Create Multiple 'PivotCharts' on One 'PivotTable' - excel

Within my Excel Spreadsheet I have a PivotTable which is based on data retrieved from a SQL query.
The PivotTable is made up of a series of customers, each with their own stock value.
I made a PivotChart, but as there are many customers, the lines on the Chart are unreadable.
I want to make an individual chart for each customer, however when I filter on one customer, every chart filters on that customer - not allowing me to do one chart for each
Is there a way around this?

After investigation, adding more than one PivotChart distorted the layout of the underlying data.
Therefore it is necessary to read the same data into the Excel spreadsheet twice to have a second PivotChart.


Excel slicers does not hide items without data when filtering using timeline

I have some pivottables, slicers and one timeline connected together. In the pivottable the timeline filters correctly.
I have set up the slicers with "hide items with no data". But when I filter on dates using the timeline, the slicers shows items with no data within the timeframe set in the timeline. Is it possible to solved this in a simple way? My dataset has 200k+ rows, so I don`t think using vba to loop through all rows within the timeframe and hide the items without data would be a good solution with regards to perfomance.

How do you group an Excel PivotChart by a column not selected in category?

Does anyone know if its possible to select one column in an Excel PivotChart (i.e. Name in my example) but sum the values by ID without displaying the ID column in the chart?
In the example below, we have two Johns. I want to view both of them in the chart like in chart two, but I don't want to display their ID fields in the chart.
Real case scenario is that I need to filter on top 10 file views by file name. And if we have a bunch of files named image1.jpg (because people don't properly name their files), we end up bucketing them all together and it looks like image1.jpg has way more views than it actually has; causing the chart to be skewed. I know it might be confusing to have two same data labels, but oh well. :) The user will just have to drill into one to see other details.
I did find a clean way of doing this using hierarchies in PowerPivot, but with a large dataset the performance is horrible.
Create a hierarchy in powerpivot with ID and Name. Use the hierarchy in the PivotChart category. Only ID field shows up initially. Expand entire field and the names show up. Hide level ID, and voila. You get all Names without ID column, but only to be used on smaller datasets.
easiest way to do this is created a calculated column in PowerPivot window where you will combine filename AND file id.
With that, it's very easy and still should be quite good from performance perspective. Better yet if you could prepare this column in your import file / on your server.
Result could then look like this:
From a data visualisation point of view it will be most confusing to have two data points with the same label and no means of differentiating them. So, having the ID in the X axis is actually helping the reader to make sense of the information.
From a technical point of view, you can create a chart that is based on the pivot table, but is not a pivot chart. Use the pivot table as the source for a regular chart and select only the Name as the X axis label.
If the pivot table dimensions may change when it is refreshed, you can use dynamic range names to ringfence the ranges required for the chart.
In the screenshot below, the label range chtLabels uses the formula
The range chtValues uses
When adding the range names to the chart source dialogues, they must be preceded with the sheet name or the file name.

Splitting a pivotchart from power pivot into multiple charts

I have a pivot chart that tracks resource allocations based on a few filters. I would like to split the chart into multiple charts. In the picture, I want one chart for each line. I can do this manually (one chart for each resource) but that's not ideal because I only want to see certain charts based on the filters, and the data will change frequently.
Thanks in advance for help.
reference -
Blake, unfortunately, this is not possible. Chart based on (power)pivot table is always linked and if you update the pivot table, you will see the change instantly happen to the chart as well.
What I would suggest is to create four (or more) different pivots and then four (or more) linked pivot-based charts.
If there is any filter that needs to be used in all of the pivot tables, you can then use slicers which can be linked to more than 1 pivot table.
Hope this helps :)

Excel Pivot Chart Help - Pulling names that contributed to count (VBA?)

I am looking to develop a pivotchart of meaningful data related to employees. Lets say it's a graph of employees with infractions by month.
We have a graph that graphs it based on the COUNT of employees that got an infraction for that month. What I am looking to do is make it very easy for management to see the graph and then see the names that contributed to a large count for a month.
However, upon selecting a certain pivot chart cell (Lets say March had a LOT of infractions on the chart and we want to know who was a part of it). Upon double clicking the cell, it then brings up a "Show Detail" window, we select the cell Name since we want to know the names - however that doesn't help because it just puts the names as part of the legend and screws up the chart.
What are some ways to get it to display the names that contributed to the count for the month? I am thinking something along these lines:
-Upon mousing over the data point of the pivot chart, the tooltip is a list of the names
-Upon clicking on it, it displays a table at the bottom that shows the data from the table that contributed to that month (including names).
Anything along those lines. Any help is much appreciated, I do have experience with VBA - but sadly not in Excel yet.E
The best solution would be to check the PivotTable associated with the PivotChart.
When you show detail on the chart the change will be mirrored in the PivotTable.
For more information check out Overview of PivotTable and PivotChart reports #

Excel 2010 How to make multiple scatter charts from same data

Have a data set from which I need to make several scatter plots (date vs. value). Each charts is different, based on different filters. To make one chart, I can filter my data, and then chart it. But if I change the filter, the chart changes. So I can't make any more charts, unless I make a copy of the data. Is there a way to make multiple charts from the same data set without making a copy of the data set for each chart? Pivot table/charts won't help me because I am making scatter plots. I don't want to summarize anything by date, for instance. I could have multiple events on the same date, and I don't want excel grouping them together.
Have you tried using multiple data regions? See the following link:
I found it very helpful.
You can also write a code in VBA that will allow you to create multiple charts using different data points. An example of this code can be found here:
Good luck!
