Htaccess rewrite with optional parameters - .htaccess

I have little understanding of HTACCESS, even though I have spent a long time looking into it. I think the real reason is because regular expressions go above and beyond my capacity.
Currently, in HTACCESS, I have use this line:
RewriteRule ^website/([^/]+)(/([^/]+))?$ controller/url.php?method=$1&param=$3
This will allow users to have a nice url that looks like
How could I add a second and third optional parameter to the HTACCESS rewrite line?

The easiest way would be to allow the second group to contain the rest of the URL after your "method" group.
RewriteRule ^website\/([^/]+)\/(.*)$ controller/url.php?method=$1&params=$2
Then use PHP to split params at each /
Hope that helps.


htaccess redirect not working for long url

How do I redirect the following long link:
Redirect 301 /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&utm_source=MagnetMail&utm_medium=email&
As said above in the comments I suspect that you have a glitch in your logic here and that in reality you want to redirection to work the other way 'round. Redirecting from the long to the search engine friendly URL simply does not make any sense. So:
Using a Redirect rule you could try that instead:
Redirect 301 /optimizing-vbm-quality-tiering-for-physicians /index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=24&utm_source=MagnetMail&utm_medium=email&
This will redirect an incoming request to the short URL to the actually existing long URL. That is the usual scenario.
If however you really want to redirect that short URL to the long version, then you cannot do that with a Redirect rule. This might for example be the case if you accidentally sent out that long URL and have a working redirection setup for the short version. Unfortunately you do not explain anything about that in your question or comments, so I can only guess here.
You'd have to use the more flexible rewriting module and use a combination of RewriteCond and RewriteRule. That allows to "cut out" specific patterns of request URLs and to "redesign" how the request should look like after the rewriting.
This would be a simple example that applies two conditions to rewriting the request for file index.php to the long URL:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} view=article
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} id=24
RewriteRule ^/?index\.php$ /optimizing-vbm-quality-tiering-for-physicians [L,R=301]
Note: this version should work both in the http servers host configuration and also in those .htaccess style files. Where you always should prefer the first option if you have access.
As said above, I can only guess here with the sparse information you provided. I picked two out of many request arguments, since those appear to be the ones best suited as distinct identifiers. But you may have to tweak things. Note that per default RewriteConds are combined by a logical AND, so they both have to resolve to something truish.
For more precise details about this stuff I would like to point you to the official documentation of those modules again. The documentation is extremely precise, well written and comes with good examples. I would always prefer the information there to snippets you find somewhere in the internet or partial answers to questions...

HTAccess Redirect using main parameter, ignore all others

firstly I know and understand how to redirect based on parameters :)
My issue is that I need to redirect all links based on the supplied MenuID parameter and ignore any other information in the query string, as not all parameters are used in each web page request, e.g. menuid=2738421; is New Products limit=5&page=24
The reason for the redirection is that search-engines have indexed these pages and so I need to prettify the URLs.
Is this actually possible to create a fuzzy redirect criteria?
## 301 Redirects
# 301 Redirect 1 - works for this explicit URL, but need a partial result
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^$
RewriteRule ^new\.html$ [R=301,NE,NC,L]
Any help gratefully taken, thank you in advance
Sorry for the delay, but StackOverflow doesn't seem to have a way to flag answers that have been replied to and need my attention.
OK, if I understand you correctly, you have an incoming "reduced" semi-SEF URL out in the real world (produced by your links), such as
("real" SEF would be something like
and you need to use .htaccess to map it to real files and more Query String information:
You want to detect new.html for example, and replace it by a fixed string shop.php?menuid=2738421&menuref=Ja&menutitle=New+Products&, using the [QSA] flag to append the existing Query String on to the end?
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^new\.html /shop.php?menuid=2738421&menuref=Ja&menutitle=New+Products [QSA]
RewriteRule ^sale\.html /shop.php?menuid=32424&menuref=Ja&menutitle=Products+On+Sale [QSA]
I believe that a & will be stuck on the end of the rewritten address if the user supplied a non-empty Query String, but be sure to test it both ways.
P.S. It probably would have been cleaner to use "comment" to reply to my question, rather than adding another answer.
It's not clear to me what your starting point is and where you're trying to end up. Do you have "pretty" URLs that you want to convert into "non-pretty" Query Strings that your scripts can actually digest?
The reason for the redirection is that search-engines have indexed
these pages and so I need to prettify the URLs.
If the search engines have already indexed the Query String non-pretty version, they'll have to now re-index with pretty URLs. Ditto for all your customers' bookmarks.
If you want to generate "pretty" links within your site, and decode them (in .htaccess) upon re-entry to non-pretty Query Strings, that should work. Your customers' existing bookmarks should even continue to work, while the search engines will replace the non-pretty with the pretty URLs.
and thanks for the interest in my question...
I have rewritten parts of my website and Google still has references to the old MenuID parameter and shop.php configuration, but now I rewriten the Query to a prettier format, e.g.
is now
The pages represent product categories, and so needed to be displayed in a more meaningful manner. Customer bookmarking is not an issue, as long as I can redirect the pages.
I hope that makes sense, best wishes,

