Splitting a pivotchart from power pivot into multiple charts - excel

I have a pivot chart that tracks resource allocations based on a few filters. I would like to split the chart into multiple charts. In the picture, I want one chart for each line. I can do this manually (one chart for each resource) but that's not ideal because I only want to see certain charts based on the filters, and the data will change frequently.
Thanks in advance for help.
reference - http://imgur.com/vZJEHGM

Blake, unfortunately, this is not possible. Chart based on (power)pivot table is always linked and if you update the pivot table, you will see the change instantly happen to the chart as well.
What I would suggest is to create four (or more) different pivots and then four (or more) linked pivot-based charts.
If there is any filter that needs to be used in all of the pivot tables, you can then use slicers which can be linked to more than 1 pivot table.
Hope this helps :)


Adding Pivot Table Slicers in one box

Currently I am using a pivot table to display information to users, they can edit the slicers to filter the table with what they want to see. As requirements grow, i find myself adding more and more slicers which take up too much space on the excel sheet.
Is there a way to put the slicers on one single form so that it looks intuitive and is easily navigated?

macro to change multiple slicer values

I am at a loss after some searching.
I have two pivot tables driven from two different data source/caches. source 1 is a table with departments' total charged amounts, source 2 has the same departments with the total denied dollar amounts. I am pulling the data from both of these into pivot tables so that I can manipulate the department (among other things) to calculate percentages.
My original thought was to set a "Department" slicer for each table, and have a macro assigned to one of the slicers to change the second one so that both pivot tables filter the department. I was also thinking of possibly using one slicer, and assigning it a macro to simply filter the department on the second pivot.
both of these tables will be hidden with the exception of one of the slicers and will have the calculated data from each table pulled to the top of the sheet for easy viewing.
both sheets/data sources are derived from separate reports with completely different data & headers.
thanks in advance for any help.
I finally came across something useful on contextures
It works exactly how I want it to, I simply linked the slicer connected to 4 other pivot tables with a separate cache than my "main" slicer/table and hid the linked slicer. When I select and option from the main slicer, it updates the hidden slicer thus filtering all the other pivot tables.

Copy Filters from one PowerPivot PivotTable to another

I have 2 PivotTables that were created from PowerPivot connections. I would like the second PivotTable to change based on a selection the user makes on the first PivotTable. I have some VBA background, so you don't need to write the whole code but point me to the right functions/structure.
If you use slicers, you can simply link both tables to the same set of slicers. You can even have multiple copies of each slicer.
It's the same in all versions of Excel since 2010. Here's a link.
Edit: Adding information from my comment below here.
You can use this technique even when you're explicitly using a filter on the pivot table, whether by adding a field to the Filters section, or by putting that field on the row/column labels and then limiting the selection based on that row/column header drop down. You can mix and match these as well, with Pivot1 having the field in question in the Filters section, and Pivot2 having the field in the Rows section.
Just create your two pivot tables as normal, and then connect both to the same slicer. This slicer can be hidden on another sheet that is not displayed to the end users. This solution is much more expedient than the VBA solutions I've seen.

Excel 2010 How to make multiple scatter charts from same data

Have a data set from which I need to make several scatter plots (date vs. value). Each charts is different, based on different filters. To make one chart, I can filter my data, and then chart it. But if I change the filter, the chart changes. So I can't make any more charts, unless I make a copy of the data. Is there a way to make multiple charts from the same data set without making a copy of the data set for each chart? Pivot table/charts won't help me because I am making scatter plots. I don't want to summarize anything by date, for instance. I could have multiple events on the same date, and I don't want excel grouping them together.
Have you tried using multiple data regions? See the following link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd220577.aspx
I found it very helpful.
You can also write a code in VBA that will allow you to create multiple charts using different data points. An example of this code can be found here: http://www.ozgrid.com/forum/showthread.php?t=53320
Good luck!

Create Multiple 'PivotCharts' on One 'PivotTable'

Within my Excel Spreadsheet I have a PivotTable which is based on data retrieved from a SQL query.
The PivotTable is made up of a series of customers, each with their own stock value.
I made a PivotChart, but as there are many customers, the lines on the Chart are unreadable.
I want to make an individual chart for each customer, however when I filter on one customer, every chart filters on that customer - not allowing me to do one chart for each
Is there a way around this?
After investigation, adding more than one PivotChart distorted the layout of the underlying data.
Therefore it is necessary to read the same data into the Excel spreadsheet twice to have a second PivotChart.
