero interaction between the threads. In this case the OS can easily run the threads on separate cores.
One thing to be aware of is that the threads can interact even if you didn't explicitly code anything to do so. The default memory manger is shared between all threads. So if you do a lot of dynamic memory allocation in each thread, you can experience contention limiting scalability across large numbers of cores.
So the important thing for you to focus on is getting your design "correct":
Ensure a "clean" separation of concerns.
Eliminate unnecessary interaction between threads.
Ensure whatever interaction is needed uses the most appropriate technique for your requirements.
Get the above right, and the OS will schedule your threads as efficiently as it can.

How are multiple CPU cores used by the OS

There are a lot of articles that discuss multi-core myth. That, in order to really benefit from multiple cores, one needs to write parallel algorithms. Many of them mention Amdahl's law.
Lets assume for simplicity that we have a desktop computer with a 4-core commodity CPU. And assume that the goal is to improve our application performance, as well as overall system performance.
I wonder how CPU cores are used to perform tasks.
Whether threads from a single process are allocated all cores
Or threads from different processes are scheduled to run on different cores.
If the latter is the case, then why is the myth even discussed? Won't multitasking OSes always benefit from multi-core CPUs, even if all the processes are single threaded? Are threads from the same process more likely to be scheduled at the same time on multiple cores?
What are some factors that matter? CPU cache maybe? Some application related maybe? Why?
Why would you ever want to use parallel libraries/algorithms? After all, CPU resources are shared between all running processes and there are always enough of them.
Is there an "active process" notion? i.e. process that gets most attention from the scheduler. If so, then how much more attention does this process usually get?
Whether threads from a single process are allocated all cores
Or threads from different processes are scheduled to run on different cores.
Yes, that too.
If the latter is the case, then why is the myth even discussed? Won't multitasking OSes always benefit from multi-core CPUs, even if all the processes are single threaded?
To some extent, yes. But if that process is doing a lot of computation and the only one we care about at some particular time, the benefit will be pretty low.
On the other hand, it also means the process won't be as likely to be interrupted just because the OS has to do something like handle a disk interrupt, an arriving network packet, or something like that. Interrupting a process to handle some hardware task not only reduce the CPU time the process gets but it also pollutes the CPU caches causing the process to run more slowly when it resumes. So multi-core CPUs can allow a single-threaded process to command a core for a higher percentage of the time and in longer bursts.
Are threads from the same process more likely to be scheduled at the same time on multiple cores?
Typically no. Why would you want to do that? That would tend to degrade overall system performance as threads from the same process are more likely to step on each other's toes. You want the system to get other process' work done efficiently so you get the CPU back.
Is there an "active process" notion?
To some extent. Windows has precisely such a notion -- a "foreground process". Most OSes don't. But they do have a "dynamic priority boost" feature. Basically, if a process is sitting around doing nothing and then needs to do something, it is given some priority as a "reward". This allows a process that sits around waiting for work to be done to get its work done quickly and makes the system feel more interactive and responsive. It often makes little sense on servers, but it's helpful on desktops. Whether this is implemented on threads individually or on all the threads of a process as a group is implementation specific.
If you run separate processes or threads that doesn't needs to interact each others then it will be far better having 4 cores rather then having just 1.
As soon as the processes or threads needs to share some data, you will get the overhead to serialize the access to the shared data.
A lot depends on how good an application is written to run on a multi-core CPU. It may happen in the worst case that trying to run an application on a 4-core CPU is slower than running it on a single core CPU; more likely the increase in performance would be far less than 100%.

Cost of a thread

I understand how to create a thread in my chosen language and I understand about mutexs, and the dangers of shared data e.t.c but I'm sure about how the O/S manages threads and the cost of each thread. I have a series of questions that all relate and the clearest way to show the limit of my understanding is probably via these questions.
What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software? One of the costs to creating a thread must be its own stack pointer and process counter, then space to copy all of the working registers to as it is moved on and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between threads of a process or on a first come first served?
Can I somehow check the hardware on start up (of the program) for number of cores. If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of threads to N-1?
then space to copy all of the working registeres to as it is moved on
and off of a core by the scheduler, but what else?
One less evident cost is the strain imposed on the scheduler which may start to choke if it needs to juggle thousands of threads. The memory isn't really the issue. With the right tweaking you can get a "thread" to occupy very little memory, little more than its stack. This tweaking could be difficult (i.e. using clone(2) directly under linux etc) but it can be done.
Is the amount of stack available for one program split equally between
threads of a process or on a first come first served
Each thread gets its own stack, and typically you can control its size.
If I am running on a machine with N cores, should I keep the number of
threads to N-1
Checking the number of cores is easy, but environment-specific. However, limiting the number of threads to the number of cores only makes sense if your workload consists of CPU-intensive operations, with little I/O. If I/O is involved you may want to have many more threads than cores.
You should be as thoughtful as possible in everything you design and implement.
I know that a Java thread stack takes up about 1MB each time you create a thread. , so they add up.
Threads make sense for asynchronous tasks that allow long-running activities to happen without preventing all other users/processes from making progress.
Threads are managed by the operating system. There are lots of schemes, all under the control of the operating system (e.g. round robin, first come first served, etc.)
It makes perfect sense to me to assign one thread per core for some activities (e.g. computationally intensive calculations, graphics, math, etc.), but that need not be the deciding factor. One app I develop uses roughly 100 active threads in production; it's not a 100 core machine.
To add to the other excellent posts:
'What is the cost of spawning a thread? Is it worth even worrying about when designing software?'
It is if one of your design choices is doing such a thing often. A good way of avoiding this issue is to create threads once, at app startup, by using pools and/or app-lifetime threads dedicated to operations. Inter-thread signaling is much quicker than continual thread creation/termination/destruction and also much safer/easier.
The number of posts concerning problems with thread stopping, terminating, destroying, thread count runaway, OOM failure etc. is ledgendary. If you can avoid doing it at all, great.

