UIImageView doesn't obey it's content mode - layout

I am designing an iOS App where there is a View controller with an embedded view controller in view at the bottom, and an image at the top. However, I'm having problems with the Image view. Without image view, everything is OK. When I put the image view, the image view doesn't fit in the image correctly. Here is how it looks in the interface builder (set to Scale to Fill):
When I run it in my iPod Touch (iOS 6), This is how it looks:
The image's aspect ratio is different than shown in the Interface Builder. Then, I try setting the image mode to Aspect Fill (which is actually the one I want):
This is exactly what I actually want, but when I run it, the image fills almost the entire screen:
Notice how my friend picker view controller is left behind the image view. The layout of the entire view controller is correct (embedded view controller is located correctly, notice at the point where the image ends in the last screenshot, it starts from J, meaning that it continues to the top behind the image), it's only the image view that is occupying too much space. I've tried different arrangements of the frame rectangle, and tried toggling Auto-layout of iOS 6. Neither did help. Am I missing an obvious point, or is it a bug with the layout system of iOS. (probably the second one, as WYSIWYG fails between Interface Builder and actual app) Are there any workarounds (other than cropping the portion of the image in Photoshop at the exact size that I want)?
UPDATE: A workaround that I've currently found is to put the image view in another view, and set the parent view's clip subviews property ticked. But the image view itself is still not behaving correctly, and even though this currently solved my problem, it is not a real solution, so any solution answers are welcome.


Why can't I size android components at will?

Okay, so I'm really trying to do a lab for a class thing and I don't get why I can't have a textbox that takes up the width of the phone and a button that takes up the width of the phone on the bottom, but I don't know why that is? Here's a picture of what I have.
I know this is a noob question but it hasn't been addressed yet on the online course I'm taking and I really need an answer because I wanted android development to be as easy as .NET on windows.
Well anyway here is one picture:
Also here is the other picture:
Notice if I try to make one element bigger, it leads to it pushing the other one out of the activity, I want to have one activity with both elements taking up the entire width of the phone.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 not Mac OS X.
Your controls are children of a LinearLayout with android:orientation="horizontal". This means that the parent ViewGroup is aligning them horizontally; you cannot get the children aligned vertically in this configuration.
If you change the attribute to android:orientation="vertical", you will achieve the result you're looking for.
I strongly suggest getting yourself familiar with the default set of layouts available in the Android SDK by reading this official guide.
Edit : Please refer to this answer for placing views at bottom of the screen.
When you use a android:orientation=horizontal orientation in the layout, the views are stacked/placed in a single row. Since both your views have their width set to fill the screen, only the first one is shown/seen.
What you want is the vertical orientation. This places the views in a single column, one below the other. The width set to fill-parent will allow you the view to occupy all available space.
Official documentation on views : Layouts : Android Dev Docs
Understanding Android Layouts : Techtopia
Android Layout Tutorials : Learn-Android

MergEXT MergZXing layer and barcode not reading

Just started working with this awesome external but have a couple of questions.
When the control is evoked, is it always the top layer or can I have a background transparent image on top of it so I can frame the control nicely?
Also, my testing seems to read most Barcodes but when it comes down to reading Barcodes on hard drives, the control does not want to decode those.... Too dense of bar code pattern?
I am very impressed thus far with the ease of use of your externals. Makes we want to code more for mobile devices!
an overlaying transparent image is not possible, as far as i know.
but couldnĀ“t you use
command mergZXingControlSetRect pLeft,pTop,pRight,pBottom
to define the rect of that scanner after creation
command mergZXingControlCreate pLeft,pTop,pRight,pBottom
to create the scanner control in the specified rect.
Set the rect smaller than the width and the height of the screen.
You could then use an underlying image, which is displayed outside of the scanner rect, to show the frame around scanner control. Did not test it myself, but i would assume that this should work.
Unfortunately the native controls in externals and the ones the engine provides are added as views on top of the LiveCode view. That means you can't intermingle LiveCode controls with them. One thing that some users have done is add a web view with a transparent background and a load a png image. If you create the barcode view first and the web view second then the web view will be on top.

Drawing a Rectangle that never dissapears

I have to draw a transparent square, that never disappears from the user's interface, by clicking to other windows the rectangle remains, only the windows/application content has to be shown behind.
I have thought of doing it with OpenGl or Flex or Canvas , but the problem is whenever I click on another window the programmed rectangle disappears .The rectangle has to act as a default image but has to be always at the foreground.
Do I have to mess with the operating system(Linux, Mac or Windows), by creating this image as default?
here is one example
You can do that with Java pretty easy. See this link for code examples. If you got your transparent Image, you can use the setAlwaysOnTop(true); Method on the Object, and you are good to go. The only things that could get in front of that are other Applications that are using that method.

How to stretch and scale a single child in a container(e.g. panel, groupbox) to fit different resolution screen? C#.net

Basically, I have an usercontrol as main container, inside which I have a few groupboxes and buttons. But, my interface controls will not be resized and positioned properly as what I expect in design interface.
I've already tried to change the anchor and dock properties but none of them serve my purpose.
I searched online and found something called viewbox in WPF, I'm wondering if there is something like "viewbox" in visual studio 2010?
Please help!
Try using TableLayoutPanel container and put your controls in it. It is similar to the idea of table in HTML where it is divided to rows and columns each one of them can be set to either a set of pixels or a percentage. Usually if you want to use re-sizable form, usually you should have a control that will give you good results when stretching such as image, multiline textbox etc... In addition, put the dock property to fill to get the stretching you want.
I hope this info was useful for you.

iOS view size and position hard-coded only?

I'm new to Macs and iOS, I got my app running on webOS, Android, and WPF/Windows. In all cases the size of, say, a 'widget' to display a bunch of text, can change depending on the dimension of the text to be displayed, as well as the position can be up against another widget. As the text size changes, the position will change so that all the widgets are crammed together nicely.
I've been searching for this capability in IOS4 in books and on-line, and it's starting to look like in iOS, you have to actually calculate the size of the text to be displayed in ViewText and then change the dimensions of ViewText, which of course then bumps other Views around to accommodate this size change. It sounds like a nightmare. Isn't there some other way to do this (like all the other GUIs can do) to size based on content, and to position relative to other Views like stacking them all together whatever size they are?
Same with ScrollView, it looks like the size of the window you actually see has to be manually specified as well, instead of, say, taking up the entire viewable window and then you can populate the ScrollView with a bunch of sub-views, some of which are below the initially viewable area? I tried this in Xcode4, but so far, haven't gotten it to work.
Similarly with creating an object with a NIB and instantiating that NIB onto an existing View, how does it determine where to position this NIB onto the existing screen?
For the scrollview you need to set the bounds so it fills the screen or the area you wish it to occupy, it will then automatically generate scrollbars based on the layout within it. In the land of iOS you do have to do extensive layout work such as positioning and sizing your controls but you can also use the UIAutoResize (if I remember correctly) masks such as if they are anchored to a size, fill the area, etc. It's a little complicated to learn initially but you'll get the hang of it.
As for text you just need to use the right control, I believe what you want is a UITextView and set the options on it as needed.
When you view a XIB it's going to layout initially as you have it, again, you need to position your controls AND set their anchors (autoresize masks) so they adjust based on the screen size (phone vs. pad) and orientation: landscape vs. portrait.
