Filemaker main overview table records - search

I have two tables: businesses and leads. businesses is the parent table; A record in businesses may have many leads.
My leads table holds data like "calls, appointment, etc etc" - all searchable.
I'm trying to create a layout to sort all of my businesses by my lead information, either with a portal filter or list view.
The goal is to help me figure out who I need to call or see today.

Go into Manage Database and make sure you have an actual relationship setup between businesses and leads.
Then make a layout based on the businesses table and add a portal to that layout based on the leads, which will show up in the drop-down because of the relationship. You'll also see options in the portal properties to sort by whatever column(s) you want.


Sharepoint list view - set permissions so only certain users can access certain views

so I have a sharepoint list that contains all the data (We will call it MasterList), and it has an a dropdown column where different departments can be selected (example Sales, HR, Accounting etc etc). I created a view, which only shows data where HR is selected in this dropdown. Now is it possible to set permissions where a user can only see the HR view, and not the Master list. Basically I only want people from HR to see the HR view, and people from Accounting to only see the Accounting view, and then Admin can see all the views including the master list. Is this possible? Is there a better way to go about this? thanks!
I don't think there is a way to restrict PowerApps users to a certain Sharepoint List View. Depending on your org's size, you could investigate the Office 365 Users connector in PowerApps. This would allow you to filter the Sharepoint by Department or Job Title.
Example: Assumes the Sharepoint list has a column named dept
OnStart of the app:
// Set a variable for the user's department
Set(varUserDept, Office365Users.UserProfileV2(User().Email).department);
// Create a collection from the sharepoint list, filtered by department
dept = varUserDept
That being said, if the URL of the Sharepoint list "leaks" users will be able to access the data. See this forum post for strategies for addressing this issue.

In Acumatica, using #me inside Relations Section of Generic Inquiry

We want to have a sales order dashboard where we only show orders for certain sales people based on the logged in user. For example, we have sales people BB and CR who share an assistant TP. BB can see his orders on the dashboard. CR can see his orders on the dashboard. TP can see orders for both of them on his dashboard. We also have people outside of sales who need to see all orders. We want to do all of this without having to create a bunch of custom dashboards. We wanted to maintain 2 dashboards - one filtered one for sales people and one unfiltered one for everyone else.
We have gotten close to solution by using a generic inquiry. We created custom fields on the salesperson that point back to a logged in user (UserID1 and UserID2). Multiple custom fields were used because a single sales person could be visible to 2 people. We then joined SOOrder to SalesPerson inside our GI. We then wanted to join the Users table on (SalesPerson.UserID1 = Users.PKID AND SalesPerson.UserID1 = #me) OR (SalesPerson.UserID2 = Users.PKID AND SalesPerson.UserID2 = #me). That would allow us to create a filter where Users.PKID is not null to limit the view for sales people and then not use any filter on the non-sales dashboard.
The problem is that #me is not available on the Relations section. It is only available on the conditions section. We tried to just have the join of SalesPerson.UserID1 = Users.PKID or SalesPerson.UserID2 = Users.PKID and then creating the condition for the #me portion. The issue there is that it only shows records with a match. That won't work for non-sales people.
Is there some way to include #me or an equivalent on the relations tab? Any better way to accomplish this?
Built-in variables like '#me' aren't well documented which raises questions about support of this feature.
Try this instead:
In generic inquiry TABLES tab, add table 'PX.Data.AccessInfo'.
In PARAMETERS tab, add a new parameter (ex: 'P1') and set the Schema Field value to 'Accessinfo.UserID' (use 'Accessinfo' or the alias for that table declared in TABLES tab).
In the RELATIONS tab in the join condition Child Field you can reference the '[P1]' variable.
Accessinfo DAC contains current record of the logged in user and reflects the information you see when you click your profile in the top right of Acumatica pages. If the solution doesn't work right away you can debug it with the Request Profiler page to look up the generated SQL query for the GI.