Dual-Core Hyperthreading: Should I use 4 threads or 3 or 2?

If you're spawning multiple threads (or processes) concurrently, is it better to spawn as many as the number of physical processors or the number of logical processors, assuming the task is CPU-bound? Or is it better to do something in between (say, 3 threads)?
Does the performance depend on the kind of instructions that are getting executed (say, would non-local memory access be much different from cache hits)? If so, in which cases is it better to take advantage of hyperthreading?
The reason I'm asking is, I remember reading somewhere that if you have as many tasks as the number of virtual processors, tasks on the same physical core can sometimes starve some CPU resources and prevent each other from getting as many resources as needed, possibly decreasing performance. That's why I'm wondering if having as many threads as virtual cores is a good idea.
The performance depends on a huge variety of factors. Most tasks are not strictly CPU bound, since even if all of the data is in memory it is usually not on-board in the processor cache. I have seen examples (like this one) where memory access patterns can dramatically change the performance profile of a given 'parallel' process.
In short, there is no perfect number for all situations.
Chances are pretty good that you will see a performance improvement running 2 threads per core with HyperThreading enabled. Jobs that appear to be entirely CPU bound usually aren't, and HyperThreading can extract a few "extra" cycles out of the occasional interrupt or context switch.
On the other hand, with a core iX processor that has Turbo Boost, you might actually do better running 1 thread per core to encourage the CPU to overclock itself.
At work, we routinely run many-core servers at full CPU doing various kinds of calculation for days at a time. A while back we measured the performance difference with and without HT. We found that on average, with HyperThreading, and running twice as many jobs at once, we could complete the same amount of jobs about 10% faster than than without HyperThreading.
Assume that 2 × cores is a good place to start, but the bottom line is: measure!
I remember info that hyperthreading can give you up to 30% of performance boost. in general you'd better to treat them as 4 different cores. of course in some specific circumstances (e.g. having the same long running task bound to each core) you can divide your processing better taking into account that some cores are just logical ones
more info about hyperthreading itself here
Using Hyperthreading to run two threads on the same core, when both threads have similar memory access patterns but access disjoint data structures, would be very roughly equivalent to running them on two separate cores each with half the cache. If the memory-access patterns are such that half the cache would be sufficient to prevent thrashing, performance may be good. If the memory-access patterns are such that halving the cache induces thrashing, there may be a ten-fold performance hit (implying one would have been much better off without hyperthreading).
On the other hand, there are some situations where hyperthreading may be a huge win. If many threads will all be reading and writing the same shared data using lock-free data structures, and all threads must see a consistent view of the data, trying to run threads on disjoint processor may cause thrashing since only one processor at a time may have read-write access to any given cache line; running such a threads on two cores may take longer than running only one at a time. Such cache arbitration is not required, however, when a piece of data is accessed by multiple threads on a single core. In those cases, hyperthreading can be a huge win.
Unfortunately, I don't know any way to give the scheduler any "hints" to suggest that some threads should share a core when possible, while others should run separately when possible.
HT allows a boost of approximately 10-30% for mostly cpu-bound tasks that use the extra virtual cores. Although these tasks may seem CPU-bound, unless they are custom made assembly, they will usually suffer from IO waits between RAM and local cache. This allows one thread running on a physical HT-enabled core to work while the other thread is waiting for IO. This does come with a disadvantage though, as two threads share the same cache/bus, which will result in less resources each which may cause both threads to pause while waiting for IO.
In the last case, running a single thread will decrease the maximum simultaneous theoretical processing power(by 10-30%) in favor of running a single thread without the slowdown of cache thrashing which may be very significant in some applications.
Choosing which cores to use is just as important as choosing how many threads to run. If each thread is CPU-bound for roughly the same duration it is best to set the affinity such that threads using mostly different resources find themselves on different physical cores and threads using common resources be grouped to the same physical cores(different virtual core) so that common resources can be used from the same cache without extra IO wait.
Since each program has different CPU-usage characteristics and cache thrashing may or may not be a major slowdown(it usually is) it is impossible to determine what the ideal number of threads should be without profiling first. One last thing to note is that the OS/Kernel will also require some CPU and cache space. It is usually ideal to keep a single (physical)core set aside for the OS if real-time latency is required on CPU-bound threads so as to avoid sharing cache/cpu resources. If threads are often waiting for IO and cache thrashing is not an issue, or if running a real-time OS specifically designed for the application, you can skip this last step.
All of the other answers already give lots of excellent info. But, one more point to consider is that the SIMD unit is shared between logical cores on the same die. So, if you are running threads with SSE code, do you run them on all 4 logical cores, or just spawn 2 threads (assuming you have two chips)? For this odd case, best to profile with your app.