How to add additional URL variables to a URL already rewritten with mod_rewrite

Does anyone have any idea if it is possible to put additional variables into a URL that you are using mod_rewrite to basically chop up into variables.
For example, if I have the URL:
and I am using mod_rewrite to turn it into:
Is there and elegant way to put additional variables into the "pre-rewritten" URL and keep them for my post.php script?
I.E., what if I create a link like the following:
So far it seems like my mod_rewrite code is just throwing out the additional variable and sending the URL to the post.php script like this:
I do know that I can use $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to get the original URL in my php script (AKA before it gets rewritten by mod_rewrite and then just chop up the string to get that added on variable, but I just wanted to know if there was a more elegant solution that solely used mod_rewrite.
you can also use %{QUERY_STRING} to pass original query string to new url. or use it as you wish e.g.
RewriteRule /pages/(.*) /page.php?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} [R]
Use, QSA to make mod_rewrite properly "merge" additional arguments when rewriting.
RewriteRule /pages/(.+) /page.php?page=$1 [QSA]
That will add "page=$1" to whatever request the user made.
PS. Although take care, because mod_rewrite will happily overwrite "page" though if the user specifies it. No way around it that I know off.

301 redirect question?

Is this qood example of redirection of page to another domain page:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$
RewriteRule ^seo_news_blog_spam\.html$ "http\:\/\/dejanseo\.com\.au\/blog\-spam\/" [R=301,L]
or good old works too:
301 redirect seo_news_blog_spam.html
and whats the difference?
Presumably, the rules are functionally equivalent (well, assuming that was supposed to be like the first one redirects to, and the only host pointing at that location is with or without the www).
The first example uses directives from mod_rewrite, whereas the second one uses some from mod_alias. I imagine that the preferred option is the second one for this particular case, if not only because it's a bit simpler (there's also marginal additional overhead involved in creating the regular expressions being used by mod_rewrite, but that's very minor):
Redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html
However, I suspect the reason that you have the first one is that it was created using CPanel (based on the unnecessary escapes in the replacement that appeared before in another user's question where it was indicated CPanel was the culprit). They've gone with the mod_rewrite option because it provides conditional flexibility that the Redirect directive does not, and I assume this flexibility is reflected somewhat in whatever interface is used to create these rules.
You'll note that there is a condition on whether or not to redirect based upon your host name in the first example, identified by the RewriteCond. This allows for you to perform more powerful redirects that are based on more than just the request path. Note that mod_rewrite also allows for internal redirects invisible to the user, which mod_alias is not intended for, but that's not the capacity it's being used in here.
As a final aside, the host names in your RewriteCond statements should technically have their dots escaped, since the . character has special meaning in regular expressions. You could also combine them, change them to direct string comparisons, or remove them altogether (since I imagine they don't do anything useful here).
Unbeliavable, the problem was that the synthax wasn't correct, so instead of:
redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html
it should look like this:
Redirect 301 seo_news_blog_spam.html
One, first big letter was the source of all troubles, what a waste of time :D
it works now as it supposed to!
Thanks to everyone who participated, issue solved.

help regarding dynamic redirect rule in htaccess

I need ur help for given subject.
I am playing with htaccess rules first time in life.
here is the scene -
i want to redirect the urls -
to follwing urls -
In this case the values var1 & var2 can be anything (i.e. string which will contain only alphanumeric characters.)
One more thing -
I want to skip this rule if the url is -
Please help me to write this rule!
You would be better off defining a URI schema that tells you when something WILL be rewritten. For example...
That way, you can ensure you only ever apply the rule if the psuedo "site/" directory is browsed and not affect any other URI. This is the rewrite rule based on the above schema.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^site/([^/\.]+)/?$ index.php?u=$1 [L,NC,QSA]
Any other address, other than "/site/.../" would be unaffected by this rule, which means you don't need to worry about setting some addresses to be avoided. This keeps things as simple as possible.
You don't have to use "site" - you can use whatever name fits your purpose.