How to create m2m relationship in PowerPivot

So I am trying to link an employee metrics pivot chart with an employee project table with one slicer. I want an employee slicer that manipulates all charts but the data is coming from 2 different places (SQL, Sharepoint). When I try to create a relationship based on Employees I get the following error: "The relationship cannot be created because each column contains duplicate values. Select at least one column that only contains unique values."
So one chart has quantitative items while the table has qualitative items and I want one slicer to manipulate both at the employee level.
I want to see all the data on both charts for the selected employee, and not just single items linked by unique values. I can use unique values, and have created relationships that one slicer can manipulate however I only get one record at a time that way and therefore the slicer has thousands of buttons (one for each record).
I wouldn't think this would be that difficult and I hope it's really not.
Please Help!
M2M relationships in PowerPivot will most likely cause more headaches than solutions unless you are aware of what you are doing. After some thought, I realized that I really do not want an m2m relationship because it would result in junk data for what I wanted. I just wanted to start my answer off acknowledging that I did not achieve an m2m.
So if you want to link SharePoint data to Excel here is what you need to do:
Export SharePoint data as an RSS feed. If this is something others will need to refresh then the rss file will need to be stored on a shared drive.
Add PowerPivot if you have not already done so. In PowerPivot get external data from other sources (rss feed) then add your file. To link data you will need a Unique ID to join tables on.

Lotus Notes View does not hide the level of details within a column - notes domino designer

I have a View in Lotus notes by formula.
The View is as follows by Org Exec \ Organization \ Total Headcount
I have a "show twistie when row is expandable" enabled and "Categorized" selected as Type for the column "Org Exec" & "Organization"
For example data looks like this: Marshell Rodrigues \ Tester \ 100
However my problem is that tester has the list of 100 people within it and i do not want to show that level of details in the view? I want Organization not to show the list of people within it.
I tried the Hide detail row on the Organization column properties but that does not work it still shows data within the organisation in the view
any ideas or suggestion ?
What is the purpose of the view?
I am trying to Export this View in Excel Using ODBC Connection Thus i want the details at a higher level
What kind of documents are in the database?
Each employee has his record in the database with his details liek organization , execs, headcount name, serial number .
What kind of information should be displayed ?
Like i said the information to be displayed need to be at a high level for example :
Give me All Organization Execs by Organization Total Headcount (i just want the total number i do not want to see a drill down on thoes numbers in the view)
Example if Org "abc" has 10 headcount i just want it to display 10 ... i do not want to see who thoes 10 people are.
and from which docs does the info come from?
All the docs have a fields named Org Execs and Organisation and Headcount(were Headcoutn can be 1 if working and 0 if not working for individual month)
What are the column formulas?
Select form = "xyz" ....
Columns Org Execs \ Organization \ HeadCount (All 3 are fields in each record)
I would call that a "roll-up report", but views in Lotus Notes are not reports. They are designed to give users access to documents. Summarizing data (with totals, percentages, etc.) is just an additional feature that was thrown in on top of the functionality for accessing documents.
There are a variety of reporting products for Notes, and they are designed to do what you want. You might want to look into them if you have a lot of similar requirements for a lot of different views.
There is also a way that you could do this with ReaderNames fields and an ID file that does have access to the database but doesn't have access to the documents. Categories that are "empty" (i.e., contain no documents) will show up for a user, but this is a hack and not the right way to approach the problem. I really do not recommend it. (It will probably only work for viewing anyhow. I doubt an export will actually work in this setup, though I confess I've never tried it, and maybe it will.)
If this is just a one-off job, my suggestion would be to write an agent to collect the summary information that you want and either create summary documents in a folder, which you could then export and delete; or to have your agent directly write the data to Excel.

How can I hide a table in a particular database?

In my database I have a table called Price.
I want to hide this table. Is this possible ?
If the user does not have SELECT permissions on the table then they will not be able view the table in Object Explorer.
deny select on TableToHide to UserThatShouldntSeeTable
Depending on your particular circumstances, you may be able to use the Tables "filter" functionality. You can filter your list of tables in the Obj Explorer to view only those tables that satisfy certain criteria. (Unfortunately, you cannot HIDE certain tables, you can only SHOW certain tables, while hiding all others.)
To do this, simply r-click on the "Tables" node, and select Filter -> Filter Settings. This opens a dialog which allows you to specify the criteria (name, owner, date of creation, etc) by which you want to specify which tables should be visible. More details can be found in this post.
It's too bad you can't save filters (based on schemas, for example), but at least it's a start.
[Now if only we could do the same thing with the list of Databases on shared servers...!]
