Nsis Zip2Exe leaves out log named folders - nsis

Im new to Nsis so pardon me if my problem is easly solveable.
I wanted to make an exe from my freshly zipped Xampp folder (it is a webserver software).
When i zipped this with total commander every folder was at the right place.
But when i run the Zip2Exe nsis application wouldn't compress into the exe my "log" named folders EVEN if they aren't empty.
Any help would greatly appriciated.

I had to revoke the Read only permission on the folders


How to install msi file in silent mode inside an InstallShield project

I have an InstallShield project which consists of two files and several folders,
The main purpose of the project is just copying all of these files in the path specified by the user. It is very simple. However, after copying AuxSoftware.msi in the destination path, I need that a silent installation begins with this file. I know that a silent installation can be run by the following command:
msiexec /i AuxSoftware.msi /qn
But I don't know how to tell InstallShield that this command must be executed in the destination path after copying AuxSoftware.msi.
Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance
You can only execute one installer at a time once it is in the InstallExecuteSequence. Stein has a very good, brief explanation in the answer here.
I would suggest using a bootstrapper (setup.exe) that can install them in sequence.
Thanks for your suggestions. I found a way. They call it "nested installations". I created a Custom Action having the second .msi or .exe installer I want to run after a specific point in the process of the main installation.

getting a spec file instead of a exe with pyinstaller [duplicate]

I am completely new to python and trying to create an application (or .exe) file for python using pyinstaller. I ran the command pyinstaller -[DIRECTORY].py and it saved it to an output directory "C:\Windows\System32\Dist\Foo", however when i tried to locate the directory it did not seem to exist (Dist).
NOTE: i'm trying to convert a .py file to .exe file in Python 3.5
Thanks for any help :)
If you set your command directory to the .py script location and run pyinstaller yourscript.py, it will generate folders in the same location as your script. The folder named dist/ will contain the .exe file.
Could you please try easily the command:
`pyinstaller yourscript.py`
You will get your output folder anyway if everything is correct with your software/module.
Second you can have no rights into System32 folder, so you could try a different folder.
Third you might have inconsistency with the path \ or /.
Hope those three suggestions will lead you to the correct solution :-)
Have a nice day.

How to eliminate spaces for installation while writing Inno setup file?

I am creating an installer for my project where I am facing a issue.
The project is not running as expected if it is installed in the directory which contains spaces e.g: "C:\Program Files (x86)" and it is working fine if it is installed in a directory which doesn't contains spaces e.g: "C:\Python27".
So as per my understanding there is nothing wrong with project side and its all with the .iss code.
So can anyone please tell me how to solve this issue. Since most of the installers are created using Inno setup and they are installed in the program files there will be a way to solve this and which I am not aware of it.
The issue is not with the spaces. My application creates a log file to log the data. Since the normal user doesn't have rights to create the file in the program files folder the application is not working... The application should be run as admin to work.
Create a symlink using mklink.
Create something like this in [RUN] section:
Filename: {cmd}; Parameters: "/c MKLINK /D {sd}\ProgramPathNoSpaces ""{pf}\Program Path With Spaces"; Flags: RunHidden;
Run your application inside the ProgramPathNoSpaces, using a shortcut with the "start in" property defined.
Hope this help you, but everyone is right. The problem is in the application, this is only a workaround.

How can a zip-file via NSIS be unzipped and the NSIS-scriptfile into folder be executed automatically?

I am writting a NSIS-script for installs of the programs and put into folder. The folder is zipped via NSIS. I want, that someone clicks once the zip-file and it will be unzipped and executed the NSIS-script into folder. But how?
Update: I explain again. NSIS has the compiler for NSIS script and Installer based on ZIP! Firstly, I write a NSIS script to install some programs in a folder. Executing the NSIS script is working! I dont want to send the folder, but I want to send only one file. So I am using the Installer based on ZIP to zip the folder. But if I click the zipped file, it will be unzipped on desktop without executing the NSIS script into folder. So I have to click the NSIS script into folder. That I dont want! I want to click only on zipped file and it will be unzipped and executed automatically the NSIS script. Clearly?
.zip files cannot execute code.
NOTE: The ZIP2EXE NSIS tool uses makensis internally, it is just a helper application that creates simple installers.
Your question is confusing, but I believe that what you want to do is create a self extracting archive that contains multiple files and run and NSIS installer contained in that archive it is unpacked.
You can do this with 7zip.
It's easiest to do this with a dos batch file. Open notepad and create "selfinstall.bat"
Add the following;
ECHO ;!#Install#!UTF-8!
ECHO Title="My Installer"
ECHO BeginPrompt="Do you want to run the installer?"
ECHO ExecuteFile="Setup.exe"
ECHO ;!#InstallEnd#!
) > temp.$$$
This sets up the information that the self extracter needs such as it's title (My Installer) and the name of the executable to run (Setup.exe)
Then, add the lines to create your zip file
7z a -r files.7z myfolder
where myfolder is the name of the folder that has all the files.
Now, add the installer - Make sure that the installer (Setup.exe) is in the root of the .7z file
7z a files.7z Setup.exe
Then, copy the self extracter and the 7z to a single executable file
copy /b 7z.sfx + temp.$$$ + files.7z "Install.exe"
Then delete your temp files
del files.7z
del temp.$$$
I adapted this from a script I saw here; http://www.911cd.net/forums//index.php?showtopic=18845
For more information on the .SFX modules see here; http://7zsfx.info/en/
There's also a sourceforge project for a GUI to accomplish this; http://sourceforge.net/projects/sfx-maker/

Where to keep Aptana Studio 3 IDE unzipped folder?

Aptana for linux comes as ready-to-launch zipped package. The
problem is that I don't know where I should put this unzipped folder.
I don't like it being in (polluting!) my home folder.
Where would you put this? Any suggestions? Where do you keep your Aptana's folder? Where would be the most elegant place? Is there special place to put such executables (like C:/Program Files on Windows)?
I keep that kind of stuff in my /opt directory.
This is how i have it setup:
1. I have created /home/bin and put the execs there (added bin to my Path so i can open Aptana straight from the terminal)
2. Created a "development" folder in the home folder (same level as Documents) and i have all my projects in that directory.
I am really not sure this is the right way since I am new to this too but this is what made sense to me.
